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Raw Normal View History

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: esteldunedain, PabstMirror
* Return a suitable position for the action point for the given target vehicle
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 1: Player's Position ASL <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* Interaction point in model cords <ARRAY>
* Example:
* [cursorTarget, eyePos player] call ace_interaction_fnc_getVehiclePosComplex
* Public: No
params ["_target", "_cameraPosASL"];
private _bb = boundingBoxReal _target;
(_bb select 0) params ["_bbX", "_bbY", "_bbZ"];
private _config = configOf _target;
if (isNumber (_config >> QGVAR(bodyWidth))) then {_bbX = getNumber (_config >> QGVAR(bodyWidth));};
if (isNumber (_config >> QGVAR(bodyLength))) then {_bbY = getNumber (_config >> QGVAR(bodyLength));};
private _relPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLToAGL _cameraPosASL;
_relPos params ["_dx", "_dy", "_dz"];
private _ndx = (abs _dx) / (((abs (_bbX)) - 1) max 1);
private _ndy = (abs _dy) / (((abs (_bbY)) - 1) max 1);
private _ndz = (abs _dz) / (((abs (_bbZ)) - 1) max 1);
private _pos = [];
if (_ndx > _ndy) then {
if (_ndx > _ndz) then {
// _ndx is greater, will colide with x plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndx) min 0.8);
} else {
// _ndz is greater, will colide with z plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndz) min 0.8);
} else {
if (_ndy > _ndz) then {
// _ndy is greater, will colide with y plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndy) min 0.8);
} else {
// _ndz is greater, will colide with z plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndz) min 0.8);
// Set max height at player's eye level (prevent very high interaction point on vehicles)
// Only when above water level to prevent underwater actions from following player eye level
if (_cameraPosASL select 2 >= 0) then {
_pos set [2, (_pos select 2) min _dz];