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Raw Normal View History

* Author: jaynus
* Master single PFH abstraction for all rounds being tracked by frag/spall
* Arguments:
2015-06-17 03:39:37 +00:00
* Return Value:
* None
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
2015-06-19 03:04:48 +00:00
private["_gcIndex", "_iter"];
_gcIndex = [];
_iter = 0;
2015-06-19 03:04:48 +00:00
while { (count GVAR(objects)) > 0 && { _iter < (GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) min (count GVAR(objects))) } } do {
private["_object", "_args"];
2015-06-19 03:04:48 +00:00
if(GVAR(lastIterationIndex) >= (count GVAR(objects))) then {
GVAR(lastIterationIndex) = 0;
_object = GVAR(objects) select GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
2015-06-17 03:39:37 +00:00
if(!isNil "_object") then {
2015-06-17 03:39:37 +00:00
_args = GVAR(arguments) select GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
if(!(_args call FUNC(pfhRound))) then {
_gcIndex pushBack GVAR(lastIterationIndex); // Add it to the GC if it returns false
_iter = _iter + 1;
GVAR(lastIterationIndex) = GVAR(lastIterationIndex) + 1;
// clean up dead object references
private["_deletionCount", "_deleteIndex"];
_deletionCount = 0;
TRACE_1("GC Projectile", _x);
_deleteIndex = _x - _deletionCount;
GVAR(objects) deleteAt _deleteIndex;
GVAR(arguments) deleteAt _deleteIndex;
2015-06-17 03:39:37 +00:00
_deletionCount = _deletionCount + 1;
2015-06-19 03:04:48 +00:00
} forEach _gcIndex;