using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders.UrlDownloaders; namespace Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders { public static class DownloadDispatcher { public static readonly List<IDownloader> Downloaders = new List<IDownloader>() { new GameFileSourceDownloader(), new MegaDownloader(), new DropboxDownloader(), new GoogleDriveDownloader(), new ModDBDownloader(), new NexusDownloader(), new MediaFireDownloader(), new LoversLabDownloader(), new VectorPlexusDownloader(), new DeadlyStreamDownloader(), new TESAllianceDownloader(), new TESAllDownloader(), new WabbajackCDNDownloader(), new YandexDownloader(), new HTTPDownloader(), new ManualDownloader(), }; public static readonly List<IUrlInferencer> Inferencers = new List<IUrlInferencer>() { new WabbajackCDNInfluencer() }; private static readonly Dictionary<Type, IDownloader> IndexedDownloaders; static DownloadDispatcher() { IndexedDownloaders = Downloaders.ToDictionary(d => d.GetType()); } public static async Task<AbstractDownloadState?> Infer(Uri uri) { foreach (var inf in Inferencers) { var state = await inf.Infer(uri); if (state != null) return state; } var meta = string.Join("\n", new string[] { "[General]", $"directURL={uri}" }); return (AbstractDownloadState)(await ResolveArchive(meta.LoadIniString())); } public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : IDownloader { var inst = (T)IndexedDownloaders[typeof(T)]; return inst; } public static async Task<AbstractDownloadState> ResolveArchive(dynamic ini, bool quickMode = false) { var states = await Task.WhenAll(Downloaders.Select(d => (Task<AbstractDownloadState>)d.GetDownloaderState(ini, quickMode))); return states.FirstOrDefault(result => result != null); } /// <summary> /// Reduced version of Resolve archive that requires less information, but only works /// with a single URL string /// </summary> /// <param name="ini"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AbstractDownloadState? ResolveArchive(string url) { return Downloaders.OfType<IUrlDownloader>().Select(d => d.GetDownloaderState(url)).FirstOrDefault(result => result != null); } public static async Task PrepareAll(IEnumerable<AbstractDownloadState> states) { await Task.WhenAll(states.Select(s => s.GetDownloader().GetType()) .Distinct() .Select(t => Downloaders.First(d => d.GetType() == t).Prepare())); } public enum DownloadResult { Failure, Update, Mirror, Success } public static async Task<DownloadResult> DownloadWithPossibleUpgrade(Archive archive, AbsolutePath destination) { if (await Download(archive, destination)) { var downloadedHash = await destination.FileHashCachedAsync(); if (downloadedHash == archive.Hash || archive.Hash == default) return DownloadResult.Success; } if (await DownloadFromMirror(archive, destination)) { await destination.FileHashCachedAsync(); return DownloadResult.Mirror; } if (!(archive.State is IUpgradingState)) { Utils.Log($"Download failed for {archive.Name} and no upgrade from this download source is possible"); return DownloadResult.Failure; } Utils.Log($"Trying to find solution to broken download for {archive.Name}"); var result = await FindUpgrade(archive); if (result == default) { result = await AbstractDownloadState.ServerFindUpgrade(archive); if (result == default) { Utils.Log( $"No solution for broken download {archive.Name} {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString} could be found"); return DownloadResult.Failure; } } Utils.Log($"Looking for patch for {archive.Name} ({(long)archive.Hash} {archive.Hash.ToHex()} -> {(long)result.Archive!.Hash} {result.Archive!.Hash.ToHex()})"); var patchResult = await ClientAPI.GetModUpgrade(archive, result.Archive!); Utils.Log($"Downloading patch for {archive.Name} from {patchResult}"); var tempFile = new TempFile(); if (WabbajackCDNDownloader.DomainRemaps.TryGetValue(patchResult.Host, out var remap)) { var builder = new UriBuilder(patchResult) {Host = remap}; patchResult = builder.Uri; } using var response = await (await ClientAPI.GetClient()).GetAsync(patchResult); await tempFile.Path.WriteAllAsync(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()); response.Dispose(); Utils.Log($"Applying patch to {archive.Name}"); await using(var src = await result.NewFile.Path.OpenShared()) await using (var final = await destination.Create()) { Utils.ApplyPatch(src, () => tempFile.Path.OpenShared().Result, final); } var hash = await destination.FileHashCachedAsync(); if (hash != archive.Hash && archive.Hash != default) { Utils.Log("Archive hash didn't match after patching"); return DownloadResult.Failure; } return DownloadResult.Update; } public static async Task<(Archive? Archive, TempFile NewFile)> FindUpgrade(Archive a, Func<Archive, Task<AbsolutePath>>? downloadResolver = null) { downloadResolver ??= async a => default; return await a.State.FindUpgrade(a, downloadResolver); } private static async Task<bool> DownloadFromMirror(Archive archive, AbsolutePath destination) { try { var url = await ClientAPI.GetMirrorUrl(archive.Hash); if (url == null) return false; var newArchive = new Archive( new WabbajackCDNDownloader.State(url)) { Hash = archive.Hash, Size = archive.Size, Name = archive.Name }; return await Download(newArchive, destination); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } private static async Task<bool> Download(Archive archive, AbsolutePath destination) { try { var result = await archive.State.Download(archive, destination); if (!result) return false; if (!archive.Hash.IsValid) return true; var hash = await destination.FileHashCachedAsync(); if (hash == archive.Hash) return true; Utils.Log($"Hashed download is incorrect"); return false; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } } }