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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FluentFTP;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Nettle;
using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models;
using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Models;
using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Models.JobQueue;
using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Models.Jobs;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.Lib;
using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders;
using Wabbajack.Lib.ModListRegistry;
namespace Wabbajack.BuildServer.Controllers
public class ListValidation : AControllerBase<ListValidation>
enum ArchiveStatus
public ListValidation(ILogger<ListValidation> logger, SqlService sql, AppSettings settings) : base(logger, sql)
_updater = new ModlistUpdater(null, sql, settings);
_settings = settings;
public async Task<IEnumerable<(ModListSummary Summary, DetailedStatus Detailed)>> GetSummaries()
var data = await SQL.GetValidationData();
using var queue = new WorkQueue();
var results = await data.ModLists.PMap(queue, async list =>
var (metadata, modList) = list;
var archives = await modList.Archives.PMap(queue, async archive =>
var (_, result) = ValidateArchive(data, archive);
if (result == ArchiveStatus.InValid)
return await TryToFix(data, archive);
return (archive, result);
var failedCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.InValid);
var passCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Valid || f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Updated);
var updatingCount = archives.Count(f => f.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Updating);
var summary = new ModListSummary
Checked = DateTime.UtcNow,
Failed = failedCount,
Passed = passCount,
Updating = updatingCount,
MachineURL = metadata.Links.MachineURL,
Name = metadata.Title,
var detailed = new DetailedStatus
Name = metadata.Title,
Checked = DateTime.UtcNow,
DownloadMetaData = metadata.DownloadMetadata,
HasFailures = failedCount > 0,
MachineName = metadata.Links.MachineURL,
Archives = archives.Select(a => new DetailedStatusItem
Archive = a.Item1, IsFailing = a.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.InValid || a.Item2 == ArchiveStatus.Updating
return (summary, detailed);
return results;
private static (Archive archive, ArchiveStatus) ValidateArchive(SqlService.ValidationData data, Archive archive)
switch (archive.State)
case NexusDownloader.State nexusState when data.NexusFiles.Contains((
nexusState.Game.MetaData().NexusGameId, nexusState.ModID, nexusState.FileID)):
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
case NexusDownloader.State nexusState:
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
case ManualDownloader.State _:
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid);
if (data.ArchiveStatus.TryGetValue((archive.State.PrimaryKeyString, archive.Hash),
out bool isValid))
return isValid ? (archive, ArchiveStatus.Valid) : (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
return (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid);
private static AsyncLock _findPatchLock = new AsyncLock();
private async Task<(Archive, ArchiveStatus)> TryToFix(SqlService.ValidationData data, Archive archive)
using var _ = await _findPatchLock.Wait();
var result = await _updater.GetAlternative(archive.Hash.ToHex());
return result switch
OkResult ok => (archive, ArchiveStatus.Updated),
AcceptedResult accept => (archive, ArchiveStatus.Updating),
_ => (archive, ArchiveStatus.InValid)
public async Task<IEnumerable<ModListSummary>> HandleGetLists()
return (await GetSummaries()).Select(d => d.Summary);
private static readonly Func<object, string> HandleGetRssFeedTemplate = NettleEngine.GetCompiler().Compile(@"
<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<rss version=""2.0"">
<title>{{lst.Name}} - Broken Mods</title>
<description>These are mods that are broken and need updating</description>
{{ each $.failed }}
<title>{{$.Archive.Name}} {{$.Archive.Hash}} {{$.Archive.State.PrimaryKeyString}}</title>
public async Task<ContentResult> HandleGetRSSFeed(string Name)
var lst = await DetailedStatus(Name);
var response = HandleGetRssFeedTemplate(new
failed = lst.Archives.Where(a => a.IsFailing).ToList(),
passed = lst.Archives.Where(a => !a.IsFailing).ToList()
return new ContentResult
ContentType = "application/rss+xml",
StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.OK,
Content = response
private static readonly Func<object, string> HandleGetListTemplate = NettleEngine.GetCompiler().Compile(@"
<h2>{{lst.Name}} - {{lst.Checked}} - {{ago}}min ago</h2>
<h3>Failed ({{failed.Count}}):</h3>
{{each $.failed }}
<h3>Passed ({{passed.Count}}):</h3>
{{each $.passed }}
private AppSettings _settings;
private ModlistUpdater _updater;
public async Task<ContentResult> HandleGetListHtml(string Name)
var lst = await DetailedStatus(Name);
var response = HandleGetListTemplate(new
ago = (DateTime.UtcNow - lst.Checked).TotalMinutes,
failed = lst.Archives.Where(a => a.IsFailing).ToList(),
passed = lst.Archives.Where(a => !a.IsFailing).ToList()
return new ContentResult
ContentType = "text/html",
StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.OK,
Content = response
public async Task<IActionResult> HandleGetListJson(string Name)
return Ok((await DetailedStatus(Name)).ToJson());
private async Task<DetailedStatus> DetailedStatus(string Name)
return (await GetSummaries())
.Select(d => d.Detailed)
.FirstOrDefault(d => d.MachineName == Name);