mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:42:17 +00:00
* When IPS4 (e.g. LL) sites based on CEF fail to validate, they no longer hang the app * If a IPS4 CEF site throws a 503, or 400 error, retry * Clean out the cookies during IPS4 CEF downloads so that they don't cause 400 errors * Limit the number of connections to IPS4 sites to 20 per minute (one per 6 seconds) * If a site *does* timeout, throw a log of the CEF state into `CEFStates` for easier debugging by the WJ team * Wrote a new CLI utility to stress test the Verification routines. * Ignore files that have `\Edit Scripts\Export\` in their path
428 lines
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428 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests;
using RocksDbSharp;
using Wabbajack.BuildServer;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.Lib;
using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders;
using Wabbajack.Lib.ModListRegistry;
using Wabbajack.Lib.NexusApi;
using Wabbajack.Server.DataLayer;
using Wabbajack.Server.DTOs;
namespace Wabbajack.Server.Services
public class ListValidator : AbstractService<ListValidator, int>
private SqlService _sql;
private DiscordWebHook _discord;
private NexusKeyMaintainance _nexus;
private ArchiveMaintainer _archives;
public IEnumerable<(ModListSummary Summary, DetailedStatus Detailed)> Summaries => ValidationInfo.Values.Select(e => (e.Summary, e.Detailed));
public ConcurrentDictionary<string, (ModListSummary Summary, DetailedStatus Detailed, TimeSpan ValidationTime)> ValidationInfo = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, (ModListSummary Summary, DetailedStatus Detailed, TimeSpan ValidationTime)>();
public ListValidator(ILogger<ListValidator> logger, AppSettings settings, SqlService sql, DiscordWebHook discord, NexusKeyMaintainance nexus, ArchiveMaintainer archives, QuickSync quickSync)
: base(logger, settings, quickSync, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
_sql = sql;
_discord = discord;
_nexus = nexus;
_archives = archives;
public override async Task<int> Execute()
var data = await _sql.GetValidationData();
using var queue = new WorkQueue();
var oldSummaries = Summaries;
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
var results = await data.ModLists.Where(m => !m.ForceDown).PMap(queue, async metadata =>
var timer = new Stopwatch();
var oldSummary =
oldSummaries.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Summary.MachineURL == metadata.Links.MachineURL);
var listArchives = await _sql.ModListArchives(metadata.Links.MachineURL);
var archives = await listArchives.PMap(queue, async archive =>
if (timer.Elapsed > Delay)
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var (_, result) = await ValidateArchive(data, archive);
if (result == ArchiveStatus.InValid)
if (data.Mirrors.Contains(archive.Hash))
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Mirrored);
return await TryToHeal(data, archive, metadata);
return (archive, result);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, $"During Validation of {archive.Hash} {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString}");
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var failedCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var passCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Valid || f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Updated);
var updatingCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Updating);
var mirroredCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Mirrored);
var summary = new ModListSummary
Checked = DateTime.UtcNow,
Failed = failedCount,
Passed = passCount,
Updating = updatingCount,
Mirrored = mirroredCount,
MachineURL = metadata.Links.MachineURL,
Name = metadata.Title,
var detailed = new DetailedStatus
Name = metadata.Title,
Checked = DateTime.UtcNow,
DownloadMetaData = metadata.DownloadMetadata,
HasFailures = failedCount > 0,
MachineName = metadata.Links.MachineURL,
Archives = archives.Select(a => new DetailedStatusItem
Archive = a.Item1,
IsFailing = a.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.InValid,
ArchiveStatus = a.Item2
if (timer.Elapsed > Delay)
await _discord.Send(Channel.Ham,
new DiscordMessage
Embeds = new[]
new DiscordEmbed
Title =
$"Failing {summary.Name} (`{summary.MachineURL}`) because the max validation time expired",
Url = new Uri(
if (oldSummary != default && oldSummary.Summary.Failed != summary.Failed)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Number of failures {oldSummary.Summary.Failed} -> {summary.Failed}");
if (summary.HasFailures)
await _discord.Send(Channel.Ham,
new DiscordMessage
Embeds = new[]
new DiscordEmbed
Title =
$"Number of failures in {summary.Name} (`{summary.MachineURL}`) was {oldSummary.Summary.Failed} is now {summary.Failed}",
Url = new Uri(
if (!summary.HasFailures && oldSummary.Summary.HasFailures)
await _discord.Send(Channel.Ham,
new DiscordMessage
Embeds = new[]
new DiscordEmbed
Title = $"{summary.Name} (`{summary.MachineURL}`) is now passing.",
Url = new Uri(
ValidationInfo[summary.MachineURL] = (summary, detailed, timer.Elapsed);
return (summary, detailed);
_logger.LogInformation($"Finished Validation in {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
return Summaries.Count(s => s.Summary.HasFailures);
private AsyncLock _healLock = new AsyncLock();
private async Task<(Archive, ArchiveStatus)> TryToHeal(ValidationData data, Archive archive, ModlistMetadata modList)
var srcDownload = await _sql.GetArchiveDownload(archive.State.PrimaryKeyString, archive.Hash, archive.Size);
if (srcDownload == null || srcDownload.IsFailed == true)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Cannot heal {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString} Size: {archive.Size} Hash: {(long)archive.Hash} because it hasn't been previously successfully downloaded");
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var patches = await _sql.PatchesForSource(archive.Hash);
foreach (var patch in patches)
if (patch.Finished is null)
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Updating);
if (patch.IsFailed == true)
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var (_, status) = await ValidateArchive(data, patch.Dest.Archive);
if (status == ArchiveStatus.Valid)
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Updated);
using var _ = await _healLock.WaitAsync();
var upgradeTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
_logger.LogInformation($"Validator Finding Upgrade for {archive.Hash} {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString}");
Func<Archive, Task<AbsolutePath>> resolver = async findIt =>
_logger.LogInformation($"Quick find for {findIt.State.PrimaryKeyString}");
var foundArchive = await _sql.GetArchiveDownload(findIt.State.PrimaryKeyString);
if (foundArchive == null)
_logger.LogInformation($"No Quick find for {findIt.State.PrimaryKeyString}");
return default;
return _archives.TryGetPath(foundArchive.Archive.Hash, out var path) ? path : default;
var upgrade = await DownloadDispatcher.FindUpgrade(archive, resolver);
if (upgrade == default)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Cannot heal {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString} because an alternative wasn't found");
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
_logger.LogInformation($"Upgrade {upgrade.Archive.State.PrimaryKeyString} found for {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString}");
var found = await _sql.GetArchiveDownload(upgrade.Archive.State.PrimaryKeyString, upgrade.Archive.Hash,
Guid id;
if (found == null)
if (upgrade.NewFile.Path.Exists)
await _archives.Ingest(upgrade.NewFile.Path);
id = await _sql.AddKnownDownload(upgrade.Archive, upgradeTime);
id = found.Id;
var destDownload = await _sql.GetArchiveDownload(id);
if (destDownload.Archive.Hash == srcDownload.Archive.Hash && destDownload.Archive.State.PrimaryKeyString == srcDownload.Archive.State.PrimaryKeyString)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Can't heal because src and dest match");
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
if (destDownload.Archive.Hash == default)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Can't heal because we got back a default hash for the downloaded file");
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var existing = await _sql.FindPatch(srcDownload.Id, destDownload.Id);
if (existing == null)
await _sql.AddPatch(new Patch {Src = srcDownload, Dest = destDownload});
$"Enqueued Patch from {srcDownload.Archive.Hash} to {destDownload.Archive.Hash}");
await _discord.Send(Channel.Ham,
new DiscordMessage
Content =
$"Enqueued Patch from {srcDownload.Archive.Hash} to {destDownload.Archive.Hash} to auto-heal `{modList.Links.MachineURL}`"
await upgrade.NewFile.DisposeAsync();
_logger.LogInformation($"Patch in progress {archive.Hash} {archive.State.PrimaryKeyString}");
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Updating);
private async Task<(Archive archive, ArchiveStatus)> ValidateArchive(ValidationData data, Archive archive)
switch (archive.State)
case GoogleDriveDownloader.State _:
// Disabled for now due to GDrive rate-limiting the build server
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
case NexusDownloader.State nexusState when data.NexusFiles.Contains((
nexusState.Game.MetaData().NexusGameId, nexusState.ModID, nexusState.FileID)):
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
case NexusDownloader.State ns:
return (archive, await FastNexusModStats(ns));
case ManualDownloader.State _:
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
case ModDBDownloader.State _:
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
case MediaFireDownloader.State _:
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
if (data.ArchiveStatus.TryGetValue((archive.State.PrimaryKeyString, archive.Hash),
out bool isValid))
return isValid ? (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid) : (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
private AsyncLock _lock = new AsyncLock();
public async Task<ArchiveStatus> FastNexusModStats(NexusDownloader.State ns)
// Check if some other thread has added them
var mod = await _sql.GetNexusModInfoString(ns.Game, ns.ModID);
var files = await _sql.GetModFiles(ns.Game, ns.ModID);
if (mod == null || files == null)
// Aquire the lock
using var lck = await _lock.WaitAsync();
// Check again
mod = await _sql.GetNexusModInfoString(ns.Game, ns.ModID);
files = await _sql.GetModFiles(ns.Game, ns.ModID);
if (mod == null || files == null)
NexusApiClient nexusClient = await _nexus.GetClient();
var queryTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (mod == null)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Found missing Nexus mod info {ns.Game} {ns.ModID}");
mod = await nexusClient.GetModInfo(ns.Game, ns.ModID, false);
mod = new ModInfo
mod_id = ns.ModID.ToString(),
game_id = ns.Game.MetaData().NexusGameId,
available = false
await _sql.AddNexusModInfo(ns.Game, ns.ModID, queryTime, mod);
catch (Exception)
// Could be a PK constraint failure
if (files == null)
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Found missing Nexus mod info {ns.Game} {ns.ModID}");
files = await nexusClient.GetModFiles(ns.Game, ns.ModID, false);
files = new NexusApiClient.GetModFilesResponse {files = new List<NexusFileInfo>()};
await _sql.AddNexusModFiles(ns.Game, ns.ModID, queryTime, files);
catch (Exception)
// Could be a PK constraint failure
catch (Exception)
return ArchiveStatus.InValid;
if (mod.available && files.files.Any(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.category_name) && f.file_id == ns.FileID))
return ArchiveStatus.Valid;
return ArchiveStatus.InValid;