#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail trap error ERR trap 'popd >/dev/null; rm -rf $_temp_dir;' EXIT function info { echo -e "\e[32m[info] $*\e[39m"; } function warn { echo -e "\e[33m[warn] $*\e[39m"; } function error { trap - ERR if [ -z "${1-}" ]; then echo -e "\e[31m[error] $(caller): ${BASH_COMMAND}\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[31m[error] $1\e[39m" fi if [ ! -z ${_ctid-} ]; then if $(pct status $_ctid &>/dev/null); then if [ "$(pct status $_ctid 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}')" == "running" ]; then pct stop $_ctid &>/dev/null fi pct destroy $_ctid &>/dev/null elif [ "$(pvesm list $_storage --vmid $_ctid 2>/dev/null | awk 'FNR == 2 {print $2}')" != "" ]; then pvesm free $_rootfs &>/dev/null fi fi exit 1 } # Base raw github URL _raw_base="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ej52/proxmox-scripts/main/lxc/nginx-proxy-manager" # Operating system _os_type=alpine _os_version=3.16 # System architecture _arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) # Create temp working directory _temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) pushd $_temp_dir >/dev/null # Parse command line parameters while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do arg="$1" case $arg in --id) _ctid=$2 shift ;; --bridge) _bridge=$2 shift ;; --cores) _cpu_cores=$2 shift ;; --disksize) _disk_size=$2 shift ;; --hostname) _host_name=$2 shift ;; --memory) _memory=$2 shift ;; --storage) _storage=$2 shift ;; --templates) _storage_template=$2 shift ;; --swap) _swap=$2 shift ;; *) error "Unrecognized option $1" ;; esac shift done # Check user settings or set defaults _ctid=${_ctid:-`pvesh get /cluster/nextid`} _cpu_cores=${_cpu_cores:-1} _disk_size=${_disk_size:-2G} _host_name=${_host_name:-nginx-proxy-manager} _bridge=${_bridge:-vmbr0} _memory=${_memory:-512} _swap=${_swap:-0} _storage=${_storage:-local-lvm} _storage_template=${_storage_template:-local} # Test if ID is in use if pct status $_ctid &>/dev/null; then warn "ID '$_ctid' is already in use." unset _ctid error "Cannot use ID that is already in use." fi echo "" warn "Container will be created using the following settings." warn "" warn "ctid: $_ctid" warn "hostname: $_host_name" warn "cores: $_cpu_cores" warn "memory: $_memory" warn "swap: $_swap" warn "disksize: $_disk_size" warn "bridge: $_bridge" warn "storage: $_storage" warn "templates: $_storage_template" warn "" warn "If you want to abort, hit ctrl+c within 10 seconds..." echo "" sleep 10 # Download latest Alpine LXC template info "Updating LXC template list..." pveam update &>/dev/null info "Downloading LXC template..." mapfile -t _templates < <(pveam available -section system | sed -n "s/.*\($_os_type-$_os_version.*\)/\1/p" | sort -t - -k 2 -V) [ ${#_templates[@]} -eq 0 ] \ && error "No LXC template found for $_os_type-$_os_version" _template="${_templates[-1]}" pveam download $_storage_template $_template &>/dev/null \ || error "A problem occured while downloading the LXC template." # Create variables for container disk _storage_type=$(pvesm status -storage $_storage 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR>1 {print $2}') case $_storage_type in btrfs|dir|nfs) _disk_ext=".raw" _disk_ref="$_ctid/" ;; zfspool) _disk_prefix="subvol" _disk_format="subvol" ;; esac _disk=${_disk_prefix:-vm}-${_ctid}-disk-0${_disk_ext-} _rootfs=${_storage}:${_disk_ref-}${_disk} # Create LXC info "Allocating storage for LXC container..." pvesm alloc $_storage $_ctid $_disk $_disk_size --format ${_disk_format:-raw} &>/dev/null \ || error "A problem occured while allocating storage." if [ "$_storage_type" = "zfspool" ]; then warn "Some containers may not work properly due to ZFS not supporting 'fallocate'." else mkfs.ext4 $(pvesm path $_rootfs) &>/dev/null fi info "Creating LXC container..." _pct_options=( -arch $_arch -cmode shell -hostname $_host_name -cores $_cpu_cores -memory $_memory -net0 name=eth0,bridge=$_bridge,ip=dhcp -onboot 1 -ostype $_os_type -rootfs $_rootfs,size=$_disk_size -storage $_storage -swap $_swap -tags npm ) pct create $_ctid "$_storage_template:vztmpl/$_template" ${_pct_options[@]} &>/dev/null \ || error "A problem occured while creating LXC container." # Set container timezone to match host cat << 'EOF' >> /etc/pve/lxc/${_ctid}.conf lxc.hook.mount: sh -c 'ln -fs $(readlink /etc/localtime) ${LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT}/etc/localtime' EOF # Setup container info "Setting up LXC container..." pct start $_ctid sleep 3 pct exec $_ctid -- sh -c "wget --no-cache -qO - $_raw_base/setup.sh | sh"