2015-02-21 20:53:07 +00:00
* Author: Glowbal
* Replace a dead body by a bodybag
* Arguments:
* 0: The patient <OBJECT>
* 1: The new item classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* nil
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_target","_caller", "_nameOfUnit", "_onPosition", "_bodyBagCreated"];
_caller = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;
if !([_caller, "ACE_itemBodyBag"] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)) exitwith {};
[_caller, "ACE_itemBodyBag"] call EFUNC(common,useItem);
_nameOfUnit = [_unit] call EFUNC(common,getName);
if (alive _unit) then {
// force kill the unit.
[_unit, true] call FUNC(setDead);
_onPosition = getPos _unit;
deleteVehicle _unit;
_bodyBagCreated = createVehicle ["ACE_bodyBag", _onPosition, [], 0, "NONE"];
// reset the position to ensure it is on the correct one.
_bodyBagCreated setPos _onPosition;
// TODO Does this need to be something with QUOTE(DEFUNC)?
2015-02-28 12:17:17 +00:00
[[_bodyBagCreated], QEFUNC(common,revealObject), true] call call EFUNC(common,execRemoteFnc); /* TODO Replace by event system */
2015-02-21 20:53:07 +00:00