using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Wabbajack.Messages; using ReactiveUI; using System.Reactive.Disposables; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Media; using DynamicData; using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs; using ReactiveUI.Fody.Helpers; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Compiler; using Wabbajack.DTOs; using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters; using Wabbajack.Extensions; using Wabbajack.Installer; using Wabbajack.Models; using Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi; using Wabbajack.Paths; using Wabbajack.Paths.IO; using Wabbajack.RateLimiter; using Wabbajack.Services.OSIntegrated; namespace Wabbajack { public enum CompilerState { Configuration, Compiling, Completed, Errored } public class CompilerVM : BackNavigatingVM, ICpuStatusVM { private const string LastSavedCompilerSettings = "last-saved-compiler-settings"; private readonly DTOSerializer _dtos; private readonly SettingsManager _settingsManager; private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ResourceMonitor _resourceMonitor; private readonly CompilerSettingsInferencer _inferencer; private readonly Client _wjClient; [Reactive] public string StatusText { get; set; } [Reactive] public Percent StatusProgress { get; set; } [Reactive] public CompilerState State { get; set; } [Reactive] public MO2CompilerVM SubCompilerVM { get; set; } // Paths public FilePickerVM ModlistLocation { get; } public FilePickerVM DownloadLocation { get; } public FilePickerVM OutputLocation { get; } // Modlist Settings [Reactive] public string ModListName { get; set; } [Reactive] public string Version { get; set; } [Reactive] public string Author { get; set; } [Reactive] public string Description { get; set; } public FilePickerVM ModListImagePath { get; } = new(); [Reactive] public ImageSource ModListImage { get; set; } [Reactive] public string Website { get; set; } [Reactive] public string Readme { get; set; } [Reactive] public bool IsNSFW { get; set; } [Reactive] public bool PublishUpdate { get; set; } [Reactive] public string MachineUrl { get; set; } [Reactive] public Game BaseGame { get; set; } [Reactive] public string SelectedProfile { get; set; } [Reactive] public AbsolutePath GamePath { get; set; } [Reactive] public bool IsMO2Compilation { get; set; } [Reactive] public RelativePath[] AlwaysEnabled { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); [Reactive] public RelativePath[] NoMatchInclude { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); [Reactive] public RelativePath[] Include { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); [Reactive] public RelativePath[] Ignore { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); [Reactive] public string[] OtherProfiles { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); [Reactive] public AbsolutePath Source { get; set; } public AbsolutePath SettingsOutputLocation => Source.Combine(ModListName).WithExtension(Ext.CompilerSettings); public ReactiveCommand ExecuteCommand { get; } public ReactiveCommand ReInferSettingsCommand { get; set; } public LogStream LoggerProvider { get; } public ReadOnlyObservableCollection StatusList => _resourceMonitor.Tasks; [Reactive] public ErrorResponse ErrorState { get; private set; } public CompilerVM(ILogger logger, DTOSerializer dtos, SettingsManager settingsManager, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, LogStream loggerProvider, ResourceMonitor resourceMonitor, CompilerSettingsInferencer inferencer, Client wjClient) : base(logger) { _logger = logger; _dtos = dtos; _settingsManager = settingsManager; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; LoggerProvider = loggerProvider; _resourceMonitor = resourceMonitor; _inferencer = inferencer; _wjClient = wjClient; StatusText = "Compiler Settings"; StatusProgress = Percent.Zero; BackCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async () => { await SaveSettingsFile(); NavigateToGlobal.Send(ScreenType.Home); }); SubCompilerVM = new MO2CompilerVM(this); ExecuteCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async () => await StartCompilation()); ReInferSettingsCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async () => await ReInferSettings(), this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.Source) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .Select(v => v != default) .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.ModListName) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .Select(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p))) .Select(v => v.First && v.Second)); ModlistLocation = new FilePickerVM { ExistCheckOption = FilePickerVM.CheckOptions.On, PathType = FilePickerVM.PathTypeOptions.File, PromptTitle = "Select a config file or a modlist.txt file" }; DownloadLocation = new FilePickerVM { ExistCheckOption = FilePickerVM.CheckOptions.On, PathType = FilePickerVM.PathTypeOptions.Folder, PromptTitle = "Location where the downloads for this list are stored" }; OutputLocation = new FilePickerVM { ExistCheckOption = FilePickerVM.CheckOptions.Off, PathType = FilePickerVM.PathTypeOptions.Folder, PromptTitle = "Location where the compiled modlist will be stored" }; ModlistLocation.Filters.AddRange(new [] { new CommonFileDialogFilter("MO2 Modlist", "*" + Ext.Txt), new CommonFileDialogFilter("Compiler Settings File", "*" + Ext.CompilerSettings) }); this.WhenActivated(disposables => { State = CompilerState.Configuration; Disposable.Empty.DisposeWith(disposables); ModlistLocation.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.TargetPath) .Subscribe(p => InferModListFromLocation(p).FireAndForget()) .DisposeWith(disposables); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.DownloadLocation.TargetPath) .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ModlistLocation.TargetPath), this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.OutputLocation.TargetPath), this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.DownloadLocation.ErrorState), this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ModlistLocation.ErrorState), this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.OutputLocation.ErrorState), this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ModListName), this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Version)) .Select(_ => Validate()) .BindToStrict(this, vm => vm.ErrorState) .DisposeWith(disposables); LoadLastSavedSettings().FireAndForget(); }); } private async Task ReInferSettings() { var newSettings = await _inferencer.InferModListFromLocation( Source.Combine("profiles", SelectedProfile, "modlist.txt")); if (newSettings == null) { _logger.LogError("Cannot infer settings"); return; } Include = newSettings.Include; Ignore = newSettings.Ignore; AlwaysEnabled = newSettings.AlwaysEnabled; NoMatchInclude = newSettings.NoMatchInclude; OtherProfiles = newSettings.AdditionalProfiles; } private ErrorResponse Validate() { var errors = new List(); errors.Add(DownloadLocation.ErrorState); errors.Add(ModlistLocation.ErrorState); errors.Add(OutputLocation.ErrorState); return ErrorResponse.Combine(errors); } private async Task InferModListFromLocation(AbsolutePath path) { using var _ = LoadingLock.WithLoading(); CompilerSettings settings; if (path == default) return; if (path.FileName.Extension == Ext.CompilerSettings) { await using var fs = path.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); settings = (await _dtos.DeserializeAsync(fs))!; } else if (path.FileName == "modlist.txt".ToRelativePath()) { settings = await _inferencer.InferModListFromLocation(path); if (settings == null) return; } else { return; } BaseGame = settings.Game; ModListName = settings.ModListName; Version = settings.Version?.ToString() ?? ""; Author = settings.ModListAuthor; Description = settings.Description; ModListImagePath.TargetPath = settings.ModListImage; Website = settings.ModListWebsite?.ToString() ?? ""; Readme = settings.ModListReadme?.ToString() ?? ""; IsNSFW = settings.ModlistIsNSFW; Source = settings.Source; DownloadLocation.TargetPath = settings.Downloads; if (settings.OutputFile.Extension == Ext.Wabbajack) settings.OutputFile = settings.OutputFile.Parent; OutputLocation.TargetPath = settings.OutputFile; SelectedProfile = settings.Profile; PublishUpdate = settings.PublishUpdate; MachineUrl = settings.MachineUrl; OtherProfiles = settings.AdditionalProfiles; AlwaysEnabled = settings.AlwaysEnabled; NoMatchInclude = settings.NoMatchInclude; Include = settings.Include; Ignore = settings.Ignore; if (path.FileName == "modlist.txt".ToRelativePath()) { await SaveSettingsFile(); await LoadLastSavedSettings(); } } private async Task StartCompilation() { var tsk = Task.Run(async () => { try { await SaveSettingsFile(); var token = CancellationToken.None; State = CompilerState.Compiling; var mo2Settings = GetSettings(); mo2Settings.UseGamePaths = true; if (mo2Settings.OutputFile.DirectoryExists()) mo2Settings.OutputFile = mo2Settings.OutputFile.Combine(mo2Settings.ModListName.ToRelativePath() .WithExtension(Ext.Wabbajack)); if (PublishUpdate && !await RunPreflightChecks(token)) { State = CompilerState.Errored; return; } var compiler = MO2Compiler.Create(_serviceProvider, mo2Settings); var events = Observable.FromEventPattern(h => compiler.OnStatusUpdate += h, h => compiler.OnStatusUpdate -= h) .ObserveOnGuiThread() .Debounce(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)) .Subscribe(update => { var s = update.EventArgs; StatusText = $"[Step {s.CurrentStep}] {s.StatusText}"; StatusProgress = s.StepProgress; }); try { var result = await compiler.Begin(token); if (!result) throw new Exception("Compilation Failed"); } finally { events.Dispose(); } if (PublishUpdate) { _logger.LogInformation("Publishing List"); var downloadMetadata = _dtos.Deserialize( await mo2Settings.OutputFile.WithExtension(Ext.Meta).WithExtension(Ext.Json).ReadAllTextAsync())!; await _wjClient.PublishModlist(MachineUrl, System.Version.Parse(Version), mo2Settings.OutputFile, downloadMetadata); } _logger.LogInformation("Compiler Finished"); RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Schedule(_logger, (_, _) => { StatusText = "Compilation Completed"; StatusProgress = Percent.Zero; State = CompilerState.Completed; return Disposable.Empty; }); } catch (Exception ex) { RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Schedule(_logger, (_, _) => { StatusText = "Compilation Failed"; StatusProgress = Percent.Zero; State = CompilerState.Errored; _logger.LogInformation(ex, "Failed Compilation : {Message}", ex.Message); return Disposable.Empty; }); } }); await tsk; } private async Task RunPreflightChecks(CancellationToken token) { var lists = await _wjClient.GetMyModlists(token); if (!lists.Any(x => x.Equals(MachineUrl, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { _logger.LogError("Preflight Check failed, list {MachineUrl} not found in any repository", MachineUrl); return false; } if (!System.Version.TryParse(Version, out var v)) { _logger.LogError("Bad Version Number {Version}", Version); return false; } return true; } private async Task SaveSettingsFile() { if (Source == default) return; await using var st = SettingsOutputLocation.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(st, GetSettings(), _dtos.Options); await _settingsManager.Save(LastSavedCompilerSettings, SettingsOutputLocation); } private async Task LoadLastSavedSettings() { var lastPath = await _settingsManager.Load(LastSavedCompilerSettings); if (lastPath == default || !lastPath.FileExists() || lastPath.FileName.Extension != Ext.CompilerSettings) return; ModlistLocation.TargetPath = lastPath; } private CompilerSettings GetSettings() { System.Version.TryParse(Version, out var pversion); Uri.TryCreate(Website, UriKind.Absolute, out var websiteUri); return new CompilerSettings { ModListName = ModListName, ModListAuthor = Author, Version = pversion ?? new Version(), Description = Description, ModListReadme = Readme, ModListImage = ModListImagePath.TargetPath, ModlistIsNSFW = IsNSFW, ModListWebsite = websiteUri ?? new Uri(""), Downloads = DownloadLocation.TargetPath, Source = Source, Game = BaseGame, PublishUpdate = PublishUpdate, MachineUrl = MachineUrl, Profile = SelectedProfile, UseGamePaths = true, OutputFile = OutputLocation.TargetPath, AlwaysEnabled = AlwaysEnabled, AdditionalProfiles = OtherProfiles, NoMatchInclude = NoMatchInclude, Include = Include, Ignore = Ignore }; } #region ListOps public void AddOtherProfile(string profile) { OtherProfiles = (OtherProfiles ?? Array.Empty()).Append(profile).Distinct().ToArray(); } public void RemoveProfile(string profile) { OtherProfiles = OtherProfiles.Where(p => p != profile).ToArray(); } public void AddAlwaysEnabled(RelativePath path) { AlwaysEnabled = (AlwaysEnabled ?? Array.Empty()).Append(path).Distinct().ToArray(); } public void RemoveAlwaysEnabled(RelativePath path) { AlwaysEnabled = AlwaysEnabled.Where(p => p != path).ToArray(); } public void AddNoMatchInclude(RelativePath path) { NoMatchInclude = (NoMatchInclude ?? Array.Empty()).Append(path).Distinct().ToArray(); } public void RemoveNoMatchInclude(RelativePath path) { NoMatchInclude = NoMatchInclude.Where(p => p != path).ToArray(); } public void AddInclude(RelativePath path) { Include = (Include ?? Array.Empty()).Append(path).Distinct().ToArray(); } public void RemoveInclude(RelativePath path) { Include = Include.Where(p => p != path).ToArray(); } public void AddIgnore(RelativePath path) { Ignore = (Ignore ?? Array.Empty()).Append(path).Distinct().ToArray(); } public void RemoveIgnore(RelativePath path) { Ignore = Ignore.Where(p => p != path).ToArray(); } #endregion } }