/* enables hover effect on buttons */ div[role="button"]:not(.notion-record-icon):hover { background: rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.08); } /* hides loading spinners */ .loading-spinner { display: none !important; } /* hides elements on the top right (search box, duplicate, notion shortcut) */ .notion-topbar > div > div:not(:first-child) { display: none !important; } /* stops inline databases from overflowing horizontally */ .notion-frame { max-width: 100%; width: 100vw !important; } .notion-selectable { max-width: 100% !important; } .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; } /* Resizes inlines databases */ .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block > div, .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block .notion-list-view, .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block .notion-gallery-view, .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block .notion-table-view, .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block .notion-board-view, .notion-scroller .notion-collection_view-block .notion-calendar-view { max-width: 100% !important; padding-left: unset !important; padding-right: unset !important; } /* pull alias arrows back inline */ svg.alias { display: inline-block !important; height: auto !important; } /* stops text from overflowing past max-width on bookmark blocks; */ .notion-bookmark-block div { white-space: unset !important; } /* fixes oversized page properties on Safari */ .notion-scroller > div:nth-child(2):not(.notion-page-content) > div:not([data-block-id]) div:not(.notion-page-details-controls) { height: auto !important; } /* fixes possible stray header on tables */ .notion-collection_view_page-block > div:first-child { transform: unset !important; } /* fixes oversize icons in inline page links */ a[data-token-index] svg.page { height: auto !important; } /* mobile fixes */ @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) { /* normalizes banner / page title width */ .notion-scroller > div:not([class]), .notion-scroller > div > div:not([class]) { width: 100% !important; max-width: 960px !important; padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important; } /* normalizes content width */ .notion-page-content, .notion-page-content > .notion-collection_view-block, .notion-page-content > .notion-collection_view-block > div, .notion-page-content > .notion-collection_view-block > .notion-scroller > div { width: 100vw !important; /* max-width: unset !important; */ padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; } /* add padding to banner, but not to image */ .notion-frame > .notion-scroller > div:first-child > div:last-child { padding-right: 2em !important; padding-left: 2em !important; } /* add padding to content */ .notion-scroller > div:not([class]):not(:first-child), .notion-scroller > .notion-page-content, .notion-frame > .notion-scroller > .notion-scroller > .notion-list-view, .notion-frame > .notion-scroller > .notion-scroller > .notion-gallery-view, .notion-frame > .notion-scroller > .notion-scroller > .notion-table-view, .notion-frame > .notion-scroller > .notion-scroller > .notion-board-view, .notion-frame > .notion-scroller > .notion-scroller > .notion-calendar-view { padding-right: 2em !important; padding-left: 2em !important; flex-wrap: wrap } /* collapses flex rows into columns */ .notion-column_list-block > div { flex-direction: column; } .notion-column_list-block > div > * { width: unset !important; } /* forces gallery to wrap around pages */ .notion-gallery-view { width: 100vw; } /* enable horizontal scroll for lists and tables on mobile */ .notion-collection-item > a { overflow: visible !important; } .notion-collection-item > a > div { width: unset !important; } .notion-scroller.horizontal { overflow-x: scroll; } /* makes the top border on overflowing list reach the full width of the list */ .notion-list-view > .notion-collection_view_page-block { width: fit-content; } .notion-scroller > div:nth-child(2):not(.notion-page-content) > div:not([data-block-id]) div:not(.notion-page-details-controls) { padding-left: 0!important; padding-right: 0!important; } } .pseudoAfter:after { color: var(--pseudoAfter--color); content: var(--pseudoAfter--content); border: var(--pseudoAfter--border); width: var(--pseudoAfter--width); height: var(--pseudoAfter--height); display: var(--pseudoAfter--display); background: var(--pseudoAfter--background); } .pseudoBefore:before { color: var(--pseudoBefore--color); content: var(--pseudoBefore--content); border: var(--pseudoBefore--border); width: var(--pseudoBefore--width); height: var(--pseudoBefore--height); display: var(--pseudoBefore--display) !important; background: var(--pseudoBefore--background); } .pseudoSelection ::selection { color: var(--pseudoSelection--color); background: var(--pseudoSelection--background); text-shadow: var(--pseudoSelection--textShadow); }