Common - Check extension hash

This commit is contained in:
PabstMirror 2024-07-25 01:33:36 -05:00
parent e99d6d9381
commit 042404afb4
3 changed files with 80 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -77,3 +77,26 @@ class ACE_Tests {
mapConfigs = QPATHTOF(dev\test_mapConfigs.sqf);
cfgPatches = QPATHTOF(dev\test_cfgPatches.sqf);
class ACE_ExtensionsHashes {
class ace_advanced_ballistics {
dll = "bbfbd04bced4e4766298903944ff2d0e3da7586a";
dll_x64 = "95bdf812ebb52d4e87c4b1b980dfa785d4f980a7";
class ace_artillerytables {
dll = "f6db1088a08e1c98f3718159a653df3ba11df773";
dll_x64 = "d3f76b3b95ffe9c6ab6ded137ae41edcab81a9f0";
class ace_break_line {
dll = "c1f0b83ced1f36849c8aaf23f27c889d7d7e1344";
dll_x64 = "8622873962f4c4d3bbe05891242f21ba69845d11";
class ace_clipboard {
dll = "cde2eceb8bac3a119c53a957e332f1a2f9cd8dcb";
dll_x64 = "d5e8660018b9c9e870a0d4e6005a65afe48b00d3";
class ace_fcs {
dll = "58b36db51209f61f2b63fc2469b1c74efd581012";
dll_x64 = "4db527f03bbe71d5004647ad6b12d0263b0c3af9";

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@ -145,6 +145,31 @@ if (isArray (configFile >> "ACE_Extensions" >> "extensions")) then {
WARNING("extensions[] array no longer supported");
if (hasInterface && {_platform == "windows"}) then {
if (isFilePatchingEnabled) exitWith {};
private _extName = configName _x;
private _extensionType = "dll";
if (productVersion select 7 == "x64") then { _extensionType = format ["%1_x64", _extensionType]; };
private _expectedHash = getText (_x >> _extensionType);
private _extensionHash = "";
if ((_x getOrDefault ["name", ""]) == _extName) exitWith {
_extensionHash = _x getOrDefault ["hash", ""];
} forEach allExtensions;
if (_extensionHash != _expectedHash) then {
private _errorMsg = format ["Extension %1 wrong version [%2 vs %3].", _extName, _extensionHash, _expectedHash];
["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg] call FUNC(errorMessage);
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "ACE_ExtensionsHashes"));
// Check server version/addons

tools/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import pathlib
import os
import hashlib
addon_base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
extensions = {}
for file in os.listdir(addon_base_path):
path = pathlib.Path(file)
extension_type = "dll"
if path.suffix == ".dll":
key = path.stem
if key.endswith("_x64"):
key = key.removesuffix("_x64")
extension_type += "_x64"
with open(file, 'rb') as file_read:
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
data =
arr = extensions.get(key, {})
arr[extension_type] = sha1.hexdigest()
extensions[key] = arr
print(f"class ACE_ExtensionsHashes {{")
for key, values in extensions.items():
print(f" class {key} {{")
for type, hash in values.items():
print(f" {type} = \"{hash}\";")
print(f" }};")