mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00

161 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// by commy2
#include "..\script_component.hpp"
private _aceWhitelist = missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Version_Whitelist", []];
private _files = CBA_common_addons select {
(_x select [0,3] != "a3_") &&
{_x select [0,4] != "ace_"} &&
{!((toLower _x) in _aceWhitelist)}
private _versions = [];
getText (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> _x >> "version") splitString "." params [["_major", "0"], ["_minor", "0"]];
private _version = parseNumber _major + parseNumber _minor/100;
_versions set [_forEachIndex, _version];
} forEach _files;
if (isServer) then {
ACE_Version_ServerVersions = [_files, _versions];
publicVariable "ACE_Version_ServerVersions";
} else {
ACE_Version_ClientVersions = [_files, _versions];
// Begin client version check
if (!isServer) then {
// Wait for server to send the servers files and version numbers
waitUntil {
sleep 1;
!isNil "ACE_Version_ClientVersions" && {!isNil "ACE_Version_ServerVersions"}
private _client = profileName;
_files = ACE_Version_ClientVersions select 0;
_versions = ACE_Version_ClientVersions select 1;
private _serverFiles = ACE_Version_ServerVersions select 0;
private _serverVersions = ACE_Version_ServerVersions select 1;
// Compare client and server files and versions
private _missingAddons = [];
private _oldVersionsClient = [];
private _oldVersionsServer = [];
private _serverVersion = _serverVersions select _forEachIndex;
private _index = _files find _x;
if (_index == -1) then {
if (_x != "ace_server") then {_missingAddons pushBack _x;};
} else {
private _clientVersion = _versions select _index;
if (_clientVersion < _serverVersion) then {
_oldVersionsClient pushBack [_x, _clientVersion, _serverVersion];
if (_clientVersion > _serverVersion) then {
_oldVersionsServer pushBack [_x, _clientVersion, _serverVersion];
} forEach _serverFiles;
// find client files which the server doesn't have
private _missingAddonsServer = [];
private _index = _serverFiles find _x;
if (_index == -1) then {
_missingAddonsServer pushBack _x;
} forEach _files;
// display and log error messages
private _fnc_cutComma = {
private _string = _this;
_string = toArray _string;
private _count = count _string;
_string set [_count - 2, toArray "." select 0];
_string set [_count - 1, -1];
_string = _string - [-1];
toString _string;
private _missingAddon = false;
if (count _missingAddons > 0) then {
_missingAddon = true;
private _error = format ["[ACE] %1: ERROR client missing addon(s): ", _client];
_error = _error + format ["%1, ", _x];
if (_forEachIndex > 9) exitWith {};
} forEach _missingAddons;
_error = _error call _fnc_cutComma;
diag_log text _error;
2016-06-03 01:13:09 +00:00
[QGVAR(systemChatGlobal), _error] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
[QGVAR(serverLog), _error] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _missingAddonServer = false;
if (count _missingAddonsServer > 0) then {
_missingAddonServer = true;
private _error = format ["[ACE] %1: ERROR server missing addon(s): ", _client];
_error = _error + format ["%1, ", _x];
if (_forEachIndex > 9) exitWith {};
} forEach _missingAddonsServer;
_error = _error call _fnc_cutComma;
diag_log text _error;
2016-06-03 01:13:09 +00:00
[QGVAR(systemChatGlobal), _error] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
[QGVAR(serverLog), _error] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _oldVersionClient = false;
if (count _oldVersionsClient > 0) then {
_oldVersionClient = true;
private _error = format ["[ACE] %1: ERROR outdated client addon(s): ", _client];
_error = _error + format ["%1 (client: %2, server: %3), ", _x select 0, _x select 1, _x select 2];
if (_forEachIndex > 9) exitWith {};
} forEach _oldVersionsClient;
_error = _error call _fnc_cutComma;
diag_log text _error;
2016-06-03 01:13:09 +00:00
[QGVAR(systemChatGlobal), _error] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
[QGVAR(serverLog), _error] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _oldVersionServer = false;
if (count _oldVersionsServer > 0) then {
_oldVersionServer = true;
private _error = format ["[ACE] %1: ERROR outdated server addon(s): ", _client];
_error = _error + format ["%1 (client: %2, server: %3), ", _x select 0, _x select 1, _x select 2];
if (_forEachIndex > 9) exitWith {};
} forEach _oldVersionsServer;
_error = _error call _fnc_cutComma;
diag_log text _error;
2016-06-03 01:13:09 +00:00
[QGVAR(systemChatGlobal), _error] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
[QGVAR(serverLog), _error] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
ACE_Version_ClientErrors = [_missingAddon, _missingAddonServer, _oldVersionClient, _oldVersionServer];