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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Wabbajack.Common.StoreHandlers;
namespace Wabbajack.Common
public enum Game
[Description("Fallout 3")]
[Description("Fallout New Vegas")]
[Description("Skyrim Legendary Edition")]
[Description("Skyrim Special Edition")]
[Description("Fallout 4")]
[Description("Skyrim VR")]
[Description("Fallout 4 VR")]
//MO2 Non-BGS Games
[Description("Darkest Dungeon")]
[Description("Stardew Valley")]
public static class GameExtensions
public static GameMetaData MetaData(this Game game)
return GameRegistry.Games[game];
public class GameMetaData
public Game Game { get; internal set; }
public ModManager SupportedModManager { get; internal set; }
public bool IsGenericMO2Plugin { get; internal set; }
public string? MO2ArchiveName { get; internal set; }
public string? NexusName { get; internal set; }
// Nexus DB id for the game, used in some specific situations
public long NexusGameId { get; internal set; }
public string? MO2Name { get; internal set; }
// to get steam ids: https://steamdb.info
public List<int>? SteamIDs { get; internal set; }
// to get gog ids: https://www.gogdb.org
public List<int>? GOGIDs { get; internal set; }
// to get BethNet IDs: check the registry
public int BethNetID { get; internal set; }
//for BethNet games only!
public string RegString { get; internal set; } = string.Empty;
// file to check if the game is present, useful when steamIds and gogIds dont help
public List<string>? RequiredFiles { get; internal set; }
public string? MainExecutable { get; internal set; }
// Games that this game are commonly confused with, for example Skyrim SE vs Skyrim LE
public Game[] CommonlyConfusedWith { get; set; } = Array.Empty<Game>();
/// <summary>
/// Other games this game can pull source files from (if the game is installed on the user's machine)
/// </summary>
public Game[] CanSourceFrom { get; set; } = Array.Empty<Game>();
public string HumanFriendlyGameName => Game.GetDescription();
private AbsolutePath _cachedPath = default;
public string InstalledVersion
if (!TryGetGameLocation(out var gameLoc))
throw new GameNotInstalledException(this);
if (MainExecutable == null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
return FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo((string)gameLoc.Combine(MainExecutable)).ProductVersion;
public bool IsInstalled => TryGetGameLocation() != null;
public AbsolutePath? TryGetGameLocation()
return StoreHandler.Instance.TryGetGamePath(Game);
public bool TryGetGameLocation(out AbsolutePath path)
if (_cachedPath != default)
path = _cachedPath;
return true;
var ret = TryGetGameLocation();
if (ret != null)
_cachedPath = ret.Value;
path = ret.Value;
return true;
path = default;
return false;
public AbsolutePath GameLocation()
var ret = TryGetGameLocation();
if (ret == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
return ret.Value;
public class GameNotInstalledException : Exception
public GameNotInstalledException(GameMetaData gameMetaData) : base($"Game {gameMetaData.Game} does not appear to be installed.")
public static class EnumExtensions
public static string GetDescription<T>(this T enumerationValue)
where T : Enum
var type = enumerationValue.GetType();
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(enumerationValue)} must be of Enum type", nameof(enumerationValue));
var memberInfo = type.GetMember(enumerationValue.ToString()!);
if (memberInfo.Length <= 0)
return enumerationValue.ToString()!;
var attrs = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
return attrs.Length > 0 ? ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description : enumerationValue.ToString();
public static IEnumerable<T> GetAllItems<T>() where T : struct
return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<T>();
public class GameRegistry
public static GameMetaData GetByMO2ArchiveName(string gameName)
gameName = gameName.ToLower();
return Games.Values.FirstOrDefault(g => g.MO2ArchiveName?.ToLower() == gameName);
public static GameMetaData GetByNexusName(string gameName)
return Games.Values.FirstOrDefault(g => g.NexusName == gameName.ToLower());
public static GameMetaData GetBySteamID(int id)
return Games.Values
.FirstOrDefault(g => g.SteamIDs != null && g.SteamIDs.Count > 0 && g.SteamIDs.Any(i => i == id));
/// <summary>
/// Parse game data from an arbitrary string. Tries first via parsing as a game Enum, then by Nexus name.
/// <param nambe="someName">Name to query</param>
/// <returns>GameMetaData found</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If string could not be translated to a game</exception>
/// </summary>
public static GameMetaData GetByFuzzyName(string someName)
return TryGetByFuzzyName(someName) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(someName), $"\"{someName}\" could not be translated to a game!");
/// <summary>
/// Tries to parse game data from an arbitrary string. Tries first via parsing as a game Enum, then by Nexus name.
/// <param nambe="someName">Name to query</param>
/// <returns>GameMetaData if found, otherwise null</returns>
/// </summary>
public static GameMetaData? TryGetByFuzzyName(string someName)
if (Enum.TryParse(typeof(Game), someName, true, out var metadata)) return ((Game)metadata!).MetaData();
GameMetaData? result = GetByNexusName(someName);
if (result != null) return result;
result = GetByMO2ArchiveName(someName);
if (result != null) return result;
result = GetByMO2Name(someName);
if (result != null) return result;
return int.TryParse(someName, out int id) ? GetBySteamID(id) : null;
private static GameMetaData? GetByMO2Name(string gameName)
gameName = gameName.ToLower();
return Games.Values.FirstOrDefault(g => g.MO2Name?.ToLower() == gameName);
public static bool TryGetByFuzzyName(string someName, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out GameMetaData gameMetaData)
var result = TryGetByFuzzyName(someName);
if (result == null)
gameMetaData = Games.Values.First();
return false;
gameMetaData = result;
return true;
public static IReadOnlyDictionary<Game, GameMetaData> Games = new Dictionary<Game, GameMetaData>
Game.Morrowind, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Morrowind,
SteamIDs = new List<int>{22320},
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1440163901, 1435828767},
NexusName = "morrowind",
NexusGameId = 100,
MO2Name = "Morrowind",
MO2ArchiveName = "morrowind",
BethNetID = 31,
RegString = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition",
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "Morrowind.exe"
Game.Oblivion, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Oblivion,
NexusName = "oblivion",
NexusGameId = 101,
MO2Name = "Oblivion",
MO2ArchiveName = "oblivion",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {22330},
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1458058109},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "Oblivion.exe"
Game.Fallout3, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Fallout3,
NexusName = "fallout3",
NexusGameId = 120,
MO2Name = "Fallout 3",
MO2ArchiveName = "fallout3",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {22300, 22370}, // base game and GotY
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1454315831}, // GotY edition
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "Fallout3.exe"
Game.FalloutNewVegas, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.FalloutNewVegas,
NexusName = "newvegas",
NexusGameId = 130,
MO2Name = "New Vegas",
MO2ArchiveName = "falloutnv",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {22380, 22490}, // normal and RU version
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1454587428},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "FalloutNV.exe"
Game.Skyrim, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Skyrim,
NexusName = "skyrim",
NexusGameId = 110,
MO2Name = "Skyrim",
MO2ArchiveName = "skyrim",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {72850},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "TESV.exe",
CommonlyConfusedWith = new [] {Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, Game.SkyrimVR}
Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition,
NexusName = "skyrimspecialedition",
NexusGameId = 1704,
MO2Name = "Skyrim Special Edition",
MO2ArchiveName = "skyrimse",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {489830},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "SkyrimSE.exe",
CommonlyConfusedWith = new []{Game.Skyrim, Game.SkyrimVR},
Game.Fallout4, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Fallout4,
NexusName = "fallout4",
NexusGameId = 1151,
MO2Name = "Fallout 4",
MO2ArchiveName = "fallout4",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {377160},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "Fallout4.exe",
CommonlyConfusedWith = new [] {Game.Fallout4VR},
Game.SkyrimVR, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.SkyrimVR,
NexusName = "skyrimspecialedition",
NexusGameId = 1704,
MO2Name = "Skyrim VR",
MO2ArchiveName = "skyrimse",
SteamIDs = new List<int> {611670},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "SkyrimVR.exe",
CommonlyConfusedWith = new []{Game.Skyrim, Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition},
CanSourceFrom = new [] {Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition}
Game.Enderal, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Enderal,
NexusName = "enderal",
NexusGameId = 2736,
MO2Name = "Enderal",
MO2ArchiveName = "enderal",
SteamIDs = new List<int>{1027920, 933480},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "TESV.exe"
Game.Fallout4VR, new GameMetaData
SupportedModManager = ModManager.MO2,
Game = Game.Fallout4VR,
NexusName = "fallout4",
MO2Name = "Fallout 4 VR",
MO2ArchiveName = "Fallout4",
SteamIDs = new List<int>{611660},
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "Fallout4VR.exe",
CommonlyConfusedWith = new [] {Game.Fallout4},
CanSourceFrom = new [] {Game.Fallout4}
Game.DarkestDungeon, new GameMetaData
Game = Game.DarkestDungeon,
NexusName = "darkestdungeon",
MO2Name = "Darkest Dungeon",
NexusGameId = 804,
SteamIDs = new List<int> {262060},
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1450711444},
IsGenericMO2Plugin = true,
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = "_windows\\Darkest.exe"
Game.Witcher3, new GameMetaData
Game = Game.Witcher3,
NexusName = "witcher3",
NexusGameId = 952,
MO2Name = "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt",
SteamIDs = new List<int>{292030, 499450}, // normal and GotY
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1207664643, 1495134320, 1207664663, 1640424747}, // normal, GotY and both in packages
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
MainExecutable = @"bin\x64\witcher3.exe"
Game.StardewValley, new GameMetaData
Game = Game.StardewValley,
NexusName = "stardewvalley",
MO2Name = "Stardew Valley",
NexusGameId = 1303,
SteamIDs = new List<int>{413150},
GOGIDs = new List<int>{1453375253},
IsGenericMO2Plugin = true,
RequiredFiles = new List<string>
"Stardew Valley.exe"
MainExecutable = "Stardew Valley.exe"
public static Dictionary<long, Game> ByNexusID =
Games.Values.Where(g => g.NexusGameId != 0)
.GroupBy(g => g.NexusGameId)
.Select(g => g.First())
.ToDictionary(d => d.NexusGameId, d => d.Game);