2019-08-24 14:10:03 -06:00

604 lines
18 KiB

using Compression.BSA;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SevenZipExtractor;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Wabbajack.Common;
namespace VFS
public class VirtualFileSystem
internal static string _stagedRoot;
public static VirtualFileSystem VFS;
private Dictionary<string, VirtualFile> _files = new Dictionary<string, VirtualFile>();
private bool _disableDiskCache;
private volatile bool _isSyncing;
public static string RootFolder { get; }
public Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<VirtualFile>> HashIndex { get; private set; }
static VirtualFileSystem()
VFS = new VirtualFileSystem();
RootFolder = ".\\";
_stagedRoot = Path.Combine(RootFolder, "vfs_staged_files");
if (Directory.Exists(_stagedRoot))
Directory.Delete(_stagedRoot, true);
public VirtualFileSystem ()
private void LoadFromDisk()
Utils.Log("Loading VFS Cache");
if (!File.Exists("vfs_cache.bson")) return;
_files = "vfs_cache.bson".FromBSON<IEnumerable<VirtualFile>>(root_is_array: true).ToDictionary(f => f.FullPath);
catch(Exception ex)
Utils.Log($"Purging cache due to {ex}");
public void SyncToDisk()
if (!_disableDiskCache)
Utils.Status("Syncing VFS Cache");
lock (this)
_isSyncing = true;
_isSyncing = false;
public IList<VirtualFile> FilesInArchive(VirtualFile f)
var path = f.FullPath + "|";
return _files.Values
.Where(v => v.FullPath.StartsWith(path))
public void Purge(VirtualFile f)
var path = f.FullPath + "|";
lock (this)
.Where(v => v.FullPath.StartsWith(path) || v.FullPath == f.FullPath)
.Do(r => {
public void Add(VirtualFile f)
lock (this)
if (_files.ContainsKey(f.FullPath))
_files.Add(f.FullPath, f);
public VirtualFile Lookup(string f)
lock (this)
if (_files.TryGetValue(f, out var found))
return found;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Remove any orphaned files in the DB.
/// </summary>
private void CleanDB()
Utils.Log("Cleaning VFS cache");
lock (this)
.Where(f =>
if (f.IsConcrete)
return !File.Exists(f.StagedPath);
if (f.Hash == null)
return true;
while (f.ParentPath != null)
if (Lookup(f.ParentPath) == null)
return true;
if (f.Hash == null)
return true;
f = Lookup(f.ParentPath);
return false;
.Do(f => _files.Remove(f.FullPath));
public void BackfillMissing()
.Select(f => f.ParentPath)
.Where(s => s != null)
.Where(s => !_files.ContainsKey(s))
.Do(s =>
AddKnown(new VirtualFile() { Paths = s.Split('|') });
/// <summary>
/// Add a known file to the index, bit of a hack as we won't assume that all the fields for the archive are filled in.
/// you will need to manually update the SHA hash when you are done adding files, by calling `RefreshIndexes`
/// </summary>
/// <param name="virtualFile"></param>
public void AddKnown(VirtualFile virtualFile)
// We don't know enough about these files to be able to store them in the disk cache
_disableDiskCache = true;
_files[virtualFile.FullPath] = virtualFile;
/// <summary>
/// Adds the root path to the filesystem. This may take quite some time as every file in the folder will be hashed,
/// and every archive examined.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
public void AddRoot(string path)
public void RefreshIndexes()
Utils.Log("Building Hash Index");
HashIndex = _files.Values
.GroupBy(f => f.Hash)
.ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => (IEnumerable<VirtualFile>)f);
private void IndexPath(string path)
var file_list = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
Utils.Log($"Updating the cache for {file_list.Count} files");
file_list.PMap(f => UpdateFile(f));
private void UpdateFile(string f)
var lv = Lookup(f);
if (lv == null)
Utils.Status($"Analyzing {f}");
lv = new VirtualFile()
Paths = new string[] { f }
if (lv.IsArchive)
// Upsert after extraction incase extraction fails
if (lv.IsOutdated)
goto TOP;
private void UpdateArchive(VirtualFile f)
var entries = GetArchiveEntryNames(f);
var new_files = entries.Select(e => {
var new_path = new string[f.Paths.Length + 1];
f.Paths.CopyTo(new_path, 0);
new_path[f.Paths.Length] = e;
var nf = new VirtualFile()
Paths = new_path,
return nf;
// Stage the files in the archive
// Analyze them
new_files.Do(file => file.Analyze());
// Recurse into any archives in this archive
new_files.Where(file => file.IsArchive).Do(file => UpdateArchive(file));
// Unstage the file
new_files.Where(file => file.IsStaged).Do(file => file.Unstage());
f.FinishedIndexing = true;
if (!_isSyncing)
public void Stage(IEnumerable<VirtualFile> files)
var grouped = files.SelectMany(f => f.FilesInPath)
.Where(f => f.ParentArchive != null)
.GroupBy(f => f.ParentArchive)
.OrderBy(f => f.Key == null ? 0 : f.Key.Paths.Length)
foreach (var group in grouped)
var indexed = group.ToDictionary(e => e.Paths[group.Key.Paths.Length]);
FileExtractor.Extract(group.Key.StagedPath, e =>
if (indexed.TryGetValue(e.Name, out var file))
return File.OpenWrite(file.GenerateStagedName());
return null;
public StagingGroup StageWith(IEnumerable<VirtualFile> files)
var grp = new StagingGroup(files);
return grp;
public VirtualFile this[string path]
return Lookup(path);
internal List<string> GetArchiveEntryNames(VirtualFile file)
if (!file.IsStaged)
throw new InvalidDataException("File is not staged");
if (file.Extension == ".bsa") {
using (var ar = new BSAReader(file.StagedPath))
return ar.Files.Select(f => f.Path).ToList();
if (file.Extension == ".zip")
using (var s = new ZipFile(File.OpenRead(file.StagedPath)))
s.IsStreamOwner = true;
s.UseZip64 = UseZip64.On;
if (s.OfType<ZipEntry>().FirstOrDefault(e => !e.CanDecompress) == null)
return s.OfType<ZipEntry>()
.Where(f => f.IsFile)
.Select(f => f.Name.Replace('/', '\\'))
using (var e = new ArchiveFile(file.StagedPath))
return e.Entries
.Where(f => !f.IsFolder)
.Select(f => f.FileName).ToList();
/// <summary>
/// Given a path that starts with a HASH, return the Virtual file referenced
/// </summary>
/// <param name="archiveHashPath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public VirtualFile FileForArchiveHashPath(string[] archiveHashPath)
var archive = HashIndex[archiveHashPath[0]].Where(a => a.IsArchive).OrderByDescending(a => a.LastModified).First();
string fullPath = archive.FullPath + "|" + String.Join("|", archiveHashPath.Skip(1));
return Lookup(fullPath);
public class StagingGroup : List<VirtualFile>, IDisposable
public StagingGroup(IEnumerable<VirtualFile> files) : base(files)
public void Dispose()
this.Do(f => f.Unstage());
internal void Stage()
[JsonObject(MemberSerialization = MemberSerialization.OptIn)]
public class VirtualFile
public string[] _paths;
public string[] Paths
return _paths;
for (int idx = 0; idx < value.Length; idx += 1)
value[idx] = String.Intern(value[idx]);
_paths = value;
public string Hash { get; set; }
public long Size { get; set; }
public ulong LastModified { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
public bool? FinishedIndexing { get; set; }
private string _fullPath;
public VirtualFile()
private string _stagedPath;
public string FullPath
if (_fullPath != null) return _fullPath;
_fullPath = String.Join("|", Paths);
return _fullPath;
public string Extension
return Path.GetExtension(Paths.Last());
/// <summary>
/// If this file is in an archive, return the Archive File, otherwise return null.
/// </summary>
public VirtualFile TopLevelArchive
if (Paths.Length == 0) return null;
return VirtualFileSystem.VFS[Paths[0]];
public VirtualFile ParentArchive
if (ParentPath == null) return null;
return VirtualFileSystem.VFS.Lookup(ParentPath);
private bool? _isArchive;
public bool IsArchive
if (_isArchive == null)
_isArchive = FileExtractor.CanExtract(Extension);
return (bool)_isArchive;
public bool IsStaged
if (IsConcrete) return true;
return _stagedPath != null;
public string StagedPath
if (!IsStaged)
throw new InvalidDataException("File is not staged");
if (IsConcrete) return Paths[0];
return _stagedPath;
if (IsStaged && value != null)
throw new InvalidDataException("Can't change the path of a already staged file");
_stagedPath = value;
public FileStream OpenRead()
if (!IsStaged)
throw new InvalidDataException("File is not staged, cannot open");
return File.OpenRead(_stagedPath);
/// <summary>
/// Calulate the file's SHA, size and last modified
/// </summary>
internal void Analyze()
if (!IsStaged)
throw new InvalidDataException("Cannot analzye a unstaged file");
var fio = new FileInfo(StagedPath);
Size = fio.Length;
Hash = Utils.FileSHA256(StagedPath);
LastModified = fio.LastWriteTime.ToMilliseconds();
/// <summary>
/// Delete the temoporary file associated with this file
/// </summary>
internal void Unstage()
if (IsStaged && !IsConcrete)
_stagedPath = null;
internal string GenerateStagedName()
if (_stagedPath != null) return _stagedPath;
_stagedPath = Path.Combine(VirtualFileSystem._stagedRoot, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Paths.Last()));
return _stagedPath;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this file always exists on-disk, and doesn't need to be staged.
/// </summary>
public bool IsConcrete
return Paths.Length == 1;
public bool IsOutdated
if (IsStaged)
var fi = new FileInfo(StagedPath);
if (fi.LastWriteTime.ToMilliseconds() != LastModified || fi.Length != Size)
return true;
if (IsArchive)
if (!FinishedIndexing ?? true)
return true;
return false;
private string _parentPath;
public string ParentPath
get {
if (_parentPath == null && !IsConcrete)
_parentPath = String.Join("|", Paths.Take(Paths.Length - 1));
return _parentPath;
public IEnumerable<VirtualFile> FileInArchive
return VirtualFileSystem.VFS.FilesInArchive(this);
public string[] MakeRelativePaths()
var path_copy = (string[])Paths.Clone();
path_copy[0] = VirtualFileSystem.VFS.Lookup(Paths[0]).Hash;
return path_copy;
public IEnumerable<VirtualFile> FilesInPath
get {
return Enumerable.Range(1, Paths.Length)
.Select(i => Paths.Take(i))
.Select(path => VirtualFileSystem.VFS.Lookup(String.Join("|", path)));