using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reactive; using System.Reactive.Subjects; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Wabbajack.Compiler; using Wabbajack.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters; using Wabbajack.Paths; using Wabbajack.RateLimiter; using Wabbajack.Util; namespace Wabbajack { [JsonName("MainSettings")] [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptOut)] public class MainSettings { public byte Version { get; set; } = Consts.SettingsVersion; public double PosX { get; set; } public double PosY { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public InstallerSettings Installer { get; set; } = new(); public FiltersSettings Filters { get; set; } = new(); public CompilerSettings Compiler { get; set; } = new(); private Subject _saveSignal = new(); [JsonIgnore] public IObservable SaveSignal => _saveSignal; public static async ValueTask<(MainSettings settings, bool loaded)> TryLoadTypicalSettings() { /* if (!Consts.SettingsFile.Exists) { return default; } // Version check try { var settings = Consts.SettingsFile.FromJson(); if (settings.Version == Consts.SettingsVersion) return (settings, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex, "Error loading settings"); } var backup = Consts.SettingsFile.AppendToName("-backup"); await backup.DeleteAsync(); await Consts.SettingsFile.CopyToAsync(backup); await Consts.SettingsFile.DeleteAsync(); */ return default; } public static async ValueTask SaveSettings(MainSettings settings) { settings._saveSignal.OnNext(Unit.Default); // Might add this if people are putting save work on other threads or other // things that delay the operation. //settings._saveSignal.OnCompleted(); //await settings._saveSignal; //await settings.ToJsonAsync(Consts.SettingsFile); } } [JsonName("InstallerSettings")] public class InstallerSettings { public AbsolutePath LastInstalledListLocation { get; set; } public Dictionary Mo2ModlistSettings { get; } = new Dictionary(); } [JsonName("Mo2ModListInstallerSettings")] public class Mo2ModlistInstallationSettings { public AbsolutePath InstallationLocation { get; set; } public AbsolutePath DownloadLocation { get; set; } public bool AutomaticallyOverrideExistingInstall { get; set; } } [JsonName("FiltersSettings")] [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptOut)] public class FiltersSettings : ViewModel { public bool ShowNSFW { get; set; } public bool OnlyInstalled { get; set; } public string Game { get; set; } public string Search { get; set; } private bool _isPersistent = true; public bool IsPersistent { get => _isPersistent; set => RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _isPersistent, value); } private bool _useCompression = false; public bool UseCompression { get => _useCompression; set => RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _useCompression, value); } public bool ShowUtilityLists { get; set; } } public class PerformanceSettings : ViewModel { private readonly Configuration.MainSettings _settings; private readonly int _defaultMaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb; public PerformanceSettings(Configuration.MainSettings settings, IResource downloadResources, SystemParametersConstructor systemParams) { var p = systemParams.Create(); _settings = settings; // Split half of available memory among download threads _defaultMaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb = (int)(p.SystemMemorySize / downloadResources.MaxTasks / 1024 / 1024) / 2; _maximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb = settings.PerformanceSettings.MaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb; if (MaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb < 0) { ResetMaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb(); } } private int _maximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb; public int MaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb { get => _maximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb; set { RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _maximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb, value); _settings.PerformanceSettings.MaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb = value; } } public void ResetMaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb() { MaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb = _defaultMaximumMemoryPerDownloadThreadMb; } } [JsonName("CompilationModlistSettings")] public class CompilationModlistSettings { public string ModListName { get; set; } public string Version { get; set; } public string Author { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string Website { get; set; } public string Readme { get; set; } public bool IsNSFW { get; set; } public string MachineUrl { get; set; } public AbsolutePath SplashScreen { get; set; } public bool Publish { get; set; } } [JsonName("MO2CompilationSettings")] public class MO2CompilationSettings { public AbsolutePath DownloadLocation { get; set; } public AbsolutePath LastCompiledProfileLocation { get; set; } public Dictionary ModlistSettings { get; } = new Dictionary(); } }