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122 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Shipwreck.Phash;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.Common.Serialization.Json;
using Shipwreck.Phash.Bitmaps;
namespace Wabbajack.ImageHashing
public class ImageState
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public DXGI_FORMAT Format { get; set; }
public PHash PerceptualHash { get; set; }
public static ImageState Read(BinaryReader br)
return new()
Width = br.ReadUInt16(),
Height = br.ReadUInt16(),
Format = (DXGI_FORMAT)br.ReadByte(),
PerceptualHash = PHash.Read(br)
public void Write(BinaryWriter bw)
public static async Task<ImageState?> FromImageStream(Stream stream, Extension ext, bool takeStreamOwnership = true)
await using var tf = new TempFile(ext);
await tf.Path.WriteAllAsync(stream, takeStreamOwnership);
return await GetState(tf.Path);
private static readonly Extension PNGExtension = new(".png");
public static async Task<PHash> GetPHash(AbsolutePath path)
await using var tmp = await TempFolder.Create();
await ConvertImage(path, tmp.Dir, 512, 512, DXGI_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM, PNGExtension);
using var img = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(path.FileName.RelativeTo(tmp.Dir).ReplaceExtension(PNGExtension).ToString());
return PHash.FromDigest(ImagePhash.ComputeDigest(img.ToLuminanceImage()));
public static async Task ConvertImage(AbsolutePath from, AbsolutePath toFolder, int w, int h, DXGI_FORMAT format, Extension fileFormat)
// User isn't renaming the file, so we don't have to create a temporary folder
var ph = new ProcessHelper
Path = @"Tools\texconv.exe".RelativeTo(AbsolutePath.EntryPoint),
Arguments = new object[] {from, "-ft", fileFormat.ToString()[1..], "-f", format, "-o", toFolder, "-w", w, "-h", h, "-if", "CUBIC", "-singleproc"},
ThrowOnNonZeroExitCode = true,
LogError = true
await ph.Start();
public static async Task ConvertImage(Stream from, ImageState state, Extension ext, AbsolutePath to)
await using var tmpFile = await TempFolder.Create();
var inFile = to.FileName.RelativeTo(tmpFile.Dir).WithExtension(ext);
await inFile.WriteAllAsync(from);
await ConvertImage(inFile, to.Parent, state.Width, state.Height, state.Format, ext);
public static async Task<ImageState?> GetState(AbsolutePath path)
var ph = new ProcessHelper
Path = @"Tools\texdiag.exe".RelativeTo(AbsolutePath.EntryPoint),
Arguments = new object[] {"info", path, "-nologo"},
ThrowOnNonZeroExitCode = true,
LogError = true
var lines = new ConcurrentStack<string>();
using var _ = ph.Output.Where(p => p.Type == ProcessHelper.StreamType.Output)
.Select(p => p.Line)
.Where(p => p.Contains(" = "))
.Subscribe(l => lines.Push(l));
await ph.Start();
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
var data = lines.Select(l =>
var split = l.Split(" = ");
return (split[0].Trim(), split[1].Trim());
}).ToDictionary(p => p.Item1, p => p.Item2);
return new ImageState
Width = int.Parse(data["width"]),
Height = int.Parse(data["height"]),
Format = Enum.Parse<DXGI_FORMAT>(data["format"]),
PerceptualHash = await GetPHash(path)