Make the auto-expanding of SelfActions and ZeusActions work at all animation speeds, but keep the animation in all cases.

This commit is contained in:
esteldunedain 2016-02-27 15:44:53 -03:00
parent a7ec4d9d2f
commit 121663226c

View File

@ -77,21 +77,31 @@ if (GVAR(useCursorMenu)) then {
GVAR(selfMenuOffset) = (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 2])) vectorDiff (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]));
if (GVAR(menuAnimationSpeed) > 0) then {
//Auto expand the first level when self, mounted vehicle or zeus (skips the first animation as there is only one choice)
if (GVAR(openedMenuType) == 0) then {
if (isNull curatorCamera) then {
if (vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player) then {
GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_SelfActions", (vehicle ACE_player)]];
} else {
GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_ZeusActions", (getAssignedCuratorLogic player)]];
//Auto expand the first level when self, mounted vehicle or zeus (skips the first animation as there is only one choice)
if (GVAR(openedMenuType) == 0) then {
if (isNull curatorCamera) then {
if (vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player) then {
GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_SelfActions", (vehicle ACE_player)]];
GVAR(expanded) = true;
GVAR(expandedTime) = ACE_diagTime;
GVAR(lastPath) = +GVAR(menuDepthPath);
GVAR(startHoverTime) = -1000;
} else {
GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_SelfActions", ACE_player]];
GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_ZeusActions", (getAssignedCuratorLogic player)]];
GVAR(expanded) = true;
GVAR(expandedTime) = ACE_diagTime;
GVAR(lastPath) = +GVAR(menuDepthPath);
GVAR(startHoverTime) = -1000;
} else {
GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_SelfActions", ACE_player]];
GVAR(expanded) = true;
GVAR(expandedTime) = ACE_diagTime;
GVAR(lastPath) = +GVAR(menuDepthPath);
GVAR(startHoverTime) = -1000;
["interactMenuOpened", [_menuType]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);