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synced 2024-08-30 18:42:17 +00:00
* Created AbstractMetaState * Added IAbstractMetaState to NexusDownloader.State Slideshow is fully working with this setup and nothing changed functionally. * Renamed IAbstractMetaState to IMetaState * Changed modVMs in SlideShow from type NexusDownloader.State to IMetaState * Simplified IMetaState and ModVM * Removed Setter from IMetaState and added to LoversLabDownloader * Throw exception when the modlist could not be loaded * Created AbstractMetaState AbstractMetaState implements AbstractDownloadState and indicates that a State from a specific Download contains meta information. This is used for the Slideshow and can also be used for the Manifest. * Created GatherMetaData function * Implemented new AbstractMetaState for LoversLab * Implemented new AbstractMetaState for NexusMods * Replaced Utils.Log with Utils.Error * Slideshow fixes * Replaced AbstractMetaState with IMetaState * Updated CHANGELOG Co-authored-by: Timothy Baldridge <tbaldridge@gmail.com>
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders;
using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path;
namespace Wabbajack.Lib.Validation
/// <summary>
/// Core class for rights management. Given a Wabbajack ModList this class will return a list of all the
/// known rights violations of the ModList
/// </summary>
public class ValidateModlist
public Dictionary<string, Author> AuthorPermissions { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, Author>();
private readonly WorkQueue _queue;
public ServerWhitelist ServerWhitelist { get; set; } = new ServerWhitelist();
public ValidateModlist(WorkQueue workQueue)
_queue = workQueue;
public void LoadAuthorPermissionsFromString(string s)
AuthorPermissions = s.FromYaml<Dictionary<string, Author>>();
public void LoadServerWhitelist(string s)
ServerWhitelist = s.FromYaml<ServerWhitelist>();
public async Task LoadListsFromGithub()
var client = new Common.Http.Client();
Utils.Log("Loading server whitelist");
using (var response = await client.GetAsync(Consts.ServerWhitelistURL))
using (var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
ServerWhitelist = result.FromYaml<ServerWhitelist>();
Utils.Log($"Loaded permissions for {ServerWhitelist.AllowedPrefixes.Count} servers and {ServerWhitelist.GoogleIDs.Count} Google Drive files");
public static async Task RunValidation(WorkQueue queue, ModList modlist)
var validator = new ValidateModlist(queue);
await validator.LoadListsFromGithub();
Utils.Log("Running validation checks");
var errors = await validator.Validate(modlist);
errors.Do(e => Utils.Log(e));
if (errors.Count() > 0)
throw new Exception($"{errors.Count()} validation errors found, cannot continue.");
Utils.Log("No validation failures");
/// <summary>
/// Takes all the permissions for a given Nexus mods and merges them down to a single permissions record
/// the more specific record having precedence in each field.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mod"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Permissions FilePermissions(NexusDownloader.State mod)
var author_permissions = AuthorPermissions.GetOrDefault(mod.Author)?.Permissions;
var game_permissions = AuthorPermissions.GetOrDefault(mod.Author)?.Games.GetOrDefault(mod.GameName)?.Permissions;
var mod_permissions = AuthorPermissions.GetOrDefault(mod.Author)?.Games.GetOrDefault(mod.GameName)?.Mods.GetOrDefault(mod.ModID)
var file_permissions = AuthorPermissions.GetOrDefault(mod.Author)?.Games.GetOrDefault(mod.GameName)?.Mods
return new Permissions
CanExtractBSAs = file_permissions?.CanExtractBSAs ?? mod_permissions?.CanExtractBSAs ??
game_permissions?.CanExtractBSAs ?? author_permissions?.CanExtractBSAs ?? true,
CanModifyAssets = file_permissions?.CanModifyAssets ?? mod_permissions?.CanModifyAssets ??
game_permissions?.CanModifyAssets ?? author_permissions?.CanModifyAssets ?? true,
CanModifyESPs = file_permissions?.CanModifyESPs ?? mod_permissions?.CanModifyESPs ??
game_permissions?.CanModifyESPs ?? author_permissions?.CanModifyESPs ?? true,
CanUseInOtherGames = file_permissions?.CanUseInOtherGames ?? mod_permissions?.CanUseInOtherGames ??
game_permissions?.CanUseInOtherGames ?? author_permissions?.CanUseInOtherGames ?? true,
public async Task<IEnumerable<string>> Validate(ModList modlist)
ConcurrentStack<string> ValidationErrors = new ConcurrentStack<string>();
var nexus_mod_permissions = (await modlist.Archives
.Where(a => a.State is NexusDownloader.State)
.PMap(_queue, a => (a.Hash, FilePermissions((NexusDownloader.State)a.State), a)))
.ToDictionary(a => a.Hash, a => new { permissions = a.Item2, archive = a.a });
await modlist.Directives
.PMap(_queue, p =>
if (nexus_mod_permissions.TryGetValue(p.ArchiveHashPath[0], out var archive))
var ext = Path.GetExtension(p.ArchiveHashPath.Last());
var url = (archive.archive.State as NexusDownloader.State).URL;
if (Consts.AssetFileExtensions.Contains(ext) && !(archive.permissions.CanModifyAssets ?? true))
ValidationErrors.Push($"{p.To} from {url} is set to disallow asset modification");
else if (Consts.ESPFileExtensions.Contains(ext) && !(archive.permissions.CanModifyESPs ?? true))
ValidationErrors.Push($"{p.To} from {url} is set to disallow asset ESP modification");
await modlist.Directives
.PMap(_queue, p =>
if (nexus_mod_permissions.TryGetValue(p.ArchiveHashPath[0], out var archive))
var url = (archive.archive.State as NexusDownloader.State).URL;
if (!(archive.permissions.CanExtractBSAs ?? true) &&
p.ArchiveHashPath.Skip(1).ButLast().Any(a => Consts.SupportedBSAs.Contains(Path.GetExtension(a).ToLower())))
ValidationErrors.Push($"{p.To} from {url} is set to disallow BSA extraction");
var nexus = NexusApi.NexusApiUtils.ConvertGameName(modlist.GameType.MetaData().NexusName);
.Where(a => a.State is NexusDownloader.State)
.Where(m => NexusApi.NexusApiUtils.ConvertGameName(((NexusDownloader.State)m.State).GameName) != nexus)
.Do(m =>
var permissions = FilePermissions((NexusDownloader.State)m.State);
if (!(permissions.CanUseInOtherGames ?? true))
$"The ModList is for {nexus} but {m.Name} is for game type {((NexusDownloader.State)m.State).GameName} and is not allowed to be converted to other game types");
.Where(m => !m.State.IsWhitelisted(ServerWhitelist))
.Do(m =>
ValidationErrors.Push($"{m.Name} is not a whitelisted download");
return ValidationErrors.ToList();