using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Threading; using CefSharp; using ReactiveUI; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Common.StatusFeed; using Wabbajack.Lib; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Lib.LibCefHelpers; using Wabbajack.Lib.NexusApi; using Wabbajack.Lib.WebAutomation; using WebSocketSharp; namespace Wabbajack { public class UserInterventionHandlers { public MainWindowVM MainWindow { get; } public UserInterventionHandlers(MainWindowVM mvm) { MainWindow = mvm; } private async Task WrapBrowserJob(IUserIntervention intervention, Func toDo) { var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(); var oldPane = MainWindow.ActivePane; using var vm = await WebBrowserVM.GetNew(); MainWindow.NavigateTo(vm); vm.BackCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { cancel.Cancel(); MainWindow.NavigateTo(oldPane); intervention.Cancel(); }); try { await toDo(vm, cancel); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { intervention.Cancel(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex); intervention.Cancel(); } MainWindow.NavigateTo(oldPane); } public async Task Handle(IStatusMessage msg) { switch (msg) { case RequestNexusAuthorization c: await WrapBrowserJob(c, async (vm, cancel) => { await vm.Driver.WaitForInitialized(); var key = await NexusApiClient.SetupNexusLogin(new CefSharpWrapper(vm.Browser), m => vm.Instructions = m, cancel.Token); c.Resume(key); }); break; case ManuallyDownloadNexusFile c: await WrapBrowserJob(c, (vm, cancel) => HandleManualNexusDownload(vm, cancel, c)); break; case ManuallyDownloadFile c: await WrapBrowserJob(c, (vm, cancel) => HandleManualDownload(vm, cancel, c)); break; case AbstractNeedsLoginDownloader.RequestSiteLogin c: await WrapBrowserJob(c, async (vm, cancel) => { await vm.Driver.WaitForInitialized(); var data = await c.Downloader.GetAndCacheCookies(new CefSharpWrapper(vm.Browser), m => vm.Instructions = m, cancel.Token); c.Resume(data); }); break; case RequestOAuthLogin oa: await WrapBrowserJob(oa, async (vm, cancel) => { await OAuthLogin(oa, vm, cancel); }); break; case CriticalFailureIntervention c: MessageBox.Show(c.ExtendedDescription, c.ShortDescription, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); c.Cancel(); if (c.ExitApplication) await MainWindow.ShutdownApplication(); break; case ConfirmationIntervention c: break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"No handler for {msg}"); } } private async Task OAuthLogin(RequestOAuthLogin oa, WebBrowserVM vm, CancellationTokenSource cancel) { await vm.Driver.WaitForInitialized(); vm.Instructions = $"Please log in and allow Wabbajack to access your {oa.SiteName} account"; var wrapper = new CefSharpWrapper(vm.Browser); var scopes = string.Join(" ", oa.Scopes); var state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Helpers.SchemeHandler = (browser, frame, _, request) => { var req = new Uri(request.Url); var parsed = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(req.Query); if (parsed.Contains("state")) { if (parsed.Get("state") != state) { Utils.Log("Bad OAuth state, state, this shouldn't happen"); oa.Cancel(); return new ResourceHandler(); } } if (parsed.Contains("code")) { oa.Resume(parsed.Get("code")); } else { oa.Cancel(); } return new ResourceHandler(); }; await wrapper.NavigateTo(new Uri(oa.AuthorizationEndpoint + $"?response_type=code&client_id={oa.ClientID}&state={state}&scope={scopes}")); while (!oa.Task.IsCanceled && !oa.Task.IsCompleted && !cancel.IsCancellationRequested) await Task.Delay(250); } private async Task HandleManualDownload(WebBrowserVM vm, CancellationTokenSource cancel, ManuallyDownloadFile manuallyDownloadFile) { var browser = new CefSharpWrapper(vm.Browser); vm.Instructions = $"Please locate and download {manuallyDownloadFile.State.Url}"; var result = new TaskCompletionSource(); browser.DownloadHandler = uri => { //var client = Helpers.GetClient(browser.GetCookies("").Result, browser.Location); result.SetResult(uri); }; await vm.Driver.WaitForInitialized(); await browser.NavigateTo(new Uri(manuallyDownloadFile.State.Url)); while (!cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { if (result.Task.IsCompleted) { var cookies = await Helpers.GetCookies(); var referer = browser.Location; var client = Helpers.GetClient(cookies, referer); manuallyDownloadFile.Resume(result.Task.Result, client); break; } await Task.Delay(100); } } private async Task HandleManualNexusDownload(WebBrowserVM vm, CancellationTokenSource cancel, ManuallyDownloadNexusFile manuallyDownloadNexusFile) { var state = manuallyDownloadNexusFile.State; var game = state.Game.MetaData(); await vm.Driver.WaitForInitialized(); IWebDriver browser = new CefSharpWrapper(vm.Browser); vm.Instructions = $"Click the download button to continue (get a Premium account to automate this)"; browser.DownloadHandler = uri => { manuallyDownloadNexusFile.Resume(uri); browser.DownloadHandler = null; }; var url = new Uri(@$"{game.NexusName}/mods/{state.ModID}?tab=files&file_id={state.FileID}"); await browser.NavigateTo(url); while (!cancel.IsCancellationRequested && !manuallyDownloadNexusFile.Task.IsCompleted) { await Task.Delay(250); } } } }