using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CommandLine; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; namespace Wabbajack.CLI.Verbs { [Verb("hash-game-files", HelpText = "Hashes a game's files for inclusion in the public github repo")] public class HashGamefiles : AVerb { [Option('o', "output", Required = true, HelpText = @"Output folder in which the file will be placed")] public string OutputFolder { get; set; } = ""; private AbsolutePath _outputFolder => (AbsolutePath)OutputFolder; [Option('g', "game", Required = true, HelpText = @"WJ Game to index")] public string Game { get; set; } = ""; private Game _game => GameRegistry.GetByFuzzyName(Game).Game; protected override async Task Run() { var version = _game.MetaData().InstalledVersion; var file = _outputFolder.Combine(_game.ToString(), version).WithExtension(new Extension(".json")); file.Parent.CreateDirectory(); using var queue = new WorkQueue(); var gameLocation = _game.MetaData().GameLocation(); Utils.Log($"Hashing files for {_game} {version}"); var indexed = await gameLocation .EnumerateFiles() .PMap(queue, async f => { var hash = await f.FileHashCachedAsync(); return new GameFileSourceDownloader.State { Game = _game, GameFile = f.RelativeTo(gameLocation), Hash = hash, GameVersion = version }; }); Utils.Log($"Found and hashed {indexed.Length} files"); await indexed.ToJsonAsync(file, prettyPrint: true); return ExitCode.Ok; } } }