
537 lines
25 KiB

import os
import sys
import shutil
import time
import uuid
import logging
import re
import glob
import mimetypes
import urllib.parse
import hashlib
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import toml
import cssutils
cssutils.log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # removes warning logs from cssutils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class notion_page_loaded(object):
"""An expectation for checking that a notion page has loaded.
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url
def __call__(self, driver):
notion_presence = len(driver.find_elements_by_class_name("notion-presence-container"))
collection_view_block = len(driver.find_elements_by_class_name("notion-collection_view_page-block"));
collection_search = len(driver.find_elements_by_class_name("collectionSearch"));
# embed_ghosts = len(driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("div[embed-ghost]"));
log.debug(f"Waiting for page content to load (presence container: {notion_presence}, loaders: {loading_spinners} )")
if (notion_presence and not loading_spinners):
return True
return False
class toggle_block_has_opened(object):
"""An expectation for checking that a notion toggle block has been opened.
It does so by checking if the div hosting the content has enough children,
and the abscence of the loading spinner.
def __init__(self, toggle_block):
self.toggle_block = toggle_block
def __call__(self, driver):
toggle_content = self.toggle_block.find_element_by_css_selector("div:not([style]")
if (toggle_content):
content_children = len(toggle_content.find_elements_by_tag_name("div"))
is_loading = len(self.toggle_block.find_elements_by_class_name("loading-spinner"));
log.debug(f"Waiting for toggle block to load ({content_children} children so far and {is_loading} loaders)")
if (content_children > 3 and not is_loading):
return True
return False
return False
class Parser():
def __init__(self, config = {}, args = {}):
self.config = config
self.args = args
url = self.config.get("page", None)
if not url:
log.critical("No initial page url specified. If passing a configuration file," +
"make sure it contains a 'page' key with the url of the notion.so page to parse")
# get the site name from the config, or make it up by cleaning the target page's slug
site_name = self.config.get("name", self.get_page_slug(url, extension = False))
# set the output folder based on the site name
self.dist_folder = Path(config.get("output", Path("dist") / site_name))
log.info(f"Setting output path to '{self.dist_folder}'")
# check if the argument to clean the dist folder was passed
if (self.args.get("clean", False)):
log.info(f"Removing previously cached files in '{self.dist_folder}'")
except OSError as e:
log.error(f"Cannot remove '{self.dist_folder}': {e}")
# create the output folder if necessary
self.dist_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# initialize chromedriver and start parsing
self.driver = self.init_chromedriver()
def get_page_config(self, token):
# starts by grabbing the gobal site configuration table, if exists
site_config = self.config.get("site", {})
# check if there's anything wrong with the site config
if (site_config.get("slug", None)):
log.error("'slug' parameter has no effect in the [site] table, and should only present in page tables.")
del site_config['slug']
# find a table in the configuration file whose key contains the passed token string
site_pages_config = self.config.get("pages", {})
matching_pages_config = [value for key, value in site_pages_config.items() if key.lower() in token]
if (matching_pages_config):
if (len(matching_pages_config) > 1):
log.error(f"multiple matching page config tokens found for {token} in configuration file. Make sure pages urls / slugs are unique")
return site_config
# if found, merge it on top of the global site configuration table
# log.debug(f"Config table found for page with token {token}")
matching_page_config = matching_pages_config[0]
if (type(matching_page_config) is dict):
return {**site_config, **matching_page_config}
log.error(f"Matching page configuration for {url} was not a dict: {matching_page_config} - something went wrong")
return site_config
# log.debug(f"No config table found for page token {token}, using global site config table")
return site_config
def get_page_slug(self, url, extension = True):
# first check if the url has a custom slug configured in the config file
custom_slug = self.get_page_config(url).get("slug", None)
if custom_slug:
log.debug(f"Custom slug found for url '{url}': '{custom_slug}'")
return custom_slug.strip("/") + (".html" if extension else "")
# if not, clean up the existing slug
path = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.strip("/")
if ("-" in path and len(path.split("-")) > 1):
# a standard notion page looks like the-page-title-[uiid]
# strip the uuid and keep the page title only
path = "-".join(path.split("-")[:-1]).lower()
elif ("?" in path):
# database pages just have an uiid and a query param
# not much to do here, just get rid of the query param
path = path.split("?")[0].lower()
return path + (".html" if extension else "")
def cache_file(self, url, filename = None):
# stringify the url in case it's a Path object
url = str(url)
# if no filename specificed, generate an hashed id based the query-less url,
# so we avoid re-downloading / caching files we already have
if (not filename):
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
queryless_url = parsed_url.netloc + parsed_url.path
query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
# if any of the query params contains a size parameters store it in the has
# so we can download other higher-resolution versions if needed
if ("width" in query_params.keys()):
queryless_url = queryless_url + f"?width={query_params['width']}"
filename = hashlib.sha1(str.encode(queryless_url)).hexdigest();
destination = self.dist_folder / filename
# check if there are any files matching the filename, ignoring extension
matching_file = glob.glob(str(destination.with_suffix('.*')))
if not matching_file:
# if url has a network scheme, download the file
if "http" in urllib.parse.urlparse(url).scheme:
# Disabling proxy speeds up requests time
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45783655/first-https-request-takes-much-more-time-than-the-rest
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28521535/requests-how-to-disable-bypass-proxy
session = requests.Session()
session.trust_env = False
log.info(f"Downloading '{url}'")
response = session.get(url)
# if the filename does not have an extension at this point,
# try to infer it from the url, and if not possible,
# from the content-type header mimetype
if (not destination.suffix):
file_extension = Path(urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path).suffix
if (not file_extension):
content_type = response.headers.get('content-type')
file_extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
destination = destination.with_suffix(file_extension)
Path(destination).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(destination, "wb") as f:
return destination.relative_to(self.dist_folder)
# if not, check if it's a local file, and copy it to the dist folder
if Path(url).is_file():
log.debug(f"Caching local file '{url}'")
destination = destination.with_suffix(Path(url).suffix)
shutil.copyfile(url, destination)
return destination.relative_to(self.dist_folder)
# if we already have a matching cached file, just return its relative path
cached_file = Path(matching_file[0]).relative_to(self.dist_folder)
log.debug(f"'{url}' was already downloaded")
return cached_file
# if all fails, return the original url
return url
def init_chromedriver(self):
log.info("Initialising chrome driver")
chrome_options = Options()
# removes the 'DevTools listening' log message
chrome_options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
return webdriver.Chrome(
executable_path=str(Path.cwd() / "bin" / "chromedriver.exe"),
service_log_path=str(Path.cwd() / "webdrive.log"),
def parse_page(self, url, processed_pages = {}, index = None):
# if this is the first page being parse, set it as the index.html
if (not index):
index = url;
log.info(f"Parsing page '{url}'")
log.debug(f"Using page config: {self.get_page_config(url)}")
# if ("This content does not exist" in self.driver.page_source):
# log.error(f"No content found in {url}. Are you sure the page is set to public?")
# return
# WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(notion_page_loaded())
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'notion-presence-container')))
except TimeoutException as ex:
log.critical("Timeout waiting for page content to load, or no content found. Are you sure the page is set to public?")
# cooldown to allow eventual database items to load
# TODO: figure out a way to detect they loaded
# function to expand all the toggle block in the page to make their content visible
# so we can hook up our custom toggle logic afterwards
def open_toggle_blocks(exclude = []):
opened_toggles = exclude;
toggle_blocks = self.driver.find_elements_by_class_name("notion-toggle-block")
log.debug(f"Opening {len(toggle_blocks)} new toggle blocks in the page")
for toggle_block in toggle_blocks:
if (not toggle_block in opened_toggles):
toggle_button = toggle_block.find_element_by_css_selector("div[role=button]")
# check if the toggle is already open by the direction of its arrow
is_toggled = "(180deg)" in (toggle_button.find_element_by_tag_name("svg").get_attribute("style"))
if (not is_toggled):
# click on it, then wait until all elements are displayed
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(toggle_block_has_opened(toggle_block))
except TimeoutException as ex:
log.warning("Timeout waiting for toggle block to open. Likely it's already open, but doesn't hurt to check.")
except Exception as ex:
log.error("Something went wrong with selenium while trying to open a toggle block")
# after all toggles have been opened, check the page again to see if
# any toggle block had nested toggle blocks inside them
new_toggle_blocks = self.driver.find_elements_by_class_name("notion-toggle-block")
if (len(new_toggle_blocks) > len(toggle_blocks)):
# if so, run the function again
# open those toggle blocks!
# creates soup from the page to start parsing
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.driver.page_source, "html.parser")
# remove scripts and other tags we don't want / need
for unwanted in soup.findAll('script'):
for intercom_frame in soup.findAll('div',{'id':'intercom-frame'}):
for intercom_div in soup.findAll('div',{'class':'intercom-lightweight-app'}):
for overlay_div in soup.findAll('div',{'class':'notion-overlay-container'}):
for vendors_css in soup.find_all("link", href=lambda x: x and 'vendors~' in x):
# clean up the default notion meta tags
for tag in ["description", "twitter:card", "twitter:site", "twitter:title", "twitter:description", "twitter:image", "twitter:url", "apple-itunes-app"]:
unwanted_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs = { "name" : tag})
if (unwanted_tag): unwanted_tag.decompose();
for tag in ["og:site_name", "og:type", "og:url", "og:title", "og:description", "og:image"]:
unwanted_og_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs = { "property" : tag})
if (unwanted_og_tag): unwanted_og_tag.decompose();
# set custom meta tags
custom_meta_tags = self.get_page_config(url).get("meta", [])
for custom_meta_tag in custom_meta_tags:
tag = soup.new_tag('meta')
for attr, value in custom_meta_tag.items():
tag.attrs[attr] = value
log.debug(f"Adding meta tag {str(tag)}")
# process images
cache_images = True
for img in soup.findAll('img'):
if img.has_attr('src'):
if (cache_images and not 'data:image' in img['src']):
img_src = img['src']
# if the path starts with /, it's one of notion's predefined images
if (img['src'].startswith('/')):
img_src = "https://www.notion.so" + img['src']
# notion's own default images urls are in a weird format, need to sanitize them
# img_src = 'https://www.notion.so' + img['src'].split("notion.so")[-1].replace("notion.so", "").split("?")[0]
# if (not '.amazonaws' in img_src):
# img_src = urllib.parse.unquote(img_src)
cached_image = self.cache_file(img_src)
img['src'] = cached_image
if (img['src'].startswith('/')):
img['src'] = "https://www.notion.so" + img['src']
# process stylesheets
for link in soup.findAll('link', rel="stylesheet"):
if link.has_attr('href') and link['href'].startswith('/'):
# we don't need the vendors stylesheet
if ("vendors~" in link['href']):
# css_file = link['href'].strip("/")
cached_css_file = self.cache_file('https://www.notion.so' + link['href'])
with open(self.dist_folder / cached_css_file, 'rb') as f:
stylesheet = cssutils.parseString(f.read())
# open the stylesheet and check for any font-face rule,
for rule in stylesheet.cssRules:
if rule.type == cssutils.css.CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE:
# if any are found, download the font file
font_file = rule.style['src'].split("url(/")[-1].split(") format")[0]
cached_font_file = self.cache_file(f'https://www.notion.so/{font_file}')
rule.style['src'] = f"url({str(cached_font_file)})"
link['href'] = str(cached_css_file)
# add our custom logic to all toggle blocks
for toggle_block in soup.findAll('div',{'class':'notion-toggle-block'}):
toggle_id = uuid.uuid4()
toggle_button = toggle_block.select_one('div[role=button]')
toggle_content = toggle_block.find('div', {'class': None, 'style': ''})
if (toggle_button and toggle_content):
# add a custom class to the toggle button and content, plus a custom attribute
# sharing a unique uiid so we can hook them up with some custom js logic later
toggle_button['class'] = toggle_block.get('class', []) + ['loconotion-toggle-button']
toggle_content['class'] = toggle_content.get('class', []) + ['loconotion-toggle-content']
toggle_content.attrs['loconotion-toggle-id'] = toggle_button.attrs['loconotion-toggle-id'] = toggle_id
# embed custom google font(s)
fonts_selectors = {
"site" : "div:not(.notion-code-block)",
"navbar": ".notion-topbar div",
"title" : ".notion-page-block > div, .notion-collection_view_page-block > div",
"h1" : ".notion-header-block div, notion-page-content > notion-collection_view-block > div:first-child div",
"h2" : ".notion-sub_header-block div",
"h3" : ".notion-sub_sub_header-block div",
"body" : ".notion-app-inner",
"code" : ".notion-code-block *",
custom_fonts = self.get_page_config(url).get("fonts", {})
if (custom_fonts):
# append a stylesheet importing the google font for each unique font
unique_custom_fonts = set(custom_fonts.values())
for font in unique_custom_fonts:
if (font):
google_fonts_embed_name = font.replace(" ", "+")
font_href = f"https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family={google_fonts_embed_name}:wght@500;600;700&display=swap"
custom_font_stylesheet = soup.new_tag("link", rel="stylesheet", href=font_href)
# go through each custom font, and add a css rule overriding the font-family
# to the font override stylesheet targetting the appropriate selector
font_override_stylesheet = soup.new_tag('style', type='text/css')
for target, custom_font in custom_fonts.items():
if custom_font and not target == "site":
log.debug(f"Setting {target} font-family to {custom_font}")
font_override_stylesheet.append(fonts_selectors[target] + " {font-family:" + custom_font + " !important} ")
site_font = custom_fonts.get("site", None)
# process global site font last to more granular settings can override it
if (site_font):
log.debug(f"Setting global site font-family to {site_font}"),
font_override_stylesheet.append(fonts_selectors["site"] + " {font-family:" + site_font + "} ")
# finally append the font overrides stylesheets to the page
# inject any custom elements to the page
custom_injects = self.get_page_config(url).get("inject", {})
def injects_custom_tags(section):
section_custom_injects = custom_injects.get(section, {})
for tag, elements in section_custom_injects.items():
for element in elements:
injected_tag = soup.new_tag(tag)
for attr, value in element.items():
injected_tag[attr] = value
# if the value refers to a file, copy it to the dist folder
if (attr.lower() == "href" or attr.lower() == "src"):
log.debug(f"Copying injected file '{value}'")
cached_custom_file = self.cache_file((Path.cwd() / value.strip("/")))
# destination = (self.dist_folder / source.name)
# shutil.copyfile(source, destination)
injected_tag[attr] = str(cached_custom_file) #source.name
log.debug(f"Injecting <{section}> tag: {str(injected_tag)}")
# inject loconotion's custom stylesheet and script
loconotion_custom_css = self.cache_file("loconotion.css")
custom_css = soup.new_tag("link", rel="stylesheet", href=str(loconotion_custom_css))
soup.head.insert(-1, custom_css)
loconotion_custom_js = self.cache_file("loconotion.js")
custom_script = soup.new_tag("script", type="text/javascript", src=str(loconotion_custom_js))
soup.body.insert(-1, custom_script)
# find sub-pages and clean slugs / links
sub_pages = [];
for a in soup.findAll('a'):
if a['href'].startswith('/'):
sub_page_href = 'https://www.notion.so' + a['href']
a['href'] = self.get_page_slug(sub_page_href) if sub_page_href != index else "index.html"
log.debug(f"Found link to page {a['href']}")
# exports the parsed page
html_str = str(soup)
html_file = self.get_page_slug(url) if url != index else "index.html"
if (html_file in processed_pages.values()):
log.error(f"Found duplicate pages with slug '{html_file}' - previous one will be overwritten." +
"make sure that your notion pages names or custom slugs in the configuration files are unique")
log.info(f"Exporting page '{url}' as '{html_file}'")
with open(self.dist_folder / html_file, "wb") as f:
processed_pages[url] = html_file
# parse sub-pages
if (sub_pages and not self.args.get("single_page", False)):
if (processed_pages): log.debug(f"Pages processed so far: {processed_pages}")
for sub_page in sub_pages:
if not sub_page in processed_pages.keys():
self.parse_page(sub_page, processed_pages = processed_pages, index = index)
#we're all done!
return processed_pages
def run(self, url):
start_time = time.time()
total_processed_pages = self.parse_page(url)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
formatted_time = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(int(elapsed_time // 3600), int(elapsed_time % 3600 // 60), int(elapsed_time % 60))
log.info(f'Finished!\n\n\tヽ( ・‿・)ノ Processed {len(total_processed_pages)} pages in {formatted_time}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# set up argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate static websites from Notion.so pages')
parser.add_argument('target', help='The config file containing the site properties, or the url of the Notion.so page to generate the site from')
parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', default=False, help='Delete all previously cached files for the site before generating it')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Shows way more exciting facts in the output")
parser.add_argument("--single-page", action="store_true", help="Don't parse sub-pages")
args = parser.parse_args()
# set up some pretty logs
import colorama, copy
logging.DEBUG: colorama.Fore.GREEN,
logging.INFO: colorama.Fore.BLUE,
logging.WARNING: colorama.Fore.YELLOW,
logging.ERROR: colorama.Fore.RED,
logging.CRITICAL: colorama.Back.RED
class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record, *args, **kwargs):
# if the corresponding logger has children, they may receive modified
# record, so we want to keep it intact
new_record = copy.copy(record)
if new_record.levelno in LOG_COLORS:
new_record.levelname = "{color_begin}{level}{color_end}".format(
return super(ColorFormatter, self).format(new_record, *args, **kwargs)
log_screen_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
log_screen_handler.setFormatter(ColorFormatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.setLevel(logging.INFO if not args.verbose else logging.DEBUG)
# parse the provided arguments
if urllib.parse.urlparse(args.target).scheme:
response = requests.get(args.target)
if ("notion.so" in args.target):
log.info("Initialising parser with simple page url")
config = { "page" : args.target }
Parser(config = config, args = vars(args))
log.critical(f"{args.target} is not a notion.so page")
except requests.ConnectionError as exception:
log.critical(f"Connection error")
if Path(args.target).is_file():
with open(args.target) as f:
parsed_config = toml.loads(f.read())
log.info(f"Initialising parser with configuration file")
Parser(config = parsed_config, args = vars(args))
log.critical(f"Config file {args.target} does not exists")
except FileNotFoundError as e:
log.critical(f'FileNotFoundError: {e}')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
log.critical('Interrupted by user')
except SystemExit: