
79 lines
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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: ACE-Team, Lambda.Tiger
* This function will dump every ammo config that would generate ace_frag
* fragements that doesn't have
* Arguments:
* 0: Log ammo types that wouldn't normall frag
* 1: Force a CSV format
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_frag_fnc_dev_debugAmmo
* Public: No
params [
["_debugForce", false, [false]],
["_csvFormat", false, [false]]
diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start [%1]~~~~~~~~~~~~~", _this];
private _allAmmoConfigs = configProperties [configFile >> "cfgAmmo", "isClass _x && !('ace_frag' in configName _x)", true];
private _processedCfgAmmos = [];
if (_csvFormat) then {
diag_log text format ["ammo,gurney_c,gurney_m,gurney_k,gurney_gC,_fragTypes,_fragCount"];
private _printCount = 0;
private _ammo = tolower configName _x;
if (_ammo != "" && {!(_ammo in _processedCfgAmmos)}) then {
_processedCfgAmmos pushBack _ammo;
//Ignore mines/bombs
//if (_ammo isKindOf "TimeBombCore") exitWith {};
private _ammoConfig = _x;
private _shoulFrag = [_ammo] call FUNC(shouldFrag);
if (_shoulFrag || _debugForce) then {
private _warn = false;
private _fragTypes = getArray (_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(CLASSES));
if (_fragTypes isEqualTo []) then {_warn = true;};
private _c = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(CHARGE));
if (_c == 0) then {_warn = true;};
private _m = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(METAL));
if (_m == 0) then {_warn = true;};
private _k = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(GURNEY_K));
if (_k == 0) then {_warn = true;};
private _gC = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(GURNEY_C));
if (_gC == 0) then {_warn = true;};
private _fragCount = getNumber (_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(fragCount));
if (_fragCount == 0) then {_fragCount = 200; _warn = true;};
if (_warn) then {
if (_csvFormat) then {
diag_log text format ["%7,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount, _ammo];
} else {
diag_log text format ["Ammo [%1] MISSING frag configs:", _ammo];
diag_log text format [" _c=%1,_m=%2,_k=%3,_gC=%4,_fragTypes=%5,_fragCount=%6", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount];
} forEach _allAmmoConfigs;
diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End [%1-%2]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", count _allAmmoConfigs, count _processedCfgAmmos];
diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Printed: %1~~~~~~~~~~~", _printCount];