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synced 2024-08-30 18:42:17 +00:00
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130 lines
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using System;
using System.CommandLine;
using System.CommandLine.Invocation;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.Downloaders;
using Wabbajack.DTOs;
using Wabbajack.DTOs.DownloadStates;
using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters;
using Wabbajack.Installer;
using Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi;
using Wabbajack.Paths;
using Wabbajack.Paths.IO;
using Wabbajack.RateLimiter;
using Wabbajack.VFS;
namespace Wabbajack.CLI.Verbs;
public class DownloadAll : IVerb
private readonly DownloadDispatcher _dispatcher;
private readonly ILogger<DownloadAll> _logger;
private readonly Client _wjClient;
private readonly DTOSerializer _dtos;
private readonly Resource<DownloadAll> _limiter;
private readonly FileHashCache _cache;
public const int MaxDownload = 6000;
public DownloadAll(ILogger<DownloadAll> logger, DownloadDispatcher dispatcher, Client wjClient, DTOSerializer dtos, FileHashCache cache)
_logger = logger;
_dispatcher = dispatcher;
_wjClient = wjClient;
_dtos = dtos;
_limiter = new Resource<DownloadAll>("Download All", 16);
_cache = cache;
public Command MakeCommand()
var command = new Command("download-all");
command.Add(new Option<AbsolutePath>(new[] {"-o", "-output"}, "Output folder"));
command.Description = "Downloads all files for all modlists in the gallery";
command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Run);
return command;
private async Task<int> Run(AbsolutePath output, CancellationToken token)
_logger.LogInformation("Downloading modlists");
var existing = await output.EnumerateFiles()
.Where(f => f.Extension != Ext.Meta)
.PMapAll(_limiter, async f =>
_logger.LogInformation("Hashing {File}", f.FileName);
return await _cache.FileHashCachedAsync(f, token);
var lists = await _wjClient.LoadLists();
var archives = (await (await _wjClient.GetListStatuses())
.Where(l => !l.HasFailures)
.PMapAll(_limiter, async m =>
return await StandardInstaller.Load(_dtos, _dispatcher, lists.First(l => l.NamespacedName == m.MachineURL), token);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "While downloading list");
return default;
.Where(d => d != default)
.SelectMany(m => m!.Archives)
.DistinctBy(d => d.Hash)
.Where(d => d.State is Nexus)
.Where(d => !existing.Contains(d.Hash))
_logger.LogInformation("Found {Count} Archives totaling {Size}", archives.Count, archives.Sum(a => a.Size).ToFileSizeString());
await archives
.OrderBy(a => a.Size)
.PDoAll(_limiter, async file => {
var outputFile = output.Combine(file.Name);
if (outputFile.FileExists())
outputFile = output.Combine((outputFile.FileName.WithoutExtension() + "_" + file.Hash.ToHex()).ToRelativePath().WithExtension(outputFile.Extension));
_logger.LogInformation("Downloading {File}", file.Name);
var result = await _dispatcher.DownloadWithPossibleUpgrade(file, outputFile, token);
if (result.Item1 == DownloadResult.Failure)
if (outputFile.FileExists())
_cache.FileHashWriteCache(output, result.Item2);
var metaFile = outputFile.WithExtension(Ext.Meta);
await metaFile.WriteAllTextAsync(_dispatcher.MetaIniSection(file), token: token);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "While downloading {Name}, Ignoring", file.Name);
return 0;
} |