# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.12.0 RUN conda install python=3.8.5 && conda clean -a -y RUN conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch && conda clean -a -y RUN git clone https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion.git && cd stable-diffusion && git reset --hard 554bd068e6f2f6bc55449a67fe017ddd77090f28 RUN conda env update --file stable-diffusion/environment.yaml --name base && conda clean -a -y # fonts for generating the grid RUN apt-get update && apt install fonts-dejavu-core && apt-get clean # Note: don't update the sha of previous versions because the install will take forever # instead, update the repo state in a later step RUN cd stable-diffusion && git pull && git reset --hard fa977b3d6f9d0b264035c949fd70415476f00036 && \ conda env update --file environment.yaml --name base && conda clean -a -y # download dev UI version, update the sha below in case you want some other version # RUN <