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Raw Normal View History

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Ruthberg
* Recalculates the muzzle velocity based on the muzzle velocity vs. temperature interpolation input
* Arguments:
* parse input <BOOL>
* update display <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* call ace_atragmx_fnc_recalculate_muzzle_velocity
* Public: No
params ["_parseInput", "_updateDisplay"];
if (_parseInput) then {
[] call FUNC(parse_input);
private _lookupTable = [];
if ((_x select 1) > 0) then {
_lookupTable pushBack _x;
} forEach (GVAR(workingMemory) select 18);
private _lookupTableSize = count _lookupTable;
if (_lookupTableSize < 2) exitWith {};
_lookupTable sort true;
private _lowerIndex = 0;
private _upperIndex = 1;
for "_index" from 1 to (_lookupTableSize - 1) do {
_upperIndex = _index;
_lowerIndex = _upperIndex - 1;
if (((_lookupTable select _index) select 0) >= GVAR(temperature)) exitWith {};
(_lookupTable select _lowerIndex) params ["_lowerDistance", "_lowerMuzzleVelocity"];
(_lookupTable select _upperIndex) params ["_upperDistance", "_upperMuzzleVelocity"];
_muzzleVelocity = 100 max (linearConversion [_lowerDistance, _upperDistance, GVAR(temperature), _lowerMuzzleVelocity, _upperMuzzleVelocity]) min 1400;
if (_muzzleVelocity != GVAR(workingMemory) select 1) then {
GVAR(workingMemory) set [1, _muzzleVelocity];
if (_updateDisplay) then {
call FUNC(update_gun);
call FUNC(update_gun_ammo_data);