using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Common.Exceptions; using Wabbajack.Common.Serialization.Json; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; namespace Wabbajack.Lib { [JsonName("ModUpgradeRequest")] public class ModUpgradeRequest { public Archive OldArchive { get; set; } public Archive NewArchive { get; set; } public ModUpgradeRequest(Archive oldArchive, Archive newArchive) { OldArchive = oldArchive; NewArchive = newArchive; } public bool IsValid { get { if (OldArchive.Size > 2_500_000_000 || NewArchive.Size > 2_500_000_000) return false; if (OldArchive.Hash == NewArchive.Hash && OldArchive.State.PrimaryKeyString == NewArchive.State.PrimaryKeyString) return false; if (OldArchive.State.GetType() != NewArchive.State.GetType()) return false; if (OldArchive.State is IUpgradingState u) { return u.ValidateUpgrade(NewArchive.State); } return false; } } } public class ClientAPI { public static async Task GetClient() { var client = new Common.Http.Client(); client.Headers.Add((Consts.MetricsKeyHeader, await Metrics.GetMetricsKey())); return client; } public static async Task GetModUpgrade(Archive oldArchive, Archive newArchive, TimeSpan? maxWait = null, TimeSpan? waitBetweenTries = null) { maxWait ??= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10); waitBetweenTries ??= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); var request = new ModUpgradeRequest( oldArchive, newArchive); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; RETRY: var response = await (await GetClient()) .PostAsync($"{Consts.WabbajackBuildServerUri}mod_upgrade", new StringContent(request.ToJson(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { switch (response.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.OK: return new Uri(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: Utils.Log($"Waiting for patch processing on the server for {oldArchive.Name}, sleeping for another 15 seconds"); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); response.Dispose(); if (DateTime.UtcNow - start > maxWait) throw new HttpException(response); goto RETRY; } } var ex = new HttpException(response); response.Dispose(); throw ex; } /// /// Given an archive hash, search the Wabbajack server for a matching .ini file /// /// /// public static async Task GetModIni(Hash hash) { var client = new Common.Http.Client(); try { return await client.GetStringAsync( $"{Consts.WabbajackBuildServerUri}indexed_files/{hash.ToHex()}/meta.ini"); } catch (HttpException) { return null; } } public class NexusCacheStats { public long CachedCount { get; set; } public long ForwardCount { get; set; } public double CacheRatio { get; set; } } public static async Task GetNexusCacheStats() { return await (await GetClient()) .GetJsonAsync($"{Consts.WabbajackBuildServerUri}nexus_cache/stats"); } public static async Task> GetGameFiles(Game game, Version version) { // TODO: Disabled for now return new Dictionary(); /* return await GetClient() .GetJsonAsync>($"{Consts.WabbajackBuildServerUri}game_files/{game}/{version}"); */ } } }