using Syroot.Windows.IO; using System; using ReactiveUI; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive.Disposables; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib; using ReactiveUI.Fody.Helpers; using System.Windows.Media; using DynamicData; using DynamicData.Binding; using Wabbajack.Common.StatusFeed; using System.Reactive; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Input; namespace Wabbajack { public class InstallerVM : ViewModel, IBackNavigatingVM { public SlideShow Slideshow { get; } public MainWindowVM MWVM { get; } public BitmapImage WabbajackLogo { get; } = UIUtils.BitmapImageFromStream(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Wabbajack;component/Resources/Wabba_Mouth_No_Text.png")).Stream); public BitmapImage WabbajackErrLogo { get; } = UIUtils.BitmapImageFromStream(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Wabbajack;component/Resources/Wabba_Ded.png")).Stream); private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _modList; public ModListVM ModList => _modList.Value; public FilePickerVM ModListLocation { get; } [Reactive] public ViewModel NavigateBackTarget { get; set; } private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _installer; public ISubInstallerVM Installer => _installer.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _htmlReport; public string HTMLReport => _htmlReport.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _installing; public bool Installing => _installing.Value; [Reactive] public bool StartedInstallation { get; set; } [Reactive] public ErrorResponse? Completed { get; set; } private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _image; public ImageSource Image => _image.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _titleText; public string TitleText => _titleText.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _authorText; public string AuthorText => _authorText.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _description; public string Description => _description.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _progressTitle; public string ProgressTitle => _progressTitle.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _modListName; public string ModListName => _modListName.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _percentCompleted; public float PercentCompleted => _percentCompleted.Value; public ObservableCollectionExtended StatusList { get; } = new ObservableCollectionExtended(); public ObservableCollectionExtended Log => MWVM.Log; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _TargetManager; public ModManager? TargetManager => _TargetManager.Value; private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper _ActiveGlobalUserIntervention; public IUserIntervention ActiveGlobalUserIntervention => _ActiveGlobalUserIntervention.Value; // Command properties public IReactiveCommand ShowReportCommand { get; } public IReactiveCommand OpenReadmeCommand { get; } public IReactiveCommand VisitWebsiteCommand { get; } public ReactiveCommand BackCommand { get; } public IReactiveCommand CloseWhenCompleteCommand { get; } public IReactiveCommand GoToInstallCommand { get; } public IReactiveCommand BeginCommand { get; } public InstallerVM(MainWindowVM mainWindowVM) { if (Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location.ToLower()) == KnownFolders.Downloads.Path.ToLower()) { MessageBox.Show( "Wabbajack is running inside your Downloads folder. This folder is often highly monitored by antivirus software and these can often " + "conflict with the operations Wabbajack needs to perform. Please move this executable outside of your Downloads folder and then restart the app.", "Cannot run inside Downloads", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } MWVM = mainWindowVM; ModListLocation = new FilePickerVM() { ExistCheckOption = FilePickerVM.CheckOptions.On, PathType = FilePickerVM.PathTypeOptions.File, PromptTitle = "Select a modlist to install" }; // Swap to proper sub VM based on selected type _installer = this.WhenAny(x => x.TargetManager) // Delay so the initial VM swap comes in immediately, subVM comes right after .DelayInitial(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler) .Select(type => { switch (type) { case ModManager.MO2: return new MO2InstallerVM(this); case ModManager.Vortex: return new VortexInstallerVM(this); default: return null; } }) // Unload old VM .Pairwise() .Do(pair => { pair.Previous?.Unload(); }) .Select(p => p.Current) .ToProperty(this, nameof(Installer)); // Load settings MWVM.Settings.SaveSignal .Subscribe(_ => { MWVM.Settings.Installer.LastInstalledListLocation = ModListLocation.TargetPath; }) .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable); _modList = this.WhenAny(x => x.ModListLocation.TargetPath) .ObserveOn(RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler) .Select(modListPath => { if (modListPath == null) return default(ModListVM); if (!File.Exists(modListPath)) return default(ModListVM); return new ModListVM(modListPath); }) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .StartWith(default(ModListVM)) .ToProperty(this, nameof(ModList)); _htmlReport = this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => modList?.ReportHTML) .ToProperty(this, nameof(HTMLReport)); _installing = this.WhenAny(x => x.Installer.ActiveInstallation) .Select(i => i != null) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .ToProperty(this, nameof(Installing)); _TargetManager = this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => modList?.ModManager) .ToProperty(this, nameof(TargetManager)); // Add additional error check on modlist ModListLocation.AdditionalError = this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => { if (modList == null) return ErrorResponse.Fail("Modlist path resulted in a null object."); if (modList.Error != null) return ErrorResponse.Fail("Modlist is corrupt", modList.Error); return ErrorResponse.Success; }); BackCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create( execute: () => { StartedInstallation = false; Completed = null; mainWindowVM.NavigateTo(mainWindowVM.ModeSelectionVM); }, canExecute: Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.Installing) .Select(x => !x), this.ConstructCanNavigateBack(), resultSelector: (i, b) => i && b) .ObserveOnGuiThread()); _percentCompleted = this.WhenAny(x => x.Installer.ActiveInstallation) .StartWith(default(AInstaller)) .CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.Completed), (installer, completed) => { if (installer == null) { return Observable.Return(completed != null ? 1f : 0f); } return installer.PercentCompleted.StartWith(0f); }) .Switch() .Debounce(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)) .ToProperty(this, nameof(PercentCompleted)); Slideshow = new SlideShow(this); // Set display items to modlist if configuring or complete, // or to the current slideshow data if installing _image = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList.Error), this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(x => x?.ImageObservable ?? Observable.Return(WabbajackLogo)) .Switch() .StartWith(WabbajackLogo), this.WhenAny(x => x.Slideshow.Image) .StartWith(default(BitmapImage)), this.WhenAny(x => x.Installing), resultSelector: (err, modList, slideshow, installing) => { if (err != null) { return WabbajackErrLogo; } var ret = installing ? slideshow : modList; return ret ?? WabbajackLogo; }) .Select(x => x) .ToProperty(this, nameof(Image)); _titleText = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => modList?.Name ?? string.Empty), this.WhenAny(x => x.Slideshow.TargetMod.ModName) .StartWith(default(string)), this.WhenAny(x => x.Installing), resultSelector: (modList, mod, installing) => installing ? mod : modList) .ToProperty(this, nameof(TitleText)); _authorText = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => modList?.Author ?? string.Empty), this.WhenAny(x => x.Slideshow.TargetMod.ModAuthor) .StartWith(default(string)), this.WhenAny(x => x.Installing), resultSelector: (modList, mod, installing) => installing ? mod : modList) .ToProperty(this, nameof(AuthorText)); _description = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => modList?.Description ?? string.Empty), this.WhenAny(x => x.Slideshow.TargetMod.ModDescription) .StartWith(default(string)), this.WhenAny(x => x.Installing), resultSelector: (modList, mod, installing) => installing ? mod : modList) .ToProperty(this, nameof(Description)); _modListName = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList.Error) .Select(x => x != null), this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(x => x?.Name), resultSelector: (err, name) => { if (err) return "Corrupted Modlist"; return name; }) .ToProperty(this, nameof(ModListName)); // Define commands ShowReportCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(ShowReport); OpenReadmeCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create( execute: () => this.ModList?.OpenReadmeWindow(), canExecute: this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList) .Select(modList => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(modList?.Readme)) .ObserveOnGuiThread()); VisitWebsiteCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create( execute: () => Process.Start(ModList.Website), canExecute: this.WhenAny(x => x.ModList.Website) .Select(x => x?.StartsWith("https://") ?? false) .ObserveOnGuiThread()); _progressTitle = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.Installing), this.WhenAny(x => x.StartedInstallation), resultSelector: (installing, started) => { if (installing) { return "Installing"; } else { return started ? "Installed" : "Configuring"; } }) .ToProperty(this, nameof(ProgressTitle)); Dictionary cpuDisplays = new Dictionary(); // Compile progress updates and populate ObservableCollection this.WhenAny(x => x.Installer.ActiveInstallation) .SelectMany(c => c?.QueueStatus ?? Observable.Empty()) .ObserveOn(RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler) // Attach start times to incoming CPU items .Scan( new CPUDisplayVM(), (_, cpu) => { var ret = cpuDisplays.TryCreate(cpu.ID); ret.AbsorbStatus(cpu); return ret; }) .ToObservableChangeSet(x => x.Status.ID) .Batch(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler) .EnsureUniqueChanges() .Filter(i => i.Status.IsWorking && i.Status.ID != WorkQueue.UnassignedCpuId) .ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler) .Sort(SortExpressionComparer.Ascending(s => s.StartTime)) .Bind(StatusList) .Subscribe() .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable); BeginCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask( canExecute: this.WhenAny(x => x.Installer.CanInstall) .Switch(), execute: async () => { try { await this.Installer.Install(); Completed = ErrorResponse.Success; try { this.ModList?.OpenReadmeWindow(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex, $"Encountered error, can't continue"); while (ex.InnerException != null) ex = ex.InnerException; Completed = ErrorResponse.Fail(ex); } }); // When sub installer begins an install, mark state variable BeginCommand.StartingExecution() .Subscribe(_ => { StartedInstallation = true; }) .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable); // Listen for user interventions, and compile a dynamic list of all unhandled ones var activeInterventions = this.WhenAny(x => x.Installer.ActiveInstallation) .SelectMany(c => c?.LogMessages ?? Observable.Empty()) .WhereCastable() .ToObservableChangeSet() .AutoRefresh(i => i.Handled) .Filter(i => !i.Handled) .AsObservableList(); // Find the top intervention /w no CPU ID to be marked as "global" _ActiveGlobalUserIntervention = activeInterventions.Connect() .Filter(x => x.CpuID == WorkQueue.UnassignedCpuId) .QueryWhenChanged(query => query.FirstOrDefault()) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .ToProperty(this, nameof(ActiveGlobalUserIntervention)); CloseWhenCompleteCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create( canExecute: this.WhenAny(x => x.Completed) .Select(x => x != null), execute: () => { MWVM.ShutdownApplication(); }); GoToInstallCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create( canExecute: Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.Completed) .Select(x => x != null), this.WhenAny(x => x.Installer.SupportsAfterInstallNavigation), resultSelector: (complete, supports) => complete && supports), execute: () => { Installer.AfterInstallNavigation(); }); } private void ShowReport() { var file = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".html"; File.WriteAllText(file, HTMLReport); Process.Start(file); } } }