mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:12 +00:00
Split parse_page
into several methods and some minor refactorings
Makes `parse_page` more readable
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,28 +256,63 @@ class Parser:
log.info(f"Parsing page '{url}'")
log.info(f"Parsing page '{url}'")
log.debug(f"Using page config: {self.get_page_config(url)}")
log.debug(f"Using page config: {self.get_page_config(url)}")
if not index: # if this is the first page being parsed
index = url # set it as the index.html
if not index:
except TimeoutException:
# if this is the first page being parsed, set it as the index.html
index = url
# if dark theme is enabled, set local storage item and re-load the page
if self.args.get("dark_theme", True):
log.debug(f"Dark theme is enabled")
except TimeoutException as ex:
"Timeout waiting for page content to load, or no content found."
"Timeout waiting for page content to load, or no content found."
" Are you sure the page is set to public?"
" Are you sure the page is set to public?"
# open the toggle blocks in the page
# creates soup from the page to start parsing
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.driver.page_source, "html.parser")
self.set_custom_meta_tags(url, soup)
self.embed_custom_fonts(url, soup)
# inject any custom elements to the page
custom_injects = self.get_page_config(url).get("inject", {})
self.inject_custom_tags("head", soup, custom_injects)
self.inject_custom_tags("body", soup, custom_injects)
hrefDomain = f'{url.split("notion.site")[0]}notion.site'
log.info(f"Got the domain as {hrefDomain}")
subpages = self.find_subpages(url, index, soup, hrefDomain)
self.export_parsed_page(url, index, soup)
self.parse_subpages(index, subpages)
def load_correct_theme(self, url):
# if dark theme is enabled, set local storage item and re-load the page
if self.args.get("dark_theme", True):
log.debug("Dark theme is enabled")
# light theme is on by default
# light theme is on by default
# enable dark mode based on https://fruitionsite.com/ dark mode hack
# enable dark mode based on https://fruitionsite.com/ dark mode hack
if self.config.get('theme') == 'dark':
if self.config.get('theme') == 'dark':
self.driver.execute_script("__console.environment.ThemeStore.setState({ mode: 'dark' });")
self.driver.execute_script("__console.environment.ThemeStore.setState({ mode: 'dark' });")
def scroll_to_the_bottom(self):
# scroll at the bottom of the notion-scroller element to load all elements
# scroll at the bottom of the notion-scroller element to load all elements
# continue once there are no changes in height after a timeout
# continue once there are no changes in height after a timeout
# don't do this if the page has a calendar databse on it or it will load forever
# don't do this if the page has a calendar databse on it or it will load forever
@ -299,302 +334,6 @@ class Parser:
last_height = new_height
last_height = new_height
# open the toggle blocks in the page
# creates soup from the page to start parsing
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.driver.page_source, "html.parser")
# remove scripts and other tags we don't want / need
for unwanted in soup.findAll("script"):
for intercom_frame in soup.findAll("iframe", {"id": "intercom-frame"}):
for intercom_div in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "intercom-lightweight-app"}):
for overlay_div in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-overlay-container"}):
for vendors_css in soup.find_all("link", href=lambda x: x and "vendors~" in x):
# collection selectors (List, Gallery, etc.) don't work, so remove them
for collection_selector in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-collection-view-select"}):
# clean up the default notion meta tags
for tag in [
unwanted_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": tag})
if unwanted_tag:
for tag in [
unwanted_og_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs={"property": tag})
if unwanted_og_tag:
# set custom meta tags
custom_meta_tags = self.get_page_config(url).get("meta", [])
for custom_meta_tag in custom_meta_tags:
tag = soup.new_tag("meta")
for attr, value in custom_meta_tag.items():
tag.attrs[attr] = value
log.debug(f"Adding meta tag {str(tag)}")
# process images & emojis
cache_images = True
for img in soup.findAll("img"):
if img.has_attr("src"):
if cache_images and not "data:image" in img["src"]:
img_src = img["src"]
# if the path starts with /, it's one of notion's predefined images
if img["src"].startswith("/"):
img_src = "https://www.notion.so" + img["src"]
# notion's own default images urls are in a weird format, need to sanitize them
# img_src = 'https://www.notion.so' + img['src'].split("notion.so")[-1].replace("notion.so", "").split("?")[0]
# if (not '.amazonaws' in img_src):
# img_src = urllib.parse.unquote(img_src)
cached_image = self.cache_file(img_src)
img["src"] = cached_image
if img["src"].startswith("/"):
img["src"] = "https://www.notion.so" + img["src"]
# on emoji images, cache their sprite sheet and re-set their background url
if img.has_attr("class") and "notion-emoji" in img["class"]:
style = cssutils.parseStyle(img["style"])
spritesheet = style["background"]
spritesheet_url = spritesheet[
spritesheet.find("(") + 1: spritesheet.find(")")
cached_spritesheet_url = self.cache_file(
"https://www.notion.so" + spritesheet_url
style["background"] = spritesheet.replace(
spritesheet_url, str(cached_spritesheet_url)
img["style"] = style.cssText
# process stylesheets
for link in soup.findAll("link", rel="stylesheet"):
if link.has_attr("href") and link["href"].startswith("/"):
# we don't need the vendors stylesheet
if "vendors~" in link["href"]:
cached_css_file = self.cache_file("https://www.notion.so" + link["href"])
# files in the css file might be reference with a relative path,
# so store the path of the current css file
parent_css_path = os.path.split(urllib.parse.urlparse(link["href"]).path)[0]
# open the locally saved file
with open(self.dist_folder / cached_css_file, "rb+") as f:
stylesheet = cssutils.parseString(f.read())
# open the stylesheet and check for any font-face rule,
for rule in stylesheet.cssRules:
if rule.type == cssutils.css.CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE:
# if any are found, download the font file
# TODO: maths fonts have fallback font sources
font_file = (
# assemble the url given the current css path
font_url = "/".join(p.strip("/") for p in ["https://www.notion.so", parent_css_path, font_file] if p.strip("/"))
# don't hash the font files filenames, rather get filename only
cached_font_file = self.cache_file(font_url, Path(font_file).name)
rule.style["src"] = f"url({cached_font_file})"
# commit stylesheet edits to file
link["href"] = str(cached_css_file)
# add our custom logic to all toggle blocks
for toggle_block in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-toggle-block"}):
toggle_id = uuid.uuid4()
toggle_button = toggle_block.select_one("div[role=button]")
toggle_content = toggle_block.find("div", {"class": None, "style": ""})
if toggle_button and toggle_content:
# add a custom class to the toggle button and content,
# plus a custom attribute sharing a unique uiid so
# we can hook them up with some custom js logic later
toggle_button["class"] = toggle_block.get("class", []) + [
toggle_content["class"] = toggle_content.get("class", []) + [
toggle_content.attrs["loconotion-toggle-id"] = toggle_button.attrs[
] = toggle_id
# if there are any table views in the page, add links to the title rows
# the link to the row item is equal to its data-block-id without dashes
for table_view in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-table-view"}):
for table_row in table_view.findAll(
"div", {"class": "notion-collection-item"}
table_row_block_id = table_row["data-block-id"]
table_row_href = "/" + table_row_block_id.replace("-", "")
row_target_span = table_row.find("span")
row_target_span["style"] = row_target_span["style"].replace("pointer-events: none;","")
row_link_wrapper = soup.new_tag(
"a", attrs={"href": table_row_href, "style": "cursor: pointer; color: inherit; text-decoration: none; fill: inherit;"}
# embed custom google font(s)
fonts_selectors = {
"site": "div:not(.notion-code-block)",
"navbar": ".notion-topbar div",
"title": ".notion-page-block > div, .notion-collection_view_page-block > div[data-root]",
"h1": ".notion-header-block div, notion-page-content > notion-collection_view-block > div:first-child div",
"h2": ".notion-sub_header-block div",
"h3": ".notion-sub_sub_header-block div",
"body": ".notion-scroller",
"code": ".notion-code-block *",
custom_fonts = self.get_page_config(url).get("fonts", {})
if custom_fonts:
# append a stylesheet importing the google font for each unique font
unique_custom_fonts = set(custom_fonts.values())
for font in unique_custom_fonts:
if font:
google_fonts_embed_name = font.replace(" ", "+")
font_href = f"https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family={google_fonts_embed_name}:wght@500;600;700&display=swap"
custom_font_stylesheet = soup.new_tag(
"link", rel="stylesheet", href=font_href
# go through each custom font, and add a css rule overriding the font-family
# to the font override stylesheet targetting the appropriate selector
font_override_stylesheet = soup.new_tag("style", type="text/css")
for target, custom_font in custom_fonts.items():
if custom_font and not target == "site":
log.debug(f"Setting {target} font-family to {custom_font}")
+ " {font-family:"
+ custom_font
+ " !important} "
site_font = custom_fonts.get("site", None)
# process global site font last to more granular settings can override it
if site_font:
log.debug(f"Setting global site font-family to {site_font}"),
fonts_selectors["site"] + " {font-family:" + site_font + "} "
# finally append the font overrides stylesheets to the page
# inject any custom elements to the page
custom_injects = self.get_page_config(url).get("inject", {})
self.inject_custom_tags("head", soup, custom_injects)
self.inject_custom_tags("body", soup, custom_injects)
# inject loconotion's custom stylesheet and script
loconotion_custom_css = self.cache_file(Path("bundles/loconotion.css"))
custom_css = soup.new_tag(
"link", rel="stylesheet", href=str(loconotion_custom_css)
soup.head.insert(-1, custom_css)
loconotion_custom_js = self.cache_file(Path("bundles/loconotion.js"))
custom_script = soup.new_tag(
"script", type="text/javascript", src=str(loconotion_custom_js)
soup.body.insert(-1, custom_script)
hrefDomain = url.split('notion.site')[0] + 'notion.site'
log.info(f"Got the domain as {hrefDomain}")
# find sub-pages and clean slugs / links
sub_pages = []
parse_links = not self.get_page_config(url).get("no-links", False)
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
sub_page_href = a["href"]
if sub_page_href.startswith("/"):
sub_page_href = hrefDomain + '/'+ a["href"].split('/')[len(a["href"].split('/'))-1]
log.info(f"Got this as href {sub_page_href}")
if sub_page_href.startswith(hrefDomain):
if parse_links or not len(a.find_parents("div", class_="notion-scroller")):
# if the link is an anchor link,
# check if the page hasn't already been parsed
if "#" in sub_page_href:
sub_page_href_tokens = sub_page_href.split("#")
sub_page_href = sub_page_href_tokens[0]
a["href"] = "#" + sub_page_href_tokens[-1]
a["class"] = a.get("class", []) + ["loconotion-anchor-link"]
if (
sub_page_href in self.processed_pages.keys()
or sub_page_href in sub_pages
f"Original page for anchor link {sub_page_href}"
" already parsed / pending parsing, skipping"
a["href"] = (
if sub_page_href != index
else "index.html"
log.debug(f"Found link to page {a['href']}")
# if the page is set not to follow any links, strip the href
# do this only on children of .notion-scroller, we don't want
# to strip the links from the top nav bar
log.debug(f"Stripping link for {a['href']}")
del a["href"]
a.name = "span"
# remove pointer cursor styling on the link and all children
for child in ([a] + a.find_all()):
if (child.has_attr("style")):
style = cssutils.parseStyle(child['style'])
style['cursor'] = "default"
child['style'] = style.cssText
# exports the parsed page
html_str = str(soup)
html_file = self.get_page_slug(url) if url != index else "index.html"
if html_file in self.processed_pages.values():
f"Found duplicate pages with slug '{html_file}' - previous one will be"
" overwritten. Make sure that your notion pages names or custom slugs"
" in the configuration files are unique"
log.info(f"Exporting page '{url}' as '{html_file}'")
with open(self.dist_folder / html_file, "wb") as f:
self.processed_pages[url] = html_file
# parse sub-pages
if sub_pages and not self.args.get("single_page", False):
if self.processed_pages:
log.debug(f"Pages processed so far: {len(self.processed_pages)}")
for sub_page in sub_pages:
if not sub_page in self.processed_pages.keys():
self.parse_page(sub_page, index=index)
def open_toggle_blocks(self, timeout: int, exclude=[]):
def open_toggle_blocks(self, timeout: int, exclude=[]):
"""Expand all the toggle block in the page to make their content visible
"""Expand all the toggle block in the page to make their content visible
@ -641,6 +380,214 @@ class Parser:
# if so, run the function again
# if so, run the function again
self.open_toggle_blocks(timeout, opened_toggles)
self.open_toggle_blocks(timeout, opened_toggles)
def clean_up(self, soup):
# remove scripts and other tags we don't want / need
for unwanted in soup.findAll("script"):
for intercom_frame in soup.findAll("iframe", {"id": "intercom-frame"}):
for intercom_div in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "intercom-lightweight-app"}):
for overlay_div in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-overlay-container"}):
for vendors_css in soup.find_all("link", href=lambda x: x and "vendors~" in x):
# collection selectors (List, Gallery, etc.) don't work, so remove them
for collection_selector in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-collection-view-select"}):
# clean up the default notion meta tags
for tag in [
unwanted_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": tag})
if unwanted_tag:
for tag in [
unwanted_og_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs={"property": tag})
if unwanted_og_tag:
def set_custom_meta_tags(self, url, soup):
# set custom meta tags
custom_meta_tags = self.get_page_config(url).get("meta", [])
for custom_meta_tag in custom_meta_tags:
tag = soup.new_tag("meta")
for attr, value in custom_meta_tag.items():
tag.attrs[attr] = value
log.debug(f"Adding meta tag {str(tag)}")
def process_images_and_emojis(self, soup):
# process images & emojis
cache_images = True
for img in soup.findAll("img"):
if img.has_attr("src"):
if cache_images and "data:image" not in img["src"]:
img_src = img["src"]
# if the path starts with /, it's one of notion's predefined images
if img["src"].startswith("/"):
img_src = f'https://www.notion.so{img["src"]}'
# notion's own default images urls are in a weird format, need to sanitize them
# img_src = 'https://www.notion.so' + img['src'].split("notion.so")[-1].replace("notion.so", "").split("?")[0]
# if (not '.amazonaws' in img_src):
# img_src = urllib.parse.unquote(img_src)
cached_image = self.cache_file(img_src)
img["src"] = cached_image
elif img["src"].startswith("/"):
img["src"] = f'https://www.notion.so{img["src"]}'
# on emoji images, cache their sprite sheet and re-set their background url
if img.has_attr("class") and "notion-emoji" in img["class"]:
style = cssutils.parseStyle(img["style"])
spritesheet = style["background"]
spritesheet_url = spritesheet[
spritesheet.find("(") + 1: spritesheet.find(")")
cached_spritesheet_url = self.cache_file(
style["background"] = spritesheet.replace(
spritesheet_url, str(cached_spritesheet_url)
img["style"] = style.cssText
def process_stylesheets(self, soup):
# process stylesheets
for link in soup.findAll("link", rel="stylesheet"):
if link.has_attr("href") and link["href"].startswith("/"):
# we don't need the vendors stylesheet
if "vendors~" in link["href"]:
cached_css_file = self.cache_file(f'https://www.notion.so{link["href"]}')
# files in the css file might be reference with a relative path,
# so store the path of the current css file
parent_css_path = os.path.split(urllib.parse.urlparse(link["href"]).path)[0]
# open the locally saved file
with open(self.dist_folder / cached_css_file, "rb+") as f:
stylesheet = cssutils.parseString(f.read())
# open the stylesheet and check for any font-face rule,
for rule in stylesheet.cssRules:
if rule.type == cssutils.css.CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE:
# if any are found, download the font file
# TODO: maths fonts have fallback font sources
font_file = (
# assemble the url given the current css path
font_url = "/".join(p.strip("/") for p in ["https://www.notion.so", parent_css_path, font_file] if p.strip("/"))
# don't hash the font files filenames, rather get filename only
cached_font_file = self.cache_file(font_url, Path(font_file).name)
rule.style["src"] = f"url({cached_font_file})"
# commit stylesheet edits to file
link["href"] = str(cached_css_file)
def add_toggle_custom_logic(self, soup):
# add our custom logic to all toggle blocks
for toggle_block in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-toggle-block"}):
toggle_id = uuid.uuid4()
toggle_button = toggle_block.select_one("div[role=button]")
toggle_content = toggle_block.find("div", {"class": None, "style": ""})
if toggle_button and toggle_content:
# add a custom class to the toggle button and content,
# plus a custom attribute sharing a unique uiid so
# we can hook them up with some custom js logic later
toggle_button["class"] = toggle_block.get("class", []) + [
toggle_content["class"] = toggle_content.get("class", []) + [
toggle_content.attrs["loconotion-toggle-id"] = toggle_button.attrs[
] = toggle_id
def process_table_views(self, soup):
# if there are any table views in the page, add links to the title rows
# the link to the row item is equal to its data-block-id without dashes
for table_view in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-table-view"}):
for table_row in table_view.findAll(
"div", {"class": "notion-collection-item"}
table_row_block_id = table_row["data-block-id"]
table_row_href = "/" + table_row_block_id.replace("-", "")
row_target_span = table_row.find("span")
row_target_span["style"] = row_target_span["style"].replace("pointer-events: none;","")
row_link_wrapper = soup.new_tag(
"a", attrs={"href": table_row_href, "style": "cursor: pointer; color: inherit; text-decoration: none; fill: inherit;"}
def embed_custom_fonts(self, url, soup):
if not (custom_fonts := self.get_page_config(url).get("fonts", {})):
# append a stylesheet importing the google font for each unique font
unique_custom_fonts = set(custom_fonts.values())
for font in unique_custom_fonts:
if font:
google_fonts_embed_name = font.replace(" ", "+")
font_href = f"https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family={google_fonts_embed_name}:wght@500;600;700&display=swap"
custom_font_stylesheet = soup.new_tag(
"link", rel="stylesheet", href=font_href
# go through each custom font, and add a css rule overriding the font-family
# to the font override stylesheet targetting the appropriate selector
font_override_stylesheet = soup.new_tag("style", type="text/css")
# embed custom google font(s)
fonts_selectors = {
"site": "div:not(.notion-code-block)",
"navbar": ".notion-topbar div",
"title": ".notion-page-block > div, .notion-collection_view_page-block > div[data-root]",
"h1": ".notion-header-block div, notion-page-content > notion-collection_view-block > div:first-child div",
"h2": ".notion-sub_header-block div",
"h3": ".notion-sub_sub_header-block div",
"body": ".notion-scroller",
"code": ".notion-code-block *",
for target, custom_font in custom_fonts.items():
if custom_font and target != "site":
log.debug(f"Setting {target} font-family to {custom_font}")
+ " {font-family:"
+ custom_font
+ " !important} "
site_font = custom_fonts.get("site", None)
if site_font:
log.debug(f"Setting global site font-family to {site_font}"),
fonts_selectors["site"] + " {font-family:" + site_font + "} "
# finally append the font overrides stylesheets to the page
def inject_custom_tags(self, section: str, soup, custom_injects: dict):
def inject_custom_tags(self, section: str, soup, custom_injects: dict):
"""Inject custom tags to the given section.
"""Inject custom tags to the given section.
@ -667,6 +614,93 @@ class Parser:
log.debug(f'Injecting <{section}> tag: {injected_tag}')
log.debug(f'Injecting <{section}> tag: {injected_tag}')
def inject_loconotion_script_and_css(self, soup):
# inject loconotion's custom stylesheet and script
loconotion_custom_css = self.cache_file(Path("bundles/loconotion.css"))
custom_css = soup.new_tag(
"link", rel="stylesheet", href=str(loconotion_custom_css)
soup.head.insert(-1, custom_css)
loconotion_custom_js = self.cache_file(Path("bundles/loconotion.js"))
custom_script = soup.new_tag(
"script", type="text/javascript", src=str(loconotion_custom_js)
soup.body.insert(-1, custom_script)
def find_subpages(self, url, index, soup, hrefDomain):
# find sub-pages and clean slugs / links
subpages = []
parse_links = not self.get_page_config(url).get("no-links", False)
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
sub_page_href = a["href"]
if sub_page_href.startswith("/"):
sub_page_href = f'{hrefDomain}/{a["href"].split("/")[len(a["href"].split("/"))-1]}'
log.info(f"Got this as href {sub_page_href}")
if sub_page_href.startswith(hrefDomain):
if parse_links or not len(a.find_parents("div", class_="notion-scroller")):
# if the link is an anchor link,
# check if the page hasn't already been parsed
if "#" in sub_page_href:
sub_page_href_tokens = sub_page_href.split("#")
sub_page_href = sub_page_href_tokens[0]
a["href"] = f'#{sub_page_href_tokens[-1]}'
a["class"] = a.get("class", []) + ["loconotion-anchor-link"]
if (
sub_page_href in self.processed_pages.keys()
or sub_page_href in subpages
f"Original page for anchor link {sub_page_href}"
" already parsed / pending parsing, skipping"
a["href"] = (
if sub_page_href != index
else "index.html"
log.debug(f"Found link to page {a['href']}")
# if the page is set not to follow any links, strip the href
# do this only on children of .notion-scroller, we don't want
# to strip the links from the top nav bar
log.debug(f"Stripping link for {a['href']}")
del a["href"]
a.name = "span"
# remove pointer cursor styling on the link and all children
for child in ([a] + a.find_all()):
if (child.has_attr("style")):
style = cssutils.parseStyle(child['style'])
style['cursor'] = "default"
child['style'] = style.cssText
return subpages
def export_parsed_page(self, url, index, soup):
# exports the parsed page
html_str = str(soup)
html_file = self.get_page_slug(url) if url != index else "index.html"
if html_file in self.processed_pages.values():
f"Found duplicate pages with slug '{html_file}' - previous one will be"
" overwritten. Make sure that your notion pages names or custom slugs"
" in the configuration files are unique"
log.info(f"Exporting page '{url}' as '{html_file}'")
with open(self.dist_folder / html_file, "wb") as f:
self.processed_pages[url] = html_file
def parse_subpages(self, index, subpages):
# parse sub-pages
if subpages and not self.args.get("single_page", False):
if self.processed_pages:
log.debug(f"Pages processed so far: {len(self.processed_pages)}")
for sub_page in subpages:
if sub_page not in self.processed_pages.keys():
self.parse_page(sub_page, index=index)
def load(self, url):
def load(self, url):
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 60).until(notion_page_loaded())
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 60).until(notion_page_loaded())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user