2022-01-21 14:41:37 +01:00

80 lines
3.0 KiB

@page "/configure"
@using Wabbajack.App.Blazor.State
@namespace Wabbajack.App.Blazor.Pages
<div id="content">
<div class="install-background">
<img id="background-image" src="" alt=""/>
<div class="list">
@if (Modlist is not null)
<div class="left-side">
@if (InstallState != InstallState.Installing)
<InfoBlock Title="@Modlist.Name" Subtitle="@Modlist.Author" Comment="@Modlist.Version.ToString()" Description="@Modlist.Description"/>
<InfoBlock Supertitle="Installing..." Title="@Modlist.Name" Subtitle="@StatusText"/>
// TODO: [Low] Step logging
<div class="right-side">
@* TODO: whatever this is *@
@* @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Image)) *@
@* { *@
@* if (InstallState != GlobalState.InstallStateEnum.Installing) *@
@* { *@
@* <InfoImage Image="@Image"/> *@
@* } *@
@* else if (InstallState == GlobalState.InstallStateEnum.Installing) *@
@* { *@
@* // TODO: [Low] Implement featured mod slideshow. *@
@* <InfoImage Image="@Image" Title="Some Mod Title" Subtitle="Author and others" Description="This mod adds something cool but I'm not going to tell you anything."/> *@
@* } *@
@* } *@
@if (InstallState == InstallState.Installing)
<div class="logger-container">
<VirtualLogger Messages="LoggerProvider.Messages"/>
<div class="settings">
<div class="locations">
@* TODO: [High] Turn path selectors into components. *@
<div class="labels">
<span>Target Modlist</span>
<span>Install Location</span>
<span>Download Location</span>
<div class="paths">
<span class="modlist-file">@ModlistPath.ToString()</span>
<span class="install-location" @onclick="SelectInstallFolder">@InstallPath.ToString()</span>
<span class="download-location" @onclick="SelectDownloadFolder">@DownloadPath.ToString()</span>
<div class="options">
<OptionCheckbox Label="Overwrite Installation"/>
<OptionCheckbox Label="NTFS Compression"/>
<OptionCheckbox Label="Do a sweet trick"/>
<OptionCheckbox Label="Something else"/>
<div class="install">
<img src="images/icons/play.svg" @onclick="Install" alt="Browse Gallery">
@code {
public const string Route = "/configure";