Revised table rows parsing method

This commit is contained in:
Leonardo Cavaletti 2020-10-02 09:27:12 +01:00
parent c1329e050c
commit b1705ed799

View File

@ -451,42 +451,13 @@ class Parser:
] = toggle_id
# if there are any table views in the page, add links to the title rows
# the link to the row item is equal to its data-block-id without dashes
for table_view in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "notion-table-view"}):
for table_row in table_view.findAll(
"div", {"class": "notion-collection-item"}
# for each row, hover the mouse over it to make the open button appear,
# then grab its href and wrap the table row's name into a link
table_row_block_id = table_row["data-block-id"]
table_row_hover_target = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
f"div[data-block-id='{table_row_block_id}'] > div > div"
# need to scroll the row into view or else
# the open button won't visible to selenium
"arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", table_row_hover_target
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 5).until(
f"div[data-block-id='{table_row_block_id}'] > div > a",
except TimeoutException as ex:
f"Timeout waiting for the 'open' button to appear for"
f" row in table with block id {table_row_block_id}"
table_row_href = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
f"div[data-block-id='{table_row_block_id}'] > div > a"
table_row_href = table_row_href.split("")[-1]
table_row_href = "/" + table_row_block_id.replace("-", "")
row_target_span = table_row.find("span")
row_link_wrapper = soup.new_tag(
"a", attrs={"href": table_row_href, "style": "cursor: pointer;"}