Working updating all previously unused/undefined vanilla round definitions

This commit is contained in:
lambdatiger 2024-01-12 01:50:01 -06:00
parent 3d3fb434a7
commit 2805699c0c
4 changed files with 204 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,65 @@
// ~~~~ Autocannons
class B_19mm_HE: BulletBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class B_20mm: BulletBase {
// Used in Weisel/AWC Nyx, which makes it a Rheinmetall Mk 20 Rh-202
// total mass of 134g probably not enough to do anything
/*GVAR(fragCount) = 20;
GVAR(metal) = ;
GVAR(charge) = ;
GVAR(gurney_c) = ;
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";*/
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class B_30mm_HE: B_19mm {
// Used in Gorgon (Pandur II), assuming it's a L21A1 RARDEN, specifically HEI-T due to tracers
GVAR(skip) = 0;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(small)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 100;
GVAR(metal) = 320;
GVAR(charge) = 25;
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2547; // Hexal det. velocity / 3
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
class B_30mm_MP: B_30mm_HE {
// Used in Mora (FV510 Warrior), assuming it's a Mk44 Bushmaster II, specifically HEI-T due to tracers
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(small)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 100; // assumed based on
GVAR(metal) = 388;
GVAR(charge) = 56;
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2600; // guessed
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
class B_40mm_GPR: B_30mm_HE {
// Based on noted 40mm Autocannons, base ROF, and ammo names, looks to be a CTAS40, specifically GPR-PD-T
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(small)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 250;
GVAR(metal) = 750;
GVAR(charge) = 120;
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2700; // guessed
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
class B_35mm_AA: BulletBase {
// Gepard uses an Oerlikon GDF and the AA vehicles mimics it like it
GVAR(skip) = 0;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(small)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 175;
GVAR(metal) = 400;
GVAR(charge) = 98;
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2700;
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
// ~~~~ Bombs:
class Bo_GBU12_LGB: ammo_Bomb_LaserGuidedBase {
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large_HD), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(huge), QGVAR(huge_HD), QGVAR(huge)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 17500;
GVAR(metal) = 140000;
@ -11,8 +68,6 @@ class Bo_GBU12_LGB: ammo_Bomb_LaserGuidedBase {
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
class Bomb_04_F: ammo_Bomb_LaserGuidedBase {
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(huge), QGVAR(huge_HD), QGVAR(huge)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 17500;
GVAR(metal) = 140000;
@ -25,8 +80,6 @@ class BombCore;
class Bo_Mk82: BombCore {
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(large_HD), QGVAR(large), QGVAR(huge), QGVAR(huge_HD), QGVAR(huge)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 17500;
GVAR(metal) = 140000;
@ -37,11 +90,12 @@ class Bo_Mk82: BombCore {
// ~~~~ Grenades:
class Grenade;
class ACE_FlashlightProxy_White: Grenade {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class GrenadeHand: Grenade {
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(skip) = 0;
GVAR(force) = 1;
@ -56,14 +110,15 @@ class GrenadeHand: Grenade {
GVAR(gurney_k) = "3/5"; // Gurney shape factor, in this case a sphere. See:
class GrenadeHand_stone: GrenadeHand {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class SmokeShell: GrenadeHand {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class G_40mm_HE: GrenadeBase {
// Source:
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(force) = 1;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(small)};
@ -75,8 +130,6 @@ class G_40mm_HE: GrenadeBase {
class G_40mm_HEDP: G_40mm_HE {
// Source:
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(small_HD)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 270; // seems to have greater framentation ability, but lower range per source
GVAR(metal) = 200;
@ -88,21 +141,64 @@ class G_40mm_HEDP: G_40mm_HE {
class ACE_G_40mm_HEDP: G_40mm_HEDP {};
class ACE_G_40mm_HE: G_40mm_HE {};
class ACE_G_40mm_Practice: ACE_G_40mm_HE {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
GVAR(force) = 0;
EGVAR(vehicle_damage,incendiary) = 0;
// What is this even?
class ACE_G40mm_HE_VOG25P: G_40mm_HE {
GVAR(skip) = 0;
GVAR(force) = 1;
// ~~~~ Mines & UXO
class Drone_explosive_ammo: MineBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class APERSMine_Range_Ammo;
class UXO1_Ammo_Base_F: APERSMine_Range_Ammo {
GVAR(force) = 0;
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(small), QGVAR(small), QGVAR(medium)};
GVAR(fragCount) = 300;
GVAR(metal) = 1253;
GVAR(charge) = 287;
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2900;
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
class APERSMineDispenser_Mine_Ammo: APERSMine_Range_Ammo {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class UXO_deploy_base_f: SubmunitionBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo: DirectionalBombBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo: PipeBombBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo: PipeBombBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class BombDemine_01_Ammo_F: BombCore {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
// ~~~~ RPGs:
class R_PG32V_F;
class R_TBG32V_F: R_PG32V_F { // Thermobaric
GVAR(enabled) = 1;
GVAR(fragCount) = 200;
GVAR(metal) = 400;
GVAR(charge) = 210;
@ -205,7 +301,28 @@ class Missile_AA_04_F: MissileBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
// curator ammo entries
// Based on Metis-M missiles
class M_Vorona_HEAT: MissileBase {
// tandem shaped charges
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class M_Vorona_HE: M_Vorona_HEAT {
// All signs point to this being a thermobaric round so low frag count
GVAR(skip) = 0;
GVAR(fragCount) = 200;
GVAR(metal) = 13800;
GVAR(charge) = 4950;
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2800;
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
GVAR(classes)[] = {QGVAR(tiny)};
class M_NLAW_AT_F: MissileBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
/// ~~~~ Shell
class Sh_125mm_HEAT;
class Sh_155mm_AMOS: ShellBase {
// Source:
@ -276,8 +393,28 @@ class ModuleOrdnanceHowitzer_F_ammo: Sh_155mm_AMOS {
GVAR(gurney_c) = 2320;
GVAR(gurney_k) = "1/2";
class ammo_Penetrator_Base: ShellBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
// Special
class Default;
class Laserbeam: Default {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class FuelExplosion: Default {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class HelicopterExploSmall: ShellBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;
class LightningBolt: ShellBase {
GVAR(skip) = 1;

View File

@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
* Author: ACE-Team, Lambda.Tiger
* This function will dump every ammo config that would generate ace_frag
* fragements that doesn't have
* fragements that could be fired from a weapon
* Arguments:
* 0: Log ammo types that wouldn't normall frag
* 1: Force a CSV format
* 1: Only export ammo classes of classes referenced in cfgAmmo
* and their submunitions.
* 2: Force a CSV format
* Return Value:
* None
@ -17,32 +19,54 @@
* Public: No
params [
["_debugForce", false, [false]],
["_onlyShotAmmoTypes", false, [false]],
["_csvFormat", false, [false]]
diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start [%1]~~~~~~~~~~~~~", _this];
private _allAmmoConfigs = configProperties [configFile >> "cfgAmmo", "isClass _x && !('ace_frag' in configName _x)", true];
private _processedCfgAmmos = [];
if (_csvFormat) then {
diag_log text format ["ammo,gurney_c,gurney_m,gurney_k,gurney_gC,_fragTypes,_fragCount"];
diag_log text format ["ammo,gurney_c,gurney_m,gurney_k,gurney_gC,fragTypes,fragCount,Inheritance"];
private _printCount = 0;
private _allAmmoConfigs = [];
if (_onlyShotAmmoTypes) then {
private _searchFunc = {
params [
["_ammo", "", [""]]
if (_ammo isEqualTo "" || {_ammo in _allAmmoConfigs}) exitWith {};
_allAmmoConfigs pushBack _ammo;
private _subMunit = toLower getText (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "submunitionAmmo");
if (_subMunit isNotEqualTo "") then {
_subMunit = getArray (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "submunitionAmmo");
for "_i" from 0 to count _subMunit - 1 do {
if (_i mod 2 == 0) then {
[toLower (_subMunit#_i)] call _searchFunc;
} else {
[toLower _subMunit] call _searchFunc;
private _allMagazineConfigs = configProperties [configFile >> "cfgMagazines", "isClass _x", true];
private _ammo = tolower configName _x;
[toLower getText (_x >> "ammo")] call _searchFunc;
} forEach _allMagazineConfigs;
} else {
_allAmmoConfigs = configProperties [configFile >> "cfgAmmo", "isClass _x && !('ace_frag' in configName _x)", true] apply {configName _x};
private _processedCfgAmmos = [];
private _printCount = 0;
private _ammo = _x;
if (_ammo != "" && {!(_ammo in _processedCfgAmmos)}) then {
_processedCfgAmmos pushBack _ammo;
//Ignore mines/bombs
//if (_ammo isKindOf "TimeBombCore") exitWith {};
private _ammoConfig = _x;
private _ammoConfig = (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo);
private _shoulFrag = [_ammo] call FUNC(shouldFrag);
if (_shoulFrag || _debugForce) then {
@ -64,7 +88,7 @@ private _printCount = 0;
if (_warn) then {
if (_csvFormat) then {
diag_log text format ["%7,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount, _ammo];
diag_log text format ["%7,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%8", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount, _ammo, [_ammoConfig, true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents];
} else {
diag_log text format ["Ammo [%1] MISSING frag configs:", _ammo];
diag_log text format [" _c=%1,_m=%2,_k=%3,_gC=%4,_fragTypes=%5,_fragCount=%6", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount];

View File

@ -38,14 +38,20 @@ private _timeSince = CBA_missionTime - GVAR(lastFragTime);
if (_ammo isEqualTo "" || {_posASL isEqualTo [0,0,0] || _timeSince < ACE_FRAG_HOLDOFF}) exitWith {
GVAR(lastFragTime) = CBA_missionTime;
private _maxFrags = round (linearConversion [0.1, 1.5, _timeSince, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MIN, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MAX, true]);
private _maxFrags = round linearConversion [0.1, 1.5, _timeSince, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MIN, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MAX, true];
private _ammoArr = [_ammo] call FUNC(getFragInfo);
_ammoArr params ["_fragRange", "_fragVel", "_fragTypes", "_modFragCount"];
if (_modFragCount < 10) then {
_maxFrags = _modFragCount*4;
GVAR(lastFragTime) = CBA_missionTime - 0.1;
} else {
GVAR(lastFragTime) = CBA_missionTime;
private _heightAGL = (ASLToAGL _posASL)#2;
if (_heightAGL < 0.25) then {
_posASL = _posASL vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.25];

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if (_warn) then {
* of spherical fragmentation
_ammoInfo = [
sqrt (_fragCount / (4 * pi * 0.005)),
sqrt (_fragCount / (4 * pi * 0.01)),
0.8 * _gC * sqrt (_c / (_m + _c * _k)),
_fragCount / 4 / pi