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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Kingsley
* Mounts the player in the vehicle they are directly looking at based on their distance.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT> (default: objNull)
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* call ace_quickmount_fnc_getInNearest
* Public: No
if (
!GVAR(enabled) ||
{isNull ACE_player} ||
{!isNull objectParent ACE_player} ||
{!(ACE_player call EFUNC(common,isAwake))}
) exitWith {};
params [["_target", objNull, [objNull]]];
// If target is not defined (e.g. keybind was used), search for valid target
if (isNull _target) then {
private _start = ACE_player modelToWorldVisualWorld (ACE_player selectionPosition "pilot");
private _end = (_start vectorAdd (getCameraViewDirection ACE_player vectorMultiply GVAR(distance)));
private _objects = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_start, _end, ACE_player];
_target = (_objects param [0, []]) param [2, objNull];
if (!alive _target) exitWith {};
if (locked _target >= 2 || {!simulationEnabled _target}) exitWith {
[LLSTRING(VehicleLocked)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
TRACE_2("",_target,typeOf _target);
if (
(speed _target > GVAR(speed)) ||
{["Air", "LandVehicle", "Ship", "StaticMortar"] findIf {_target isKindOf _x} == -1} ||
{!([ACE_player, _target, ["isNotSwimming"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith))}
) exitWith {};
private _seats = ["driver", "gunner", "commander", "cargo"];
private _sortedSeats = [_seats select GVAR(priority)];
_seats deleteAt GVAR(priority);
_sortedSeats append _seats;
private _fullCrew = fullCrew [_target, "", true];
private _hasAction = false;
scopeName "SearchForSeat";
private _desiredRole = _x;
_x params ["_unit", "_role", "_cargoIndex", "_turretPath"];
if (!alive _unit) then {
private _effectiveRole = _role;
if ((_effectiveRole in ["driver", "gunner"]) && {unitIsUAV _target}) exitWith {}; // Ignoring UAV Driver/Gunner
if ((_effectiveRole == "driver") && {(getNumber (configOf _target >> "hasDriver")) == 0}) exitWith {}; // Ignoring Non Driver (static weapons)
// Seats can be locked independently of the main vehicle
if ((_effectiveRole == "driver") && {lockedDriver _target}) exitWith {TRACE_1("lockedDriver",_x);};
if ((_cargoIndex >= 0) && {_target lockedCargo _cargoIndex}) exitWith {TRACE_1("lockedCargo",_x);};
if ((_turretPath isNotEqualTo []) && {_target lockedTurret _turretPath}) exitWith {TRACE_1("lockedTurret",_x);};
if (_effectiveRole == "turret") then {
private _turretConfig = [_target, _turretPath] call CBA_fnc_getTurret;
if (getNumber (_turretConfig >> "isCopilot") == 1) exitWith {
_effectiveRole = "driver";
if (
_cargoIndex >= 0 || // FFV
{getText (_turretConfig >> "gun") == ""} // Turret without weapon
) exitWith {
_effectiveRole = "cargo";
_effectiveRole = "gunner"; // Door gunners / 2nd turret
if (_effectiveRole != _desiredRole) exitWith {};
if (_turretPath isNotEqualTo []) then {
// Using GetInTurret seems to solve problems with incorrect GetInEH params when gunner/commander
ACE_player action ["GetInTurret", _target, _turretPath];
TRACE_3("Getting In Turret",_x,_role,_turretPath);
} else {
if (_cargoIndex > -1) then {
// GetInCargo expects the index of the seat in the "cargo" array from fullCrew
// See description:
private _cargoActionIndex = (fullCrew [_target, "cargo", true]) findIf {(_x select 2) == _cargoIndex};
ACE_player action ["GetInCargo", _target, _cargoActionIndex];
TRACE_4("Getting In Cargo",_x,_role,_cargoActionIndex,_cargoIndex);
} else {
ACE_player action ["GetIn" + _role, _target];
TRACE_2("Getting In",_x,_role);
_hasAction = true;
breakTo "SearchForSeat";
} forEach _fullCrew;
} forEach _sortedSeats;
if (!_hasAction) then {
TRACE_1("no empty seats",_hasAction);
[LLSTRING(VehicleFull)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);