using DynamicData.Binding; using ReactiveUI; using ReactiveUI.Fody.Helpers; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive.Disposables; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Downloaders.GameFile; using Wabbajack; using Wabbajack.Interventions; using Wabbajack.Messages; using Wabbajack.Models; using Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi; using Wabbajack.Paths; using Wabbajack.View_Models; namespace Wabbajack { /// /// Main View Model for the application. /// Keeps track of which sub view is being shown in the window, and has some singleton wiring like WorkQueue and Logging. /// public class MainWindowVM : ViewModel { public MainWindow MainWindow { get; } public MainSettings Settings { get; } [Reactive] public ViewModel ActivePane { get; private set; } public ObservableCollectionExtended Log { get; } = new ObservableCollectionExtended(); public readonly Lazy Compiler; public readonly InstallerVM Installer; public readonly Lazy SettingsPane; public readonly ModListGalleryVM Gallery; public readonly ModeSelectionVM ModeSelectionVM; public readonly Lazy ModListContentsVM; public readonly UserInterventionHandlers UserInterventionHandlers; private readonly Client _wjClient; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ResourceMonitor _resourceMonitor; public ICommand CopyVersionCommand { get; } public ICommand ShowLoginManagerVM { get; } public ICommand OpenSettingsCommand { get; } public string VersionDisplay { get; } [Reactive] public string ResourceStatus { get; set; } [Reactive] public bool UpdateAvailable { get; private set; } public MainWindowVM(ILogger logger, MainSettings settings, Client wjClient, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ModeSelectionVM modeSelectionVM, ModListGalleryVM modListGalleryVM, ResourceMonitor resourceMonitor, InstallerVM installer) { _logger = logger; _wjClient = wjClient; _resourceMonitor = resourceMonitor; ConverterRegistration.Register(); Settings = settings; Installer = installer; Compiler = new Lazy(() => new CompilerVM(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>(), this)); SettingsPane = new Lazy(() => new SettingsVM(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>(), this, serviceProvider)); Gallery = modListGalleryVM; ModeSelectionVM = modeSelectionVM; ModListContentsVM = new Lazy(() => new ModListContentsVM(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>(), this)); UserInterventionHandlers = new UserInterventionHandlers(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>(), this); MessageBus.Current.Listen() .Subscribe(m => HandleNavigateTo(m.Screen)) .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable); _resourceMonitor.Updates .Select(r => string.Join(", ", r.Where(r => r.Throughput > 0) .Select(s => $"{s.Name} - {s.Throughput.ToFileSizeString()}/sec"))) .BindToStrict(this, view => view.ResourceStatus); // Set up logging /* TODO Utils.LogMessages .ObserveOn(RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler) .ToObservableChangeSet() .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler) .Where(l => l.Count > 0) .FlattenBufferResult() .ObserveOnGuiThread() .Bind(Log) .Subscribe() .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable); Utils.LogMessages .Where(a => a is IUserIntervention or CriticalFailureIntervention) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .SelectTask(async msg => { try { await UserInterventionHandlers.Handle(msg); } catch (Exception ex) when (ex.GetType() != typeof(TaskCanceledException)) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error while handling user intervention of type {Type}",msg?.GetType()); try { if (msg is IUserIntervention {Handled: false} intervention) { intervention.Cancel(); } } catch (Exception cancelEx) { _logger.LogError(cancelEx, "Error while cancelling user intervention of type {Type}",msg?.GetType()); } } }) .Subscribe() .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable); */ if (IsStartingFromModlist(out var path)) { LoadModlistForInstalling.Send(path, null); NavigateToGlobal.Send(NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.Installer); } else { // Start on mode selection NavigateToGlobal.Send(NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.ModeSelectionView); } try { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location); Consts.CurrentMinimumWabbajackVersion = Version.Parse(fvi.FileVersion); VersionDisplay = $"v{fvi.FileVersion}"; _logger.LogInformation("Wabbajack Version: {FileVersion}", fvi.FileVersion); Task.Run(() => _wjClient.SendMetric("started_wabbajack", fvi.FileVersion)).FireAndForget(); Task.Run(() => _wjClient.SendMetric("started_sha", ThisAssembly.Git.Sha)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "During App configuration"); VersionDisplay = "ERROR"; } CopyVersionCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { Clipboard.SetText($"Wabbajack {VersionDisplay}\n{ThisAssembly.Git.Sha}"); }); OpenSettingsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create( canExecute: this.WhenAny(x => x.ActivePane) .Select(active => !SettingsPane.IsValueCreated || !object.ReferenceEquals(active, SettingsPane.Value)), execute: () => NavigateToGlobal.Send(NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.Settings)); } private void HandleNavigateTo(NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType s) { ActivePane = s switch { NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.ModeSelectionView => ModeSelectionVM, NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.ModListGallery => Gallery, NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.Installer => Installer, NavigateToGlobal.ScreenType.Settings => SettingsPane.Value, _ => ActivePane }; } private static bool IsStartingFromModlist(out AbsolutePath modlistPath) { /* TODO if (CLIArguments.InstallPath == null) { modlistPath = default; return false; } modlistPath = (AbsolutePath)CLIArguments.InstallPath; return true; */ modlistPath = default; return false; } /* public void NavigateTo(ViewModel vm) { ActivePane = vm; }*/ /* public void NavigateTo(T vm) where T : ViewModel, IBackNavigatingVM { vm.NavigateBackTarget = ActivePane; ActivePane = vm; }*/ public async Task ShutdownApplication() { /* Dispose(); Settings.PosX = MainWindow.Left; Settings.PosY = MainWindow.Top; Settings.Width = MainWindow.Width; Settings.Height = MainWindow.Height; await MainSettings.SaveSettings(Settings); Application.Current.Shutdown(); */ } } }