using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using PInvoke; using Silk.NET.Core.Native; using Silk.NET.DXGI; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Installer; using Wabbajack; using static PInvoke.User32; using UnmanagedType = System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType; namespace Wabbajack.App.Blazor.Utility; // Much of the GDI code here is taken from : // Thanks to MO2 for being good citizens and supporting OSS code public class SystemParametersConstructor { private readonly ILogger _logger; public SystemParametersConstructor(ILogger logger) { _logger = logger; } private IEnumerable<(int Width, int Height, bool IsPrimary)> GetDisplays() { // Needed to make sure we get the right values from this call SetProcessDPIAware(); unsafe { List<(int Width, int Height, bool IsPrimary)>? col = new List<(int Width, int Height, bool IsPrimary)>(); EnumDisplayMonitors(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, delegate(IntPtr hMonitor, IntPtr hdcMonitor, RECT* lprcMonitor, void* dwData) { var mi = new MONITORINFOEX(); mi.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(mi); bool success = GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, (MONITORINFO*)&mi); if (success) col.Add((mi.Monitor.right - mi.Monitor.left, mi.Monitor.bottom -, mi.Flags == MONITORINFO_Flags.MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY)); return true; }, IntPtr.Zero); return col; } } public SystemParameters Create() { (int width, int height, _) = GetDisplays().First(d => d.IsPrimary); /*using var f = new SharpDX.DXGI.Factory1(); var video_memory = f.Adapters1.Select(a => Math.Max(a.Description.DedicatedSystemMemory, (long)a.Description.DedicatedVideoMemory)).Max();*/ ulong dxgiMemory = 0UL; unsafe { using DXGI? api = DXGI.GetApi(); IDXGIFactory1* factory1 = default; try { // SilkMarshal.ThrowHResult(api.CreateDXGIFactory1(SilkMarshal.GuidPtrOf(), (void**)&factory1)); uint i = 0u; while (true) { IDXGIAdapter1* adapter1 = default; // int res = factory1->EnumAdapters1(i, &adapter1); Exception? exception = Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(res); if (exception != null) break; AdapterDesc1 adapterDesc = default; // SilkMarshal.ThrowHResult(adapter1->GetDesc1(&adapterDesc)); ulong systemMemory = (ulong)adapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory; ulong videoMemory = (ulong)adapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory; ulong maxMemory = Math.Max(systemMemory, videoMemory); if (maxMemory > dxgiMemory) dxgiMemory = maxMemory; adapter1->Release(); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "While getting SystemParameters"); } finally { if (factory1->LpVtbl != (void**)IntPtr.Zero) factory1->Release(); } } MEMORYSTATUSEX? memory = GetMemoryStatus(); return new SystemParameters { ScreenWidth = width, ScreenHeight = height, VideoMemorySize = (long)dxgiMemory, SystemMemorySize = (long)memory.ullTotalPhys, SystemPageSize = (long)memory.ullTotalPageFile - (long)memory.ullTotalPhys }; } [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool GlobalMemoryStatusEx([In] [Out] MEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer); public static MEMORYSTATUSEX GetMemoryStatus() { var mstat = new MEMORYSTATUSEX(); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(mstat); return mstat; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public class MEMORYSTATUSEX { public uint dwLength; public uint dwMemoryLoad; public ulong ullTotalPhys; public ulong ullAvailPhys; public ulong ullTotalPageFile; public ulong ullAvailPageFile; public ulong ullTotalVirtual; public ulong ullAvailVirtual; public ulong ullAvailExtendedVirtual; public MEMORYSTATUSEX() { dwLength = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX)); } } }