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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Bohemia Interactive
* Module function for spawning projectiles
* Used by Curator artillery modules etc
* Edited to remove radio warning and add ballistics support
* Arguments:
2015-05-18 11:56:31 +00:00
* 0: The module logic <LOGIC>
* 1: units <ARRAY>
* 2: activated <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [LOGIC, [bob, kevin], true] call ace_zeus_fnc_bi_moduleProjectile
* Public: No
_logic = _this select 0;
_units = _this select 1;
_activated = _this select 2;
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
if ({local _x} count (objectcurators _logic) > 0) then {
//--- Reveal the circle to curators
_logic hideobject false;
_logic setpos position _logic;
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
if !(isserver) exitwith {};
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
if (_activated) then {
_ammo = _logic getvariable ["type",gettext (configOf _logic >> "ammo")];
if (_ammo != "") then {
_cfgAmmo = configfile >> "cfgammo" >> _ammo;
//if !(isclass _cfgAmmo) exitwith {["CfgAmmo class '%1' not found.",_ammo] call bis_fnc_error;};
// It seems BI broke this part...
// _dirVar = _fnc_scriptname + typeof _logic;
// _logic setdir (missionnamespace getvariable [_dirVar,direction _logic]); //--- Restore custom direction
_pos = getposatl _logic;
_posAmmo = +_pos;
_posAmmo set [2,0];
_dir = direction _logic;
_simulation = tolower gettext (configfile >> "cfgammo" >> _ammo >> "simulation");
_altitude = 0;
_velocity = [];
_attach = false;
_radio = "";
_delay = 60;
_sound = "";
_soundSourceClass = "";
_hint = [];
_shakeStrength = 0;
_shakeRadius = 0;
switch (_simulation) do {
case "shotshell": {
_altitude = 1000;
_velocity = [0,0,-100];
_radio = "SentGenIncoming";
_sounds = if (getnumber (_cfgAmmo >> "hit") < 200) then {["mortar1","mortar2"]} else {["shell1","shell2","shell3","shell4"]};
2015-11-29 15:33:25 +00:00
_sound = selectRandom _sounds;
_hint = ["Curator","PlaceOrdnance"];
_shakeStrength = 0.01;
_shakeRadius = 300;
case "shotsubmunitions": {
_posAmmo = [_posAmmo,500,_dir + 180] call bis_fnc_relpos;
_altitude = 1000 - ((getterrainheightasl _posAmmo) - (getterrainheightasl _pos));
_posAmmo set [2,_altitude];
_velocity = [sin _dir * 68,cos _dir * 68,-100];
_radio = "SentGenIncoming";
_hint = ["Curator","PlaceOrdnance"];
_shakeStrength = 0.02;
_shakeRadius = 500;
case "shotilluminating": {
_altitude = 66;
_velocity = [wind select 0,wind select 1,30];
_sound = "SN_Flare_Fired_4";
_soundSourceClass = "SoundFlareLoop_F";
case "shotnvgmarker";
case "shotsmokex": {
_altitude = 0;
_velocity = [0,0,0];
_attach = true;
default {["Ammo simulation '%1' is not supported",_simulation] call bis_fnc_error;};
_fnc_playRadio = {
if (_radio != "") then {
_sides = [];
if (_x distance2D _logic < 100) then {
_side = side group _x;
if (_side in [east,west,resistance,civilian]) then {
//--- Play radio (only if it wasn't played recently)
2016-03-02 10:01:39 +00:00
if (CBA_missionTime > _x getVariable ["BIS_fnc_moduleProjectile_radio",-_delay]) then {
[[_side,_radio,"side"],"bis_fnc_sayMessage",_x] call bis_fnc_mp;
2016-03-02 10:01:39 +00:00
_x setVariable ["BIS_fnc_moduleProjectile_radio",CBA_missionTime + _delay];
} foreach allPlayers;
if (count _hint > 0 && {count objectcurators _logic > 0}) then {
[[_hint,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,true],"bis_fnc_advHint",objectcurators _logic] call bis_fnc_mp;
if (count _velocity == 3) then {
_altitude = (_logic getvariable ["altitude",_altitude]) call BIS_fnc_parseNumberSafe;
_radio = _logic getvariable ["radio",_radio];
//--- Create projectile
_posAmmo set [2,_altitude];
_projectile = createvehicle [_ammo,_posAmmo,[],0,"none"];
_projectile setpos _posAmmo;
_projectile setvelocity _velocity;
if (_attach) then {_projectile attachto [_logic,[0,0,_altitude]];};
// Added by ace_zeus for ace_frag compatibility
2015-11-30 16:22:16 +00:00
if (!isNil QEFUNC(frag,addPfhRound)) then {
2015-06-19 03:43:49 +00:00
[objNull, _ammo, _projectile, true] call EFUNC(frag,addPfhRound);
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
//--- Play sound
if (_sound != "") then {[[_logic,_sound,"say3D"],"bis_fnc_sayMessage"] call bis_fnc_mp;};
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
//--- Create sound source
_soundSource = if (_soundSourceClass != "") then {createSoundSource [_soundSourceClass,_pos,[],0]} else {objnull};
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
// Added by ace_zeus to toggle ordnance radio message
2015-05-11 18:04:04 +00:00
if (GVAR(radioOrdnance)) then {
//--- Play radio warning
[] call _fnc_playRadio;
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
//--- Update
if (_attach) then {
waituntil {
_soundSource setposatl getposatl _projectile;
sleep 1;
isnull _projectile || isnull _logic
} else {
waituntil {
_soundSource setposatl getposatl _projectile;
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
if (getposatl _logic distance _pos > 0 || direction _logic != _dir) then {
_posNew = getposasl _logic;
_dirDiff = direction _logic - _dir;
_posNew = [_posNew,[getposasl _projectile,_pos] call bis_fnc_distance2d,direction _logic + 180] call bis_fnc_relpos;
_posNew set [2,getposasl _projectile select 2];
_projectile setvelocity ([velocity _projectile,-_dirDiff] call bis_fnc_rotatevector2d);
_projectile setposasl _posNew;
_pos = getposatl _logic;
_dir = direction _logic;
2018-09-19 13:31:08 +00:00
//missionnamespace setvariable [_dirVar,_dir]; See L37
sleep 0.1;
isnull _projectile || isnull _logic
deletevehicle _projectile;
deletevehicle _soundSource;
if (count objectcurators _logic > 0) then {
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
//--- Delete curator spawned logic
if (_shakeStrength > 0) then {
if (_simulation == "shotsubmunitions") then {sleep 0.5;};
[[_shakeStrength,0.7,[position _logic,_shakeRadius]],"bis_fnc_shakeCuratorCamera"] call bis_fnc_mp;
deletevehicle _logic;
} else {
2015-05-10 16:17:17 +00:00
//--- Repeat to achieve permanent effect
_repeat = _logic getvariable ["repeat",0] > 0;
if (_repeat) then {
[_logic,_units,_activated] call bis_fnc_moduleprojectile;
} else {
deletevehicle _logic;
} else {
deletevehicle _logic;
} else {
["Cannot create projectile, 'ammo' config attribute is missing in %1",typeof _logic] call bis_fnc_error;