
824 lines
30 KiB

using Compression.BSA;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SevenZipExtractor;
using SharpCompress.Archives;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using static Wabbajack.NexusAPI;
namespace Wabbajack
public class Compiler
public string MO2Folder;
public dynamic MO2Ini { get; }
public string GamePath { get; }
public string MO2DownloadsFolder
return Path.Combine(MO2Folder, "downloads");
public string MO2Profile;
public string MO2ProfileDir
return Path.Combine(MO2Folder, "profiles", MO2Profile);
public Action<string> Log_Fn { get; }
public List<Directive> InstallDirectives { get; private set; }
public string NexusKey { get; private set; }
internal UserStatus User { get; private set; }
public List<Archive> SelectedArchives { get; private set; }
public List<RawSourceFile> AllFiles { get; private set; }
public ModList ModList { get; private set; }
public ConcurrentBag<Directive> ExtraFiles { get; private set; }
public List<IndexedArchive> IndexedArchives;
public void Info(string msg, params object[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
msg = String.Format(msg, args);
public void Status(string msg, params object[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
msg = String.Format(msg, args);
WorkQueue.Report(msg, 0);
private void Error(string msg, params object[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
msg = String.Format(msg, args);
throw new Exception(msg);
public Compiler(string mo2_folder, Action<string> log_fn)
MO2Folder = mo2_folder;
Log_Fn = log_fn;
MO2Ini = Path.Combine(MO2Folder, "ModOrganizer.ini").LoadIniFile();
GamePath = ((string)MO2Ini.General.gamePath).Replace("\\\\", "\\");
public void LoadArchives()
IndexedArchives = Directory.EnumerateFiles(MO2DownloadsFolder)
.Where(file => Consts.SupportedArchives.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file)))
.PMap(file => LoadArchive(file));
private IndexedArchive LoadArchive(string file)
string metaname = file + ".archive_contents";
if (metaname.FileExists() && new FileInfo(metaname).LastWriteTime >= new FileInfo(file).LastWriteTime)
Status("Loading Archive Index for {0}", Path.GetFileName(file));
var info = metaname.FromJSON<IndexedArchive>();
info.Name = Path.GetFileName(file);
info.AbsolutePath = file;
var ini_name = file + ".meta";
if (ini_name.FileExists())
info.IniData = ini_name.LoadIniFile();
info.Meta = File.ReadAllText(ini_name);
return info;
using (var ar = new ArchiveFile(file))
Status("Indexing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file));
var streams = new Dictionary<string, (SHA256Managed, long)>();
ar.Extract(entry => {
if (entry.IsFolder) return null;
var sha = new SHA256Managed();
var os = new CryptoStream(Stream.Null, sha, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
streams.Add(entry.FileName, (sha, (long)entry.Size));
return os;
var indexed = new IndexedArchiveCache();
indexed.Hash = file.FileSHA256();
indexed.Entries = streams.Select(entry =>
return new IndexedEntry()
Hash = entry.Value.Item1.Hash.ToBase64(),
Size = (long)entry.Value.Item2,
Path = entry.Key
streams.Do(e => e.Value.Item1.Dispose());
return LoadArchive(file);
public void Compile()
var mo2_files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(MO2Folder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Where(p => p.FileExists())
.Select(p => new RawSourceFile() { Path = p.RelativeTo(MO2Folder), AbsolutePath = p });
var game_files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(GamePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Where(p => p.FileExists())
.Select(p => new RawSourceFile() { Path = Path.Combine(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, p.RelativeTo(GamePath)), AbsolutePath = p });
Info("Searching for mod files");
AllFiles = mo2_files.Concat(game_files).ToList();
Info("Found {0} files to build into mod list", AllFiles.Count);
ExtraFiles = new ConcurrentBag<Directive>();
var stack = MakeStack();
Info("Running Compilation Stack");
var results = AllFiles.PMap(f => RunStack(stack, f)).ToList();
// Add the extra files that were generated by the stack
Info($"Adding {ExtraFiles.Count} that were generated by the stack");
results = results.Concat(ExtraFiles).ToList();
var nomatch = results.OfType<NoMatch>();
Info("No match for {0} files", nomatch.Count());
foreach (var file in nomatch)
Info(" {0}", file.To);
if (nomatch.Count() > 0)
Info("Exiting due to no way to compile these files");
InstallDirectives = results.Where(i => !(i is IgnoredDirectly)).ToList();
NexusKey = NexusAPI.GetNexusAPIKey();
User = NexusAPI.GetUserStatus(NexusKey);
if (!User.is_premium)
Info($"User {User.name} is not a premium Nexus user, cannot continue");
ModList = new ModList()
Archives = SelectedArchives,
Directives = InstallDirectives,
Name = MO2Profile
Info("Done Building Modpack");
/// <summary>
/// Clear references to lists that hold a lot of data.
/// </summary>
private void ResetMembers()
AllFiles = null;
IndexedArchives = null;
InstallDirectives = null;
SelectedArchives = null;
ExtraFiles = null;
/// <summary>
/// Fills in the Patch fields in files that require them
/// </summary>
private void BuildPatches()
var groups = InstallDirectives.OfType<PatchedFromArchive>()
.GroupBy(p => p.ArchiveHash)
Info("Patching building patches from {0} archives", groups.Count);
var absolute_paths = AllFiles.ToDictionary(e => e.Path, e => e.AbsolutePath);
groups.PMap(group => BuildArchivePatches(group.Key, group, absolute_paths));
if (InstallDirectives.OfType<PatchedFromArchive>().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Patch == null) != null)
Error("Missing patches after generation, this should not happen");
private void BuildArchivePatches(string archive_sha, IEnumerable<PatchedFromArchive> group, Dictionary<string, string> absolute_paths)
var archive = IndexedArchives.First(a => a.Hash == archive_sha);
var paths = group.Select(g => g.From).ToHashSet();
var streams = new Dictionary<string, MemoryStream>();
Status($"Extracting {paths.Count} patch files from {archive.Name}");
// First we fetch the source files from the input archive
using (var a = new ArchiveFile(archive.AbsolutePath))
a.Extract(entry =>
if (!paths.Contains(entry.FileName)) return null;
var result = new MemoryStream();
streams.Add(entry.FileName, result);
return result;
}, false);
using (var a = ArchiveFactory.Open(archive.AbsolutePath))
foreach (var entry in a.Entries)
var path = entry.Key.Replace("/", "\\");
if (!paths.Contains(path)) continue;
var result = new MemoryStream();
streams.Add(path, result);
Info("Extracting {0}", path);
using (var stream = entry.OpenEntryStream())
var extracted = streams.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value.ToArray());
// Now Create the patches
Status("Building Patches for {0}", archive.Name);
group.PMap(entry =>
Info("Patching {0}", entry.To);
var ss = extracted[entry.From];
using (var origin = new MemoryStream(ss))
using (var output = new MemoryStream())
var a = origin.ReadAll();
var b = LoadDataForTo(entry.To, absolute_paths);
BSDiff.Create(a, b, output);
entry.Patch = output.ToArray().ToBase64();
private byte[] LoadDataForTo(string to, Dictionary<string, string> absolute_paths)
if (absolute_paths.TryGetValue(to, out var absolute))
return File.ReadAllBytes(absolute);
if (to.StartsWith(Consts.BSACreationDir))
var bsa_id = to.Split('\\')[1];
var bsa = InstallDirectives.OfType<CreateBSA>().First(b => b.TempID == bsa_id);
using (var a = new BSAReader(Path.Combine(MO2Folder, bsa.To)))
var file = a.Files.First(e => e.Path == Path.Combine(to.Split('\\').Skip(2).ToArray()));
return file.GetData();
Error($"Couldn't load data for {to}");
return null;
private void GatherArchives()
var archives = IndexedArchives.GroupBy(a => a.Hash).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.First());
var shas = InstallDirectives.OfType<FromArchive>()
.Select(a => a.ArchiveHash)
SelectedArchives = shas.PMap(sha => ResolveArchive(sha, archives));
private Archive ResolveArchive(string sha, Dictionary<string, IndexedArchive> archives)
if (archives.TryGetValue(sha, out var found))
if (found.IniData == null)
Error("No download metadata found for {0}, please use MO2 to query info or add a .meta file and try again.", found.Name);
var general = found.IniData.General;
if (general == null)
Error("No General section in mod metadata found for {0}, please use MO2 to query info or add the info and try again.", found.Name);
Archive result;
if (general.modID != null && general.fileID != null && general.gameName != null)
result = new NexusMod()
GameName = general.gameName,
FileID = general.fileID,
ModID = general.modID
Status($"Getting Nexus info for {found.Name}");
var info = NexusAPI.GetFileInfo((NexusMod)result, NexusKey);
catch (Exception ex)
Error($"Unable to resolve {found.Name} on the Nexus was the file removed?");
else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith("https://drive.google.com"))
var regex = new Regex("((?<=id=)[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)|(?<=\\/file\\/d\\/)[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*");
var match = regex.Match(general.directURL);
result = new GoogleDriveMod()
Id = match.ToString()
else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith(Consts.MegaPrefix))
result = new MEGAArchive()
URL = general.directURL
else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith("https://www.dropbox.com/"))
var uri = new UriBuilder((string)general.directURL);
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
if (query.GetValues("dl").Count() > 0)
query.Set("dl", "1");
uri.Query = query.ToString();
result = new DirectURLArchive()
URL = uri.ToString()
else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith("https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start"))
result = new MODDBArchive()
URL = general.directURL
else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith("http://www.mediafire.com/file/"))
Error("Mediafire links are not currently supported");
return null;
/*result = new MediaFireArchive()
URL = general.directURL
else if (general.directURL != null)
var tmp = new DirectURLArchive()
URL = general.directURL
if (general.directURLHeaders != null)
tmp.Headers = new List<string>();
result = tmp;
Error("No way to handle archive {0} but it's required by the modpack", found.Name);
return null;
result.Name = found.Name;
result.Hash = found.Hash;
result.Meta = found.Meta;
return result;
Error("No match found for Archive sha: {0} this shouldn't happen", sha);
return null;
private Directive RunStack(IEnumerable<Func<RawSourceFile, Directive>> stack, RawSourceFile source)
Status("Compiling {0}", source.Path);
return (from f in stack
let result = f(source)
where result != null
select result).First();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a execution stack. The stack should be passed into Run stack. Each function
/// in this stack will be run in-order and the first to return a non-null result will have its
/// result included into the pack
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private IEnumerable<Func<RawSourceFile, Directive>> MakeStack()
Info("Generating compilation stack");
return new List<Func<RawSourceFile, Directive>>()
// Ignore the ModOrganizer.ini file it contains info created by MO2 on startup
IgnoreStartsWith(Path.Combine(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, "Data")),
IgnoreStartsWith(Path.Combine(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, "Papyrus Compiler")),
IgnoreStartsWith(Path.Combine(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, "Skyrim")),
IgnoreRegex(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir + "\\\\.*\\.bsa"),
// If we have no match at this point for a game folder file, skip them, we can't do anything about them
// There are some types of files that will error the compilation, because tehy're created on-the-fly via tools
// so if we don't have a match by this point, just drop them.
// Don't know why, but this seems to get copied around a bit
// Theme file MO2 downloads somehow
/// <summary>
/// This function will search for a way to create a BSA in the installed mod list by assembling it from files
/// found in archives. To do this we hash all the files in side the BSA then try to find matches and patches for
/// all of the files.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> DeconstructBSAs()
var microstack = new List<Func<RawSourceFile, Directive>>()
return source =>
if (!Consts.SupportedBSAs.Contains(Path.GetExtension(source.Path))) return null;
var hashed = HashBSA(source.AbsolutePath);
var source_files = hashed.Select(e => new RawSourceFile() {
Hash = e.Item2,
Path = e.Item1,
AbsolutePath = e.Item1
var matches = source_files.Select(e => RunStack(microstack, e));
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
foreach (var match in matches)
if (match is IgnoredDirectly)
Error($"File required for BSA creation doesn't exist: {match.To}");
match.To = Path.Combine(Consts.BSACreationDir, id, match.To);
CreateBSA directive;
using (var bsa = new BSAReader(source.AbsolutePath))
directive = new CreateBSA()
To = source.Path,
TempID = id,
Type = (uint)bsa.HeaderType,
FileFlags = (uint)bsa.FileFlags,
ArchiveFlags = (uint)bsa.ArchiveFlags,
return directive;
/// <summary>
/// Given a BSA on disk, index it and return a dictionary of SHA256 -> filename
/// </summary>
/// <param name="absolutePath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private List<(string, string)> HashBSA(string absolutePath)
Status($"Hashing BSA: {absolutePath}");
var results = new List<(string, string)>();
using (var a = new BSAReader(absolutePath))
foreach (var entry in a.Files)
Status($"Hashing BSA: {absolutePath} - {entry.Path}");
var data = entry.GetData();
results.Add((entry.Path, data.SHA256()));
return results;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IgnoreDisabledMods()
var disabled_mods = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(MO2ProfileDir, "modlist.txt"))
.Where(line => line.StartsWith("-") && !line.EndsWith("_separator"))
.Select(line => Path.Combine("mods", line.Substring(1)) + "\\")
return source =>
if (disabled_mods.FirstOrDefault(mod => source.Path.StartsWith(mod)) != null)
var r = source.EvolveTo<IgnoredDirectly>();
r.Reason = "Disabled Mod";
return r;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IncludePatches()
var indexed = (from archive in IndexedArchives
from entry in archive.Entries
select new { archive = archive, entry = entry })
.GroupBy(e => Path.GetFileName(e.entry.Path).ToLower())
.ToDictionary(e => e.Key);
return source =>
if (indexed.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileName(source.Path.ToLower()), out var value))
var found = value.First();
var e = source.EvolveTo<PatchedFromArchive>();
e.From = found.entry.Path;
e.ArchiveHash = found.archive.Hash;
e.To = source.Path;
return e;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IncludeModIniData()
return source =>
if (source.Path.StartsWith("mods\\") && source.Path.EndsWith("\\meta.ini"))
var e = source.EvolveTo<InlineFile>();
e.SourceData = File.ReadAllBytes(source.AbsolutePath).ToBase64();
return e;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IgnoreGameFiles()
var start_dir = Consts.GameFolderFilesDir + "\\";
return source =>
if (source.Path.StartsWith(start_dir))
var i = source.EvolveTo<IgnoredDirectly>();
i.Reason = "Default game file";
return i;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IncludeThisProfile()
var correct_profile = Path.Combine("profiles", MO2Profile) + "\\";
return source =>
if (source.Path.StartsWith(correct_profile))
byte[] data;
if (source.Path.EndsWith("\\modlist.txt"))
data = ReadAndCleanModlist(source.AbsolutePath);
data = File.ReadAllBytes(source.AbsolutePath);
var e = source.EvolveTo<InlineFile>();
e.SourceData = data.ToBase64();
return e;
return null;
private byte[] ReadAndCleanModlist(string absolutePath)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(absolutePath);
lines = (from line in lines
where !(line.StartsWith("-") && !line.EndsWith("_separator"))
select line).ToArray();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Join("\r\n", lines));
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IgnoreOtherProfiles()
var correct_profile = Path.Combine("profiles", MO2Profile) + "\\";
return source =>
if (source.Path.StartsWith("profiles\\") && !source.Path.StartsWith(correct_profile))
var c = source.EvolveTo<IgnoredDirectly>();
c.Reason = "File not for this profile";
return c;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IgnoreEndsWith(string v)
var reason = String.Format("Ignored because path ends with {0}", v);
return source =>
if (source.Path.EndsWith(v))
var result = source.EvolveTo<IgnoredDirectly>();
result.Reason = reason;
return result;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IgnoreRegex(string p)
var reason = String.Format("Ignored because path matches regex {0}", p);
var regex = new Regex(p);
return source =>
if (regex.IsMatch(source.Path))
var result = source.EvolveTo<IgnoredDirectly>();
result.Reason = reason;
return result;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> DropAll()
return source => {
var result = source.EvolveTo<NoMatch>();
result.Reason = "No Match in Stack";
Info($"No match for: {source.Path}");
return result;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> DirectMatch()
var indexed = (from archive in IndexedArchives
from entry in archive.Entries
select new { archive = archive, entry = entry })
.GroupBy(e => e.entry.Hash)
.ToDictionary(e => e.Key);
var mod_inis = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(MO2Folder, "mods"))
.Select(f =>
var mod_name = Path.GetFileName(f);
var meta_path = Path.Combine(f, "meta.ini");
if (File.Exists(meta_path))
return (mod_name, meta_path.LoadIniFile());
return (null, null);
.Where(f => f.Item2 != null)
.ToDictionary(f => f.Item1, f => f.Item2);
return source =>
if (indexed.TryGetValue(source.Hash, out var found))
var result = source.EvolveTo<FromArchive>();
var match = found.Where(f => Path.GetFileName(f.entry.Path) == Path.GetFileName(source.Path))
.OrderByDescending(f => new FileInfo(f.archive.AbsolutePath).LastWriteTime)
if (match == null)
match = found.OrderByDescending(f => new FileInfo(f.archive.AbsolutePath).LastWriteTime)
result.ArchiveHash = match.archive.Hash;
result.From = match.entry.Path;
return result;
return null;
private Func<RawSourceFile, Directive> IgnoreStartsWith(string v)
var reason = String.Format("Ignored because path starts with {0}", v);
return source =>
if (source.Path.StartsWith(v))
var result = source.EvolveTo<IgnoredDirectly>();
result.Reason = reason;
return result;
return null;
internal void PatchExecutable()
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto };
var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ModList, settings).BZip2String();
var executable = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
var out_path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(executable), MO2Profile + ".exe");
Info("Patching Executable {0}", Path.GetFileName(out_path));
File.Copy(executable, out_path, true);
using (var os = File.OpenWrite(out_path))
using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(os))
long orig_pos = os.Length;
os.Position = os.Length;