mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/ACE3 into dagr
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Hamburger SV
Harakhti <shadowdragonphd@gmail.com>
havena <silveredenis@gmail.com>
jokoho482 <jokoho482@gmail.com>`
Jonpas <jonpas33@gmail.com>
Kavinsky <nmunozfernandez@gmail.com>
Kllrt <kllrtik@gmail.com>
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
class ACE_Settings {
class GVAR(allowHandcuffOwnSide) {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_name";
description = "$STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_description";
displayName = CSTRING(ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_name);
description = CSTRING(ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_description);
typeName = "BOOL";
value = 1;
class GVAR(allowSurrender) {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_name";
description = "$STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_description";
displayName = CSTRING(ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_name);
description = CSTRING(ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_description);
typeName = "BOOL";
value = 1;
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Module: Module_F {};
class GVAR(moduleSettings): ACE_Module {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
category = "ACE";
displayName = CSTRING(ModuleSettings_DisplayName);
function = QFUNC(moduleSettings);
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
<Czech>Vzdát se</Czech>
<Polish>Poddaj się</Polish>
@ -159,33 +159,45 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSurrender_DisplayName">
<English>Make Unit Surrender</English>
<Polish>Poddaj się!</Polish>
<Polish>Skapituluj jednostkę</Polish>
<Spanish>Hacer que la unidad se rinda</Spanish>
<German>Einheit kapitulieren lassen</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSurrender_Description">
<English>Sync a unit to make them surrender.<br />Source: ace_captives</English>
<Polish>Zsynchronizuj z jednostką aby sprawić by się poddała<br />Źródło: ace_captives</Polish>
<Polish>Zsynchronizuj z jednostką, aby skapitulowała.<br />Źródło: ace_captives</Polish>
<Spanish>Sincroniza una unidad para hacer que se rinda.<br />Fuente: ace_captives</Spanish>
<German>Einheit synchronisieren, um sie kapitulieren zu lassen.<br />Quelle: ace_captives</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_DisplayName">
<English>Captives Settings</English>
<Polish>Ustawienia więźniów</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes de prisioneros</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_Description">
<English>Controls settings for surrender and cable ties</English>
<Polish>Moduł ten kontroluje ustawienia kapitulacji oraz opasek zaciskowych</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes de control para rendición y precintos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_name">
<English>Can handcuff own side</English>
<Polish>Skuwanie sojuszników</Polish>
<Spanish>Se puede esposar el bando propio</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_description">
<English>Can players cabletie units on their own side</English>
<Polish>Czy gracze mogą skuwać sojuszników?</Polish>
<Spanish>Pueden los jugadores esposar unidades en su propio bando</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_name">
<English>Allow surrendering</English>
<Polish>Pozwól kapitulować</Polish>
<Spanish>Permitir rendición</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_description">
<English>Players can surrender after holstering their weapon</English>
<Polish>Gracze mogą skapitulować po schowaniu swojej broni do kabury</Polish>
<Spanish>Los jugadores pueden rendirse después de enfundar su arma</Spanish>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ACE_Settings {
value = 0;
typeName = "SCALAR";
isClientSettable = 0;
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_Common_CheckPBO_Action_WarnOnce", "$STR_ACE_Common_CheckPBO_Action_WarnPerm", "$STR_ACE_Common_CheckPBO_Action_Kick"};
values[] = {CSTRING(CheckPBO_Action_WarnOnce), CSTRING(CheckPBO_Action_WarnPerm), CSTRING(CheckPBO_Action_Kick)};
class GVAR(checkPBOsCheckAll) {
value = 0;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class ACE_Settings {
value = 1;
typeName = "BOOL";
isClientSettable = 1;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Common_EnableNumberHotkeys";
displayName = CSTRING(EnableNumberHotkeys);
class GVAR(settingFeedbackIcons) {
value = 1;
@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ class RscInGameUI {
class RscUnitInfoTank: RscUnitInfo {
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_4(""onLoad"",_this,""RscUnitInfo"",'IGUI')] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf""; uiNamespace setVariable [ARR_2('ACE_dlgVehicle', _this select 0)]; [ARR_2('infoDisplayChanged', [ARR_2(_this select 0, 'Vehicle')])] call FUNC(localEvent););
class RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon: RscUnitInfo {
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_4(""onLoad"",_this,""RscUnitInfo"",'IGUI')] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf""; uiNamespace setVariable [ARR_2('ACE_dlgAircraft', _this select 0)]; [ARR_2('infoDisplayChanged', [ARR_2(_this select 0, 'Aircraft')])] call FUNC(localEvent););
class RscUnitInfoAir: RscUnitInfo {
class RscUnitInfoAir: RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon {
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_4(""onLoad"",_this,""RscUnitInfo"",'IGUI')] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf""; uiNamespace setVariable [ARR_2('ACE_dlgAircraft', _this select 0)]; [ARR_2('infoDisplayChanged', [ARR_2(_this select 0, 'Aircraft')])] call FUNC(localEvent););
@ -9,45 +9,45 @@ onSetup parameters:
0: STRING - Magazine Classname
class Command {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_clacker_displayName;
displayName = CSTRING(clacker_displayName);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Clacker.paa);
onPlace = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(AddClacker);false);
requires[] = {"ACE_Clacker"};
class MK16_Transmitter:Command {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_MK16_displayName;
displayName = CSTRING(MK16_displayName);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\MK16_Reciever_ca.paa);
requires[] = {"ACE_M26_Clacker"};
class DeadManSwitch:Command {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_DeadManSwitch_displayName;
displayName = CSTRING(DeadManSwitch_displayName);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\DeadmanSwitch.paa);
requires[] = {"ACE_DeadManSwitch"};
class Cellphone:Command {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_cellphone_displayName;
displayName = CSTRING(cellphone_displayName);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Cellphone_UI.paa);
onPlace = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addCellphoneIED);false);
requires[] = {"ACE_Cellphone"};
class PressurePlate {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_PressurePlate;
displayName = CSTRING(PressurePlate);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\PressurePlate.paa);
onPlace = "_dist=GetNumber(ConfigFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> (_this select 2) >> 'ACE_Triggers' >> 'PressurePlate' >> 'digDistance');_ex=_this select 1;_ex setPosATL ((getPosATL _ex) vectorDiff ((VectorUp _ex) vectorCrossProduct [0,0,_dist]));false";
class IRSensor {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_IRSensor;
displayName = CSTRING(IRSensor);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\PressurePlate.paa);
onPlace = "false";
class Timer {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_timerName;
displayName = CSTRING(timerName);
picture = PATHTOF(data\UI\Timer.paa);
onPlace = QUOTE([ARR_2(_this select 1,(_this select 3) select 0)] call FUNC(startTimer);false);
onSetup = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(openTimerSetUI);true);
class Tripwire {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_TripWire;
displayName = CSTRING(TripWire);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Tripwire.paa);
onPlace = "false";
@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ class CfgMagazines {
class ACE_Triggers {
SupportedTriggers[] = {"IRSensor","PressurePlate","Timer","Command"};
class PressurePlate{
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_SLAME_Magnetic;
displayName = CSTRING(SLAME_Magnetic);
digDistance = 0;
ammo = "SLAMDirectionalMine_Magnetic_Ammo";
pitch = 90;
class IRSensor{
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_SLAME_IRSensor;
displayName = CSTRING(SLAME_IRSensor);
class Timer {
ammo = "SLAMDirectionalMine_Timer_Ammo";
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class CfgMagazines {
class DeadmanSwitch:Command {};
class Cellphone:Command {};
class PressurePlate {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_SLAME_Magnetic;
displayName = CSTRING(SLAME_Magnetic);
digDistance = 0;
ammo = "IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo";
pitch = 0;
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class CfgMagazines {
class DeadmanSwitch: Command {};
class Cellphone: Command {};
class PressurePlate {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_SLAME_Magnetic;
displayName = CSTRING(SLAME_Magnetic);
digDistance = 0;
ammo = "IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo";
pitch = 0;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class CAManBase: Man {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ACE_Explosives {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_Menu;
displayName = CSTRING(Menu);
condition = QUOTE(!(_player getVariable [ARR_2('ace_explosives_PlantingExplosive',false)]));
statement = "";
exceptions[] = {"isNotSwimming", "isNotInside"};
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
hotkey = "X";
//Sub-menu items
class ACE_Detonate {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_Detonate;
displayName = CSTRING(Detonate);
condition = QUOTE([_player] call FUNC(canDetonate));
statement = "";
insertChildren = QUOTE([_player] call FUNC(addTransmitterActions););
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
hotkey = "T";
class ACE_Place {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_Place;
displayName = CSTRING(Place);
condition = QUOTE((vehicle _player == _player) and {[_player] call FUNC(hasExplosives)});
statement = "";
insertChildren = QUOTE([_player] call FUNC(addExplosiveActions););
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
hotkey = "P";
class ACE_Cellphone {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_cellphone_displayName;
displayName = CSTRING(cellphone_displayName);
condition = "('ACE_Cellphone' in (items ace_player))";
statement = "closeDialog 0;createDialog 'Rsc_ACE_PhoneInterface';";
exceptions[] = {"isNotSwimming", "isNotInside"};
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
distance = 5;
condition = "true";
class ACE_Defuse {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_Defuse;
displayName = CSTRING(Defuse);
condition = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player,_target)] call FUNC(canDefuse));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player,_target)] call FUNC(startDefuse););
exceptions[] = {"isNotSwimming"};
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_Clacker: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_clacker_displayName;
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Explosives_clacker_description;
displayName = CSTRING(clacker_displayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(clacker_description);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Clacker.paa);
model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";
ACE_Range = 250;
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_M26_Clacker: ACE_Clacker {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_M26_displayName;
displayName = CSTRING(M26_displayName);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\MK26_Transmitter_ca.paa);
ACE_Range = 5000;
class ACE_DefusalKit: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_DefusalKit_displayName;
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Explosives_DefusalKit_description;
displayName = CSTRING(DefusalKit_displayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(DefusalKit_description);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Pliers.paa);
model = "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Tools\Pliers_F.p3d";
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_DeadManSwitch: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_DeadManSwitch_displayName;
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Explosives_DeadManSwitch_description;
displayName = CSTRING(DeadManSwitch_displayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(DeadManSwitch_description);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\DeadmanSwitch.paa);
model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";
ACE_Range = 100;
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_Cellphone: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Explosives_cellphone_displayName;
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Explosives_cellphone_description;
displayName = CSTRING(cellphone_displayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(cellphone_description);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Cellphone_UI.paa);
model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";
ACE_Range = 15000;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class RscACE_SelectTimeUI {
h = 0.1;
y = 0.09;
style = ST_CENTER;
text = $STR_ACE_Explosives_Cancel;
text = CSTRING(Cancel);
action = "closeDialog 0;";
class approveBtn: RscButton {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class RscACE_SelectTimeUI {
h = 0.1;
w = 0.15;
style = ST_CENTER;
text = $STR_ACE_Explosives_SetTime;
text = CSTRING(SetTime);
action = "closeDialog 0;";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class Car: LandVehicle {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ResetFCS {
displayName = $STR_ACE_FCS_ResetFCS;
displayName = CSTRING(ResetFCS);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canResetFCS));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(vehicle _player,[_player] call DEFUNC(common,getTurretIndex))] call DFUNC(reset););
showDisabled = 0;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class Tank: LandVehicle {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ResetFCS {
displayName = $STR_ACE_FCS_ResetFCS;
displayName = CSTRING(ResetFCS);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canResetFCS));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(vehicle _player,[_player] call DEFUNC(common,getTurretIndex))] call DFUNC(reset););
showDisabled = 0;
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<English>The number of spall track calculations to perform in any given frame. This helps spread the FPS impact of tracking spall rounds across multiple frames, limiting its impact even further.</English>
<Polish>Ilość obliczeń wykonywanych przez symulację odprysków w danej klatce. Ta opcja pomaga rozprzestrzenić obliczenia odprysków na więcej klatek, zmniejszając spadek FPS jeszcze bardziej.</Polish>
<German>Gibt die Anzahl der Explosionverfolgungsberechnungen an, die gleichzeitig ausgeführt werden. Das kann dabei helfen den FPS-Einfluss abzuschwächen, wenn Teile über mehrere Frames hinweg verfolgt werden.</German>
<Spanish>El número de cálculos de esquirlas que se hará en cualquier cuadro. Esto ayuda a dispersar el impacto en FPS del seguimiento de esquirlas de balas a través de múltiples cuadros, lo que limita aún más su impacto.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Frag_EnableDebugTrace">
<English>(SP Only) Frag/Spall Debug Tracing</English>
@ -60,4 +61,4 @@
<German>(nur SP) Splitter-/Explosions-Debugging</German>
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class CfgMagazines {
class 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell;
class ACE_HuntIR_M203: 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell {
displayName = $STR_ACE_HUNTIR_ROUND;
displayName = CSTRING(magazine_displayName);
displayNameShort = "HuntIR";
descriptionShort = "";
picture = PATHTOF(UI\m_m1070_ca.paa);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ACE_Equipment {
class GVAR(open) {
displayName = $STR_ACE_HUNTIR_MON_ACT;
displayName = CSTRING(activateMonitor);
condition = QUOTE([ARR_2(ACE_player,'ACE_HuntIR_monitor')] call EFUNC(common,hasItem));
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(huntir));
showDisabled = 0;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Item_HuntIR_monitor: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_HUNTIR_MON;
displayName = CSTRING(monitor_displayName);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
class ACE_HuntIR_monitor {
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_HuntIR_monitor: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_HUNTIR_MON;
displayName = CSTRING(STR_ACE_HUNTIR_monitor_displayName);
picture = PATHTOF(UI\w_huntir_monitor_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_HUNTIR_MON;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(STR_ACE_HUNTIR_monitor_displayName);
model = PATHTOF(data\ace_huntir_monitor.p3d);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class ace_huntir_cam_dialog {
soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 };
x = __X + (2*0.8); y = __Y + 0.045;
w = 0.05; h = 0.02;
action = "createDialog 'ace_huntir_help_dialog'";
class CAM_BG {
@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ class ace_huntir_cam_dialog {
x = __X + 0.35;
text = CSTRING(ALT);
class CAM_No: CAM_HEIGHT {
x = __X + __W - 0.64;
text = CSTRING(CAM);
class CAM_NO_x: CAM_HEIGHT {
idc = 2;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class ace_huntir_cam_dialog {
x = __X + 0.35;
y = __Y + __H - 0.65;
w = 0.12;
idc = 3;
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class ace_huntir_cam_dialog_inactive: ace_huntir_cam_dialog {
sizeEx = 0.02;
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
text = CSTRING(ESC);
blinkingPeriod = 0;
class CAM_BG: CAM_BG {};
@ -371,31 +371,31 @@ class ace_huntir_help_dialog: ace_huntir_cam_dialog {
sizeEx = 0.022;
colorText[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
blinkingPeriod = 0;
class HELP1: HELP0 {
y = __Y + 0.06;
class HELP2: HELP0 {
y = __Y + 0.09;
class HELP3: HELP0 {
y = __Y + 0.12;
class HELP4: HELP0 {
y = __Y + 0.15;
class HELP5: HELP0 {
y = __Y + 0.18;
class HELP6: HELP0 {
y = __Y + 0.21;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<French>HuntIR Transport Box</French>
<Hungarian>HuntIR Transport Box</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HUNTIR_magazine_displayName">
<English>HuntIR Round</English>
<German>HuntIR Granate</German>
<Spanish>HuntIR Round</Spanish>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<French>Munition HuntIR</French>
<Hungarian>HuntIR lövedék</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HUNTIR_monitor_displayName">
<English>HuntIR monitor</English>
<German>HuntIR Monitor</German>
<Spanish>HuntIR monitor</Spanish>
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<French>Ecran HuntIR</French>
<Hungarian>HuntIR monitor</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HUNTIR_activateMonitor">
<English>Activate HuntIR monitor</English>
<German>HuntIR Monitor aktivieren</German>
<Spanish>Activate HuntIR monitor</Spanish>
@ -220,18 +220,22 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_background">
<English>Interaction menu background</English>
<Polish>Tło menu interakcji</Polish>
<Spanish>Fondo del menú de interacción</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_blurScreenDesc">
<English>Blur the background while the interaction menu is open.</English>
<Polish>Rozmywa lub przyciemnia tło na czas otwarcia menu interakcji</Polish>
<Spanish>Desenfocar el fondo mientras el menú de interacción está abierto.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_backgroundBlur">
<English>Blur screen</English>
<Polish>Rozmycie ekranu</Polish>
<Spanish>Pantalla de desenfoque</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_backgroundBlack">
<Polish>Przyciemnienie ekranu</Polish>
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class RscACE_SelectAnItem {
h = 0.1;
y = 0.605;
style = 2;
text = $STR_ACE_Interaction_Back; //$STR_ACE_Interaction_CancelSelection;
text = CSTRING(Back);
action = "call ACE_Interaction_fnc_hideMenu;"; //'Default' call ACE_Interaction_fnc_openMenu; 'Default' call ACE_Interaction_fnc_openMenuSelf;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0};
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class RscACE_SelectAnItem {
h = 0.1;
w = 0.15;
style = 2;
text = $STR_ACE_Interaction_MakeSelection;
text = CSTRING(MakeSelection);
action = "call ACE_Interaction_fnc_hideMenu;";
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0};
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class RscTitles {
class SelectText: RscInteractionText{
idc = 1000;
y = 17 * GUI_GRID_H;
text = $STR_ACE_Interaction_MakeSelection;
text = CSTRING(MakeSelection);
class GoBackIcon: RscInteractionHelperIcon{
idc = 1201;
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class RscTitles {
class GoBackText: RscInteractionText{
idc = 1001;
y = 19 * GUI_GRID_H;
text = $STR_ACE_Interaction_Back;
text = CSTRING(Back);
class ScrollIcon: RscInteractionHelperIcon{
idc = 1202;
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class RscTitles {
class ScrollText: RscInteractionText{
idc = 1002;
y = 18 * GUI_GRID_H;
text = $STR_ACE_Interaction_ScrollHint;
text = CSTRING(ScrollHint);
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class InventoryItem_Base_F;
class ACE_Kestrel4500: ACE_ItemCore {
author[] = {$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam, "Ruthberg"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(Name);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Description);
model = PATHTOF(kestrel4500.p3d);
model = PATHTOF(data\kestrel4500.p3d);
picture = PATHTOF(UI\Kestrel4500.paa);
icon = "iconObject_circle";
mapSize = 0.034;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {"ACE_Kestrel4500"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ACE_common", "ACE_weather"};
author[] = {$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam, "Ruthberg"};
author[] = {ECSTRING(common,ACETeam), "Ruthberg"};
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
class StageTI {
texture = "a3\data_f\default_glass_ti_ca.paa";
ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0};
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,1};
specular[] = {0.3,0.3,0.3,1};
specularPower = 50;
PixelShaderID = "Super";
VertexShaderID = "Super";
class Stage1 {
texture = "z\ace\addons\kestrel4500\data\Kestrel4500_nohq.paa";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage2 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage3 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage4 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage5 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0.6,1,1,SMDI)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage6 {
texture = "#(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(0.85,0.36)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage7 {
useWorldEnvMap = "true";
texture = "a3\data_f\env_interier_car_ca.paa";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class ACE_Settings {
displayName = CSTRING(painEffectType);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 0;
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_Medical_painEffect_Flash", "$STR_ACE_Medical_painEffect_Chroma"};
values[] = {CSTRING(painEffect_Flash), CSTRING(painEffect_Chroma)};
isClientSettable = 1;
class GVAR(allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment) {
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class ACE_Settings {
description = CSTRING(menuTypeDescription);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 0;
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_Medical_useSelection"/*, "$STR_ACE_Medical_useRadial"*/};
values[] = {CSTRING(useSelection)/*, CSTRING(useRadial)*/};
// isClientSettable = 1;
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
side = -1;
model = QUOTE(PATHTOEF(apl,bodybag.p3d));
icon = "";
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bodybag_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Bodybag_Display);
EGVAR(dragging,canDrag) = 1;
EGVAR(dragging,dragPosition[]) = {0,1.2,0};
EGVAR(dragging,dragDirection) = 0;
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_fieldDressingItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Basic_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_packingBandageItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Packing_Bandage_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_elasticBandageItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Elastic_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_tourniquetItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Tourniquet_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_morphineItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Morphine_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Morphine_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_atropineItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Atropine_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Atropine_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_epinephrineItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Epinephrine_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_plasmaIVItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Plasma_IV;
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_bloodIVItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_IV;
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_salineIVItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Saline_IV;
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_quikClotItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_QuikClot_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(QuikClot_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_personalAidKitItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Aid_Kit_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_surgicalKitItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_SurgicalKit_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_bodyBagItem: Item_Base_F {
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bodybag_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Bodybag_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
@ -24,64 +24,64 @@ class CfgWeapons {
scope = 2;
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\bandage.p3d));
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\fieldDressing_x_ca.paa));
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Basic_Display;
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Basic_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Basic_Desc_Use;
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Display);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_packingBandage: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Packing_Bandage_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\packingBandage_x_ca.paa));
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\packingbandage.p3d));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Packing_Bandage_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Packing_Bandage_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_elasticBandage: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Elastic_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\elasticBandage_x_ca.paa));
model = "\A3\Structures_F_EPA\Items\Medical\Bandage_F.p3d";
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Elastic_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_Elastic_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_tourniquet: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Tourniquet_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\tourniquet_x_ca.paa));
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\tourniquet.p3d));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Tourniquet_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Tourniquet_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_morphine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Morphine_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Morphine_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\morphine_x_ca.paa));
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\morphine.p3d));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Morphine_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Morphine_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Morphine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Morphine_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_atropine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Atropine_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Atropine_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\atropine_x_ca.paa));
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\atropine.p3d));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Atropine_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Atropine_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Atropine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Atropine_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
@ -89,33 +89,33 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_epinephrine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Epinephrine_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\epinephrine_x_ca.paa));
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\epinephrine.p3d));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Epinephrine_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Epinephrine_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_plasmaIV: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Plasma_IV;
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\plasmaIV_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Plasma_IV_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Plasma_IV_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 10;
class ACE_plasmaIV_500: ACE_plasmaIV {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Plasma_IV_500;
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_500);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 5;
class ACE_plasmaIV_250: ACE_plasmaIV {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Plasma_IV_250;
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_250);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 2.5;
@ -123,86 +123,86 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_bloodIV: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
model = "\A3\Structures_F_EPA\Items\Medical\BloodBag_F.p3d";
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_IV;
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\bloodIV_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_IV_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_IV_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Blood_IV_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Blood_IV_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 10;
class ACE_bloodIV_500: ACE_bloodIV {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_IV_500;
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV_500);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 5;
class ACE_bloodIV_250: ACE_bloodIV {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_IV_250;
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV_250);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 2.5;
class ACE_salineIV: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Saline_IV;
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\salineIV_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Saline_IV_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Saline_IV_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Saline_IV_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Saline_IV_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 10;
class ACE_salineIV_500: ACE_salineIV {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Saline_IV_500;
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV_500);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 5;
class ACE_salineIV_250: ACE_salineIV {
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Saline_IV_250;
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV_250);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 2.5;
class ACE_quikclot: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_QuikClot_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(QuikClot_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\quickclot_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_QuikClot_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_QuikClot_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(QuikClot_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(QuikClot_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
class ACE_personalAidKit: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_ACE_Medical_Aid_Kit_Display;
displayName = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Display);
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\personal_aid_kit_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Aid_Kit_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Aid_Kit_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 10;
class ACE_surgicalKit: ACE_ItemCore {
displayName= $STR_ACE_Medical_SurgicalKit_Display;
displayName= CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Display);
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\surgical_kit.p3d));
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\surgicalKit_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_SurgicalKit_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_SurgicalKit_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 15;
class ACE_bodyBag: ACE_ItemCore {
displayName= $STR_ACE_Medical_Bodybag_Display;
displayName= CSTRING(Bodybag_Display);
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\bodybagItem.p3d));
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\items\bodybag_x_ca.paa));
descriptionShort = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bodybag_Desc_Short;
descriptionUse = $STR_ACE_Medical_Bodybag_Desc_Use;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Bodybag_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Bodybag_Desc_Use);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 20;
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Fast) = ["ACE_heartbeat_fast_1", "ACE_heartbeat_fast_2", "A
GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Normal) = ["ACE_heartbeat_norm_1", "ACE_heartbeat_norm_2"];
GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Slow) = ["ACE_heartbeat_slow_1", "ACE_heartbeat_slow_2"];
["medical_propagateWound", FUNC(onPropagateWound)] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
["medical_woundUpdateRequest", FUNC(onWoundUpdateRequest)] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
["interactMenuClosed", {[objNull, false] call FUNC(displayPatientInformation); }] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
["medical_propagateWound", FUNC(onPropagateWound)] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["medical_woundUpdateRequest", FUNC(onWoundUpdateRequest)] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["interactMenuClosed", {[objNull, false] call FUNC(displayPatientInformation); }] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["medical_onUnconscious", {
if (local (_this select 0)) then {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Slow) = ["ACE_heartbeat_slow_1", "ACE_heartbeat_slow_2"];
if (!isNil "acre_api_fnc_setGlobalVolume") then { [1] call acre_api_fnc_setGlobalVolume; };
}] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
// Initialize all effects
@ -33,22 +33,23 @@ if ([_caller] call FUNC(isMedic)) then {
} else {
if (_bloodPressureHigh > 20) then {
_output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_2);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Low);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Low);
if (_bloodPressureHigh > 100) then {
_output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_3);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Normal);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Normal);
if (_bloodPressureHigh > 160) then {
_output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_4);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_High);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_High);
} else {
if (random(10) > 3) then {
_output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_5);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_NoBloodpressure);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_NoBloodpressure);
} else {
_output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_6);
//Fail to find pressure, no logoutput
@ -56,5 +57,5 @@ if ([_caller] call FUNC(isMedic)) then {
["displayTextStructured", [_caller], [[_output, [_target] call EFUNC(common,getName), round(_bloodPressureHigh),round(_bloodPressureLow)], 1.75, _caller]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
if (_logOutPut != "") then {
[_target,"activity", localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Log), [[_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName), _logOutPut]] call FUNC(addToLog);
[_target,"activity", LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Log), [[_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName), _logOutPut]] call FUNC(addToLog);
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if (!alive _unit) then {
_heartRate = 0;
_heartRateOutput = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Output_5);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Pulse_None);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_None);
if (_heartRate > 1.0) then {
if ([_caller] call FUNC(isMedic)) then {
@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ if (_heartRate > 1.0) then {
} else {
// non medical personel will only find a pulse/HR
_heartRateOutput = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Output_2);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Weak);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Weak);
if (_heartRate > 60) then {
if (_heartRate > 100) then {
_heartRateOutput = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Output_3);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Strong);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Strong);
} else {
_heartRateOutput = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Output_4);
_logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Normal);
_logOutPut = LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Normal);
@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ if (_heartRate > 1.0) then {
["displayTextStructured", [_caller], [[_heartRateOutput, [_unit] call EFUNC(common,getName), round(_heartRate)], 1.5, _caller]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
if (_logOutPut != "") then {
[_unit,"activity", localize LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Log),[[_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName),_logOutPut]] call FUNC(addToLog);
[_unit,"activity", LSTRING(Check_Pulse_Log),[[_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName),_logOutPut]] call FUNC(addToLog);
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ _callBack = [_this, 3, {}, [{}]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_adjustment = _unit getvariable [QGVAR(heartRateAdjustments), []];
_adjustment pushback [_value, _time, _callBack];
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(heartRateAdjustments), _adjustment ];
["Medical_onHeartRateAdjustmentAdded", [_unit, _value, _time]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
["Medical_onHeartRateAdjustmentAdded", [_unit, _value, _time]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if (count _log >= 8) then {
_log pushback [_message,_moment,_type, _arguments];
_unit setvariable [_logVarName, _log, true];
["medical_onLogEntryAdded", [_unit, _type, _message, _arguments]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
["medical_onLogEntryAdded", [_unit, _type, _message, _arguments]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
_logs = _unit getvariable [QGVAR(allLogs), []];
if !(_logVarName in _logs) then {
@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ if (!_inList) then {
_log pushback [_newItem, 1, ACE_time];
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(triageCard), _log, true];
["Medical_onItemAddedToTriageCard", [_unit, _newItem, _amount]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
["Medical_onItemAddedToTriageCard", [_unit, _newItem, _amount]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ if (((velocity _unit) select 2 < -5) && {(vehicle _unit == _unit)}) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(isFalling), True];
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isFalling), false] && {!(_selectionName in ["", "leg_l", "leg_r"])}) exitWith {};
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isFalling), false] && {!(_selectionName in ["", "leg_l", "leg_r"])}) exitWith {0};
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isFalling), false]) then {
_newDamage = _newDamage * 0.7;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if (_unit getvariable [QGVAR(inCardiacArrest),false]) exitwith {};
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(inCardiacArrest), true,true];
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 0];
["Medical_onEnteredCardiacArrest", [_unit]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
["Medical_onEnteredCardiacArrest", [_unit]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
[_unit, true] call FUNC(setUnconscious);
_timeInCardiacArrest = 120 + round(random(600));
@ -74,5 +74,8 @@ _unit setvariable ["ACE_isDead", true, true];
if (isPLayer _unit) then {
_unit setvariable ["isDeadPlayer", true, true];
["medical_onSetDead", [_unit]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
_unit setdamage 1;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#define DEFAULT_DELAY (round(random(10)+5))
private ["_unit", "_set", "_animState", "_originalPos", "_startingTime","_minWaitingTime", "_force"];
private ["_unit", "_set", "_animState", "_originalPos", "_startingTime","_minWaitingTime", "_force", "_isDead"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_set = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {true};
_minWaitingTime = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {DEFAULT_DELAY};
@ -47,12 +47,15 @@ if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
// if we have unconsciousness for AI disabled, we will kill the unit instead
_isDead = false;
if (!([_unit] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)) && !_force) then {
_enableUncon = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(enableUnconsciousnessAI), GVAR(enableUnconsciousnessAI)];
if (_enableUncon == 0 or {_enableUncon == 1 and (random 1) < 0.5}) exitWith {
if (_enableUncon == 0 or {_enableUncon == 1 and (random 1) < 0.5}) then {
[_unit, true] call FUNC(setDead);
_isDead = true;
if (_isDead) exitWith {};
// If a unit has the launcher out, it will sometimes start selecting the primairy weapon while unconscious,
// therefor we force it to select the primairy weapon before going unconscious
@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ _hasMovedOut = _args select 4;
_parachuteCheck = _args select 5;
if (!alive _unit) exitwith {
if ("ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon" in (weapons _unit)) then {
TRACE_1("Removing fake weapon [on death]",_unit);
_unit removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (GVAR(moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious)) then {
[_unit, false, "ACE_isUnconscious", side group _unit] call EFUNC(common,switchToGroupSide);
@ -49,6 +53,11 @@ if !(_unit getvariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false]) exitwith {
// TODO, handle this with carry instead, so we can remove the PFH here.
// Wait until the unit isn't being carried anymore, so we won't end up with wierd animations
if !(([_unit] call FUNC(isBeingCarried)) || ([_unit] call FUNC(isBeingDragged))) then {
if ("ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon" in (weapons _unit)) then {
TRACE_1("Removing fake weapon [on wakeup]",_unit);
_unit removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then {
if (animationState _unit == "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon") then {
[_unit,"AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront", 2] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
@ -1585,6 +1585,13 @@
<Czech>%1 zkontroloval srdeční tep: %2</Czech>
<Portuguese>%1 verificou a frequência cardíaca: %2</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Check_Pulse_None">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Check_Pulse_Weak">
@ -2924,21 +2931,21 @@
<Spanish>Proporciona un sistema médico para jugadores e IA.</Spanish>
<German>Aktiviert ein medizinisches System für Spieler und KI.</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_AdvancedMedicalSettings_Module_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_AdvancedMedicalSettings_Module_DisplayName">
<English>Advanced Medical Settings [ACE]</English>
<Russian>Настройки усложненной медицины [ACE]</Russian>
<Polish>Zaawansowane ustawienia medyczne [ACE]</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes médicos avanzados [ACE]</Spanish>
<German>Erweiterte medizinische Einstellungen [ACE]</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_AdvancedMedicalSettings_enableFor_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_AdvancedMedicalSettings_enableFor_DisplayName">
<English>Enabled for</English>
<Russian>Включено для</Russian>
<Polish>Aktywne dla</Polish>
<Spanish>Hablitado para</Spanish>
<German>Aktiviert für</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_AdvancedMedicalSettings_enableFor_Description">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_AdvancedMedicalSettings_enableFor_Description">
<English>Select what units the advanced medical system will be enabled for</English>
<Russian>Выберите, на кого будет распространяться усложненная система медицины</Russian>
<Polish>Wybierz dla kogo zaawansowany system medyczny będzie aktywny</Polish>
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class GVAR(triageCard) {
y = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
text = $STR_ACE_Medical_Triage_Status_None;
text = CSTRING(Triage_Status_None);
style = 0x02;
size = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class GVAR(triageCard) {
y = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
text = $STR_ACE_Medical_Triage_Status_Minor;
text = CSTRING(Triage_Status_Minor);
style = 0x02;
size = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class GVAR(triageCard) {
y = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
text = $STR_ACE_Medical_Triage_Status_Delayed;
text = CSTRING(Triage_Status_Delayed);
style = 0x02;
size = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class GVAR(triageCard) {
y = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
text = $STR_ACE_Medical_Triage_Status_Immediate;
text = CSTRING(Triage_Status_Immediate);
style = 0x02;
size = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class GVAR(triageCard) {
y = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
text = $STR_ACE_Medical_Triage_Status_Deceased;
text = CSTRING(Triage_Status_Deceased);
style = 0x02;
size = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)";
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
author[] = {"Spooner", "tcp"};
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_MX2A_DisplayName";
displayName = CSTRING(DisplayName);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportWeapons {
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
class CfgWeapons {
class Binocular;
class ACE_MX2A: Binocular {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
displayName = "$STR_ACE_MX2A_DisplayName";
descriptionShort = "$STR_ACE_MX2A_Description";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(DisplayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Description);
model = PATHTOF(data\ace_mx2a.p3d);
modelOptics = QUOTE(PATHTOEF(apl,LWTS_optic.p3d));
picture = PATHTOF(UI\w_mx2a_ca.paa);
@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MX2A_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MX2A_Description">
<English>Thermal imaging device</English>
<Polish>Monokular termowizyjny</Polish>
<Spanish>Dispositivo de imagen térmica</Spanish>
@ -185,6 +185,7 @@
<English>This module allows you to customize settings and range of Name Tags.</English>
<Polish>Moduł ten pozwala dostosować ustawienia i zasięg wyświetlania imion.</Polish>
<German>Dieses Modul erlaubt die Einstellungen der Anzeigenamen zu verändern.</German>
<Spanish>Este módulo permite personalizar la configuración y la distancia de las Etiquetas de nombre.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_Disabled">
@ -219,14 +220,17 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_ForceShowOnlyCursor">
<English>Force Show Only on Cursor</English>
<Polish>Wymuś pod kursorem</Polish>
<Spanish>Forzar mostrar solo en el cursor</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_ForceShowOnlyKeypress">
<English>Force Show Only on Keypress</English>
<Polish>Wymuś po wciśnięciu klawisza</Polish>
<Spanish>Forzar mostrar solo al pulsar tecla</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_ForceShowOnlyCursorAndKeypress">
<English>Force Show Only on Cursor and Keypress</English>
<Polish>Wymuś pod kursorem i po wciśnięciu klawisza</Polish>
<Spanish>Forzar mostrar en el cursor y al pulsar tecla</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_NameTagSettings">
<English>Use Nametag settings</English>
@ -243,18 +247,22 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_ShowPlayerNames_Desc">
<English>Show player names and set their activation. Default: Enabled</English>
<Polish>Opcja ta pozwala dostosować sposób wyświetlania imion nad głowami graczy. Opcja "Tylko po wciśnięciu klawisza" wyświetla imiona tylko przytrzymania klawisza "Modyfikator" dostępnego w menu ustawień addonów -> ACE3.</Polish>
<Spanish>Mostrar nombres de los jugadores y establecer su activación. Predeterminado: Habilitado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_ShowSoundWaves_Desc">
<English>Effect of sound waves above the heads of speaking players after holding the PTT key. This option works with TFAR and ACRE2.</English>
<Polish>Opcja ta pozwala dostosować sposób wyświetlania efektu fal dźwiękowych nad głowami mówiących graczy, wyświetlanych po przytrzymaniu klawisza PTT. Opcja ta współpracuje z TFAR oraz ACRE2.</Polish>
<Spanish>Efecto de ondas sonoras encima de las cabezas de los jugadores que hablan después de mantener la tecla PTT. Esta opción funciona con TFAR y ACRE2.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_TagSize_Name">
<English>Nametags Size</English>
<Polish>Rozmiar imion</Polish>
<Spanish>Tamaño de las Etiquetas de nombre</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NameTags_TagSize_Description">
<English>Text and Icon Size Scaling</English>
<Polish>Skalowanie tekstu oraz ikon</Polish>
<Spanish>Escala del texto y el icono</Spanish>
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ class ACE_settingsMenu {
class action_debug: actionClose {
idc = 1102;
text = "$STR_ACE_OptionsMenu_DumpDebug";
text = CSTRING(DumpDebug);
x = X_PART(26.5);
action = QUOTE([] call FUNC(debugDumpToClipboard));
tooltip = "$STR_ACE_OptionsMenu_DumpDebugTooltip";
tooltip = CSTRING(DumpDebugTooltip);
@ -310,10 +310,12 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_OptionsMenu_DumpDebug">
<English>Debug To Clipboard</English>
<Polish>Debuguj do schowka</Polish>
<Spanish>Depurar al portapapeles</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_OptionsMenu_DumpDebugTooltip">
<English>Sends debug information to RPT and clipboard.</English>
<Polish>Wysyła informacje o debugowaniu do RPT oraz schowka.</Polish>
<Spanish>Envía información de depuración al RPT y el portapapeles.</Spanish>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Actions {
class ACE_Weapon {
class GVAR(copyRangeCard) {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_RangeCard_CopyRangeCard";
displayName = CSTRING(CopyRangeCard);
distance = 2.0;
condition = QUOTE(_target call FUNC(canCopy));
statement = QUOTE(_target call FUNC(updateClassNames));
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ACE_Equipment {
class GVAR(open) {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_RangeCard_OpenRangeCard";
displayName = CSTRING(OpenRangeCard);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canShow) && !GVAR(RangeCardOpened));
statement = QUOTE(false call FUNC(openRangeCard));
showDisabled = 0;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
exceptions[] = {"notOnMap"};
class GVAR(openCopy) {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_RangeCard_OpenRangeCardCopy";
displayName = CSTRING(OpenRangeCardCopy);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canShowCopy) && !GVAR(RangeCardOpened));
statement = QUOTE(true call FUNC(openRangeCard));
showDisabled = 0;
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_RangeCard: ACE_ItemCore {
author[] = {"Ruthberg"};
scope = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_RangeCard_Name";
descriptionShort = "$STR_ACE_RangeCard_Description";
displayName = CSTRING(Name);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Description);
picture = PATHTOF(UI\RangeCard_Icon.paa);
icon = "iconObject_circle";
mapSize = 0.034;
@ -4,30 +4,37 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_Name">
<English>Range Card</English>
<Polish>Tabela balistyczna</Polish>
<Spanish>Tarjeta de distancias</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_Description">
<English>50 METER increments -- MRAD/MRAD (reticle/turrets)</English>
<Polish>Co 50 metrów - MRAD/MRAD (siatka/pokrętło)</Polish>
<Spanish>Incrementos de 50 METROS -- MRAD/MRAD (retícula/torretas)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_OpenRangeCard">
<English>Open Range Card</English>
<Polish>Otwórz tabelę balistyczną</Polish>
<Spanish>Abrir tarjeta de distancias</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_OpenRangeCardCopy">
<English>Open Range Card Copy</English>
<Polish>Otwórz kopię tabeli balistycznej</Polish>
<Spanish>Abrir copia de tarjeta de distancias</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_RangeCardDialogKey">
<English>Open Range Card</English>
<Polish>Otwórz tabelę balistyczną</Polish>
<Spanish>Abrir tarjeta de distancias</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_RangeCardCopyDialogKey">
<English>Open Range Card Copy</English>
<Polish>Otwórz kopię tabeli balistycznej</Polish>
<Spanish>Abrir copia de tarjeta de distancias</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RangeCard_CopyRangeCard">
<English>Copy Range Card</English>
<Polish>Skopiuj tabelę balistyczną</Polish>
<Spanish>Copiar tarjeta de distancias</Spanish>
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ if(format["%1", _backpack] != "") then {
// primaryWeapon
if (_primaryweapon != "") then {
if ((_primaryweapon != "") && {_primaryweapon != "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon"}) then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} forEach _primaryweaponmagazine;
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class CAManBase: Man {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ACE_Sandbags {
displayName = $STR_ACE_AC_BUILD;
displayName = CSTRING(DeploySandbag);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canDeploy));
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(deploy));
exceptions[] = {"isNotSwimming", "isNotInside"};
exceptions[] = {"isNotSwimming"};
showDisabled = 1;
priority = 4;
icon = PATHTOF(UI\icon_sandbag_ca.paa);
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class Item_Base_F;
class ACE_Item_Sandbag_empty: Item_Base_F {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_M_SBEMPTY";
displayName = CSTRING(sandbagEmpty_displayName);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
class ACE_Sandbag_empty {
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Item_Sandbag: Item_Base_F {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Sandbag";
displayName = CSTRING(sandbag_displayName);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
class ACE_Sandbag {
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class thingX;
class ACE_SandbagObject: thingX {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 1;
side = -1;
model = PATHTOF(data\ace_sandbag_build.p3d);
displayName = $STR_ACE_Sandbag;
displayName = CSTRING(sandbag_displayName);
typicalCargo[] = {};
armor = 12000; // Withstand 200 5.56 bullets before sandbag hull is cheese
mapSize = 0.4;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
condition = "true";
class ACE_PickUp {
selection = "";
displayName = "$STR_ACE_AC_PICKUPSB";
displayName = CSTRING(PICKUPSB);
distance = 4;
condition = QUOTE(!(_player getVariable [ARR_2('ace_sandbag_usingSandbag',false)]));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_target,_player)] call FUNC(pickup));
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Carry {
selection = "";
displayName = "$STR_ACE_AC_CARRYSB";
displayName = CSTRING(CARRYSB);
distance = 4;
condition = QUOTE(!(_player getVariable [ARR_2('ace_sandbag_usingSandbag',false)]));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_target,_player)] call FUNC(carry));
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class InventoryItem_Base_F;
class ACE_Sandbag_empty: ACE_ItemCore {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_M_SBEMPTY";
displayName = CSTRING(sandbagEmpty_displayName);
model = PATHTOF(data\ace_sandbag_m.p3d);
picture = PATHTOF(data\m_sandbag_ca.paa);
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_Sandbag: ACE_ItemCore {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Sandbag";
displayName = CSTRING(sandbag_displayName);
model = PATHTOF(data\ace_sandbag_build.p3d);
picture = PATHTOF(data\m_sandbag_ca.paa);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ _unit setVariable [QGVAR(usingSandbag), true];
GVAR(sandBag) setDir (GVAR(deployDirection) + getDir ACE_player);
}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
[localize "STR_ACE_AC_DROP", "", ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
[localize LSTRING(DropSandbag), "", ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
GVAR(carrier) setVariable [QGVAR(drop),
[GVAR(carrier), "DefaultAction",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ GVAR(deployPFH) = [{
GVAR(sandBag) setDir (GVAR(deployDirection) + getDir ACE_player);
}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
[localize "STR_ACE_AC_CONF", localize "STR_ACE_AC_CANCEL", localize "STR_ACE_Sandbag_ScrollAction"] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
[localize LSTRING(ConfirmDeployment), localize LSTRING(CancelDeployment), localize LSTRING(ScrollAction)] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
GVAR(placer) setVariable [QGVAR(Deploy),
[GVAR(placer), "DefaultAction",
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="sandbag">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_sandbag_displayName">
<Russian>Мешок с песком</Russian>
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<Italian>Sacco di Sabbia</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_sandbagEmpty_displayName">
<English>Sandbag (empty)</English>
<German>Sandsack (leer)</German>
<Russian>Мешок с песком (пустой)</Russian>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<Italian>Sacco di Sabbia (Vuoto)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Homokzsák (üres)</Hungarian>
<English>Cannot build here</English>
<German>Nicht möglich</German>
<Russian>Установка на этом месте невозможна</Russian>
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<Italian>Impossibile costruire qui</Italian>
<Hungarian>Nem teheted ide</Hungarian>
<English>Pick up Sandbag</English>
<German>Sandsack abbauen</German>
<Russian>Взять мешок с песком</Russian>
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<Italian>Prendi Sacco di Sabbia</Italian>
<Hungarian>Homokzsák felvétele</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_CARRYSB">
<English>Carry Sandbag</English>
<German>Sandsack tragen</German>
<Russian>Нести мешок с песком</Russian>
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<Italian>Trasporta Sacco di Sabbia</Italian>
<Hungarian>Homokzsák cipelése</Hungarian>
<English>End Carrying</English>
<German>Tragen beenden</German>
<Russian>Завершить переноску</Russian>
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<Italian>Fine Trasporto</Italian>
<Hungarian>Cipelés abbahagyása</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_DropSandbag">
<English>Drop Sandbag</English>
<German>Sandsack ablegen</German>
<Russian>Положить мешок</Russian>
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<Italian>Lascia Sacco di Sabbia</Italian>
<Hungarian>Homokzsák eldobása</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_ConfirmDeployment">
<English>Confirm Deployment</English>
<Russian>Подтвердить установку</Russian>
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
<Italian>Conferma Posizionamento</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_CancelDeployment">
<English>Cancel Deployment</English>
<Russian>Отменить установку</Russian>
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<Italian>Cancella Posizionamento</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_DeploySandbag">
<English>Deploy Sandbag</English>
<German>Sandsack aufbauen</German>
<Russian>Установить мешок с песком</Russian>
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
<Italian>Posiziona Sacco di Sabbia</Italian>
<Hungarian>Homokzsák lerakása</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_SANDBOX">
<English>Sandbag Box</English>
<German>Sandsack Kiste</German>
<Russian>Ящик мешков с песком</Russian>
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
<Italian>Contenitore Sacchi di Sabbia</Italian>
<Hungarian>Homokzsákos láda</Hungarian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Sandbag_NOSAND">
<English>Here is no sand</English>
<German>Hier gibt es keinen Sand</German>
<Russian>Здесь нет песка</Russian>
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class CfgVehicles {
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 2;
icon = PATHTOF(UI\w_spottingscope_ca.paa);
exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"};
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class CfgVehicles {
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 2;
icon = PATHTOF(UI\w_sniper_tripod_ca.paa);
exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"};
@ -25,15 +25,23 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tripod_PickUp">
<English>Pick up SSWT Kit</English>
<Polish>Podnieś trójnóg snajperski</Polish>
<Spanish>Coger equipo SSWT</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tripod_Adjust">
<English>Adjust SSWT Kit</English>
<Polish>Reguluj trójnóg snajperski</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustar equipo SSWT</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tripod_Done">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tripod_ScrollAction">
<English>+ Modifier, adjust</English>
<Polish>+ Modyfikator, regulacja</Polish>
<Spanish>+ Modificador, ajuste</Spanish>
@ -2,45 +2,45 @@ class ACE_Settings {
class GVAR(enabled) {
typeName = "BOOL";
value = 1;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_enabled_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_enabled_Description";
displayName = CSTRING(enabled_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(enabled_Description);
class GVAR(viewDistanceOnFoot) {
typeName = "SCALAR";
isClientSettable = 1;
value = 0; // index, NOT value // Can set it to client's actual viewdistance in the init function once ACE_Settings supports numbers (if ever).
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_videosettings","500","1000","1500","2000","2500","3000","3500","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; // Values also need to be changed in functions/fnc_returnValue.sqf
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_onFoot_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_onFoot_Description";
values[] = {CSTRING(videosettings),"500","1000","1500","2000","2500","3000","3500","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; // Values also need to be changed in functions/fnc_returnValue.sqf
displayName = CSTRING(onFoot_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(onFoot_Description);
class GVAR(viewDistanceLandVehicle) {
typeName = "SCALAR";
isClientSettable = 1;
value = 0; // index, NOT value
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_videosettings","500","1000","1500","2000","2500","3000","3500","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; // Values also need to be changed in functions/fnc_returnValue.sqf
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_landVehicle_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_landVehicle_Description";
values[] = {CSTRING(videosettings),"500","1000","1500","2000","2500","3000","3500","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; // Values also need to be changed in functions/fnc_returnValue.sqf
displayName = CSTRING(landVehicle_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(landVehicle_Description);
class GVAR(viewDistanceAirVehicle) {
typeName = "SCALAR";
isClientSettable = 1;
value = 0; // index, NOT value
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_videosettings","500","1000","1500","2000","2500","3000","3500","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; // Values also need to be changed in functions/fnc_returnValue.sqf
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_airVehicle_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_airVehicle_Description";
values[] = {CSTRING(videosettings),"500","1000","1500","2000","2500","3000","3500","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; // Values also need to be changed in functions/fnc_returnValue.sqf
displayName = CSTRING(airVehicle_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(airVehicle_Description);
class GVAR(limitViewDistance) {
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 10000; // Value, NOT index. 10000 is the maximum in A3
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_setting";
displayName = CSTRING(limit_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(limit_setting);
class GVAR(objectViewDistanceCoeff) {
typeName = "SCALAR";
isClientSettable = 1;
value = 0; // index. Actual coefficient is given by functions/fnc_returnObjectCoeff.sqf
values[] = {"$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_off","$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_verylow","$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_low","$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_medium","$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_high","$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_veryhigh"};
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_Description";
values[] = {CSTRING(object_off),CSTRING(object_verylow),CSTRING(object_low),CSTRING(object_medium),CSTRING(object_high),CSTRING(object_veryhigh)};
displayName = CSTRING(object_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(object_Description);
@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ class CfgVehicles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
category = "ACE";
function = QUOTE(DFUNC(initModule));
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_Module_DisplayName";
displayName = CSTRING(Module_DisplayName);
scope = 2;
isGlobal = 1;
//icon = ""; // needs an icon
class Arguments {
class moduleViewDistanceEnabled {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_enabled_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_enabled_Description";
displayName = CSTRING(enabled_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(enabled_Description);
typeName = "BOOL";
defaultValue = 1;
class moduleViewDistanceLimit {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_Description";
displayName = CSTRING(limit_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(limit_Description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 10000;
class ModuleDescription {
description = "$STR_ACE_ViewDistance_Module_Description";
class ModuleDescription {
description = CSTRING(Module_Description);
sync[] = {};
@ -4,102 +4,127 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_Module_DisplayName">
<English>View Distance Limiter</English>
<Polish>Ogranicznik zasięgu widzenia</Polish>
<Spanish>Limitador de distancia de visión</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_Module_Description">
<English>Allows limiting maximum view distance that can be set by players.</English>
<Polish>Pozwala ustawić maksymalny limit zasięgu widzenia.</Polish>
<Spanish>Permite limitar la distancia máxima de visión que se puede establecer por los jugadores.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_enabled_DisplayName">
<English>Enable ACE viewdistance</English>
<Polish>Wł. zasięg widzenia ACE</Polish>
<Spanish>Habilitar distancia de visión ACE</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_enabled_Description">
<English>Enables ACE viewdistance</English>
<Polish>Aktywuje możliwość zmiany zasięgu widzenia w menu ustawień ACE</Polish>
<Spanish>Habilita la distancia de visión ACE</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_DisplayName">
<English>View Distance Limit</English>
<Polish>Limit zas. widzenia</Polish>
<Spanish>Limite de distancia de visión</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_Description">
<English>Sets the limit for how high clients can raise their view distance (up to 10000)</English>
<Polish>Ustawia maksymalny limit zasięgu widzenia jaki mogą ustawić gracze (do 10000)</Polish>
<Spanish>Establece el límite de cuan alta pueden aumentar los clientes la distancia de visión (hasta 10.000)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_limit_setting">
<English>Limit for client's view distance set here and can overridden by module</English>
<Polish>Limit zasięgu widzenia jest ustawiany tutaj i może zostać nadpisany poprzez moduł</Polish>
<Spanish>Establecer aqui el límite para la distancia de visión de los clientes. Puede ser anulado por módulo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_onFoot_DisplayName">
<English>Client View Distance (On Foot)</English>
<Polish>Zasięg widzenia (piechota)</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia de visión del cliente (A pie)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_onFoot_Description">
<English>Changes in game view distance when the player is on foot.</English>
<Polish>Zmienia zasięg widzenia kiedy gracz porusza się na piechotę.</Polish>
<Spanish>Cambia en juego la distancia de visión cuando el jugador va a pie.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_landVehicle_DisplayName">
<English>Client View Distance (Land Vehicle)</English>
<Polish>Zasięg widzenia (pojazdy naziemne)</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia de visión del cliente (Vehículo terrestre)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_landVehicle_Description">
<English>Changes in game view distance when the player is in a land vehicle.</English>
<Polish>Zmienia zasięg widzenia kiedy gracz porusza się pojazdami naziemnymi.</Polish>
<Spanish>Cambia en juego la distancia de visión cuando el jugador va en un vehículo terrestre.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_airVehicle_DisplayName">
<English>Client View Distance (Air Vehicle)</English>
<Polish>Zasięg widzenia (pojazdy lotnicze)</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia de visión del cliente (Vehículo aéreo)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_airVehicle_Description">
<English>Changes in game view distance when the player is in an air vehicle.</English>
<Polish>Zmienia zasięg widzenia kiedy gracz porusza się pojazdami lotniczymi.</Polish>
<Spanish>Cambia en juego la distancia de visión cuando el jugador va en un vehículo aéreo.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_DisplayName">
<English>Dynamic Object View Distance</English>
<Polish>Dynamiczny zasięg rysowania obiektów</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia de visión dinámica de objetos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_Description">
<English>Sets the object view distance as a coefficient of the view distance.</English>
<Polish>Zmienia zasięg rysowania obiektów jako mnożnik zasięgu widzenia.</Polish>
<Spanish>Establece la distancia de visión de objetos como un coeficiente de la distancia de visión.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_off">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_verylow">
<English>Very Low</English>
<Polish>Bardzo niski</Polish>
<Spanish>Muy baja</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_low">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_medium">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_high">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_object_veryhigh">
<English>Very High</English>
<Polish>Bardzo wysoki</Polish>
<Spanish>Muy alta</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_infotext">
<English>View Distance:</English>
<Polish>Zasięg widzenia:</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia de visión:</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_objectinfotext">
<English>Object View Distance is</English>
<Polish>Zasięg widzenia obiektów wynosi</Polish>
<Spanish>La distancia de visión de objetos es:</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_invalid">
<English>That option is invalid! The limit is</English>
<Polish>Ta opcja jest nieprawidłowa! Limit wynosi</Polish>
<Spanish>Esta opción no es valida! El limite es</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_videosettings">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ViewDistance_videosettings">
<English>Video Settings</English>
<Polish>Ustawienia wideo</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes de vídeo</Spanish>
@ -110,7 +110,18 @@ if !(hasInterface) exitWith {};
if !([ACE_player] call EFUNC(common,canUseWeapon)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
[ACE_player] call FUNC(putWeaponAway);
if ((currentWeapon ACE_player) != "") then {
[ACE_player] call FUNC(putWeaponAway);
} else {
private ["_weapon"];
_weapon = switch (true) do {
case ((primaryWeapon ACE_player) != ""): {primaryWeapon ACE_player};
case ((handgunWeapon ACE_player) != ""): {handgunWeapon ACE_player};
case ((secondaryWeapon ACE_player) != ""): {secondaryWeapon ACE_player};
default {""};
if (_weapon != "") then {ACE_player selectWeapon _weapon};
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_weather"};
versionDesc = "ACE Wind Deflection";
author[] = {$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam, "Glowbal", "Ruthberg"};
author[] = {ECSTRING(common,ACETeam), "Glowbal", "Ruthberg"};
authorUrl = "http://csemod.com";
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
author[] = {"Spooner", "tcp"};
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Yardage450_DisplayName";
displayName = CSTRING(DisplayName);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportWeapons {
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
class CfgWeapons {
class Binocular;
class ACE_Yardage450: Binocular {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Yardage450_DisplayName";
descriptionShort = "$STR_ACE_Yardage450_Description";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(DisplayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Description);
model = PATHTOF(data\ace_yardage_pro_450.p3d);
modelOptics = PATHTOF(data\bushnell_optic.p3d);
picture = PATHTOF(UI\w_bushnell_ca.paa);
@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Yardage450_DisplayName">
<English>Yardage 450</English>
<Polish>Yardage 450</Polish>
<Spanish>Yardage 450</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Yardage450_Description">
<English>Laser Rangefinder</English>
<Polish>Dalmierz laserowy</Polish>
<Spanish>Telémetro láser</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Yardage450_PowerButtonKey">
<English>Yardage 450 - Power Button</English>
<German>Yardage 450 - Einschalt-Taste</German>
<Polish>Yardage 450 - Przycisk zasilania</Polish>
<Spanish>Yardage 450 - Botón de encendido</Spanish>
@ -126,13 +126,14 @@ if (_activated) then {
case (_ownerUID > 0): {
waituntil {
sleep 0.01;
{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits > 0
{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits > 0 || isnull _logic
default {
waituntil {isplayer (missionnamespace getvariable [_ownerVar,objnull])};
waituntil {isplayer (missionnamespace getvariable [_ownerVar,objnull]) || isnull _logic};
if (isnull _logic) exitwith {};
//--- Assign
_player = objnull;
@ -147,21 +148,22 @@ if (_activated) then {
waituntil {unassigncurator _logic; isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _logic)};
waituntil {_player assignCurator _logic; getassignedcuratorunit _logic == _player};
waituntil {unassigncurator _logic; isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _logic) || isnull _logic};
waituntil {_player assignCurator _logic; getassignedcuratorunit _logic == _player || isnull _logic};
if (isnull _logic) exitwith {};
//--- Add radio channels
_x radiochanneladd [_player];
} foreach (_logic getvariable ["channels",[]]);
// Added by ACE_zeus to delay ascension message at mission start
// Added by ace_zeus to delay ascension message at mission start
_logic = _this select 0;
_player = _this select 1;
if (GVAR(zeusAscension)) then {
//--- Sent notification to all assigned players
//--- Sent notification to all assigned players
if ((_logic getvariable ["showNotification",true]) && GVAR(zeusAscension)) then {
if (isplayer _x) then {
[["CuratorAssign",[_name,name _player]],"bis_fnc_showNotification",_x] call bis_fnc_mp;
@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ if (_activated) then {
[_logic,"curatorUnitAssigned",[_logic,_player]] call bis_fnc_callscriptedeventhandler;
// Added by ACE_zeus
// Added by ace_zeus
["zeusUnitAssigned", [_logic,_player]] call EFUNC(common,globalEvent);
//--- Forced interface
@ -185,13 +187,14 @@ if (_activated) then {
case (_ownerUID > 0): {
waituntil {
sleep 0.01;
{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits == 0
{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits == 0 || isnull _logic
default {
waituntil {_player != missionnamespace getvariable [_ownerVar,objnull]};
waituntil {_player != missionnamespace getvariable [_ownerVar,objnull] || isnull _logic};
if (isnull _logic) exitwith {};
//--- Add radio channels
@ -199,7 +202,8 @@ if (_activated) then {
} foreach (_logic getvariable ["channels",[]]);
//--- Unassign
waituntil {unassigncurator _logic; isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _logic)};
waituntil {unassigncurator _logic; isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _logic) || isnull _logic};
if (isnull _logic) exitwith {};
@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ if (_activated) then {
} foreach (synchronizedobjects _logic);
_addons call bis_fnc_activateaddons;
// Added by ACE_zeus to delay bird code
// Added by ace_zeus to delay bird code
_logic = _this select 0;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if (_activated) then {
_explosive = createvehicle [_explosive,position _logic,[],0,"none"];
_explosive attachto [_logic];
// Added by ACE_zeus to control if mines are revealed
// Added by ace_zeus to control if mines are revealed
if (GVAR(revealMines) > 0) then {
//--- Reveal the mine to curator's side
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ if (_activated) then {
_projectile setvelocity _velocity;
if (_attach) then {_projectile attachto [_logic,[0,0,_altitude]];};
// This is our addition to this function
// Added by ace_zeus for ace_frag compatibility
if (!isnil "ace_frag_fnc_addManualTrack") then {
[_projectile] call ace_frag_fnc_addManualTrack
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ if (_activated) then {
//--- Create sound source
_soundSource = if (_soundSourceClass != "") then {createSoundSource [_soundSourceClass,_pos,[],0]} else {objnull};
// Added by ACE_zeus to toggle ordnance radio message
// Added by ace_zeus to toggle ordnance radio message
if (GVAR(radioOrdnance)) then {
//--- Play radio warning
[] call _fnc_playRadio;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if (_activated && local _logic && !isnull curatorcamera) then {
bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_unit = _unit;
_unit setvariable ["bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_owner",player,true];
// Added by ACE_zeus to toggle remote control wind sound
// Added by ace_zeus to toggle remote control wind sound
if (GVAR(remoteWind)) then {
//--- Play wind cue to all players
[format ["wind%1",ceil random 5],"bis_fnc_playsound"] call bis_fnc_mp;
@ -4,70 +4,87 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_Settings_DisplayName">
<English>Zeus Settings</English>
<Polish>Ustawienia Zeusa</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes Zeus</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_Settings_Description">
<English>Provides control over various aspects of Zeus.</English>
<Polish>Pozwala kontrolować różne aspekty Zeusa.</Polish>
<Spanish>Proporciona control sobre diversos aspectos de Zeus.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ascension_DisplayName">
<English>Ascension Messages</English>
<Polish>Wiad. o nowym Zeusie</Polish>
<Spanish>Mensajes de ascensión</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ascension_Description">
<English>Display global popup messages when a player is assigned as Zeus.</English>
<Polish>Wyświetlaj globalną wiadomość kiedy gracz zostanie przydzielony jako Zeus</Polish>
<Spanish>Mostrar mensajes emergentes globales cuando a un jugador se le asigna como Zeus.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_bird_DisplayName">
<English>Zeus Eagle</English>
<Polish>Orzeł Zeusa</Polish>
<Spanish>Águila Zeus</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_bird_Description">
<English>Spawn an eagle that follows the Zeus camera.</English>
<Polish>Spawnuj orła, który podąrza za kamerą Zeusa.</Polish>
<Spanish>Generar un águila que sigue la cámara Zeus.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_remoteWind_DisplayName">
<English>Wind Sounds</English>
<Polish>Dźwięki wiatru</Polish>
<Spanish>Sonidos de viento</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_remoteWind_Description">
<English>Play wind sounds when Zeus remote controls a unit.</English>
<Polish>Odtwarzaj dźwięki wiatru kiedy Zeus zdalnie kontroluje jednostkę.</Polish>
<Spanish>Reproduce sonidos de viento cuando Zeus controle remotamente una unidad.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_radioOrdnance_DisplayName">
<English>Ordnance Warning</English>
<Polish>Ostrz. o ostrzale arty.</Polish>
<Spanish>Advertencia de artefactos explosivos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_radioOrdnance_Description">
<English>Play a radio warning when Zeus uses ordnance.</English>
<Polish>Odtwarzaj wiadomość radiową kiedy Zeus używa artylerii.</Polish>
<Spanish>Reproduce un aviso de radio cuando Zeus utiliza artefactos explosivos.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_revealMines_DisplayName">
<English>Reveal Mines</English>
<Polish>Pokazuj miny</Polish>
<Spanish>Revelar minas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_revealMines_Description">
<English>Reveal mines to allies and place map markers.</English>
<Polish>Pokazuj znaczniki min dla sojuszników i twórz markery na mapie w miejscu min.</Polish>
<Spanish>Revelar minas a aliados y establecer marcadores de mapa.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_revealMines_partial">
<English>Reveal to Allies</English>
<Polish>Pokaż dla sojuszników</Polish>
<Spanish>Revelar a aliados</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_revealMines_full">
<English>Allies + Map Markers</English>
<Polish>Sojusznicy + markery na mapie</Polish>
<Spanish>Aliados + Marcas de mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleCaptive_DisplayName">
<English>Toggle Captive</English>
<Polish>Przełącz więźnia</Polish>
<Spanish>Alternar cautivo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleSurrender_DisplayName">
<English>Toggle Surrender</English>
<Polish>Przełącz kapitulację</Polish>
<Spanish>Alternar rendición</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleUnconscious_DisplayName">
<English>Toggle Unconscious</English>
<Polish>Przełącz nieprzytomność</Polish>
<Spanish>Alternar inconsciencia</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_OnlyAlive">
<English>Unit must be alive</English>
@ -96,6 +113,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_OnlyNonCaptive">
<English>Unit must not be captive</English>
<Polish>Jednostka nie może być więźniem</Polish>
<Spanish>La unidad no debe estar cautiva</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_NothingSelected">
<English>Place on a unit</English>
@ -112,6 +130,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_RequiresAddon">
<English>Requires an addon that is not present</English>
<Polish>Wymaga addonu, który nie jest obecny</Polish>
<Spanish>Requiere un addon que no está presente</Spanish>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user