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#include "script_component.hpp"
2015-03-18 13:14:16 +00:00
* Author: L-H, edited by commy2, rewritten by joko // Jonas, re-rewritten by mharis001
* Returns the weight of the given object.
* Weight is calculated from the object's mass and its current inventory.
2015-08-09 12:53:13 +00:00
* Arguments:
* 0: Object <OBJECT>
2015-08-09 12:53:13 +00:00
* Return Value:
* Weight <NUMBER>
2015-08-09 12:53:13 +00:00
* Example:
* [_object] call ace_dragging_fnc_getWeight
2015-08-09 12:53:13 +00:00
* Public: No
2015-03-18 13:14:16 +00:00
2015-08-26 08:05:30 +00:00
params ["_object"];
2016-01-28 18:52:53 +00:00
private _weight = 0;
private _cfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
private _cfgGlasses = configFile >> "CfgGlasses";
private _cfgVehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";
private _cfgMagazines = configFile >> "CfgMagazines";
// Add the masses of "regular" items in the object's inventory
// Handle separating CfgGlasses items from this cargo array
getItemCargo _object params ["_itemTypes", "_itemCounts"];
private _itemConfig = if (isClass (_cfgGlasses >> _x)) then {
_cfgGlasses >> _x
} else {
_cfgWeapons >> _x >> "ItemInfo"
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_itemConfig >> "mass") * (_itemCounts select _forEachIndex);
} forEach _itemTypes;
// Add the masses of magazine items in the object's inventory
getMagazineCargo _object params ["_magazineTypes", "_magazineCounts"];
2015-08-09 12:53:13 +00:00
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_cfgMagazines >> _x >> "mass") * (_magazineCounts select _forEachIndex);
} forEach _magazineTypes;
// Add the masses of backpack items in the object's inventory
getBackpackCargo _object params ["_backpackTypes", "_backpackCounts"];
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_cfgVehicles >> _x >> "mass") * (_backpackCounts select _forEachIndex);
} forEach _backpackTypes;
_x params ["_weapon", "_muzzle", "_pointer", "_optic", "_primaryMagazine", "_secondaryMagazine", "_bipod"];
// Add the weapon's mass
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_cfgWeapons >> _weapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "mass");
// Add the masses of the weapon's attachments if they exist
if (_x != "") then {
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_cfgWeapons >> _x >> "ItemInfo" >> "mass");
} forEach [_muzzle, _pointer, _optic, _bipod];
// Add the masses of the weapon's magazines if they exist
_x params ["_magazine"];
if (!isNil "_magazine") then {
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_cfgMagazines >> _magazine >> "mass");
} forEach [_primaryMagazine, _secondaryMagazine];
} forEach weaponsItemsCargo _object;
// Add the mass of the object itself
// The mass of sub-containers such as vests was added through the items cargo
// The container object is generally of type SupplyX and has mass of zero
_weight = _weight + getNumber (_cfgVehicles >> typeOf _object >> "mass");
// Mass in Arma isn't an exact amount but rather a volume/weight value
// This attempts to work around that by making it a usable value (sort of)
// Note: this is done before the recursive calls to avoid reducing the weight multiple times
_weight = _weight * 0.5;
// Handle sub-containers within the object's inventory
_x params ["", "_container"];
_weight = _weight + (_container call FUNC(getWeight));
} forEach everyContainer _object;