Stagger creating actions over time

This commit is contained in:
PabstMirror 2015-04-15 00:13:23 -05:00
parent b2be71c9cf
commit 1f13d229a8

View File

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ if (_interactionType != 0) exitWith {};
if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
private ["_fncStatement", "_player", "_fncCondition", "_variable", "_theHouse", "_statement", "_condition", "_configPath", "_houseHelpers", "_displayName", "_displayNameDefault", "_iconImage", "_position", "_maxDistance", "_helperObject", "_actionOffset", "_memPoint", "_object", "_count", "_helperPos", "_action"];
private ["_fncStatement", "_player", "_fncCondition", "_variable", "_theHouse", "_statement", "_condition", "_configPath", "_displayName", "_displayNameDefault", "_iconImage", "_position", "_maxDistance", "_helperObject", "_actionOffset", "_memPoint", "_object", "_count", "_helperPos", "_action"];
if (!EGVAR(interact_menu,keyDown)) then {
{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _addedHelpers;
@ -38,102 +38,116 @@ if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
//If player moved >5 meters from last pos, then rescan
if (((getPosASL ace_player) distance _setPosition) < 5) exitWith {};
_fncStatement = {
this = _theHouse; //this feels dirty
call _statement;
_fncCondition = {
this = _theHouse; //this feels dirty
call _condition;
_theHouse = _x;
if (!(_theHouse in _housesScaned)) then {
_housesScaned pushBack _x;
if ((typeOf _theHouse) != "") then {
_configPath = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _theHouse));
if (isClass (_configPath >> "UserActions")) then {
_houseHelpers = [];
_displayName = getText (_x >> "displayName");
_displayNameDefault = getText (_x >> "displayNameDefault");
_position = getText (_x >> "position");
_condition = getText (_x >> "condition");
_statement = getText (_x >> "statement");
_maxDistance = getNumber (_x >> "radius");
if (_displayName == "") then {_displayName = (configName _x);};
if (_position == "") then {ERROR("Bad Position");};
if (_condition == "") then {_condition = "true";};
if (_statement == "") then {ERROR("No Statement");};
_statement = compile _statement;
_condition = compile _condition;
_maxDistance = _maxDistance + 0.1; //increase range slightly
_iconImage = "";
if (_displayNameDefault != "") then {
//something like: "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />";
//find the end [.paa']
_endIndex = _displayNameDefault find ".paa'";
if (_endIndex == -1) exitWith {};
_startIndex = _endIndex - 1;
_endIndex = _endIndex + 4;
//work backwards to find the starting [']
while {(_startIndex > 0) && {_iconImage == ""}} do {
if ((_displayNameDefault select [_startIndex, 1]) == "'") then {
_startIndex = _startIndex + 1;
_iconImage = _displayNameDefault select [_startIndex, (_endIndex - _startIndex)];
_startIndex = _startIndex - 1;
//Find a helper object, if one exists on the selection position
_helperObject = objNull;
_actionOffset = [0,0,0];
if (_memPoint == _position) exitWith {
_helperObject = _object;
//make sure actions don't overlap (although they are usualy mutually exclusive)
_actionOffset = [0,0,(_count * 0.05)];
_x set [2, (_count + 1)];
} forEach _houseHelpers;
if (isNull _helperObject) then {
_helperObject = "Sign_Sphere25cm_F" createVehicleLocal (getpos _theHouse);
_houseHelpers pushBack [_position, _helperObject, 1];
_helperPos = _theHouse modelToWorld (_theHouse selectionPosition _position);
//ASL/ATL bullshit:
if (surfaceIsWater _helperPos) then {
_helperObject setPosAslw _helperPos;
} else {
_helperObject setPos _helperPos;
_helperObject hideObject true;
_addedHelpers pushBack _helperObject;
TRACE_3("Making New Helper %1",_helperObject,_helperPos,_theHouse);
_action = [(configName _x), _displayName, _iconImage, _fncStatement, _fncCondition, {}, [_theHouse, _statement, _condition], _actionOffset, _maxDistance] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_helperObject, 0, [],_action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToObject);
} foreach configproperties [(_configPath >> "UserActions")];
// systemChat str _houseBeingScaned;
if (_houseBeingScaned isEqualTo []) then {
_houseWasScaned = false;
_theHouse = _x;
if (!(_theHouse in _housesScaned)) exitWith {
_houseWasScaned = true;
_housesScaned pushBack _x;
if ((typeOf _theHouse) != "") then {
_configPath = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _theHouse));
if (isClass (_configPath >> "UserActions")) then {
_args set [3, [_theHouse, 0, []]];
// Need to scan fairly far, because houses are big. You can be 25m from center of building but right next to a door.
} forEach nearestObjects [ace_player, ["Static"], 30];
if (!_houseWasScaned) then {
_args set [0, (getPosASL ace_player)];
//Need to scan fairly far, because houses are big. You can be 25m from center of building but right next to a door.
} forEach nearestObjects [ace_player, ["Static"], 30];
} else {
_configPath = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _theHouse) >> "UserActions";
if (_index < ((count _configPath) - 1)) then {
_actionPath = _configPath select _index;
_args set [0, (getPosASL ace_player)];
_fncStatement = {
this = _theHouse; //this feels dirty
call _statement;
_fncCondition = {
this = _theHouse; //this feels dirty
call _condition;
_displayName = getText (_actionPath >> "displayName");
_displayNameDefault = getText (_actionPath >> "displayNameDefault");
_position = getText (_actionPath >> "position");
_condition = getText (_actionPath >> "condition");
_statement = getText (_actionPath >> "statement");
_maxDistance = getNumber (_actionPath >> "radius");
if (_displayName == "") then {_displayName = (configName _x);};
if (_position == "") then {ERROR("Bad Position");};
if (_condition == "") then {_condition = "true";};
if (_statement == "") then {ERROR("No Statement");};
_statement = compile _statement;
_condition = compile _condition;
_maxDistance = _maxDistance + 0.1; //increase range slightly
_iconImage = "";
if (_displayNameDefault != "") then {
//something like: "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />";
//find the end [.paa']
_endIndex = _displayNameDefault find ".paa'";
if (_endIndex == -1) exitWith {};
_startIndex = _endIndex - 1;
_endIndex = _endIndex + 4;
//work backwards to find the starting [']
while {(_startIndex > 0) && {_iconImage == ""}} do {
if ((_displayNameDefault select [_startIndex, 1]) == "'") then {
_startIndex = _startIndex + 1;
_iconImage = _displayNameDefault select [_startIndex, (_endIndex - _startIndex)];
_startIndex = _startIndex - 1;
//Find a helper object, if one exists on the selection position
_helperObject = objNull;
_actionOffset = [0,0,0];
if (_memPoint == _position) exitWith {
_helperObject = _object;
//make sure actions don't overlap (although they are usualy mutually exclusive)
_actionOffset = [0,0,(_count * 0.05)];
_x set [2, (_count + 1)];
} forEach _houseHelpers;
if (isNull _helperObject) then {
_helperObject = "Sign_Sphere25cm_F" createVehicleLocal (getpos _theHouse);
_houseHelpers pushBack [_position, _helperObject, 1];
_helperPos = _theHouse modelToWorld (_theHouse selectionPosition _position);
//ASL/ATL bullshit:
if (surfaceIsWater _helperPos) then {
_helperObject setPosAslw _helperPos;
} else {
_helperObject setPos _helperPos;
_helperObject hideObject true;
_addedHelpers pushBack _helperObject;
TRACE_3("Making New Helper %1",_helperObject,_helperPos,_theHouse);
_action = [(configName _actionPath), _displayName, _iconImage, _fncStatement, _fncCondition, {}, [_theHouse, _statement, _condition], _actionOffset, _maxDistance] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_helperObject, 0, [],_action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToObject);
_index = _index + 1;
_args set [3, [_theHouse, _index, _houseHelpers]];
} else {
_args set [3, []];
}, 0.1, [((getPosASL ace_player) vectorAdd [-100,0,0]), [], []]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}, 0, [((getPosASL ace_player) vectorAdd [-100,0,0]), [], [], []]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;