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2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
class BotGroupMission_NOVAYA_AI1: MissionBase
void BotGroupMission_NOVAYA_AI1() { StartMissionAI(); }
AIWorld world = GetGame().GetWorld().GetAIWorld();
// Bot configs
vector BotSpawnPoint = "3392.02 195.989 12977.9"; // set the spawn point of the bot
int m_botAcuracy = Math.RandomInt(5,25); // Setting the bot's accuracy (the higher the number, the more often the bot misses)
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int BotSolderCountMin = 1; // assign the minimum number of bots
int BotSolderCountMax = Math.RandomInt(1,5); // assign the maximum number of bots
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int botLootCountMin = Math.RandomInt(1,5); // set the minimum amount of loot for the bot
int botLootCountMax = Math.RandomInt(6,15); // assign the maximum amount of loot for the bot
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float Zone_Radius = 1100; // Trigger radius for the player to spawn bots
bool isUseCheckPoints = true; // set whether checkpoints are used true - used, fslse - not used
bool isBotKaratist = false; // We set whether bots will carry weapons or will be fought with fists, by default they are with weapons, if needed without a firearm, write true
int rndBotKaratist = Math.RandomInt(0,100);
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bool onRespawnBot = true; // Enable or disable bot respawn (true - enabled, fslse - disabled)
bool canUseTrigger = true; // Use trigger (true - enabled, fslse - disabled), if the trigger is not used, bots will spawn immediately after starting the server
bool useKilFeed = true; // Enabling or disabling alerts when killing a bot
bool m_Frendly = true; // Friendliness :) enable or disable. If enabled, then bots will not attack you until you attack it, if you attack a bot, you will become an enemy for all bots.
int rndFriendly = Math.RandomInt(0,100);
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bool onVoice = true; // Enable or disable bot voice (enabling this setting causes more server load)
int m_spawnBotRadius = 400; // The radius of the spawn of bots in the territory, the center of the territory is the coordinate specified in BotSpawnPoint
int m_SpeedPatrol = 2; // Setting the movement speed while patrolling (min = 1 max = 3)
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int rndTargetDist = Math.RandomInt( 100, 200 );
int m_TargetDist = Math.RandomInt(100,200); // We set the distance in meters at which the bot sees the target.
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bool canBotSpawned = true; // Do not change !!!!!!!
int rndHlt;
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
// ------------------------------- end of config ------------------------------------------ //
// Arrays with loot and clothes
// If some type is not needed, just leave empty quotes example ---> TStringArray OtherEquip = {""};
ref TStringArray Shirt = {"","BomberJacket_Black","BomberJacket_Blue","BomberJacket_Brown","BomberJacket_Grey","BomberJacket_Maroon","BomberJacket_Olive","BomberJacket_SkyBlue","ChernarusSportShirt",
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
"MiniDress_PinkChecker","MiniDress_RedChecker","MiniDress_WhiteChecker","NurseDress_Blue","NurseDress_White"}; //Add the top of the clothes
ref TStringArray Jeans = {"","Breeches_Beetcheck","Breeches_Beige","Breeches_Black","Breeches_Blackcheck","Breeches_Blue","Breeches_Browncheck","Breeches_Green","Breeches_Pink",
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
"TrackSuitPants_Green","TrackSuitPants_LightBlue","TrackSuitPants_Red","",""}; //Add pants
ref TStringArray Shoes = {"AthleticShoes_Black","AthleticShoes_Blue","AthleticShoes_Brown","AthleticShoes_Green","AthleticShoes_Grey","","","","","","DressShoes_Beige","DressShoes_Black","DressShoes_Brown",
"WorkingBoots_Green","WorkingBoots_Grey","WorkingBoots_Yellow"}; //Add boots
ref TStringArray BackPack = {"","","","","","","","","","ImprovisedBag","","","","","","","","","TaloonBag_Blue","TaloonBag_Green","TaloonBag_Orange","TaloonBag_Violet","","ChildBag_Blue",
"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}; //Add the Backpack
ref TStringArray Vest = {"","","","","","","PressVest_Blue","PressVest_LightBlue","ReflexVest","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",
"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}; //Add Vest
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
ref TStringArray Helm = {"Balaclava3Holes_Beige","Balaclava3Holes_Black","Balaclava3Holes_Blue","Balaclava3Holes_Green","BalaclavaMask_Beige","BalaclavaMask_Black","BalaclavaMask_Blackskull",
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}; //Add a helmet or headgear
ref TStringArray Gloves = {"","","","","","", "WorkingGloves_Beige","WorkingGloves_Black","WorkingGloves_Brown","WorkingGloves_Yellow","SurgicalGloves_Blue","SurgicalGloves_Green","SurgicalGloves_LightBlue",
"SurgicalGloves_White","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}; //Add gloves
ref TStringArray OtherEquip = {"CivilianBelt","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}; //Add an additional item of clothing, it can be anything :)
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
ref TStringArray RandomLoot = {"Apple","AgaricusMushroom","AuriculariaMushroom","BakedBeansCan","Bitterlings","BoxCerealCrunchin","BrisketSpread","Canteen",
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}; //We add any loot to the array, the amount is not limited
ref TStringArray MeleeWeap = {"WoodAxe", "FirefighterAxe", "Shovel", "Pickaxe"}; //Add melee weapons
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
// -------------------------------- end -------------------------------------------------------//
EntityAI itemEnt; // Do not change !!!!
// Function for creating checkpoints (register checkpoints here)
void AddCeckPoint(SurvivorBotBase m_BotSolder)
m_BotSolder.SetUseCheckpoint(); // Do not touch this line!
/* m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13429.400391 5.890710 6028.540039");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13380.400391 6.140470 6040.580078");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13376.799805 6.140510 6130.660156");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13404.700195 6.083950 6218.189941");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13412.400391 5.780290 6245.870117");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13425.799805 5.979890 6270.229980");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13427.099609 6.382700 6348.950195");
m_BotSolder.AddCheckpoint("13464.400391 6.096580 6368.109863"); */
// ---------------------------------- end -------------------------------------- /
ref array<SurvivorBotBase> m_BotMass = new array<SurvivorBotBase>;
ref array<SurvivorBotBase> m_PlaersZoneArray = new array<SurvivorBotBase>;
// The function of creating weapons for the bot (here you can add 7 weapon wmds, enter at your discretion)
void createWeapFromBot(SurvivorBotBase m_BotSolder)
int randomWeapon = Math.RandomInt(1, 7);
switch( randomWeapon )
case 1:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("Deagle"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_Deagle_9rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
case 2:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("Colt1911"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_1911_7Rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
case 3:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("MKII"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_MKII_10Rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
case 4:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("Glock19"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_Glock_15Rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
case 5:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("CZ61"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_CZ61_20Rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
case 6:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("CZ527"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_CZ527_5rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
case 7:
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
m_BotSolder.AddWeapon("Ruger1022"); //Gun
m_BotSolder.AddMagazine("Mag_Ruger1022_15Rnd"); //Mag
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//We add body kits as needed, magazines for weapons are issued automatically, no need to add them
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
// ----------------------------- end ------------------------------------- //
// Bot spawn function (we don't change anything here !!!)
void createBotUnit()
vector Navmesh;
vector botSpPos;
private SurvivorBotBase m_BotSolder;
ref TStringArray m_BotBody = { "BotM_Mirek", "BotM_Rolf", "BotM_Quinn", "BotM_Peter", "BotM_Oliver" };
PGFilter m_pgFilterNav = new PGFilter();
m_pgFilterNav.SetFlags(PGPolyFlags.WALK, PGPolyFlags.INSIDE, 0);
float bspX = BotSpawnPoint[0];
float bspY = BotSpawnPoint[2];
if (isUseCheckPoints)
botSpPos = Vector(bspX + Math.RandomInt(-7, 7), BotSpawnPoint[1], bspY + Math.RandomInt(-7, 7));
botSpPos = Vector(bspX + Math.RandomInt(-m_spawnBotRadius, m_spawnBotRadius), BotSpawnPoint[1], bspY + Math.RandomInt(-m_spawnBotRadius, m_spawnBotRadius));
bool IsNavmesh = world.SampleNavmeshPosition( botSpPos, 2, m_pgFilterNav, Navmesh );
if (IsNavmesh)
m_BotSolder = SurvivorBotBase.Cast(GetGame().CreatePlayer(null, m_BotBody.GetRandomElement(), Navmesh, 0, "NONE"));
m_BotSolder = SurvivorBotBase.Cast(GetGame().CreatePlayer(null, m_BotBody.GetRandomElement(), botSpPos, 0, "NONE"));
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(Shirt.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(Jeans.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(Shoes.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(BackPack.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(Vest.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(Helm.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(Gloves.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(OtherEquip.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
//Determine of Bots have guns...
if (rndBotKaratist > 10){
isBotKaratist = false;
Print("ZZZ: Guns?=FALSE " + rndBotKaratist);
isBotKaratist = true;
Print("ZZZ: Guns?=TRUE " + rndBotKaratist);
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
if (isBotKaratist)
int rndLootCnt = Math.RandomInt(botLootCountMin, botLootCountMax);
for (int i = 0; i < rndLootCnt; i++)
itemEnt = m_BotSolder.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(RandomLoot.GetRandomElement());
if (itemEnt)
rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(55,90);
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
//Determine of bots are friendly...
if (rndFriendly < 30){
m_Frendly = false;
Print("ZZZ: Friendly=FALSE " + rndFriendly);
m_Frendly = true;
Print("ZZZ: Friendly=TRUE " + rndFriendly);
2021-11-28 19:59:34 +00:00
if (isUseCheckPoints)
// ----------------------------- end ------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------- Bots respawn function ----------------------------------------//
private void respawnBotUnitC1()
ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>;
GetGame().GetPlayers( players );
SurvivorBotBase Bot_Ar;
vector posB;
bool m_botRemoved = false;
float distB;
int m_countBot = m_BotMass.Count();
int plaersZoneCount = -1;
if (canBotSpawned)
for ( int u = 0; u < players.Count(); u++ )
PlayerBase player;
Class.CastTo(player, players.Get(u));
vector pos = player.GetPosition();
float dist = vector.Distance( pos, BotSpawnPoint );
if ( dist < Zone_Radius && player.IsAlive() )
// return;
Print("Players count in zone bots C1 = " + m_PlaersZoneArray.Count());
if (m_PlaersZoneArray.Count() == 0)
for ( int a = 0; a < m_countBot; a++ )
Bot_Ar = m_BotMass.Get(a);
if (Bot_Ar)
if (!Bot_Ar.IsAlive())
posB = Bot_Ar.GetPosition();
distB = vector.Distance( posB, BotSpawnPoint );
if (distB < Zone_Radius)
m_BotMass.Remove( a );
if (m_BotMass.Count() == 0)
m_botRemoved = true;
if (distB < Zone_Radius)
m_BotMass.Remove( a );
GetGame().ObjectDelete( Bot_Ar );
if (m_BotMass.Count() == 0)
m_botRemoved = true;
if (m_botRemoved && m_PlaersZoneArray.Count() == 0)
m_botRemoved = false;
// ----------------------------- end ----------------------------------------//
// Spawn function of a group of bots
int delaySpawn = 0;
void spawnBotGroup()
int rndBotGrpCnt = Math.RandomInt(BotSolderCountMin, BotSolderCountMax);
Print("Bots spawned! Count " + rndBotGrpCnt);
for (int a = 0; a < rndBotGrpCnt; a++)
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(createBotUnit, 500 + delaySpawn);
delaySpawn +=1000;
// --------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------- //
// Player trigger function
void TriggerPlayersC1()
ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>;
GetGame().GetPlayers( players );
delaySpawn = 0;
if (canBotSpawned && IsGoodSrvFps())
for ( int u = 0; u < players.Count(); u++ )
PlayerBase player;
Class.CastTo(player, players.Get(u));
vector pos = player.GetPosition();
float dist = vector.Distance( pos, BotSpawnPoint );
if ( dist < Zone_Radius && !player.IsBot() )
if (onRespawnBot)
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(respawnBotUnitC1, 60000, true);
// --------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------- //
void StartMissionAI()
Print("Start mission bot");
if (canUseTrigger)
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(TriggerPlayersC1, 5000, true);
else if (IsGoodSrvFps())
bool IsGoodSrvFps()
float TestFpsSrv = GetGame().GetFps();
if (TestFpsSrv < 2)
return true;
Print("Server FPS low! FPS = " + TestFpsSrv + " Bots not respawned!");
return false;