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synced 2024-08-30 18:42:17 +00:00
* Tons of deps upgrades * Fix a bunch of compile errors * Fix hash equality issue
111 lines
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111 lines
3.8 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.CommandLine;
using System.CommandLine.Invocation;
using System.CommandLine.NamingConventionBinder;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Nettle;
using Wabbajack.CLI.Builder;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.DTOs.Directives;
using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters;
using Wabbajack.Installer;
using Wabbajack.Paths;
using Wabbajack.Paths.IO;
namespace Wabbajack.CLI.Verbs;
public class ModlistReport
private readonly ILogger<ModlistReport> _logger;
private readonly DTOSerializer _dtos;
public ModlistReport(ILogger<ModlistReport> logger, DTOSerializer dtos)
_logger = logger;
_dtos = dtos;
public static VerbDefinition Definition = new("modlist-report",
"Generates a usage report for a Modlist file", new[]
new OptionDefinition(typeof(AbsolutePath), "i", "input", "Wabbajack file from which to generate a report")
private static async Task<string> ReportTemplate(object o)
var data = await (typeof(ModlistReport).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Wabbajack.CLI.Resources.ModlistReport.html")!).ReadAllAsync();
var func = NettleEngine.GetCompiler().Compile(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data));
return await func(o, CancellationToken.None);
public async Task<int> Run(AbsolutePath input)
_logger.LogInformation("Loading Modlist");
var modlist = await StandardInstaller.LoadFromFile(_dtos, input);
Dictionary<string, long> patchSizes;
using (var zip = new ZipArchive(input.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
patchSizes = zip.Entries.ToDictionary(e => e.Name, e => e.Length);
var archives = modlist.Archives.ToDictionary(a => a.Hash, a => a.Name);
var bsas = modlist.Directives.OfType<CreateBSA>().ToDictionary(bsa => bsa.TempID.ToString());
var inlinedData = modlist.Directives.OfType<InlineFile>()
.Select(e => new
To = e.To.ToString(),
Id = e.SourceDataID.ToString(),
SizeInt = e.Size,
Size = e.Size.ToFileSizeString()
string FixupTo(RelativePath path)
if (path.GetPart(0) != Consts.BSACreationDir.ToString()) return path.ToString();
var bsaId = path.GetPart(1);
if (!bsas.TryGetValue(bsaId, out var bsa))
return path.ToString();
var relPath = RelativePath.FromParts(path.Parts[2..]);
return $"<i> {bsa.To} </i> | {relPath}";
var patchData = modlist.Directives.OfType<PatchedFromArchive>()
.Select(e => new
From = $"<i> {archives[e.ArchiveHashPath.Hash]} </i> | {string.Join(" | ", e.ArchiveHashPath.Parts.Select(e => e.ToString()))}",
To = FixupTo(e.To),
Id = e.PatchID.ToString(),
PatchSize = patchSizes[e.PatchID.ToString()].ToFileSizeString(),
PatchSizeInt = patchSizes[e.PatchID.ToString()],
FinalSize = e.Size.ToFileSizeString(),
var data = await ReportTemplate(new
Name = modlist.Name,
TotalInlinedSize = inlinedData.Sum(i => i.SizeInt).ToFileSizeString(),
InlinedData = inlinedData,
TotalPatchSize = patchData.Sum(i => i.PatchSizeInt).ToFileSizeString(),
PatchData = patchData,
WabbajackSize = input.Size().ToFileSizeString()
await input.WithExtension(Ext.Html).WriteAllTextAsync(data);
return 0;
} |