mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into avoid-setCaptive
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,4 +33,6 @@ GVAR(enabled) &&
{!(call EFUNC(common,isFeatureCameraActive))} &&
{[_unit, objNull, ["isNotInside", "isNotSwimming", "isNotSitting"/*, "isNotOnLadder"*/]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)} && // Ladder needs positioning fixes on throw
{_unit call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon} // Disable in non-FFV seats due to surface detection issues
{_unit call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon} && // Disable in non-FFV seats due to surface detection issues
{"" == currentWeapon _unit || {currentWeapon _unit != secondaryWeapon _unit}} &&
{0 >= _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(common,effect_blockThrow), 0]}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
class Extended_PreStart_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preStart));
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit));
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "defines.hpp"
GVAR(EH_ID) = 0;
GVAR(lastSearchTextLeft) = "";
GVAR(lastSearchTextRight) = "";
[QGVAR(initBox), {_this call FUNC(initBox)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(removeBox), {_this call FUNC(removeBox)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(broadcastFace), {
params ["_unit", "_face"];
_unit setFace _face;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(broadcastVoice), {
params ["_unit", "_voice"];
_unit setSpeaker _voice;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(loadoutUnshared), {
params ["_contentPanelCtrl" , "_playerName", "_loadoutName"];
if (!(isNil QGVAR(currentLoadoutsTab)) && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts}) then {
private _dataToCheck = _playerName + _loadoutName;
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbData [_i, 1]) == _dataToCheck) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _i};
} else {
if (
profileName == _playerName &&
{!(isNil QGVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonMyLoadouts})}
) then {
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _loadoutName) exitwith {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_i, 0], QPATHTOF(data\iconPublicBlank.paa)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetValue [[_i, 0], 0];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(loadoutShared), {
params ["_contentPanelCtrl" ,"_loadoutArgs"];
_loadoutArgs params ["_playerName", "_loadoutName", "_loadoutData"];
if (!(isNil QGVAR(currentLoadoutsTab)) && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts}) then {
private _curSelData =_contentPanelCtrl lnbData [(lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl), 1];
([_loadoutData] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)) params ["_loadout", "_nullItemsAmount", "_unavailableItemsAmount"];
private _newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow [_playerName, _loadoutName];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetData [[_newRow, 1], _playerName + _loadoutName];
if (_nullItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0.8]];
} else {
if (_unavailableItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.25]];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSort [1, false];
// Select previously selected loadout
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _curSelData) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow _i};
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
ADDON = false;
#include "XEH_PREP.hpp"
// Arsenal
GVAR(modList) = ["","curator","kart","heli","mark","expansion","expansionpremium"];
[QGVAR(camInverted), "CHECKBOX", localize LSTRING(invertCameraSetting), localize LSTRING(settingCategory), false] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
[QGVAR(enableModIcons), "CHECKBOX", [LSTRING(modIconsSetting), LSTRING(modIconsTooltip)], localize LSTRING(settingCategory), true] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
[QGVAR(fontHeight), "SLIDER", [LSTRING(fontHeightSetting), LSTRING(fontHeightTooltip)], localize LSTRING(settingCategory), [1, 10, 4.5, 1]] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
// Arsenal loadouts
[QGVAR(allowDefaultLoadouts), "CHECKBOX", [LSTRING(allowDefaultLoadoutsSetting), LSTRING(defaultLoadoutsTooltip)], localize LSTRING(settingCategory), true, true] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
[QGVAR(allowSharedLoadouts), "CHECKBOX", localize LSTRING(allowSharingSetting), localize LSTRING(settingCategory), true, true] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
[QGVAR(EnableRPTLog), "CHECKBOX", [LSTRING(printToRPTSetting), LSTRING(printToRPTTooltip)], localize LSTRING(settingCategory), false, false] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
ADDON = true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "XEH_PREP.hpp"
call FUNC(scanConfig);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
authors[] = {"alganthe"};
url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
class Cfg3DEN {
class Mission {
class GVAR(DummyCategory) {
displayName="Dummy attribute, should never show up";
class AttributeCategories {
class ACE3_Arsenal {
class Attributes {
class GVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute) {
property = QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute);
expression="if !(is3DEN) then {ace_arsenal_defaultLoadoutsList = _value};";
#include "ui\RscAttributes.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// Pixel grid
#define pixelScale 0.25
#define GRID_W (pixelW * pixelGridNoUIScale * pixelScale)
#define GRID_H (pixelH * pixelGridNoUIScale * pixelScale)
// IDCs
#define IDD_ace_arsenal 1127001
#define IDC_mouseArea 0
#define IDC_arrowMinus 101
#define IDC_arrowPlus 102
#define IDC_blockLeftFrame 3
#define IDC_blockLeftBackground 4
#define IDC_blockRightFrame 5
#define IDC_blockRighttBackground 6
#define IDC_loadIndicator 7
#define IDC_loadIndicatorBar 701
#define IDC_totalWeight 8
#define IDC_totalWeightText 801
#define IDC_message 9
#define IDC_menuBar 10
#define IDC_infoBox 11
#define IDC_infoBackground 1101
#define IDC_infoName 1102
#define IDC_infoAuthor 1103
#define IDC_DLCBackground 1104
#define IDC_DLCIcon 1105
#define IDC_mouseBlock 12
#define IDC_leftTabContent 13
#define IDC_rightTabContent 14
#define IDC_rightTabContentListnBox 15
#define IDC_sortLeftTab 16
#define IDC_sortRightTab 17
#define IDC_leftSearchbar 18
#define IDC_leftSearchbarButton 41
#define IDC_rightSearchbar 19
#define IDC_rightSearchbarButton 42
#define IDC_tabLeft 20
#define IDC_iconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon 2001
#define IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon 2002
#define IDC_iconBackgroundHandgun 2003
#define IDC_buttonHandgun 2004
#define IDC_iconBackgroundSecondaryWeapon 2005
#define IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon 2006
#define IDC_iconBackgroundHeadgear 2007
#define IDC_buttonHeadgear 2008
#define IDC_iconBackgroundUniform 2009
#define IDC_buttonUniform 2010
#define IDC_iconBackgroundVest 2011
#define IDC_buttonVest 2012
#define IDC_iconBackgroundBackpack 2013
#define IDC_buttonBackpack 2014
#define IDC_iconBackgroundGoggles 2015
#define IDC_buttonGoggles 2016
#define IDC_iconBackgroundNVG 2017
#define IDC_buttonNVG 2018
#define IDC_iconBackgroundBinoculars 2019
#define IDC_buttonBinoculars 2020
#define IDC_iconBackgroundMap 2021
#define IDC_buttonMap 2022
#define IDC_iconBackgroundGPS 2023
#define IDC_buttonGPS 2024
#define IDC_iconBackgroundRadio 2025
#define IDC_buttonRadio 2026
#define IDC_iconBackgroundCompass 2028
#define IDC_buttonCompass 2029
#define IDC_iconBackgroundWatch 2030
#define IDC_buttonWatch 2031
#define IDC_iconBackgroundFace 2032
#define IDC_buttonFace 2033
#define IDC_iconBackgroundVoice 2034
#define IDC_buttonVoice 2035
#define IDC_iconBackgroundInsigna 2036
#define IDC_buttonInsigna 2037
#define IDC_iconBackgroundOptic 21
#define IDC_buttonOptic 22
#define IDC_iconBackgroundItemAcc 23
#define IDC_buttonItemAcc 24
#define IDC_iconBackgroundMuzzle 25
#define IDC_buttonMuzzle 26
#define IDC_iconBackgroundBipod 27
#define IDC_buttonBipod 28
#define IDC_iconBackgroundCurrentMag 3001
#define IDC_buttonCurrentMag 3002
#define IDC_iconBackgroundCurrentMag2 3003
#define IDC_buttonCurrentMag2 3004
#define IDC_iconBackgroundMag 29
#define IDC_buttonMag 30
#define IDC_iconBackgroundMagALL 31
#define IDC_buttonMagALL 32
#define IDC_iconBackgroundThrow 33
#define IDC_buttonThrow 34
#define IDC_iconBackgroundPut 35
#define IDC_buttonPut 36
#define IDC_iconBackgroundMisc 37
#define IDC_buttonMisc 38
#define IDC_buttonRemoveAllSelected 39
#define IDC_buttonRemoveAll 40
#define IDD_loadouts_display 1127002
#define IDC_centerBox 3
#define IDC_centerTitle 301
#define IDC_contentPanel 302
#define IDC_textEditBox 303
#define IDC_buttonSave 304
#define IDC_buttonLoad 305
#define IDC_buttonShare 306
#define IDC_buttonDelete 307
#define IDC_buttonRename 308
#define IDC_buttonMyLoadoutsBackground 401
#define IDC_buttonMyLoadouts 402
#define IDC_buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackground 403
#define IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts 404
#define IDC_buttonSharedLoadoutsBackground 405
#define IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts 406
#define FADE_DELAY 0.15
#define CAM_DIS_MAX 5
#define RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_IDCS IDC_buttonOptic, IDC_buttonItemAcc, IDC_buttonMuzzle, IDC_buttonBipod
#define RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_BACKGROUND_IDCS IDC_iconBackgroundOptic, IDC_iconBackgroundItemAcc, IDC_iconBackgroundMuzzle, IDC_iconBackgroundBipod
#define RIGHT_PANEL_ITEMS_IDCS IDC_buttonMag, IDC_buttonMagALL, IDC_buttonThrow, IDC_buttonPut, IDC_buttonMisc
#define RIGHT_PANEL_ITEMS_BACKGROUND_IDCS IDC_iconBackgroundMag, IDC_iconBackgroundMagALL, IDC_iconBackgroundThrow, IDC_iconBackgroundPut, IDC_iconBackgroundMisc
#define ARROWS_IDCS IDC_arrowMinus, IDC_arrowPlus
#define GETDLC\
private _dlc = "";\
private _addons = configsourceaddonlist _this;\
if (count _addons > 0) then {\
private _mods = configsourcemodlist (configfile >> "CfgPatches" >> _addons select 0);\
if (count _mods > 0) then {\
_dlc = _mods select 0;\
private _dlcName = _this call GETDLC;\
if (_dlcName != "") then {\
_ctrlPanel lbsetpictureright [_lbAdd,(modParams [_dlcName,["logo"]]) param [0,""]];\
_modID = GVAR(modList) find _dlcName;\
if (_modID < 0) then {_modID = GVAR(modList) pushback _dlcName;};\
_ctrlPanel lbsetvalue [_lbAdd,_modID];\
private _magazines = getarray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _item >> "magazines");\
if (count _magazines > 0) then {GVAR(center) addmagazine (_magazines select 0)};
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;\
_x ctrlSetFade 0;\
_x ctrlShow true;\
_x ctrlEnable true;\
_x ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;\
} foreach [\
private _buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonCurrentMag2;\
if (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) == IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon) then {\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlShow true;\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlEnable true;\
} else {\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlSetFade 1;\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlShow false;\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlEnable false;\
_buttonCurrentMag2Ctrl ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;\
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;\
_x ctrlSetFade 1;\
_x ctrlShow false;\
_x ctrlEnable false;\
_x ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;\
} foreach [\
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;\
_x ctrlSetFade 0;\
_x ctrlShow true;\
_x ctrlEnable true;\
_x ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;\
} foreach [\
IDC_blockRightFrame, \
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;\
_x ctrlSetFade 1;\
_x ctrlShow false;\
_x ctrlEnable false;\
_x ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;\
} foreach [\
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;\
_x ctrlSetFade 1;\
_x ctrlShow false;\
_x ctrlEnable false;\
_x ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;\
} foreach [\
(primaryweapon GVAR(center) call bis_fnc_baseWeapon),\
(secondaryweapon GVAR(center) call bis_fnc_baseWeapon),\
(handgunweapon GVAR(center) call bis_fnc_baseWeapon)\
[primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center), secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center), handgunItems GVAR(center)],\
[primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center), secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center), handgunMagazine GVAR(center)]\
uniformItems GVAR(center) + vestItems GVAR(center) + backpackItems GVAR(center),\
[headgear GVAR(center)],\
[uniform GVAR(center)],\
[vest GVAR(center)],\
[backpack GVAR(center)],\
[goggles GVAR(center)],\
[hmd GVAR(center)],\
[binocular GVAR(center)]\
_item in (_weaponsArray select 0) ||\
{_item in (_weaponsArray select 1)} ||\
{_item in (_weaponsArray select 2)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 9)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 0)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 1)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 2)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 3)}
_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 10) ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 11)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 12)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 13)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 14)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 8)}
_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 4) ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 5)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 6)}
isClass (_weaponCfg >> _item) ||\
{isClass (_vehcCfg >> _item)} ||\
{isClass (_glassesCfg >> _item)} ||\
{isClass (_magCfg >> _item)}
_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 3) ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 0)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 1)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 2)} ||\
{_item in (_accsArray select 3)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 4)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 5)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 6)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 7)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 8)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 10)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 11)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 12)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 13)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 14)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 15)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 16)} ||\
{_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 17)}
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 2], getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> ((_loadout select 0) select 0) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 3], getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> ((_loadout select 1) select 0) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 4], getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> ((_loadout select 2) select 0) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 5], getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> ((_loadout select 3) select 0) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 6], getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> ((_loadout select 4) select 0) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 7], getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((_loadout select 5) select 0) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 8], getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> (_loadout select 6) >> "picture")];\
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 9], getText (configFile >> "cfgGlasses" >> (_loadout select 7) >> "picture")];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* Author: Dedmen
* Add a listbox row.
* Arguments:
* 0: Config category <STRING> (must be "CfgWeapons", "CfgVehicles", "CfgMagazines", "CfgVoice")
* 1: Classname <STRING>
* 2: Panel control <CONTROL>
* 3: Name of the picture entry in that Cfg class <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_configCategory", "_className", "_ctrlPanel", ["_pictureEntryName", "picture", [""]]];
private _cacheNamespace = _ctrlPanel; //For better readability.
private _cachedItemInfo = _cacheNamespace getVariable [_configCategory+_className, []];
//_cachedItemInfo == [_displayName, _itemPicture, _modPicture, _modID]
if (_cachedItemInfo isEqualTo []) then {//Not in cache. So get info and put into cache.
private _configPath = configFile >> _configCategory >> _className;
_cachedItemInfo set [0, getText (_configPath >> "displayName")];
//if _pictureEntryName is empty then this item has no Icons. (Faces)
_cachedItemInfo set [1, if (_pictureEntryName isEqualTo "") then {""} else {getText (_configPath >> _pictureEntryName)}];
//get name of DLC
private _dlcName = "";
private _addons = configsourceaddonlist _configPath;
if !(_addons isEqualTo []) then {
private _mods = configsourcemodlist (configfile >> "CfgPatches" >> _addons select 0);
if !(_mods isEqualTo []) then {
_dlcName = _mods select 0;
if (_dlcName != "") then {
_cachedItemInfo set [2, (modParams [_dlcName,["logo"]]) param [0,""]];//mod picture
_modID = GVAR(modList) find _dlcName;
if (_modID < 0) then {_modID = GVAR(modList) pushback _dlcName;};//We keep a ordered list of all mods for sorting later.
_cachedItemInfo set [3, _modID];//mod ID
} else {
_cachedItemInfo set [2, ""];//mod picture
_cachedItemInfo set [3, 0];//mod ID
_cacheNamespace setVariable [_configCategory+_className, _cachedItemInfo];
_cachedItemInfo params ["_displayName", "_itemPicture", "_modPicture", "_modID"];
private _lbAdd = _ctrlPanel lbAdd _displayName;
_ctrlPanel lbSetData [_lbAdd, _className];
_ctrlPanel lbSetPicture [_lbAdd, _itemPicture];
_ctrlPanel lbSetPictureRight [_lbAdd,["",_modPicture] select (GVAR(enableModIcons))];
_ctrlPanel lbSetValue [_lbAdd,_modID];
_ctrlPanel lbSetTooltip [_lbAdd, format ["%1\n%2", _displayName, _className]];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* Author: Alganthe, Dedmen
* Add virtual items to the provided target.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 1: Items <ARRAY of strings> <BOOL>
* 2: Add globally <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_box, ["item1", "item2", "itemN"]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addVirtualItems
* [_box, true, false] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addVirtualItems
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params [["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_items", [], [true, []]], ["_global", false, [false]]];
if (_object == objNull) exitWith {};
if (_items isEqualType [] && {count _items == 0}) exitWith {};
private _cargo = _object getVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), [
[[], [], []], // Weapons 0, primary, secondary, handgun
[[], [], [], []], // WeaponAccessories 1, optic,side,muzzle,bipod
[ ], // Magazines 2
[ ], // Headgear 3
[ ], // Uniform 4
[ ], // Vest 5
[ ], // Backpacks 6
[ ], // Goggles 7
[ ], // NVGs 8
[ ], // Binoculars 9
[ ], // Map 10
[ ], // Compass 11
[ ], // Radio slot 12
[ ], // Watch slot 13
[ ], // Comms slot 14
[ ], // WeaponThrow 15
[ ], // WeaponPut 16
[ ] // InventoryItems 17
private _configCfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons"; //Save this lookup in variable for perf improvement
if (_items isEqualType true && {_items}) then {
private _configItems = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(configItems);
(_x select 0) append (_x select 1);
(_x select 2) set [(_x select 3), (_x select 0) arrayIntersect (_x select 0)];
} forEach [
[(_cargo select 0 select 0),(_configItems select 0 select 0), _cargo select 0, 0],
[(_cargo select 0 select 1),(_configItems select 0 select 1), _cargo select 0, 1],
[(_cargo select 0 select 2),(_configItems select 0 select 2), _cargo select 0, 2],
[(_cargo select 1 select 0),(_configItems select 1 select 0), _cargo select 1, 0],
[(_cargo select 1 select 1),(_configItems select 1 select 1), _cargo select 1, 1],
[(_cargo select 1 select 2),(_configItems select 1 select 2), _cargo select 1, 2],
[(_cargo select 1 select 3),(_configItems select 1 select 3), _cargo select 1, 3]
for "_index" from 2 to 17 do {
(_cargo select _index) append (_configItems select _index);
_cargo set [_index, (_cargo select _index) arrayIntersect (_cargo select _index)];
} else {
if (_x isEqualType "") then {
private _configItemInfo = _configCfgWeapons >> _x >> "ItemInfo";
private _simulationType = getText (_configCfgWeapons >> _x >> "simulation");
switch true do {
case (isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x)): {
switch true do {
/* Weapon acc */
case (
isClass (_configItemInfo) &&
{(getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type")) in [101, 201, 301, 302]} &&
{!(_x isKindOf ["CBA_MiscItem", (_configCfgWeapons)])}
): {
switch (getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type")) do {
case 201: {
(_cargo select 1) select 0 pushBackUnique _x;
case 301: {
(_cargo select 1) select 1 pushBackUnique _x;
case 101: {
(_cargo select 1) select 2 pushBackUnique _x;
case 302: {
(_cargo select 1) select 3 pushBackUnique _x;
/* Headgear */
case (isClass (_configItemInfo) &&
{getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type") == 605}): {
(_cargo select 3) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Uniform */
case (isClass (_configItemInfo) &&
{getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type") == 801}): {
(_cargo select 4) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Vest */
case (isClass (_configItemInfo) &&
{getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type") == 701}): {
(_cargo select 5) pushBackUnique _x;
/* NVgs */
case (_simulationType == "NVGoggles"): {
(_cargo select 8) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Binos */
case (_simulationType == "Binocular" ||
{(_simulationType == 'Weapon') && {(getNumber (_configCfgWeapons >> _x >> 'type') == 4096)}}): {
(_cargo select 9) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Map */
case (_simulationType == "ItemMap"): {
(_cargo select 10) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Compass */
case (_simulationType == "ItemCompass"): {
(_cargo select 11) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Radio */
case (_simulationType == "ItemRadio"): {
(_cargo select 12) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Watch */
case (_simulationType == "ItemWatch"): {
(_cargo select 13) pushBackUnique _x;
/* GPS */
case (_simulationType == "ItemGPS"): {
(_cargo select 14) pushBackUnique _x;
/* UAV terminals */
case (isClass (_configItemInfo) &&
{getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type") == 621}): {
(_cargo select 14) pushBackUnique _x;
/* Weapon, at the bottom to avoid adding binos */
case (isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x >> "WeaponSlotsInfo") &&
{getNumber (_configCfgWeapons >> _x >> 'type') != 4096}): {
switch (getNumber (_configCfgWeapons >> _x >> "type")) do {
case 1: {
(_cargo select 0) select 0 pushBackUnique ([_x] call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
case 2: {
(_cargo select 0) select 2 pushBackUnique ([_x] call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
case 4: {
(_cargo select 0) select 1 pushBackUnique ([_x] call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
/* Misc items */
case (
isClass (_configItemInfo) &&
((getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type")) in [101, 201, 301, 302] &&
{(_x isKindOf ["CBA_MiscItem", (_configCfgWeapons)])}) ||
{(getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type")) in [401, 619, 620]} ||
{(getText (_configCfgWeapons >> _x >> "simulation")) == "ItemMineDetector"}
): {
(_cargo select 17) pushBackUnique _x;
case (isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x)): {
// Lists to check against
private _grenadeList = [];
_grenadeList append getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Throw" >> _x >> "magazines");
} count getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Throw" >> "muzzles");
private _putList = [];
_putList append getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Put" >> _x >> "magazines");
} count getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Put" >> "muzzles");
// Check what the magazine actually is
switch true do {
// Rifle, handgun, secondary weapons mags
case (
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "type") in [256,512,1536,16]) &&
{!(_x in _grenadeList)} &&
{!(_x in _putList)}
): {
(_cargo select 2) pushBackUnique _x;
// Grenades
case (_x in _grenadeList): {
(_cargo select 15) pushBackUnique _x;
// Put
case (_x in _putList): {
(_cargo select 16) pushBackUnique _x;
case (isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x)): {
if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "vehicleClass") == "Backpacks") then {
(_cargo select 6) pushBackUnique _x;
case (isClass (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _x)): {
(_cargo select 7) pushBackUnique _x;
} foreach _items;
_object setVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), _cargo, _global];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Add or remove item(s) when the + or - button is pressed in the right panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Add or remove <SCALAR> (-1: remove, 1: Add)
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_addOrRemove"];
private _load = 0;
private _maxLoad = "";
private _items = [];
private _ctrlList = (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox);
private _lnbCurSel = lnbCurSelRow _ctrlList;
private _item = _ctrlList lnbData [_lnbCurSel, 0];
if ((_ctrlList lnbValue [_lnbCurSel, 2]) == 1 && {_addOrRemove == 1}) exitWith {};
// Update item count and currentItems array
switch GVAR(currentLeftPanel) do {
case IDC_buttonUniform : {
if (_addOrRemove > 0) then {
for "_count" from 1 to ([1, 5] select (GVAR(shiftState))) do {
GVAR(center) addItemToUniform _item;
} else {
for "_count" from 1 to ([1, 5] select (GVAR(shiftState))) do {
GVAR(center) removeItemFromUniform _item;
_load = loadUniform GVAR(center);
_maxLoad = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass");
_items = uniformItems GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [15 ,_items];
case IDC_buttonVest : {
if (_addOrRemove > 0) then {
for "_count" from 1 to ([1, 5] select (GVAR(shiftState))) do {
GVAR(center) addItemToVest _item;
} else {
for "_count" from 1 to ([1, 5] select (GVAR(shiftState))) do {
GVAR(center) removeItemFromVest _item;
_load = loadVest GVAR(center);
_maxLoad = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> vest GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass");
_items = vestItems GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [16,_items];
case IDC_buttonBackpack : {
if (_addOrRemove > 0) then {
for "_count" from 1 to ([1, 5] select (GVAR(shiftState))) do {
GVAR(center) addItemToBackpack _item;
} else {
for "_count" from 1 to ([1, 5] select (GVAR(shiftState))) do {
GVAR(center) removeItemFromBackpack _item;
_load = loadBackpack GVAR(center);
_maxLoad = backpack GVAR(center);
_items = backpackItems GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [17,_items];
// Update progress bar status, weight info
private _loadIndicatorBarCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar;
_loadIndicatorBarCtrl progressSetPosition _load;
private _value = {_x == _item} count _items;
_ctrlList lnbSetText [[_lnbCurSel, 2],str _value];
[QGVAR(cargoChanged), [_display, _item, _addOrRemove, GVAR(shiftState)]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
[_ctrlList, _maxLoad] call FUNC(updateRightPanel);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Clear the current container.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display"];
// Clear container
switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonUniform: {
{GVAR(center) removeItemFromUniform _x} foreach (uniformItems GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [15, []];
case IDC_buttonVest: {
{GVAR(center) removeItemFromVest _x} foreach (vestItems GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [16, []];
case IDC_buttonBackpack: {
{GVAR(center) removeItemFromBackpack _x} foreach (backpackItems GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [17, []];
// Clear number of owned items
private _ctrlList = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox;
for "_l" from 0 to (lbSize _ctrlList - 1) do {
_ctrlList lnbSetText [[_l, 2], str 0];
private _removeAllCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonRemoveAll;
_removeAllCtrl ctrlSetFade 1;
_removeAllCtrl ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
// Update load bar
private _loadIndicatorBarCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar;
_loadIndicatorBarCtrl progressSetPosition 0;
private _maxLoad = switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonUniform: {
gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass")
case IDC_buttonVest: {
gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> vest GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass")
case IDC_buttonBackpack: {
backpack GVAR(center)
private _control = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox;
[_control, _maxLoad] call FUNC(updateRightPanel);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Export current loadout / default loadouts list to clipboard.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_display"];
if (GVAR(shiftState)) then {
if (isNil QGVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) || {GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) isEqualTo []}) exitWith {
[_display, localize LSTRING(exportDefaultError)] call FUNC(message);
private _listLength = count GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList);
for "_index" from -1 to _listLength do {
switch true do {
case (_index == -1): {
"ace_clipboard" callExtension (format ["[%1", endl]);
case (_index == _listLength): {
"ace_clipboard" callExtension "];";
default {
"ace_clipboard" callExtension ([" ",str (GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) select _index), [",", ""] select (_index == _listLength - 1), endl] joinString "");
"ace_clipboard" callExtension "--COMPLETE--";
[_display, localize LSTRING(exportDefault)] call FUNC(message);
} else {
private _export = str getUnitLoadout GVAR(center);
"ace_clipboard" callExtension (_export + ";");
"ace_clipboard" callExtension "--COMPLETE--";
[_display, localize LSTRING(exportCurrent)] call FUNC(message);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Hide / show arsenal interface.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display"];
private _showToggle = !ctrlShown (_display displayCtrl IDC_menuBar);
if (_showToggle) then {
[_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentLeftPanel)] call FUNC(populatePanel)
private _ctrl = _display displayctrl _x;
_ctrl ctrlshow _showToggle;
_ctrl ctrlcommit 0.15;
} foreach [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Import loadout / default loadouts list from clipboard.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display"];
private _data = call (compile copyFromClipboard);
if (isNil "_data" || {!(_data isEqualType [])}) exitWith {
[_display, localize LSTRING(importFormatError)] call FUNC(message);
if (GVAR(shiftState) && {is3DEN}) then {
if (
count _x == 2 &&
{_x select 0 isEqualType ""} &&
{_x select 0 != ""} &&
{_x select 1 isEqualType []} &&
{count (_x select 1) == 10}
) then {
_x params ["_loadoutName", "_loadout"];
private _sameNameLoadoutsList = GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) select {_x select 0 == _loadoutName};
if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList == 0) then {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) pushBack [_loadoutName, _loadout];
} else {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) set [GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), _loadoutName, _loadout];
} foreach _data;
[_display, localize LSTRING(importedDefault)] call FUNC(message);
set3DENMissionAttributes [[QGVAR(DummyCategory), QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute), GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)]];
} else {
if (count _data == 10) then {
GVAR(center) setUnitLoadout _data;
GVAR(currentItems) = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", [], [], [], [], [], []];
for "_index" from 0 to 15 do {
switch (_index) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2:{
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, ((LIST_DEFAULTS select 0) select _index)];
case 3;
case 4;
case 5;
case 6;
case 7;
case 8;
case 9: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, (LIST_DEFAULTS select _index) select 0];
case 10: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 15) pushBack _x} forEach (uniformItems GVAR(center));
case 11: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 16) pushBack _x} forEach (vestItems GVAR(center));
case 12: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 17) pushBack _x} forEach (backpackItems GVAR(center));
case 13: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 14: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 15: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + (handgunMagazine GVAR(center))];
private _simulationType = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "simulation");
private _index = 10 + (["itemmap", "itemcompass", "itemradio", "itemwatch", "itemgps"] find (tolower _simulationType));
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, _x];
} foreach (assignedItems GVAR(center));
call FUNC(updateUniqueItemsList);
// Reapply insignia
[GVAR(center), ""] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
[GVAR(center), GVAR(currentInsignia)] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
[_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentLeftPanel)] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel);
[_display, localize LSTRING(importedCurrent)] call FUNC(message);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Delete / unshare loadout currently selected.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Button control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
if !(ctrlEnabled _control) exitWith {};
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
private _contentPanelCursSel = lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl;
private _loadoutName = _contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_contentPanelCursSel, 1];
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) != IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts) then {
if (is3DEN && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts}) then {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) deleteAt (GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) find ((GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) select {_x select 0 == _loadoutName}) select 0));
set3DENMissionAttributes [[QGVAR(DummyCategory), QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute), GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)]];
} else {
private _data = profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), []];
_data deleteAt (_data find ((_data select {_x select 0 == _loadoutName}) select 0));
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab), nil];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _contentPanelCursSel;
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow (_contentPanelCursSel);
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), [localize LSTRING(loadoutDeleted), _loadoutName] joinString " "] call FUNC(message);
} else {
private _profileName = profileName; // GVAR(center) could be a remote unit
private _loadoutVar = _profileName + _loadoutName;
private _sharedLoadoutsVars = GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars);
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [_loadoutVar, nil, true];
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars), _sharedLoadoutsVars - [_loadoutVar], true];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _contentPanelCursSel;
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow (_contentPanelCursSel);
[QGVAR(loadoutUnshared), [_contentPanelCtrl, profileName, _loadoutName]] call CBA_fnc_remoteEvent;
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), [localize LSTRING(loadoutUnshared), _loadoutName] joinString " "] call FUNC(message);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Load selected loadout.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Button control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
if !(ctrlEnabled _control) exitWith {};
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
private _curSel = lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl;
private _loadoutName = _contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_curSel, 1];
private _loadout = switch GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) do {
case IDC_buttonMyLoadouts;
case IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts:{
(_contentPanelCtrl getVariable _loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab)) select 0
case IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts:{
(GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_curSel, 0]) + (_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_curSel, 1]))) select 2
GVAR(center) setUnitLoadout [_loadout, true];
GVAR(currentItems) = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", [], [], [], [], [], []];
for "_index" from 0 to 15 do {
switch (_index) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2:{
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, ((LIST_DEFAULTS select 0) select _index)];
case 3;
case 4;
case 5;
case 6;
case 7;
case 8;
case 9: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, (LIST_DEFAULTS select _index) select 0];
case 10: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 15) pushBack _x} forEach (uniformItems GVAR(center));
case 11: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 16) pushBack _x} forEach (vestItems GVAR(center));
case 12: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 17) pushBack _x} forEach (backpackItems GVAR(center));
case 13: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 14: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 15: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + (handgunMagazine GVAR(center))];
private _simulationType = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "simulation");
private _index = 10 + (["itemmap", "itemcompass", "itemradio", "itemwatch", "itemgps"] find (tolower _simulationType));
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, _x];
} foreach (assignedItems GVAR(center));
call FUNC(updateUniqueItemsList);
// Reapply insignia
[GVAR(center), ""] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
[GVAR(center), GVAR(currentInsignia)] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), [localize LSTRING(loadoutLoaded), _loadoutName] joinString " "] call FUNC(message);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Rename selected loadout.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Button control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
if !(ctrlEnabled _control) exitWith {};
// Retrieve panel data
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
private _curSelRow = lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl;
private _loadoutName = _contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_curSelRow, 1];
private _editBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_textEditBox;
private _editBoxContent = ctrlText _editBoxCtrl;
private _data = [profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), []], GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)] select (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts && {is3DEN});
private _similarLoadouts = _data select {_x select 0 == _editBoxContent};
if (count _similarLoadouts > 0) exitWith {
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), localize LSTRING(renameExistError)] call FUNC(message);
// Update loadout info in profile / 3DEN and list namespaces
private _loadoutToRename = (_data select {_x select 0 == _loadoutName}) select 0;
(_contentPanelCtrl getVariable (_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab))) params ["_loadout", "_nullItemsAmount", "_unavailableItemsAmount", "_nullItemsList", "_unavailableItemsList"];
_data set [_data find _loadoutToRename, [_editBoxContent, (_loadoutToRename select 1)]];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab), nil];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_editBoxContent + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab), [_loadout, _nullItemsAmount, _unavailableItemsAmount, _nullItemsList, _unavailableItemsList]];
// Add new row
_contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _curSelRow;
private _newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow ["",_editBoxContent];
if (_nullItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0.8]];
} else {
if (_unavailableItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.25]];
// Sort and select the current row
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSort [1, false];
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _editBoxContent) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow _i};
if (is3DEN && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts}) then {
set3DENMissionAttributes [[QGVAR(DummyCategory), QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute), GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)]];
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), [_loadoutName, localize LSTRING(loadoutRenamed) ,_editBoxContent] joinString " "] call FUNC(message);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Save selected loadout.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Button control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
if !(ctrlEnabled _control) exitWith {};
private _editBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_textEditBox;
private _editBoxContent = ctrlText _editBoxCtrl;
if (_editBoxContent == "") exitWith {
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), localize LSTRING(saveEmptyNameBox)] call FUNC(message);
private _data = [+(profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts),[]]), +(GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList))] select (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts && {is3DEN});
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
private _cursSelRow = lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl;
private _loadoutName = _contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_cursSelRow, 1];
private _curSelLoadout = (_contentPanelCtrl getVariable (_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab))) select 0;
private _loadout = getUnitLoadout GVAR(center);
private _sameNameLoadoutsList = _data select {_x select 0 == _editBoxContent};
private _sharedLoadoutsVars = GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars);
// Make sure the loadout isn't yours (public tab) or being shared (my loadouts tab)
private _similarSharedLoadout = (profileName + _editBoxContent) in _sharedLoadoutsVars;
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_cursSelRow, 0]) == profileName) exitWith {
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), localize LSTRING(saveAuthorError)] call FUNC(message);
if (_similarSharedLoadout) exitWith {
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), localize LSTRING(saveSharedError)] call FUNC(message);
switch (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab)) do {
case IDC_buttonMyLoadouts:{
for "_dataIndex" from 0 to 10 do {
switch (_dataIndex) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2;
case 8: {
if (count (_loadout select _dataIndex) > 0) then {
private _weapon = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select 0;
if (_weapon != "") then {
private _baseWeapon = _weapon call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
if (_weapon != _baseWeapon) then {
(_loadout select _dataIndex) set [0, _baseWeapon];
case 3;
case 4;
case 5: {
if (count (_loadout select _dataIndex) > 0) then {
private _containerContents = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1;
if (count _containerContents > 0) then {
if (count _x == 2) then {
if ((_x select 0) isEqualType "") then {
private _item = (_x select 0);
if (_item != "") then {
private _uniqueBaseCfgText = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "ace_arsenal_uniqueBase");
if (_uniqueBaseCfgText != "") then {
_x set [0, _uniqueBaseCfgText];
} else {
private _weapon = (_x select 0) select 0;
if (_weapon != "") then {
private _baseWeapon = _weapon call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
if (_weapon != _baseWeapon) then {
(_x select 0)set [0, _baseWeapon];
} foreach _containerContents;
case 9: {
for "_subIndex" from 0 to 4 do {
private _item = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select _subIndex;
if (_item != "") then {
private _uniqueBaseCfgText = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "ace_arsenal_uniqueBase");
if (_uniqueBaseCfgText != "") then {
(_loadout select _dataIndex) set [_subIndex, _uniqueBaseCfgText];
if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList == 0) then {
_data pushBack [_editBoxContent, _loadout];
} else {
_data set [_data find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), [[_editBoxContent, _loadoutName] select (_loadoutName isEqualTo _editBoxContent), _loadout]];
// Delete "old" loadout row
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _editBoxContent) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _i};
private _newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow ["",_editBoxContent];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_editBoxContent + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab), [_loadout] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSort [1, false];
// Select newly saved loadout
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _editBoxContent) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow _i};
profileNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), _data];
case IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts:{
if (is3DEN) then {
private _sameNameLoadoutsList = _data select {_x select 0 == _editBoxContent};
for "_dataIndex" from 0 to 10 do {
switch (_dataIndex) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2;
case 8: {
if (count (_loadout select _dataIndex) > 0) then {
private _weapon = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select 0;
if (_weapon != "") then {
private _baseWeapon = _weapon call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
if (_weapon != _baseWeapon) then {
(_loadout select _dataIndex) set [0, _baseWeapon];
case 3;
case 4;
case 5: {
if (count (_loadout select _dataIndex) > 0) then {
private _containerContents = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1;
if (count _containerContents > 0) then {
if (count _x == 2) then {
if ((_x select 0) isEqualType "") then {
private _item = (_x select 0);
if (_item != "") then {
private _uniqueBaseCfgText = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "ace_arsenal_uniqueBase");
if (_uniqueBaseCfgText != "") then {
_x set [0, _uniqueBaseCfgText];
} else {
private _weapon = (_x select 0) select 0;
if (_weapon != "") then {
private _baseWeapon = _weapon call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
if (_weapon != _baseWeapon) then {
(_x select 0)set [0, _baseWeapon];
} foreach _containerContents;
case 9: {
for "_subIndex" from 0 to 4 do {
private _item = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select _subIndex;
if (_item != "") then {
private _uniqueBaseCfgText = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "ace_arsenal_uniqueBase");
if (_uniqueBaseCfgText != "") then {
(_loadout select _dataIndex) set [_subIndex, _uniqueBaseCfgText];
if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList == 0) then {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) pushBack [_editBoxContent, _loadout];
} else {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) set [GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), [[_editBoxContent, _loadoutName] select (_loadoutName isEqualTo _editBoxContent), _loadout]];
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _editBoxContent) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _i};
private _newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow ["",_editBoxContent];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_editBoxContent + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab), [_loadout] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSort [1, false];
// Select newly saved loadout
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _contentPanelCtrl) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_i, 1]) == _editBoxContent) exitwith {_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow _i};
set3DENMissionAttributes [[QGVAR(DummyCategory), QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute), GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)]];
} else {
if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList == 0) then {
_data pushBack [_editBoxContent, _curSelLoadout];
} else {
_data set [_data find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), [[_editBoxContent, _loadoutName] select (_loadoutName isEqualTo _editBoxContent), _curSelLoadout]];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_editBoxContent + str IDC_buttonMyLoadouts, [_curSelLoadout] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)];
profileNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), _data];
case IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts :{
_loadout = (GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_cursSelRow, 0]) + (_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_cursSelRow, 1]))) select 2;
if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList == 0) then {
_data pushBack [_editBoxContent, _loadout];
} else {
_data set [_data find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), [[_editBoxContent, _loadoutName] select (_loadoutName isEqualTo _editBoxContent), _loadout]];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_editBoxContent + str IDC_buttonMyLoadouts, [_loadout] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)];
profileNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), _data];
[(findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal), [localize LSTRING(loadoutSaved), _editBoxContent] joinString " "] call FUNC(message);
private _savedLoadout = (_data select {_x select 0 == _editBoxContent}) select 0;
[QGVAR(onLoadoutSave), [_data find _savedLoadout, _savedLoadout]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Share selected loadout.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Button control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
if !(ctrlEnabled _control) exitWith {};
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
private _contentPanelCursSel = lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl;
private _loadoutName = _contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_contentPanelCursSel, 1];
private _profileName = profileName; // GVAR(center) could be a remote unit
private _loadoutVar = _profileName + _loadoutName;
private _sharedLoadoutsVars = +(GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars));
private _loadoutIndex = _sharedLoadoutsVars find _loadoutVar;
private _loadoutData = (_contentPanelCtrl getVariable (_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab))) select 0;
// Loadout set to private
if (_loadoutIndex > -1) then {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [_loadoutVar, nil, true];
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars), _sharedLoadoutsVars - [_loadoutVar], true];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_contentPanelCursSel, 0], QPATHTOF(data\iconPublicBlank.paa)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetValue [[_contentPanelCursSel, 0], 0];
[QGVAR(loadoutUnshared), [_contentPanelCtrl, profileName, _loadoutName]] call CBA_fnc_remoteEvent;
// Loadout set to public
} else {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [_loadoutVar, [_profileName ,_loadoutName , _loadoutData], true];
_sharedLoadoutsVars pushBackUnique _loadoutVar;
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars), _sharedLoadoutsVars, true];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_contentPanelCursSel, 0], QPATHTOF(data\iconPublic.paa)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetValue [[_contentPanelCursSel, 0], 1];
[QGVAR(loadoutShared), [_contentPanelCtrl, [_profileName ,_loadoutName , _loadoutData]]] call CBA_fnc_remoteEvent;
// Update share button text
_control ctrlSetText ( [
localize LSTRING(buttonSharePrivateText),
localize LSTRING(buttonSharePublicText)
] select ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbValue [_contentPanelCursSel, 0]) == 1));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Clear the provided searchbar.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Searchbar control <CONTROL>
* 2: Right button state <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control", "_rightButton"];
if (_rightButton != 1) exitWith {};
_control ctrlSetText '';
if (ctrlIDC _control == IDC_leftSearchbar) then {
[_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentLeftPanel)] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel);
} else {
[_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentRightPanel)] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Fill left panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Tab control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control;
if !(isNil QGVAR(currentLeftPanel)) then {
private _previousCtrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) - 1);
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlSetFade 1;
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
private _ctrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (_ctrlIDC - 1);
private _ctrlPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_leftTabContent;
_ctrlBackground ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlBackground ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel -1;
// Handle icons and filling
switch true do {
case (_ctrlIDC in [IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon]) : {
// Purge old data
lbClear _ctrlPanel;
private _addEmpty = _ctrlPanel lbadd format [" <%1>",localize "str_empty"];
_ctrlPanel lbsetvalue [_addEmpty, -1];
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 0) select ([IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun] find _ctrlIDC));
case (_ctrlIDC in [IDC_buttonUniform, IDC_buttonVest, IDC_buttonBackpack]) : {
lbClear _ctrlPanel;
private _addEmpty = _ctrlPanel lbadd format [" <%1>",localize "str_empty"];
_ctrlPanel lbsetvalue [_addEmpty, -1];
// Filling
switch (_ctrlIDC) do {
case IDC_buttonUniform : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 4);
case IDC_buttonVest : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 5);
case IDC_buttonBackpack : {
["CfgVehicles", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 6);
default {
GVAR(currentRightPanel) = nil;
lbClear _ctrlPanel;
if !(_ctrlIDC in [IDC_buttonFace, IDC_buttonVoice]) then {
private _addEmpty = _ctrlPanel lbadd format [" <%1>",localize "str_empty"];
_ctrlPanel lbsetvalue [_addEmpty, -1];
switch (_ctrlIDC) do {
case IDC_buttonHeadgear: {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 3);
case IDC_buttonGoggles : {
["CfgGlasses", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 7);
case IDC_buttonNVG : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 8);
case IDC_buttonBinoculars : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 9);
case IDC_buttonMap : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 10);
case IDC_buttonCompass : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 11);
case IDC_buttonRadio : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 12);
case IDC_buttonWatch : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 13);
case IDC_buttonGPS : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 14);
case IDC_buttonFace : {
if (
getnumber (_x >> "disabled") == 0 &&
{getText (_x >> "head") != ""} &&
{configName _x != "Default"}
) then {
private _configName = configName _x;
private _displayName = getText (_x >> "displayName");
private _lbAdd = _ctrlPanel lbAdd _displayName;
_ctrlPanel lbSetData [_lbAdd, _configName];
_ctrlPanel lbSetTooltip [_lbAdd,format ["%1\n%2",_displayName, _configName]];
} foreach ("isClass _x" configClasses _x);
} foreach ("isClass _x" configClasses (configfile >> "cfgfaces"));
case IDC_buttonVoice : {
private _voices = (configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgVoice"), "isClass _x && {getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2}", true]) - [(configfile >> "CfgVoice" >> "NoVoice")];
["CfgVoice", configName _x, _ctrlPanel, "icon"] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach _voices;
case IDC_buttonInsigna : {
["CfgUnitInsignia", configName _x, _ctrlPanel, "texture"] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgUnitInsignia"));
// Done
if (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) != _ctrlIDC) then {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_leftSearchbar) ctrlSetText "";
(_display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar) ctrlSetText "";
GVAR(currentLeftPanel) = _ctrlIDC;
[QGVAR(leftPanelFilled), [_display, _ctrlIDC, GVAR(currentRightPanel)]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Sort
private _sortLeftCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_sortLeftTab;
[_sortLeftCtrl, _sortLeftCtrl lbValue (lbCurSel _sortLeftCtrl)] call FUNC(sortPanel);
//Select current item
private _itemsToCheck = ((GVAR(currentItems) select [0,15]) + [GVAR(currentFace), GVAR(currentVoice), GVAR(currentInsignia)]) apply {tolower _x};
for "_lbIndex" from 0 to (lbSize _ctrlPanel - 1) do {
private _currentData = _ctrlPanel lbData _lbIndex;
if (!(_currentData isEqualTo "") && {tolower _currentData in _itemsToCheck}) exitWith {
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel _lbIndex;
if (lbCurSel _ctrlPanel < 0) then {
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Fill loadouts list.
* Arguments:
* 0: Loadouts display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Tab control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
private _textEditBoxCtrl= _display displayCtrl IDC_textEditBox;
_textEditBoxCtrl ctrlSetText "";
private _sharingEnabled = (GVAR(allowSharedLoadouts) && {isMultiplayer});
private _sharedLoadoutsVars = GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars);
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow -1;
lnbClear _contentPanelCtrl;
private _data = +(profileNamespace getvariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts),[]]);
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) != IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts) then {
_x params ["_loadoutName", "_loadoutData"];
private _loadoutCachedInfo = _contentPanelCtrl getVariable (_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab));
if (isNil "_loadoutCachedInfo") then {
[_loadoutData] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)
} else {
} params ["_loadout", "_nullItemsAmount", "_unavailableItemsAmount", "_nullItemsList", "_unavailableItemsList"];
// Log missing / nil items to RPT
if (GVAR(EnableRPTLog) && {isNil "_loadoutCachedInfo"} && {(_nullItemsAmount > 0) || {_unavailableItemsAmount > 0}}) then {
private _printComponent = "ACE_Arsenal - Loadout:";
private _printNullItemsList = ["Missing items:", str _nullItemsList] joinString " ";
private _printUnavailableItemsList = ["Unavailable items:", str _unavailableItemsList] joinString " ";
diag_log text (format ["%1%5 %2%5 %3%5 %4", _printComponent, "Name: " + _loadoutName, _printNullItemsList, _printUnavailableItemsList, endl]);
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts || {!_sharingEnabled}) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90];
} else {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90];
private _newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow ["",_loadoutName];
if (_nullItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0.8]];
} else {
if (_unavailableItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.25]];
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab), [_loadout, _nullItemsAmount, _unavailableItemsAmount, _nullItemsList, _unavailableItemsList]];
if ((profileName + _loadoutName) in _sharedLoadoutsVars && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonMyLoadouts}) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 0], QPATHTOF(data\iconPublic.paa)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetValue [[_newRow, 0], 1];
} foreach ([_data, +GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)] select (ctrlIDC _control == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts));
} else {
_x params ["_playerName", "_loadoutName", "_loadoutData"];
if ((allPlayers apply {name _x}) find _playerName == -1) then {
private _loadoutVar = _playerName + _loadoutName;
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [_loadoutVar, nil, true];
_sharedLoadoutsVars = _sharedLoadoutsVars - [_loadoutVar];
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace), _sharedLoadoutsVars, true];
[QGVAR(loadoutUnshared), [_contentPanelCtrl, profileName, _loadoutName]] call CBA_fnc_remoteEvent;
} else {
([_loadoutData] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)) params ["_loadout", "_nullItemsAmount", "_unavailableItemsAmount"];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0.15, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90];
private _newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow [_playerName, _loadoutName];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetData [[_newRow, 1], _playerName + _loadoutName];
if (_nullItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0.8]];
} else {
if (_unavailableItemsAmount > 0) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.25]];
} foreach (_sharedLoadoutsVars apply {GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable _x});
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSort [1, false];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Fill right panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Tab control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control;
// Fade old control background
if !(isNil QGVAR(currentRightPanel)) then {
private _previousCtrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (GVAR(currentRightPanel) - 1);
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlSetFade 1;
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
// Show new control background
private _ctrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (_ctrlIDC - 1);
_ctrlBackground ctrlShow true;
_ctrlBackground ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlBackground ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
private _searchbarCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar;
if (!(ctrlShown _searchbarCtrl) || {ctrlFade _searchbarCtrl > 0}) then {
_searchbarCtrl ctrlShow true;
_searchbarCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
_searchbarCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
private _fnc_fill_right_Container = {
params ["_configCategory", "_className", "_isMagazine", ["_isUnique", false, [false]]];
private _cacheNamespace = _ctrlPanel;
private _cachedItemInfo = _cacheNamespace getVariable [_configCategory+_className, []];
// Not in cache. So get info and put into cache
if (_cachedItemInfo isEqualTo []) then {
private _configPath = configFile >> _configCategory >> _className;
_cachedItemInfo set [0, getText (_configPath >> "displayName")];
_cachedItemInfo set [1, getText (_configPath >> "picture")];
_cachedItemInfo set [2, [getNumber (_configPath >> "itemInfo" >> "mass"), getNumber (_configPath >> "mass")] select _isMagazine];
_cacheNamespace setVariable [_configCategory+_className, _cachedItemInfo];
_cachedItemInfo params ["_displayName","_picture", "_mass"];
private _lbAdd = _ctrlPanel lnbAddRow ["", _displayName, "0"];
private _columns = count lnbGetColumnsPosition _ctrlPanel;
_ctrlPanel lnbSetData [[_lbAdd, 0], _x];
_ctrlPanel lnbSetPicture [[_lbAdd, 0], _picture];
_ctrlPanel lnbSetValue [[_lbAdd, 0], _mass];
_ctrlPanel setVariable [_x, _mass];
_ctrlPanel lnbSetValue [[_lbAdd, 2], [0, 1] select (_isUnique)];
_ctrlPanel lbSetTooltip [_lbAdd * _columns,format ["%1\n%2", _displayName, _x]];
// Retrieve compatible mags
private _compatibleItems = [];
private _compatibleMagazines = [[[], []], [[], []], [[], []]];
if (_x != "") then {
private _weaponConfig = (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x);
private _index = _forEachIndex;
private _subIndex = _forEachIndex;
// Magazine group
if !(isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x)) then {
private _magazineGroups = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(magazineGroups),["#CBA_HASH#",[],[],[]]];
private _magArray = [_magazineGroups, _x] call CBA_fnc_hashGet;
{((_compatibleMagazines select _index) select _subIndex) pushBackUnique _x} forEach _magArray;
} else {
((_compatibleMagazines select _index) select _subIndex) pushBackUnique _x
} foreach ([getArray (_weaponConfig >> _x >> "magazines"), getArray (_weaponConfig >> "magazines")] select (_x == "this"));
} foreach getArray (_weaponConfig >> "muzzles");
} foreach [primaryWeapon GVAR(center), handgunWeapon GVAR(center), secondaryWeapon GVAR(center)];
private _itemsToCheck = [];
private _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = [];
private _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = [];
private _allCompatibleMags = [];
_allCompatibleMags append (_x select 0);
_allCompatibleMags append (_x select 1);
} foreach _compatibleMagazines;
private _ctrlPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent;
switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon : {
_compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 0 select 0;
_compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 0 select 1;
_compatibleItems = (primaryWeapon GVAR(center)) call bis_fnc_compatibleItems;
_itemsToCheck = GVAR(currentItems) select 18;
case IDC_buttonHandgun : {
_compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 1 select 0;
_compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 1 select 1;
_compatibleItems = (handgunWeapon GVAR(center)) call bis_fnc_compatibleItems;
_itemsToCheck = GVAR(currentItems) select 20;
case IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon : {
_compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 2 select 0;
_compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 2 select 1;
_compatibleItems = (secondaryWeapon GVAR(center)) call bis_fnc_compatibleItems;
_itemsToCheck = GVAR(currentItems) select 19;
case IDC_buttonUniform;
case IDC_buttonVest;
case IDC_buttonBackpack : {
_ctrlPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox;
_itemsToCheck = _itemsToCheck apply {toLower _x};
_compatibleItems = _compatibleItems apply {toLower _x};
lbClear (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox);
lbClear (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent);
(_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox) lbSetCurSel -1;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent) lbSetCurSel -1;
private _leftPanelState = GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon];
if (_ctrlIDC in [RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_IDCS, IDC_buttonCurrentMag, IDC_buttonCurrentMag2] && {_leftPanelState}) then {
private _addEmpty = _ctrlPanel lbadd format [" <%1>",localize "str_empty"];
_ctrlPanel lbsetvalue [_addEmpty, -1];
switch (_ctrlIDC) do {
case IDC_buttonOptic : {
if (_leftPanelState) then {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 0) apply {toLower _x}));
} else {
["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 0);
["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 0);
case IDC_buttonItemAcc : {
if (_leftPanelState) then {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 1) apply {toLower _x}));
} else {
["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 1);
["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 1);
case IDC_buttonMuzzle : {
if (_leftPanelState) then {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 2) apply {toLower _x}));
} else {
["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 2);
["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 2);
case IDC_buttonBipod : {
if (_leftPanelState) then {
["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 3) apply {toLower _x}));
} else {
["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 3);
["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 3);
case IDC_buttonCurrentMag : {
if (_leftPanelState) then {
["CfgMagazines", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) arrayIntersect _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle);
case IDC_buttonCurrentMag2 : {
if (_leftPanelState) then {
["CfgMagazines", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) arrayIntersect _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle);
case IDC_buttonMag : {
["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) arrayIntersect _allCompatibleMags);
["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 19) arrayIntersect _allCompatibleMags);
case IDC_buttonMagALL : {
["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 2);
["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 19);
case IDC_buttonThrow : {
["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 15);
["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 20);
case IDC_buttonPut : {
["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 16);
["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 21);
case IDC_buttonMisc : {
["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 17);
["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 18);
["CfgVehicles", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 23);
["CfgGlasses", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container;
} foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 24);
if (GVAR(currentRightPanel) != _ctrlIDC) then {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar) ctrlSetText "";
GVAR(currentRightPanel) = _ctrlIDC;
[QGVAR(rightPanelFilled), [_display, GVAR(currentLeftPanel), _ctrlIDC]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Add current items and change progress bar
if (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonUniform, IDC_buttonVest, IDC_buttonBackpack]) then {
private _maxLoad = 0;
private _container = switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonUniform : {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadUniform GVAR(center));
_maxLoad = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass");
uniformItems GVAR(center)
case IDC_buttonVest : {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadVest GVAR(center));
_maxLoad = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> vest GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass");
vestItems GVAR(center)
case IDC_buttonBackpack : {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadBackpack GVAR(center));
_maxLoad = backpack GVAR(center);
backpackItems GVAR(center)
for "_l" from 0 to ((lnbsize _ctrlPanel select 0) - 1) do {
private _class = _ctrlPanel lnbData [_l, 0];
_ctrlPanel lnbSetText [[_l, 2], ["0", str ({_x == _class} count _container)] select (_class in _container)];
[_ctrlPanel, _maxLoad] call FUNC(updateRightPanel);
// Sorting
private _sortRightCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_sortRightTab;
private _sortRightCurSel = lbCurSel _sortRightCtrl;
if (lbSize _sortRightCtrl == 3) then {
_sortRightCtrl lbDelete 2;
if (_leftPanelState) then {
_sortRightCtrl lbDelete 1;
_sortRightCtrl lbAdd (localize "STR_a3_rscdisplayarsenal_sort_mod");
_sortRightCtrl lbSetValue [1, 1];
_sortRightCtrl lbSetCurSel ([0, _sortRightCurSel] select (_sortRightCurSel != 2));
} else {
_sortRightCtrl lbDelete 1;
_sortRightCtrl lbAdd localize LSTRING(sortByWeightText);
_sortRightCtrl lbSetValue [1, 1];
_sortRightCtrl lbAdd localize LSTRING(sortByAmountText);
_sortRightCtrl lbSetValue [2, 2];
_sortRightCtrl lbSetCurSel _sortRightCurSel;
[_sortRightCtrl, _sortRightCtrl lbValue (lbCurSel _sortRightCtrl)] call FUNC(sortPanel);
// Select current data if not in a container
if !(_itemsToCheck isEqualTo []) then {
for "_lbIndex" from 0 to (lbSize _ctrlPanel - 1) do {
private _currentData = _ctrlPanel lbData _lbIndex;
if ((_currentData != "") && {tolower _currentData in _itemsToCheck}) exitWith {
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel _lbIndex;
if (lbCurSel _ctrlPanel < 0) then {
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Author: Karel Moricky, modified by Alganthe
* Update the camera position and pitch/bank.
* Modernized a bit, modified to fit the rewrite.
* Arguments:
* 0: Not used
* 1: Arguments <ARRAY>
* 1.1: Mouse area control <CONTROL>
* 1.2: Mouse X position <SCALAR>
* 1.3: Mouse Y position <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["_control", "_mouseX", "_mouseY"];
GVAR(cameraPosition) params ["_distance", "_dirH", "_dirV", "_helperPos"];
GVAR(mouseButtonState) params ["_LMB", "_RMB"];
if (count _LMB > 0) then {
_LMB params ["_LMBcursorX", "_LMBcursorY"];
private _dX = [(_mouseX - _LMBcursorX), (_LMBcursorX - _mouseX)] select GVAR(camInverted);
private _dY = [(_mouseY -_LMBcursorY), (_LMBcursorY - _mouseY)] select GVAR(camInverted);
GVAR(mouseButtonState) set [0,[_mouseX,_mouseY]];
private _centerBox = boundingboxreal GVAR(center);
private _centerSizeBottom = _centerBox select 0 select 2;
private _centerSizeUp = _centerBox select 1 select 2;
private _centerSize = sqrt ([_centerBox select 0 select 0,_centerBox select 0 select 1] distance [_centerBox select 1 select 0,_centerBox select 1 select 1]);
_helperPos = [_helperPos, _dX * _centerSize, _dirH - 90] call bis_fnc_relpos;
_helperPos = [
[0,0,((_helperPos select 2) - _dY * _centerSize) max _centerSizeBottom min _centerSizeUp],
([0,0,0] distance2D _helperPos) min _centerSize,
[0,0,0] getDir _helperPos
] call bis_fnc_relpos;
_helperPos set [2,(_helperPos select 2) max ((boundingboxreal GVAR(center) select 0 select 2) + 0.2)];
//--- Do not let target go below ground
private _posZmin = 0.1;
private _targetWorldPosZ = (GVAR(center) modeltoworldvisual _helperPos) select 2;
if (_targetWorldPosZ < _posZmin) then {_helperPos set [2,(_helperPos select 2) - _targetWorldPosZ + _posZmin];};
GVAR(cameraPosition) set [3,_helperPos];
if (count _RMB > 0) then {
_RMB params ["_RMBcursorX", "_RMBcursorY"];
private _dX = (_RMBcursorX - _mouseX) * 0.75;
private _dY = (_RMBcursorY - _mouseY) * 0.75;
_helperPos = [
[0,0,_helperPos select 2],
[0,0,0] distance2D _helperPos,
([0,0,0] getDir _helperPos) - _dX * 360
] call bis_fnc_relpos;
GVAR(cameraPosition) set [1,(_dirH - _dX * 360)];
GVAR(cameraPosition) set [2,(_dirV - _dY * 100) max -89 min 89];
GVAR(cameraPosition) set [3,_helperPos];
GVAR(mouseButtonState) set [1,[_mouseX,_mouseY]];
if (!alive (GVAR(center)) || isnull GVAR(center)) then {
(ctrlParent _control) closeDisplay 2;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handle the mouse wheel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Not used
* 1: Mousewheel Z position <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["", "_zPos"];
private _distanceMax = ((boundingboxreal GVAR(center) select 0) vectordistance (boundingboxreal GVAR(center) select 1)) * 1.5;
private _distanceMin = _distanceMax * 0.15;
private _distance = GVAR(cameraPosition) select 0;
_distance = (_distance - (_zPos / 10)) max _distanceMin min _distanceMax;
GVAR(cameraPosition) set [0, _distance];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles keyboard inputs inside the searchbars text boxes.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Searchbar control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
private _textString = ctrlText _control;
if ((ctrlIDC _control) == IDC_rightSearchbar) then {
if !(GVAR(lastSearchTextRight) isEqualTo "" || {(_textString find GVAR(lastSearchTextRight)) == 0}) then {//don't refill if there is no need
[_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentRightPanel)] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
GVAR(lastSearchTextRight) = _textString;
if (count _textString == 0) exitWith {};
private _rightPanelState = GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon];
private _rightPanelCtrl = [_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox, _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent] select (_rightPanelState);
if (_rightPanelState) then {
private _itemsToGo = lbSize _rightPanelCtrl;
private _lbIndex = 0;
while {_itemsToGo > 0} do {
private _currentData = _rightPanelCtrl lbText _lbIndex;
private _currentClassname = _rightPanelCtrl lbData _lbIndex;
if ((_currentData isEqualTo "") || {(((toUpper _currentData) find (toUpper _textString)) == -1) && {((toUpper _currentClassname) find (toUpper _textString)) == -1}}) then {
_rightPanelCtrl lbDelete _lbIndex;
} else {
_lbIndex = _lbIndex + 1;
_itemsToGo = _itemsToGo - 1;
_rightPanelCtrl lbSetCurSel -1;
} else {
private _itemsToGo = (lnbSize _rightPanelCtrl) select 0;
private _lbIndex = 0;
while {_itemsToGo > 0} do {
private _currentData = _rightPanelCtrl lnbText [_lbIndex, 1];
private _currentClassname = _rightPanelCtrl lnbData [_lbIndex, 0];
if ((_currentData isEqualTo "") || {(((toUpper _currentData) find (toUpper _textString)) == -1) && {((toUpper _currentClassname) find (toUpper _textString)) == -1}}) then {
_rightPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _lbIndex;
} else {
_lbIndex = _lbIndex + 1;
_itemsToGo = _itemsToGo - 1;
_rightPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow -1;
[_display, nil, nil, configNull] call FUNC(itemInfo);
} else {
if !(GVAR(lastSearchTextLeft) isEqualTo "" || {(_textString find GVAR(lastSearchTextLeft)) == 0}) then {//don't refill if there is no need
[_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentLeftPanel)] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel);
GVAR(lastSearchTextLeft) = _textString;
if (count _textString == 0) exitWith {};
private _leftPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_leftTabContent;
private _itemsToGo = (lbSize _leftPanelCtrl);
private _lbIndex = 0;
while {_itemsToGo > 0} do {
private _currentData = _leftPanelCtrl lbText _lbIndex;
private _currentClassname = _leftPanelCtrl lbData _lbIndex;
if ((_currentData isEqualTo "") || {(((toUpper _currentData) find (toUpper _textString)) == -1) && {((toUpper _currentClassname) find (toUpper _textString)) == -1}}) then {
_leftPanelCtrl lbDelete _lbIndex;
} else {
_lbIndex = _lbIndex + 1;
_itemsToGo = _itemsToGo - 1;
_leftPanelCtrl lbSetCurSel -1;
[_display, nil, nil, configNull] call FUNC(itemInfo);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Initialize a box / object for arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 1: Items <BOOL> or <ARRAY>
* 2: Initialize globally <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_box, ["MyItem1", "MyItem2", "MyItemN"]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox
* [_box, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params [["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_items", true, [[], true]], ["_global", true, [true]]];
if (isNull _object) exitWith {};
if (isNil QGVAR(EHIDArray)) then {
GVAR(EHIDArray) = [];
if (_global && {isMultiplayer} && {{_object in _x} count GVAR(EHIDArray) == 0}) then {
private _ID = [QGVAR(initBox), [_object, _items, false]] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP;
[_ID, _object] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;
GVAR(EHIDArray) pushBack [_ID, _object];
publicVariable QGVAR(EHIDArray);
} else {
if ({(_x select 0) select 0 isEqualTo QGVAR(interaction)} count (_object getVariable [QEGVAR(interact_menu,actions), []]) == 0) then {
private _action = [
localize "STR_A3_Arsenal",
params ["_target", "_player"];
[{[_this select 0, _this select 1] call FUNC(openBox)}, [_target, _player]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
params ["_target", "_player"];
[_player, _target, ["isNotSwimming", "isNotCarrying", "isNotDragging", "notOnMap", "isNotEscorting", "isNotOnLadder"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)
] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_object, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToObject);
[_object, _items, false] call FUNC(addVirtualItems);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Update arsenal's info box.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Current panel control <CONTROL>
* 2: Current panel selection <SCALAR>
* 3: Item config entry <CONFIG>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control", "_curSel" ,"_itemCfg"];
private _ctrlInfo = _display displayCtrl IDC_infoBox;
if (isClass _itemCfg) then {
_ctrlInfo ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlInfo ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
// Name + author
private _ctrlInfoName = _display displayCtrl IDC_infoName;
_ctrlInfoName ctrlSetText ([_control lbText _curSel, _control lnbText [_curSel, 1]] select (ctrlType _control == 102));
private _ctrlInfoAuthor = _display displayctrl IDC_infoAuthor;
_ctrlInfoAuthor ctrlSetText "";
private _itemAuthor = getText (_itemCfg >> "author");
_ctrlInfoAuthor ctrlSetText ([localize "STR_AUTHOR_UNKNOWN", format [localize "STR_FORMAT_AUTHOR_SCRIPTED",_itemAuthor]] select (_itemAuthor != ""));
// DLC / mod icon
private _ctrlDLC = _display displayctrl IDC_DLCIcon;
private _ctrlDLCBackground = _display displayctrl IDC_DLCBackground;
private _dlc = _itemCfg call GETDLC;
if (_dlc != "") then {
private _dlcParams = modParams [_dlc, ["name", "logo", "logoOver"]];
_dlcParams params ["_name", "_logo", "_logoOver"];
private _appId = getnumber (configfile >> "CfgMods" >> _dlc >> "appId");
_ctrlDLC ctrlsettooltip _name;
_ctrlDLC ctrlsettext _logo;
_ctrlDLCBackground ctrlsetfade 0;
_ctrlDLC ctrlsetfade 0;
if (_appId > 0) then {
_ctrlDLC ctrlseteventhandler ["mouseexit",format ["(_this select 0) ctrlsettext '%1';",_logo]];
_ctrlDLC ctrlseteventhandler ["mouseenter",format ["(_this select 0) ctrlsettext '%1';",_logoOver]];
_ctrlDLC ctrlseteventhandler [
format ["uiNamespace setvariable ['RscDisplayDLCPreview_dlc','%1']; ctrlparent (_this select 0) createDisplay 'RscDisplayDLCPreview';", _dlc]
} else {
_ctrlDLC ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "buttonclick";
_ctrlDLC ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "mouseexit";
_ctrlDLC ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "mouseenter";
} else {
_ctrlDLC ctrlsetfade 1;
_ctrlDLCBackground ctrlsetfade 1;
_ctrlDLC ctrlcommit 0;
_ctrlDLCBackground ctrlcommit 0;
} else {
_ctrlInfo ctrlSetFade 1;
_ctrlInfo ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles tab changing for the loadouts display.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Tab control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control"];
if !(ctrlEnabled _control || {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == ctrlIDC _control}) exitWith {};
private _centerBoxTitleCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_centerTitle;
private _shareButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonShare;
private _saveButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonSave;
private _loadButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonLoad;
private _deleteButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonDelete;
private _renameButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonRename;
// Update UI visual elements
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) != -1) then {
private _previousCtrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) - 1);
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0, 0, 0, 0.8];
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlCommit 0;
private _previousCtrl = _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab);
_previousCtrl ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, 1];
_previousCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
private _ctrlBackground = _display displayCtrl ((ctrlIDC _control) - 1);
_ctrlBackground ctrlSetBackgroundColor [1, 1, 1, 0.8];
_ctrlBackground ctrlCommit 0;
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
switch (ctrlIDC _control) do {
case IDC_buttonMyLoadouts: {
_centerBoxTitleCtrl ctrlSetText (localize LSTRING(tabMyLoadoutsText));
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true;
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
case IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts: {
_centerBoxTitleCtrl ctrlSetText (localize LSTRING(tabDefaultLoadoutsText));
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlEnable (is3DEN);
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
case IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts: {
_centerBoxTitleCtrl ctrlSetText (localize LSTRING(tabSharedLoadoutsText));
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_x ctrlEnable false;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [_shareButtonCtrl, _loadButtonCtrl, _deleteButtonCtrl, _renameButtonCtrl];
GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) = ctrlIDC _control;
[_display, _control] call FUNC(fillLoadoutsList);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Displays messages in arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Message <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_message"];
private _messageBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_message;
private _handle = _messageBoxCtrl getVariable QGVAR(messageBoxHandle);
if !(isNil "_handle") then {
terminate _handle;
_handle = [_display, _messageBoxCtrl, time + 5, _message, FADE_DELAY] spawn {
_this params ["_display", "_control", "_timer", "_message", "_delay"];
while {_timer >= time} do {
switch true do {
case (_display isEqualTo displayNull): {
terminate _thisScript;
case (round (_timer - time) == 5): {
_control ctrlSetText _message;
_control ctrlSetFade 1;
_control ctrlCommit 0;
_control ctrlSetFade 0;
_control ctrlCommit _delay;
uiSleep 1;
_control ctrlSetFade 1;
_control ctrlCommit _delay;
terminate _thisScript;
_messageBoxCtrl setVariable [QGVAR(messageBoxHandle), _handle];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* onUnLoad EH for arsenal.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
private _cameraData = [getposAtl GVAR(camera), (getposAtl GVAR(camera)) vectorFromTo (getposAtl GVAR(cameraHelper))];
[QGVAR(displayClosed), []] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
removeMissionEventHandler ["draw3D", GVAR(camPosUpdateHandle)];
camDestroy GVAR(camera);
GVAR(center) switchCamera GVAR(cameraView);
deleteVehicle GVAR(cameraHelper);
if (is3DEN) then {
private _centerOriginParent = objectParent GVAR(centerOrigin);
if !(isNull _centerOriginParent) then {
_centerOriginParent hideObject false;
GVAR(centerOrigin) hideObject false;
// Apply the loadout from the dummy to all selected units
_x setUnitLoadout (getUnitLoadout GVAR(center));
_x setFace GVAR(currentFace);
_x setSpeaker GVAR(currentVoice);
} foreach (get3DENSelected "object");
save3DENInventory (get3DENSelected "object");
deleteVehicle GVAR(light);
deleteVehicle GVAR(center);
GVAR(centerOrigin) = nil;
GVAR(light) = nil;
get3DENCamera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
["ShowInterface",true] call bis_fnc_3DENInterface;
GVAR(visionMode) call bis_fnc_3DENVisionMode;
} else {
// Select correct weapon
switch GVAR(selectedWeaponType) do {
case 0: {GVAR(center) selectWeapon primaryWeapon GVAR(center);};
case 1: {GVAR(center) selectWeapon secondaryWeapon GVAR(center);};
case 2: {GVAR(center) selectWeapon handgunWeapon GVAR(center);};
if (isMultiplayer) then {
[QGVAR(broadcastFace), [GVAR(center), GVAR(currentFace)], QGVAR(center) + "_face"] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP;
[QGVAR(center) + "_face", GVAR(center)] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;
[QGVAR(broadcastVoice), [GVAR(center), GVAR(currentVoice)], QGVAR(center) + "_voice"] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP;
[QGVAR(center) + "_voice", GVAR(center)] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;
if !(isnull curatorCamera) then {
curatorcamera setPosAtl (_cameraData select 0);
curatorcamera setVectorDir (_cameraData select 1);
curatorcamera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
GVAR(camera) = nil;
GVAR(cameraHelper) = nil;
GVAR(mouseButtonState) = nil;
GVAR(currentLeftPanel) = nil;
GVAR(currentRightPanel) = nil;
GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) = nil;
GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus) = nil;
GVAR(shiftState) = nil;
GVAR(leftTabFocus) = nil;
GVAR(rightTabFocus) = nil;
GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) = nil;
GVAR(selectedWeaponType) = nil;
GVAR(virtualItems) = nil;
GVAR(currentItems) = nil;
GVAR(currentFace) = nil;
GVAR(currentVoice) = nil;
GVAR(currentInsignia) = nil;
GVAR(currentAction) = nil;
GVAR(center) = nil;
showHUD true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* onLoad EH for arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Ignored
* 1: Arguments <ARRAY>
* 1.1: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["_display"];
//--------------- General vars
if (isNil QGVAR(center)) then {
GVAR(center) = player;
GVAR(mouseButtonState) = [[],[]];
if (isNil QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace)) then {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) = true call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
publicVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace);
if (isNil {GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars)}) then {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars), [], true];
if (isNil QGVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)) then {
if (is3DEN) then {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) = (QGVAR(DummyCategory) get3DENMissionAttribute QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute));
} else {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) = [];
if (isNil QGVAR(virtualItems)) then {
GVAR(virtualItems) = [[[], [], []], [[], [], [], []], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(currentItems) = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(currentFace) = face GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentVoice) = speaker GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentInsignia) = GVAR(center) param [0, objNull, [objNull]] getVariable ["BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia_class", ""];
GVAR(currentAction) = "Stand";
GVAR(shiftState) = false;
// Add the items the player has to virtualItems
for "_index" from 0 to 10 do {
switch (_index) do {
// primary, secondary, handgun weapons
case 0: {
private _array = LIST_DEFAULTS select _index;
if !((_array select 0) isEqualTo "") then {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select 0) pushBackUnique (_array select 0);
if !((_array select 1) isEqualTo "") then {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select 1) pushBackUnique (_array select 1);
if !((_array select 2) isEqualTo "") then {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select 2) pushBackUnique (_array select 2);
// Accs for the weapons above
case 1: {
private _array = LIST_DEFAULTS select _index;
_array params ["_accsArray", "_magsArray"];
private _subIndex = _forEachIndex;
if (_x != "") then {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select ([2, 1, 0, 3] select _forEachIndex) pushBackUnique _x;
} foreach _x;
} foreach _accsArray;
if !(_x isEqualTo []) then {
if (_x select 0 != "") then {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) pushBackUnique (_x select 0);
if (count _x > 1 && {_x select 1 != ""}) then {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) pushBackUnique (_x select 1);
} foreach _magsArray;
// Inventory items
case 2: {
call FUNC(updateUniqueItemsList);
// The rest
default {
private _array = (LIST_DEFAULTS select _index) select {!(_x isEqualTo "")};
if !(_array isEqualTo []) then {
{(GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) pushBackUnique _x} foreach _array;
// Fill current items
for "_index" from 0 to 15 do {
switch (_index) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2:{
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, ((LIST_DEFAULTS select 0) select _index)];
case 3;
case 4;
case 5;
case 6;
case 7;
case 8;
case 9: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, (LIST_DEFAULTS select _index) select 0];
case 10: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 15) pushBack _x} forEach (uniformItems GVAR(center));
case 11: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 16) pushBack _x} forEach (vestItems GVAR(center));
case 12: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 17) pushBack _x} forEach (backpackItems GVAR(center));
case 13: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 14: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 15: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + (handgunMagazine GVAR(center))];
private _simulationType = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "simulation");
private _index = 10 + (["itemmap", "itemcompass", "itemradio", "itemwatch", "itemgps"] find (tolower _simulationType));
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, _x];
} foreach (assignedItems GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentWeaponType) = switch true do {
case (currentWeapon GVAR(center) == GVAR(currentItems) select 0): {0};
case (currentWeapon GVAR(center) == GVAR(currentItems) select 1): {1};
case (currentWeapon GVAR(center) == GVAR(currentItems) select 2): {2};
default {-1};
[QGVAR(displayOpened), []] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
//--------------- Fade out unused elements
private _mouseBlockCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_mouseBlock;
_mouseBlockCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;
_x ctrlSetFade 1;
_x ctrlShow false;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [
//--------------- Camera prep
cutText ["","plain"];
showCommandingMenu "";
GVAR(cameraView) = cameraView;
GVAR(center) switchCamera "internal";
showHUD false;
private _mouseAreaCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_mouseArea;
ctrlSetFocus _mouseAreaCtrl;
// 3DEN support, lifted from BIS_fnc_arsenal
if (is3DEN) then {
GVAR(centerOrigin) = GVAR(center);
GVAR(centerOrigin) hideObject true;
private _centerOriginParent = objectParent GVAR(centerOrigin);
if !(isNull _centerOriginParent) then {
_centerOriginParent hideObject true;
private _centerPos = position GVAR(centerOrigin);
GVAR(center) = createAgent [typeOf GVAR(centerOrigin), position GVAR(centerOrigin), [], 0, "none"];
GVAR(center) setPosAtl getPosAtl GVAR(centerOrigin);
GVAR(center) setDir (getDir GVAR(centerOrigin));
GVAR(center) switchMove animationState GVAR(centerOrigin);
GVAR(center) switchAction "playerstand";
GVAR(center) enableSimulation false;
GVAR(center) setUnitLoadout (getUnitLoadout GVAR(centerOrigin));
GVAR(center) setFace GVAR(currentFace);
GVAR(center) setSpeaker GVAR(currentVoice);
//--- Create light for night editing (code based on BIS_fnc_3DENFlashlight)
private _intensity = 1;
GVAR(light) = "#lightpoint" createVehicle _centerPos;
GVAR(light) setLightBrightness _intensity;
GVAR(light) setLightAmbient [1,1,1];
GVAR(light) setLightColor [0,0,0];
GVAR(light) lightAttachObject [GVAR(centerOrigin), [0, 0, -_intensity * 7]];
//--- Use the same vision mode as in Eden
GVAR(visionMode)= -2 call bis_fnc_3DENVisionMode;
["ShowInterface",false] spawn bis_fnc_3DENInterface;
if (get3denactionstate "togglemap" > 0) then {do3DENAction "togglemap";};
//--------------- Prepare the left panel
GVAR(currentLeftPanel) = nil;
GVAR(currentRightPanel) = nil;
GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) = false;
GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus) = false;
GVAR(leftTabFocus) = false;
GVAR(rightTabFocus) = false;
GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) = false;
private _panel = _display displayCtrl _x;
_panel ctrlSetFontHeight (GVAR(fontHeight) * GRID_H);
_panel ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [IDC_leftTabContent, IDC_rightTabContent, IDC_rightTabContentListnBox];
[_display, _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel);
//--------------- Init camera
if (isNil QGVAR(cameraPosition)) then {
GVAR(cameraPosition) = [5,0,0,[0,0,0.85]];
GVAR(cameraHelper) = createAgent ["Logic", position GVAR(center) ,[] ,0 ,"none"];
GVAR(cameraHelper) attachTo [GVAR(center), GVAR(cameraPosition) select 3, ""];
GVAR(camera) = "camera" camCreate position GVAR(center);
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
GVAR(camera) camPrepareFocus [-1,-1];
GVAR(camera) camPrepareFov 0.35;
GVAR(camera) camCommitPrepared 0;
showCinemaBorder false;
["#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)",false,nil,0,[0,0.5]] call bis_fnc_textTiles;
//--------------- Reset camera pos
[nil, [controlNull,0,0]] call FUNC(handleMouse);
GVAR(camPosUpdateHandle) = addMissionEventHandler ["draw3D",{ [] call FUNC(updateCamPos) }];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles keyboard inputs in arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Key being pressed <SCALAR>
* 2: Shift state <BOOL>
* 3: Ctrl state <BOOL>
* 4: Alt state <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
#include "\A3\ui_f\hpp\defineDIKCodes.inc"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["_display", "_keyPressed", "_shiftState", "_ctrlState", "_altState"];
if !((findDisplay IDD_loadouts_display) isEqualTo displayNull) exitWith {};
GVAR(shiftState) = _shiftState;
private _return = true;
if (!GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) && {!GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus)}) then {
switch true do {
// Close button
case (_keyPressed == DIK_ESCAPE): {
_display closeDisplay 2;
// Hide button
case (_keyPressed == DIK_BACKSPACE): {
[_display] call FUNC(buttonHide);
// Export button
case (_keyPressed == DIK_C && {_ctrlState}): {
[_display] call FUNC(buttonExport);
// Import button
case (_keyPressed == DIK_V && {_ctrlState}): {
[_display] call FUNC(buttonImport);
// Switch vision mode
case (_keyPressed in (actionkeys "nightvision")): {
if (isNil QGVAR(visionMode)) then {
GVAR(visionMode) = 0;
GVAR(visionMode) = (GVAR(visionMode) + 1) % 3;
switch GVAR(visionMode) do {
//--- Normal
case 0: {
camusenvg false;
false setCamUseTi 0;
//--- NVG
case 1: {
camusenvg true;
false setCamUseTi 0;
//--- TI
default {
camusenvg false;
true setCamUseTi 0;
playsound ["RscDisplayCurator_visionMode",true];
} else {
switch true do {
case (_keyPressed == DIK_ESCAPE): {
_display closeDisplay 2;
case (_keyPressed == DIK_BACKSPACE): {
_return = false;
case (_keyPressed == DIK_RETURN): {
if (GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus)) then {
[_display, _display displayCtrl IDC_leftSearchbar] call FUNC(handleSearchBar);
if (GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus)) then {
[_display, _display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar] call FUNC(handleSearchBar);
case (_keyPressed in [DIK_LEFT, DIK_RIGHT]): {
_return = false;
case (_keyPressed == DIK_C && {_ctrlState}): {
_return = false;
case (_keyPressed == DIK_V && {_ctrlState}): {
_return = false;
if (GVAR(leftTabFocus) && {_keyPressed in [DIK_UP, DIK_DOWN]}) then {
_return = false;
if (GVAR(rightTabFocus) && {_keyPressed in [DIK_UP, DIK_DOWN]}) then {
_return = false;
if (GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) && {_keyPressed in [DIK_UP, DIK_DOWN]}) then {
_return = false;
if (GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) && {_keyPressed in [DIK_LEFT, DIK_RIGHT]}) then {
[_display, [1, 0] select (_keyPressed == DIK_LEFT)] call FUNC(buttonCargo);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* onUnLoad EH for arsenal loadouts display.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) = nil;
private _arsenalDisplay = findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal;
private _mouseBlockCtrl = _arsenalDisplay displayCtrl IDC_mouseBlock;
GVAR(cameraPosition) = GVAR(previousCameraPos);
GVAR(previousCameraPos) = nil;
_mouseBlockCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_mouseBlockCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
[_arsenalDisplay] call FUNC(buttonHide);
[_arsenalDisplay , _arsenalDisplay displayCtrl GVAR(currentLeftPanel)] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* onLoad EH for arsenal loadouts display.
* Arguments:
* 0: Ignored
* 1: Arguments <ARRAY>
* 1.1: Loadouts display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["_display"];
private _arsenalDisplay = findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal;
private _mouseBlockCtrl = _arsenalDisplay displayCtrl IDC_mouseBlock;
_mouseBlockCtrl ctrlEnable true;
_mouseBlockCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
[_arsenalDisplay] call FUNC(buttonHide);
GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) = -1;
GVAR(previousCameraPos) = GVAR(cameraPosition);
GVAR(cameraPosition) = [5,0,20,[-0.85,0,0.85]];
private _panelContentCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
_panelContentCtrl ctrlSetFontHeight (4.5 * GRID_H);
_panelContentCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
if !(GVAR(allowDefaultLoadouts)) then {
private _buttonDefaultLoadoutsCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts;
_buttonDefaultLoadoutsCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_buttonDefaultLoadoutsCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
private _buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackgroundCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackground;
_buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackgroundCtrl ctrlShow false;
_buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackgroundCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
if !(GVAR(allowSharedLoadouts) && {isMultiplayer}) then {
private _buttonShareLoadoutsCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts;
_buttonShareLoadoutsCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_buttonShareLoadoutsCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
private _buttonShareLoadoutsBackgroundCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonSharedLoadoutsBackground;
_buttonShareLoadoutsBackgroundCtrl ctrlShow false;
_buttonShareLoadoutsBackgroundCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
[_display, _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonMyLoadouts] call FUNC(loadoutsChangeTab);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["", "_buttonPressed", "_xPos", "_yPos"];
GVAR(mouseButtonState) set [_buttonPressed, [_xPos, _yPos]];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["", "_buttonPressed"];
GVAR(mouseButtonState) set [_buttonPressed, []];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles selection changes on the left panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Left panel control <CONTROL>
* 1: Left panel selection <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_control", "_curSel"];
if (_curSel < 0) exitwith {};
private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control;
private _display = ctrlParent _control;
private _item = [_control lnbData [_curSel, 0], _control lbData _curSel] select !(ctrlType _control == 102);
private _weaponDefaultRightPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonOptic;
private _selectCorrectPanelWeapon = [_weaponDefaultRightPanel, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentRightPanel)] select (!(isNil QGVAR(currentRightPanel)) && {GVAR(currentRightPanel) in [RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_IDCS, IDC_buttonCurrentMag, IDC_buttonCurrentMag2]});
private _containerDefaultRightPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonMisc;
private _selectCorrectPanelContainer = [_containerDefaultRightPanel, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentRightPanel)] select (!(isNil QGVAR(currentRightPanel)) && {GVAR(currentRightPanel) in [RIGHT_PANEL_ITEMS_IDCS]});
switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon : {
private _baseWeapon = ((GVAR(currentItems) select 0) call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
if ((GVAR(currentItems) select 0) != _item && {_baseWeapon != _item}) then {
private _compatibleMags = getArray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _baseWeapon >> "magazines");
GVAR(center) removeMagazines _x;
} foreach _compatibleMags;
GVAR(currentItems) set [15, uniformItems GVAR(center)];
GVAR(currentItems) set [16, vestItems GVAR(center)];
GVAR(currentItems) set [17, backpackItems GVAR(center)];
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removeWeapon (primaryWeapon GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, ["", "", "", "", "", ""]];
GVAR(currentItems) set [0, _item];
} else {
private _compatibleItems = (_item call bis_fnc_compatibleItems) apply {tolower _x};
GVAR(center) addWeapon _item;
GVAR(center) addWeaponItem [_item, [(getArray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _item >> "magazines")) select 0]];
if (tolower _x in _compatibleItems || {_x in _compatibleMags}) then {
GVAR(center) addPrimaryWeaponItem _x;
} foreach (GVAR(currentItems) select 18);
private _primaryMags = primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + ([_primaryMags + [""], _primaryMags] select (count _primaryMags > 1))];
GVAR(currentItems) set [0, _item];
if (_item == "") then {
} else {
[_display, _selectCorrectPanelWeapon] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonHandgun : {
private _baseWeapon = ((GVAR(currentItems) select 2) call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
if ((GVAR(currentItems) select 2) != _item && {_baseWeapon != _item}) then {
private _compatibleMags = getArray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _baseWeapon >> "magazines");
GVAR(center) removeMagazines _x;
} foreach _compatibleMags;
GVAR(currentItems) set [15, uniformItems GVAR(center)];
GVAR(currentItems) set [16, vestItems GVAR(center)];
GVAR(currentItems) set [17, backpackItems GVAR(center)];
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removeWeapon (handgunWeapon GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, ["", "", "", "", "", ""]];
GVAR(currentItems) set [2, _item];
} else {
private _compatibleItems = (_item call bis_fnc_compatibleItems) apply {tolower _x};
GVAR(center) addWeapon _item;
GVAR(center) addWeaponItem [_item, [(getArray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _item >> "magazines")) select 0]];
if (tolower _x in _compatibleItems || {_x in _compatibleMags}) then {
GVAR(center) addHandgunItem _x;
} foreach (GVAR(currentItems) select 20);
private _handgunMags = handgunMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + ([_handgunMags + [""], _handgunMags] select (count _handgunMags > 1))];
GVAR(currentItems) set [2, _item];
if (_item == "") then {
} else {
[_display, [_selectCorrectPanelWeapon, _weaponDefaultRightPanel] select (GVAR(currentRightPanel) == IDC_buttonCurrentMag2)] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon : {
private _baseWeapon = ((GVAR(currentItems) select 1) call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
if ((GVAR(currentItems) select 1) != _item && {_baseWeapon != _item}) then {
private _compatibleMags = getArray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _baseWeapon >> "magazines");
GVAR(center) removeMagazines _x;
} foreach _compatibleMags;
GVAR(currentItems) set [15, uniformItems GVAR(center)];
GVAR(currentItems) set [16, vestItems GVAR(center)];
GVAR(currentItems) set [17, backpackItems GVAR(center)];
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removeWeapon (secondaryWeapon GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, ["", "", "", "", "", ""]];
GVAR(currentItems) set [1, _item];
} else {
private _compatibleItems = (_item call bis_fnc_compatibleItems) apply {tolower _x};
GVAR(center) addWeapon _item;
GVAR(center) addWeaponItem [_item, [(getArray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _item >> "magazines")) select 0]];
if (tolower _x in _compatibleItems || {_x in _compatibleMags}) then {
GVAR(center) addSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
} foreach (GVAR(currentItems) select 19);
private _secondaryMags = secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + ([_secondaryMags + [""], _secondaryMags] select (count _secondaryMags > 1))];
GVAR(currentItems) set [1, _item];
if (_item == "") then {
} else {
[_display, [_selectCorrectPanelWeapon, _weaponDefaultRightPanel] select (GVAR(currentRightPanel) == IDC_buttonCurrentMag2)] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonHeadgear : {
if (_item == "") then {
removeHeadgear GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [3, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) addHeadgear _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [3, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonUniform : {
if (_item == "") then {
removeuniform GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [15, []];
GVAR(currentItems) set [4, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) forceAddUniform _item;
while {count uniformItems GVAR(center) > 0} do {
GVAR(center) removeItemFromUniform (uniformItems GVAR(center) select 0);
}; //--- Remove default config contents
{GVAR(center) addItemtoUniform _x} foreach (GVAR(currentItems) select 15);
GVAR(currentItems) set [4, _item];
[GVAR(center), ""] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
[GVAR(center), GVAR(currentInsignia)] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
[_display, _selectCorrectPanelContainer] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonVest: {
if (_item == "") then {
removeVest GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [16, []];
GVAR(currentItems) set [5, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) addVest _item;
while {count vestItems GVAR(center) > 0} do {
GVAR(center) removeItemFromVest (VestItems GVAR(center) select 0);
}; //--- Remove default config contents
{GVAR(center) addItemToVest _x} foreach (GVAR(currentItems) select 16);
GVAR(currentItems) set [5, _item];
[_display, _selectCorrectPanelContainer] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonBackpack : {
if (_item == "") then {
removeBackpack GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [17, []];
GVAR(currentItems) set [6, _item];
} else {
removeBackpack GVAR(center);
GVAR(center) addBackpack _item;
while {count backpackItems GVAR(center) > 0} do {
GVAR(center) removeItemFromBackpack (backpackItems GVAR(center) select 0);
}; //--- Remove default config contents
{GVAR(center) addItemToBackpack _x} foreach (GVAR(currentItems) select 17);
GVAR(currentItems) set [6, _item];
[_display, _selectCorrectPanelContainer] call FUNC(fillRightPanel);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonGoggles : {
if (_item == "") then {
removeGoggles GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [7, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) addGoggles _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [7, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonNVG : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) unlinkItem (GVAR(currentItems) select 8);
GVAR(currentItems) set [8, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) linkItem _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [8, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonBinoculars : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removeWeapon (binocular GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentItems) set [9, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) addWeapon _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [9, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonMap : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) unlinkItem (GVAR(currentItems) select 10) select 0;
GVAR(currentItems) set [10, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) linkItem _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [10, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonCompass : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) unlinkItem (GVAR(currentItems) select 11) select 0;
GVAR(currentItems) set [11, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) linkItem _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [11, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonRadio : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) unlinkItem (GVAR(currentItems) select 12) select 0;
GVAR(currentItems) set [12, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) linkItem _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [12, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonWatch : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) unlinkItem (GVAR(currentItems) select 13);
GVAR(currentItems) set [13, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) linkItem _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [13, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonGPS : {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) unlinkItem (GVAR(currentItems) select 14) select 0;
GVAR(currentItems) set [14, _item];
} else {
GVAR(center) linkItem _item;
GVAR(currentItems) set [14, _item];
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonFace : {
private _face = [_item, "Default"] select (_item == "");
GVAR(center) setFace _face;
GVAR(currentFace) = _face;
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonVoice : {
GVAR(center) setSpeaker _item;
GVAR(currentVoice) = _item;
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgVoice" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case IDC_buttonInsigna : {
[GVAR(center), _item] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
GVAR(currentInsignia) = _item;
call FUNC(showItem);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> "CfgUnitInsignia" >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
(_display displayCtrl IDC_totalWeightText) ctrlSetText ([[GVAR(center), 1] call EFUNC(common,getWeight), [GVAR(center), 2] call EFUNC(common,getWeight)] joinString " / ");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles selection changes on loadouts panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Loadouts panel control <CONTROL>
* 1: Loadouts panel selection <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_display", "_control", "_curSel"];
private _shareButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonShare;
private _saveButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonSave;
private _loadButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonLoad;
private _deleteButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonDelete;
private _renameButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonRename;
private _textEditBoxCtrl= _display displayCtrl IDC_textEditBox;
if (_curSel == -1) exitWith {
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts) then {
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_saveButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlSetText (localize LSTRING(buttonSharePrivateText));
_x ctrlEnable false;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [_shareButtonCtrl, _loadButtonCtrl, _deleteButtonCtrl, _renameButtonCtrl];
switch (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab)) do {
case IDC_buttonMyLoadouts: {
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlEnable (GVAR(allowSharedLoadouts) && {isMultiplayer});
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_loadButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true;
_loadButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlSetText ( [
localize LSTRING(buttonSharePrivateText),
localize LSTRING(buttonSharePublicText)
] select ((_control lnbValue [_curSel, 0]) == 1));
_x ctrlEnable true;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [_renameButtonCtrl, _deleteButtonCtrl];
_textEditBoxCtrl ctrlSetText (_control lnbText [_curSel, 1]);
case IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts: {
_x ctrlEnable true;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [_saveButtonCtrl, _loadButtonCtrl];
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_x ctrlEnable (is3DEN);
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [_deleteButtonCtrl, _renameButtonCtrl];
_textEditBoxCtrl ctrlSetText (_control lnbText [_curSel, 1]);
case IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts: {
_x ctrlEnable true;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} foreach [_saveButtonCtrl, _loadButtonCtrl];
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_shareButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
if ((serverCommandAvailable "#logout") || {(_control lnbText [_curSel, 0]) == profileName}) then {
_deleteButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true;
_deleteButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
} else {
_deleteButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_deleteButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_textEditBoxCtrl ctrlSetText (_control lnbText [_curSel, 1]);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles selection changes on the right panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Right panel control <CONTROL>
* 1: Right panel selection <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_control", "_curSel"];
if (_curSel < 0) exitwith {};
private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control;
private _display = ctrlParent _control;
private _item = _control lbData _curSel;
private _fnc_selectItem = {
params ["_item", "_currentItemsIndex", "_itemIndex"];
switch (_currentItemsIndex) do {
case 18: {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removePrimaryWeaponItem ((GVAR(currentItems) select 18) select _itemIndex);
private _primaryMags = primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + ([_primaryMags + [""], _primaryMags] select (count _primaryMags > 1))];
} else {
GVAR(center) addPrimaryWeaponItem _item;
private _primaryMags = primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + ([_primaryMags + [""], _primaryMags] select (count _primaryMags > 1))];
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> (["CfgWeapons", "CfgMagazines"] select (_itemIndex in [4, 5]))>> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case 19: {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removeSecondaryWeaponItem ((GVAR(currentItems) select 19) select _itemIndex);
private _secondaryMags = secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + ([_secondaryMags + [""], _secondaryMags] select (count _secondaryMags > 1))];
} else {
GVAR(center) addSecondaryWeaponItem _item;
private _secondaryMags = secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + ([_secondaryMags + [""], _secondaryMags] select (count _secondaryMags > 1))];
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> (["CfgWeapons", "CfgMagazines"] select (_itemIndex in [4, 5]))>> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
case 20: {
if (_item == "") then {
GVAR(center) removeHandgunItem ((GVAR(currentItems) select 20) select _itemIndex);
private _handgunMags = handgunMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + ([_handgunMags + [""], _handgunMags] select (count _handgunMags > 1))];
} else {
GVAR(center) addHandgunItem _item;
private _handgunMags = handgunMagazine GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + ([_handgunMags + [""], _handgunMags] select (count _handgunMags > 1))];
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> (["CfgWeapons", "CfgMagazines"] select (_itemIndex in [4, 5]))>> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
18 + ([IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun] find GVAR(currentLeftPanel)),
[IDC_buttonMuzzle, IDC_buttonItemAcc, IDC_buttonOptic, IDC_buttonBipod, IDC_buttonCurrentMag, IDC_buttonCurrentMag2] find GVAR(currentRightPanel)
] call _fnc_selectItem;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_totalWeightText) ctrlSetText ([[GVAR(center), 1] call EFUNC(common,getWeight), [GVAR(center), 2] call EFUNC(common,getWeight)] joinString " / ");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles selection changes on the right panel (listnbox).
* Arguments:
* 0: Right panel control <CONTROL>
* 1: Right panel selection <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_control", "_curSel"];
if (_curSel < 0) exitwith {};
private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control;
private _display = ctrlParent _control;
private _item = [_control lnbData [_curSel, 0], _control lbData _curSel] select !(ctrlType _control == 102);
private _fnc_selectRight = {
params ["_item", "_cfgEntry"];
// Load remaining
private _maxLoad = switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonUniform: {
gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass")
case IDC_buttonVest: {
gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> vest GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass")
case IDC_buttonBackpack: {
backpack GVAR(center)
[_control, _maxLoad] call FUNC(updateRightPanel);
[_display, _control, _curSel, (configFile >> _cfgEntry >> _item)] call FUNC(itemInfo);
if (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonUniform, IDC_buttonVest, IDC_buttonBackpack]) then {
["CfgWeapons", "CfgMagazines"] select (GVAR(currentRightPanel) in [IDC_buttonMag, IDC_buttonMagALL, IDC_buttonThrow, IDC_buttonPut])
] call _fnc_selectRight;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Replace the 3DEN "edit loadout" menu action
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private _entity = (uinamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_3DENEntityMenu_data",[]]) param [1, objnull];
[_entity, _entity, true] call FUNC(openBox);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Open arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Box <OBJECT>
* 1: Unit to open the arsenal on <OBJECT>
* 2: Ignore virtual items and fill arsenal <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_box, player] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params [["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_center", objNull, [objNull]], ["_mode", false, [false]]];
if (
isNull _object ||
{isNull _center} ||
{!(_center isKindOf "Man")} ||
{!(isNull objectParent _center) && {!is3DEN}}
) exitWith {};
if (isNil {_object getVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), nil]} && {!_mode}) exitWith {
[localize LSTRING(noVirtualItems), false, 5, 1] call EFUNC(common,displayText);
if (canSuspend) exitWith {
[{_this call FUNC(openBox)}, _this] call CBA_fnc_directCall;
private _displayToUse = [findDisplay 46, findDIsplay 312] select (!isNull findDisplay 312);
_displayToUse = [_displayToUse, findDisplay 313] select (is3DEN);
if (isNil "_displayToUse" || {!isnil QGVAR(camera)}) exitWith {
[localize LSTRING(CantOpenDisplay), false, 5, 1] call EFUNC(common,displayText);
if (_mode) then {
GVAR(virtualItems) = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(configItems);
} else {
GVAR(virtualItems) = +(_object getVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), [
[[], [], []], [[], [], [], []], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
GVAR(center) = _center;
_displayToUse createDisplay QGVAR(display);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Remove arsenal from target.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 1: Remove globally <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_box, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_removeBox
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params [["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_global", true, [true]]];
if (isNull _object || {isNil QGVAR(EHIDArray)}) exitWith {};
if (_global && {isMultiplayer}) then {
private _ID = (GVAR(EHIDArray) select {_x select 1 == _object}) select 0;
if !(isNil "_ID") then {
[_ID select 0] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;
GVAR(EHIDArray) deleteAt (GVAR(EHIDArray) find _ID);
publicVariable QGVAR(EHIDArray);
[QGVAR(removeBox), [_object, false]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
} else {
_object setVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), nil, false];
[_object, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", QGVAR(interaction)]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,removeActionFromObject);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Remove virtual items to the provided target.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 1: Items <ARRAY of strings> <BOOL>
* 2: Add globally <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_box, ["item1", "item2", "itemN"]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_removeVirtualItems
* [_box, true, false] call ace_arsenal_fnc_removeVirtualItems
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params [ ["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_items", [], [true, [""]]], ["_global", false, [false]] ];
if (_object == objNull) exitWith {};
if (_items isEqualType [] && {count _items == 0}) exitWith {};
private _cargo = _object getVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), [
[[], [], []], // Weapons 0, primary, handgun, secondary
[[], [], [], []], // WeaponAccessories 1, optic,side,muzzle,bipod
[ ], // Magazines 2
[ ], // Headgear 3
[ ], // Uniform 4
[ ], // Vest 5
[ ], // Backpacks 6
[ ], // Goggles 7
[ ], // NVGs 8
[ ], // Binoculars 9
[ ], // Map 10
[ ], // Compass 11
[ ], // Radio slot 12
[ ], // Watch slot 13
[ ], // Comms slot 14
[ ], // WeaponThrow 15
[ ], // WeaponPut 16
[ ] // InventoryItems 17
if (_items isEqualType true && {_items}) then {
[_object, _global] call FUNC(removeBox);
_object setVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), nil, _global];
} else {
// Make sure all items are in string form
_items = _items select {_x isEqualType "" && {_x != ""}};
if (_forEachIndex isEqualTo 0) then {
_cargo set [_forEachIndex, [(_x select 0) - _items, (_x select 1) - _items, (_x select 2) - _items]];
} else {
if (_forEachIndex isEqualTo 1) then {
_cargo set [_forEachIndex, [(_x select 0) - _items, (_x select 1) - _items, (_x select 2) - _items, (_x select 3) - _items]];
} else {
_cargo set [_cargo find _x, _x - _items];
} foreach _cargo;
private _itemCount = {
if (_x isEqualTo (_cargo select 0) || {_x isEqualTo (_cargo select 1)}) then {
!(_x isEqualTo [[],[],[]] || {_x isEqualTo [[],[],[],[]]})
} else {
!(_x isEqualTo [])
} count _cargo;
if (_itemCount == 0) then {
[_object, _global] call FUNC(removeBox);
} else {
_object setVariable [QGVAR(virtualItems), _cargo, _global];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
* Author: Dedmen
* Cache an array of all the compatible items for arsenal.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private _cargo = [
[[], [], []], // Weapons 0, primary, secondary, handgun
[[], [], [], []], // WeaponAccessories 1, optic,side,muzzle,bipod
[ ], // Magazines 2
[ ], // Headgear 3
[ ], // Uniform 4
[ ], // Vest 5
[ ], // Backpacks 6
[ ], // Goggles 7
[ ], // NVGs 8
[ ], // Binoculars 9
[ ], // Map 10
[ ], // Compass 11
[ ], // Radio slot 12
[ ], // Watch slot 13
[ ], // Comms slot 14
[ ], // WeaponThrow 15
[ ], // WeaponPut 16
[ ] // InventoryItems 17
private _configCfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons"; //Save this lookup in variable for perf improvement
private _magazineGroups = [[],[]] call CBA_fnc_hashCreate;
private _configItemInfo = _x >> "ItemInfo";
private _simulationType = getText (_x >> "simulation");
private _className = configName _x;
private _hasItemInfo = isClass (_configItemInfo);
private _itemInfoType = if (_hasItemInfo) then {getNumber (_configItemInfo >> "type")} else {0};
switch true do {
/* Weapon acc */
case (
_hasItemInfo &&
{_itemInfoType in [101, 201, 301, 302]} &&
{!(configName _x isKindOf ["CBA_MiscItem", (_configCfgWeapons)])}
): {
//Convert type to array index
(_cargo select 1) select ([201,301,101,302] find _itemInfoType) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Headgear */
case (_hasItemInfo && {_itemInfoType == 605}): {
(_cargo select 3) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Uniform */\
case (_hasItemInfo && {_itemInfoType == 801}): {
(_cargo select 4) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Vest */
case (_hasItemInfo && {_itemInfoType == 701}): {
(_cargo select 5) pushBackUnique _className;
/* NVgs */
case (_simulationType == "NVGoggles"): {
(_cargo select 8) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Binos */
case (_simulationType == "Binocular" ||
((_simulationType == 'Weapon') && {(getNumber (_x >> 'type') == 4096)})): {
(_cargo select 9) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Map */
case (_simulationType == "ItemMap"): {
(_cargo select 10) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Compass */
case (_simulationType == "ItemCompass"): {
(_cargo select 11) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Radio */
case (_simulationType == "ItemRadio"): {
(_cargo select 12) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Watch */
case (_simulationType == "ItemWatch"): {
(_cargo select 13) pushBackUnique _className;
/* GPS */
case (_simulationType == "ItemGPS"): {
(_cargo select 14) pushBackUnique _className;
/* UAV terminals */
case (_hasItemInfo && {_itemInfoType == 621}): {
(_cargo select 14) pushBackUnique _className;
/* Weapon, at the bottom to avoid adding binos */
case (isClass (_x >> "WeaponSlotsInfo") &&
{getNumber (_x >> 'type') != 4096}): {
switch (getNumber (_x >> "type")) do {
case 1: {
(_cargo select 0) select 0 pushBackUnique (_className call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
case 2: {
(_cargo select 0) select 2 pushBackUnique (_className call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
case 4: {
(_cargo select 0) select 1 pushBackUnique (_className call bis_fnc_baseWeapon);
/* Misc items */
case (
_hasItemInfo &&
(_itemInfoType in [101, 201, 301, 302] &&
{(_className isKindOf ["CBA_MiscItem", (_configCfgWeapons)])}) ||
{_itemInfoType in [401, 619, 620]} ||
{(getText ( _x >> "simulation")) == "ItemMineDetector"}
): {
(_cargo select 17) pushBackUnique _className;
} foreach configProperties [_configCfgWeapons, "isClass _x && {getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2} && {getNumber (_x >> 'ace_arsenal_hide') != 1}", true];
private _className = configName _x;
private _grenadeList = [];
_grenadeList append getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Throw" >> _x >> "magazines");
} count getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Throw" >> "muzzles");
private _putList = [];
_putList append getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Put" >> _x >> "magazines");
} count getArray (_configCfgWeapons >> "Put" >> "muzzles");
switch true do {
// Rifle, handgun, secondary weapons mags
case (
(getNumber (_x >> "type") in [256,512,1536,16]) &&
{!(_className in _grenadeList)} &&
{!(_className in _putList)}
): {
(_cargo select 2) pushBackUnique _className;
// Grenades
case (_className in _grenadeList): {
(_cargo select 15) pushBackUnique _className;
// Put
case (_className in _putList): {
(_cargo select 16) pushBackUnique _className;
if (isArray (_x >> "magazineGroup")) then {
private _entry = [_magazineGroups, _x] call CBA_fnc_hashGet;
_entry pushBackUnique _className;
[_magazineGroups, _x, _entry] call CBA_fnc_hashSet;
} forEach getArray (_x >> "magazineGroup")
} foreach configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgMagazines"), "isClass _x && {getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2} && {getNumber (_x >> 'ace_arsenal_hide') != 1}", true];
if (getText (_x >> "vehicleClass") == "Backpacks") then {
(_cargo select 6) pushBackUnique (configName _x);
} foreach configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgVehicles"), "isClass _x && {getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2} && {getNumber (_x >> 'ace_arsenal_hide') != 1}", true];
(_cargo select 7) pushBackUnique (configName _x);
} foreach configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgGlasses"), "isClass _x && {getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2} && {getNumber (_x >> 'ace_arsenal_hide') != 1}", true];
uiNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(configItems), _cargo];
uiNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(magazineGroups), _magazineGroups];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Change unit animation / play sound preview.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
private _nextAction = switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon : {
["Civil", "PrimaryWeapon"] select ((GVAR(currentItems) select 0) != "")
case IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon : {
["Civil", "SecondaryWeapon"] select (GVAR(currentItems) select 1 != "")
case IDC_buttonHandgun : {
["Civil", "HandGunOn"] select (GVAR(currentItems) select 2 != "")
case IDC_buttonHeadgear;
case IDC_buttonUniform;
case IDC_buttonVest;
case IDC_buttonBackpack;
case IDC_buttonGoggles;
case IDC_buttonMap;
case IDC_buttonGPS;
case IDC_buttonRadio;
case IDC_buttonCompass;
case IDC_buttonWatch;
case IDC_buttonFace;
case IDC_buttonNVG : {
case IDC_buttonBinoculars : {
["Civil", "Binoculars"] select (GVAR(currentItems) select 9 != "")
case IDC_buttonInsigna : {
case IDC_buttonVoice : {
GVAR(center) directSay "CuratorObjectPlaced";
if (_nextAction != GVAR(currentAction)) then {
switch (_nextAction) do {
case "PrimaryWeapon": {
GVAR(selectedWeaponType) = 0;
case "SecondaryWeapon": {
GVAR(selectedWeaponType) = 1;
case "HandGunOn": {
GVAR(selectedWeaponType) = 2;
if (simulationEnabled GVAR(center)) then {
GVAR(center) playActionNow _nextAction;
} else {
GVAR(center) switchAction _nextAction;
GVAR(currentAction) = _nextAction;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* Author: Alganthe, Dedmen
* Sort arsenal panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Panel's control to sort <CONTROL>
* 1: Sorting mode <SCALAR>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_control", "_mode"];
private _display = ctrlParent _control;
private ["_panel", "_curSel", "_selected"];
// Right panel
if (ctrlIDC _control == 17 && {GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonUniform ,IDC_buttonVest, IDC_buttonBackpack]}) then {
_panel = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox;
_curSel = lnbCurSelRow _panel;
_selected = _panel lnbData [_curSel, 0];
switch (_mode) do {
case 0: {
_panel lnbSort [1, false];
case 1: {
_panel lnbSortByValue [0, false];
case 2: {
_panel lnbSort [2, true];
if (_cursel >= 0) then {
for '_i' from 0 to (((lnbsize _panel) select 0) - 1) do {
if ((_panel lnbdata [_i, 0]) == _selected) exitwith {_panel lnbSetCurSelRow _i};
// Left panel
} else {
_panel = _display displayCtrl ([IDC_leftTabContent, IDC_rightTabContent] select (ctrlIDC _control == 17));
_curSel = lbCurSel _panel;
_selected = _panel lbData _curSel;
if (_mode > 0) then {
lbSortByValue _panel;
} else {
lbsort _panel;
if (_cursel >= 0) then {
for '_i' from 0 to (lbsize _panel - 1) do {
if ((_panel lbdata _i) == _selected) exitwith {_panel lbSetCurSel _i};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Author: Karel Moricky, modified by Alganthe
* Update camera position
* Modernized a bit, modified vars to fit arsenal rewrite.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
GVAR(cameraPosition) params ["_distance", "_dirH", "_dirV"];
[GVAR(cameraHelper), [_dirH + 180, - _dirV, 0]] call bis_fnc_setobjectrotation;
GVAR(cameraHelper) attachTo [GVAR(center), GVAR(cameraPosition) select 3, ""]; //--- Reattach for smooth movement
GVAR(camera) setPos (GVAR(cameraHelper) modelToWorld [0, -_distance, 0]);
GVAR(camera) setVectorDirAndUp [vectorDir GVAR(cameraHelper), vectorUp GVAR(cameraHelper)];
//--- Make sure the camera is not underground
if ((getPosAsl GVAR(camera) select 2) < (getPosAsl GVAR(center) select 2)) then {
private _disCoef = ((getPosAsl GVAR(cameraHelper) select 2) - (getPosAsl GVAR(center) select 2)) / ((getPosAsl GVAR(cameraHelper) select 2) - (getPosAsl GVAR(camera) select 2) + 0.001);
GVAR(camera) setPos (GVAR(cameraHelper) modelToWorldVisual [0, -_distance * _disCoef, 0]);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Update the right panel (listnbox).
* Arguments:
* 0: Right panel control <CONTROL>
* 1: Max load of the current container <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_control", "_maxLoad"];
private _loadIndicatorBarCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar;
private _curSel = lnbCurSelRow _control;
(lnbSize _control) params ["_rows"];
_maxLoad = getnumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _maxLoad >> "maximumLoad");
_maxLoad = _maxLoad * (1 - (progressPosition _loadIndicatorBarCtrl));
_maxLoad = parseNumber (_maxLoad toFixed 2); // Required to avoid an issue where even though the typename returns "SCALAR" it doesn't act as one.
// Grey out items too big
for "_r" from 0 to (_rows - 1) do {
private _mass = _control getVariable (_control lnbData [_r, 0]);
private _class = _control lnbText [_r, 1];
private _alpha = [0.25, 1.0] select (_mass <= _maxLoad);
private _color = [1, 1, 1, _alpha];
_control lnbSetColor [[_r, 1],_color];
_control lnbSetColor [[_r, 2],_color];
// Remove all from container show / hide
private _removeAllCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonRemoveAll;
if (progressPosition _loadIndicatorBarCtrl > 0) then {
_removeAllCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
_removeAllCtrl ctrlShow true;
_removeAllCtrl ctrlEnable true;
_removeAllCtrl ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_totalWeightText) ctrlSetText ([[GVAR(center), 1] call EFUNC(common,getWeight), [GVAR(center), 2] call EFUNC(common,getWeight)] joinString " / ");
// change button color if unique or too big
if (_curSel != -1) then {
private _plusButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_arrowPlus;
_plusButtonCtrl ctrlEnable !((_control lnbValue [_curSel, 2]) == 1 || {(_control getVariable (_control lnbData [_curSel, 0])) > _maxLoad});
_plusButtonCtrl ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Update the list of unique items.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
GVAR(virtualItems) set [18, []];
GVAR(virtualItems) set [19, []];
GVAR(virtualItems) set [20, []];
GVAR(virtualItems) set [21, []];
GVAR(virtualItems) set [22, [[], [], [], []]];
GVAR(virtualItems) set [23, []];
GVAR(virtualItems) set [24, []];
private _array = LIST_DEFAULTS select 2;
private _itemsCache = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(configItems);
private _configCfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
private _configMagazines = configFile >> "CfgMagazines";
private _configVehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";
private _configGlasses = configFile >> "CfgGlasses";
switch true do {
// Weapon mag
case (
isClass (_configMagazines >> _x) &&
{_x in (_itemsCache select 2)} &&
{!(_x in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 2))}
): {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 19) pushBackUnique _x;
// Mag throw
case (
isClass (_configMagazines >> _x) &&
{_x in (_itemsCache select 15)} &&
{!(_x in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 15))}
): {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 20) pushBackUnique _x;
// Mag put
case (
isClass (_configMagazines >> _x) &&
{_x in (_itemsCache select 16)} &&
{!(_x in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 16))}
): {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 21) pushBackUnique _x;
// acc
case (
isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x) &&
{!(_x in ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 0))} &&
{_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 0)}
): {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 0) pushBackUnique _x;
// acc
case (
isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x) &&
{!(_x in ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 1))} &&
{_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 1)}
): {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 1) pushBackUnique _x;
// acc
case (
isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x) &&
{!(_x in ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 2))} &&
{_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 2)}
): {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 2) pushBackUnique _x;
// acc
case (
isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x) &&
{!(_x in ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 3))} &&
{_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 3)}
): {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 3) pushBackUnique _x;
// Misc
case (
isClass (_configCfgWeapons >> _x) &&
{!(_x in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 17))} &&
{!(_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 0))} &&
{!(_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 1))} &&
{!(_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 2))} &&
{!(_x in ((_itemsCache select 1) select 3))}
): {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 18) pushBackUnique _x;
// Backpacks
case (isClass (_configVehicles >> _x)): {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 23) pushBackUnique _x;
// Facewear
case (isClass (_configGlasses >> _x)): {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select 24) pushBackUnique _x;
} foreach _array;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
* Author: Alganthe
* Verify the provided loadout.
* Arguments:
* 0: Loadout <ARRAY> (getUnitLoadout format)
* Return Value:
* Verified loadout and missing / unavailable items list and count <ARRAY>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
params ["_loadout"];
private _weaponCfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
private _magCfg = configFile >> "CfgMagazines";
private _vehcCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";
private _glassesCfg = configFile >> "CfgGlasses";
private _weaponsArray = GVAR(virtualItems) select 0;
private _accsArray = GVAR(virtualItems) select 1;
private _nullItemsAmount = 0;
private _unavailableItemsAmount = 0;
private _nullItemsList = [];
private _unavailableItemsList = [];
private _fnc_weaponCheck = {
params ["_dataPath"];
if (count _dataPath != 0) then {
if (_x isEqualType "") then {
private _item = _x;
if (_item != "") then {
if (isClass (_weaponCfg >> _item)) then {
if !(CHECK_WEAPON_OR_ACC) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_dataPath set [_forEachIndex, ""];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_dataPath set [_forEachIndex, ""];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
if (count _x != 0) then {
private _mag = _x select 0;
if (isClass (_magCfg >> _mag)) then {
if !(_mag in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 2)) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_dataPath set [_forEachIndex, []];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_dataPath set [_forEachIndex, []];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
} foreach _dataPath;
for "_dataIndex" from 0 to 9 do {
switch (_dataIndex) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2;
case 8: {
[_loadout select _dataIndex] call _fnc_weaponCheck;
case 3;
case 4;
case 5: {
private _containerArray = (_loadout select _dataIndex);
if (count _containerArray != 0) then {
_containerArray params ["_item", "_containerItems"];
if (isClass (_vehcCfg >> _item) || {isClass (_weaponCfg >> _item)}) then {
if !(CHECK_CONTAINER) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_loadout set [_dataIndex, []];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
if (count _containerItems != 0) then {
private _currentIndex = _forEachIndex;
switch (count _x) do {
case 2: {
if ((_x select 0) isEqualType "") then {
private _item = _x select 0;
if (CLASS_CHECK_ITEM) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_currentIndex, []];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_currentIndex, []];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
[(((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) select _currentIndex) select 0] call _fnc_weaponCheck;
case 3: {
private _item = _x select 0;
if (isClass (_magCfg >> _item)) then {
if !(
_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) ||
_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 15) ||
_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 16)
) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_currentIndex, []];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_currentIndex, []];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
} foreach _containerItems;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_loadout set [_dataIndex, []];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
case 6: {
private _item = _loadout select _dataIndex;
if (_item != "") then {
if (isClass (_weaponCfg >> _item)) then {
if !(_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 3)) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_loadout set [_dataIndex, ""];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_loadout set [_dataIndex, ""];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
case 7: {
private _item = _loadout select _dataIndex;
if (_item != "") then {
if (isClass (_glassesCfg >> _item)) then {
if !(_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) select 7)) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_loadout set [_dataIndex, ""];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
_loadout set [_dataIndex, ""];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
case 9: {
for "_subIndex" from 0 to 4 do {
private _item = (_loadout select _dataIndex) select _subIndex;
if (_item != "") then {
if (isClass (_weaponCfg >> _item)) then {
_unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
(_loadout select _dataIndex) set [_subIndex, ""];
_unavailableItemsAmount = _unavailableItemsAmount + 1;
} else {
_nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item;
(_loadout select _dataIndex) set [_subIndex, ""];
_nullItemsAmount = _nullItemsAmount + 1;
[_loadout, _nullItemsAmount, _unavailableItemsAmount, _nullItemsList, _unavailableItemsList]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\arsenal\script_component.hpp"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#define COMPONENT arsenal
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Arsenal">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonHideText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonHideTooltip">
<English>Hide interface</English>
<French>Cache l'interface</French>
<German>Oberfläche verstecken</German>
<Polish>Ukryj interfejs</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonLoadoutsText">
<Polish>Zestawy wyposażenia</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonExportText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonImportText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonCloseText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_noVirtualItems">
<English>No virtual item available</English>
<French>Aucun objet virtuel disponible</French>
<German>Kein virtuelles Objekt verfügbar</German>
<Polish>Brak dostępnych przedmiotów wirtualnych</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonSaveText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonSaveTooltip">
<English>Save the current loadout</English>
<French>Enregistre l'équipement actuel</French>
<German>Ausgewählte Ausrüstung speichern</German>
<Polish>Zapisz obecny zestaw</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonRenameText">
<Polish>Zmień nazwę</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonRenameTooltip">
<English>Rename the selected loadout</English>
<French>Renomme l'équipement sélectionné</French>
<German>Ausgewählte Ausrüstung umbenennen</German>
<Polish>Zmień nazwę wybranego zestawu</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonLoadText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonLoadTooltip">
<English>Load the selected loadout</English>
<French>Charger l'équipement sélectionné</French>
<German>Ausgewählte Ausrüstung laden</German>
<Polish>Wczytaj wybrany zestaw</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonDeleteText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonDeleteTooltip">
<English>Delete the selected loadout</English>
<French>Supprimer l'équipement sélectionné</French>
<German>Ausgewählte Ausrüstung entfernen</German>
<Polish>Skasuj wybrany zestaw</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_tabMyLoadoutsText">
<English>My loadouts</English>
<French>Mes équipements</French>
<German>Meine Ausrüstungen</German>
<Polish>Moje zestawy</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_tabMyLoadoutsTooltip">
<English>Loadouts saved in your profile</English>
<French>Équipements enregistrés dans votre profil</French>
<German>Ausrüstungen, die in deinem Profil gespeichert sind</German>
<Polish>Zestawy zapisane w Twoim profilu</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_tabDefaultLoadoutsText">
<English>Default loadouts</English>
<French>Équipements de base</French>
<Polish>Domyślne zestawy</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_tabDefaultLoadoutsTooltip">
<English>Loadouts made available by the mission maker</English>
<French>Équipements faits par l'auteur de la mission</French>
<German>Ausrüstungen, die durch den Missionsersteller zur Verfügung gestellt worden sind</German>
<Polish>Zestawy udostępnione przez twórcę misji</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_tabSharedLoadoutsText">
<English>Public loadouts</English>
<French>Équipements publics</French>
<German>Veröffentlichte Ausrüstungen</German>
<Polish>Publiczne zestawy</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_tabSharedLoadoutsTooltip">
<English>Loadouts shared by you and other players</English>
<French>Équipements mis à disposition par vous ou les autres joueurs</French>
<German>Ausrüstungen, die von dir und anderen Spielern geteilt wurden</German>
<Polish>Zestawy udostępnione przez Ciebie i innych graczy</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByWeightText">
<English>Sort by weight</English>
<French>Trier par poids</French>
<German>Nach Gewicht sortieren</German>
<Polish>Sortuj wg wagi</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByAmountText">
<English>Sort by amount</English>
<French>Trier par quantité</French>
<German>Nach Menge sortieren</German>
<Polish>Sortuj wg ilości</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonShareTooltip">
<English>Share or stop sharing the selected loadout</English>
<French>Partager ou arrêter de partager cet équipement</French>
<German>Ausgewählte Ausrüstung teilen oder nicht mehr teilen</German>
<Polish>Udostępnij lub przestań udostępniać wybrany zestaw</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonSharePrivateText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonSharePublicText">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_exportDefaultError">
<English>The default loadouts list is empty!</English>
<French>La liste d'équipements de base est vide !</French>
<German>Die Standard-Ausrüstungen-Liste ist leer!</German>
<Polish>Lista domyślnych zestawów jest pusta!</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_exportDefault">
<English>Default loadouts list exported to clipboard</English>
<French>Liste d'équipements de base exportée dans le presse papier</French>
<German>Standard-Ausrüstungen-Liste in die Zwischenablage exportiert</German>
<Polish>Lista domyślnych zestawów została eksportowana do schowka</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_exportCurrent">
<English>Current loadout exported to clipboard</English>
<French>Équipement actuel exporté dans le presse papier</French>
<German>Derzeitige Ausrüstung in die Zwischenablage exportiert</German>
<Polish>Obecny zestaw został eksportowany do schowka</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_importFormatError">
<English>Wrong format provided</English>
<French>Mauvais format fourni</French>
<German>Falsches Format verwendet</German>
<Polish>Podano zły format</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_importedDefault">
<English>Default loadouts list imported from clipboard</English>
<French>Liste d'équipements de base importée depuis le presse papier</French>
<German>Standard-Ausrüstungen-Liste aus der Zwischenablage importiert</German>
<Polish>Lista domyślnych zestawów została importowana ze schowka</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_importedCurrent">
<English>Loadout imported from clipboard</English>
<French>Équipement importé depuis le presse papier</French>
<German>Ausrüstung aus der Zwischenablage importiert</German>
<Polish>Zestaw został importowany ze schowka</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_loadoutDeleted">
<English>The following loadout was deleted:</English>
<French>L'équipement suivant fut supprimé:</French>
<German>Folgende Ausrüstung wurde entfernt:</German>
<Polish>Następujący zestaw został skasowany:</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_loadoutUnshared">
<English>The following loadout is not public anymore:</English>
<French>L'équipement suivant n'est plus public:</French>
<German>Folgende Ausrüstung ist nicht mehr öffentlich:</German>
<Polish>Następujący zestaw nie jest już publiczny:</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_saveEmptyNameBox">
<English>The name field is empty!</English>
<French>Le champ nom est vide !</French>
<German>Das Feld "Name" ist leer!</German>
<Polish>Pole nazwy jest puste!</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_saveAuthorError">
<English>You are the author of this loadout</English>
<French>Vous êtes l'auteur de cet équipement</French>
<German>Du bist der Ersteller dieser Ausrüstung</German>
<Polish>Jesteś autorem tego zestawu</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_saveSharedError">
<English>A loadout of yours with the same name is public</English>
<French>Un de vos équipements avec le même nom est public</French>
<German>Eine deiner Ausrüstungen mit dem gleichen Namen ist öffentlich</German>
<Polish>Jeden z Twoich zestawów nazwany tak samo jest już publiczny</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_loadoutSaved">
<English>The following loadout was saved:</English>
<French>L'équipement suivant fut enregistré:</French>
<German>Folgende Ausrüstung wurde gespeichert:</German>
<Polish>Następujący zestaw został zapisany:</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_loadoutLoaded">
<English>The following loadout was loaded:</English>
<French>L'équipement suivant fut chargé:</French>
<German>Folgene Ausrüstung wurde geladen:</German>
<Polish>Następujący zestaw został wczytany:</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_renameExistError">
<English>A loadout with the same name already exist!</English>
<French>Un équipement avec le même nom existe déjà !</French>
<German>Eine Ausrüstung mit dem gleichen Namen existiert bereits!</German>
<Polish>Zestaw z tą nazwą już istnieje!</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_loadoutRenamed">
<English>was renamed to</English>
<French>fut renommé en</French>
<German>wurde umbenannt in</German>
<Polish>zmienił nazwę na</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_invertCameraSetting">
<English>Invert camera controls</English>
<French>Inverser les contrôles de la caméra</French>
<German>Kamerasteuerung invertieren</German>
<Polish>Odwróć sterowanie kamerą</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_modIconsSetting">
<English>Enable mod icons</English>
<French>Afficher les icônes de mod</French>
<German>Aktiviert Mod-Icons</German>
<Polish>Włącz ikony modów</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_fontHeightSetting">
<English>Panel font height</English>
<French>taille de police des panneaux</French>
<German>Schrifthöhe für die linke und rechte Liste</German>
<Polish>Wysokość czcionki</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_allowDefaultLoadoutsSetting">
<English>Allow default loadouts</English>
<French>Activer l'onglet équipement de base</French>
<German>Erlaubt die Benutzung des Standard-Ausrüstungen-Reiters</German>
<Polish>Zezwól na użycie domyślnych zestawów</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_allowSharingSetting">
<English>Allow loadout sharing</English>
<French>Autoriser le partage d'équipement</French>
<German>Erlaubt das Teilen von Ausrüstungen</German>
<Polish>Zezwól na udostępnianie zestawów</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_printToRPTSetting">
<English>Log missing / unavailable items</English>
<French>Enregistrer les objets manquants</French>
<German>Aktiviert die Aufzeichnung fehlender Gegenstände in der RPT</German>
<Polish>Rejestruj brakujące / niedostępne przedmioty</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonCurrentMagTooltip">
<English>Primary magazine</English>
<French>Chargeur principal </French>
<Polish>Główny magazynek</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonCurrentMag2Tooltip">
<English>Secondary magazine</English>
<French>Chargeur secondaire</French>
<Polish>Dodatkowy magazynek</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_settingCategory">
<English>ACE - Arsenal</English>
<French>ACE - Arsenal</French>
<Polish>ACE - Arsenał</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_defaultLoadoutsTooltip">
<English>Allow the use of the default loadouts tab</English>
<French>Autorise l'usage de l'onglet équipements de base</French>
<Polish>Zezwól na użycie zakładki domyślnych zestawów</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_modIconsTooltip">
<English>Show / hide mod icons for the left panel</English>
<French>Montrer / cacher les icones de mod pour le panneau de gauche</French>
<Polish>Pokaż / ukryj ikony modów w lewym panelu</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_fontHeightTooltip">
<English>Change the font height for text in the left / right panels</English>
<French>Change la taille de police du texte des panneaux gauche / droite</French>
<Polish>Zmień wysokość czcionki dla tekstu lewego i prawego panelu</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_printToRPTTooltip">
<English>Log missing / unavailable items in the RPT</English>
<French>Enregistre les objets manquants / indisponibles dans le RPT</French>
<Polish>Rejestruj brakujące / niedostępne przedmioty do pliku RPT</Polish>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
#include "RscCommon.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
class GVAR(display) {
idd = IDD_ace_arsenal;
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_3('onLoad', _this, QQGVAR(display))] call FUNC(onArsenalOpen));
onUnload = QUOTE([ARR_3('onUnload', _this, QQGVAR(display))] call FUNC(onArsenalClose));
onKeyDown = QUOTE([ARR_3('onKeyDown', _this, QQGVAR(display))] call FUNC(onKeyDown));
onKeyUp = QUOTE(GVAR(shiftState) = _this select 2);
onMouseButtonDown = QUOTE([ARR_3('onMouseButtonDown', _this, QQGVAR(display))] call FUNC(onMouseButtonDown));
onMouseButtonUp = QUOTE([ARR_3('onMouseButtonUp', _this, QQGVAR(display))] call FUNC(onMouseButtonUp));
class ControlsBackground {
class blackLeft: ctrlStatic {
x = QUOTE(safezoneXAbs);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY);
w = QUOTE(safezoneXAbs - safezoneX);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH);
class blackRight: blackLeft {
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW);
class mouseArea: ctrlStatic {
idc = IDC_mouseArea;
style = 16;
onMouseMoving = QUOTE([ARR_3('onMouseMoving', _this, GVAR(display))] call FUNC(handleMouse));
onMouseHolding = QUOTE([ARR_3('onMouseHolding', _this, GVAR(display))] call FUNC(handleMouse));
onMouseZChanged = QUOTE([ARR_3('onMouseZChanged', _this, GVAR(display))] call FUNC(handleScrollWheel));
x = QUOTE(safezoneX);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY);
w = QUOTE(safezoneW);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH);
class controls {
class ArrowLeft: ctrlButton {
idc = IDC_arrowMinus;
text = "-";
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), -1)] call FUNC(buttonCargo));
fade = 1;
enable = 0;
x = 0.5;
y = 0.5;
w = QUOTE(1 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(1 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class ArrowRight: ArrowLeft {
idc = IDC_arrowPlus;
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), 1)] call FUNC(buttonCargo));
class blockLeftFrame: RscFrame {
idc = IDC_blockLeftFrame;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 14 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 24 * GRID_H);
colorText[] = {0,0,0,1};
class blockLeftBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = IDC_blockLeftBackground;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 14 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 24 * GRID_H);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
class blockRightFrame: blockLeftFrame {
idc = IDC_blockRightFrame;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 34 * GRID_H);
class blockRighttBackground: blockLeftBackground {
idc = IDC_blockRighttBackground;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 34 * GRID_H);
class loadIndicator: RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = IDC_loadIndicator;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safeZoneH + safezoneY - 20 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
class controls {
class loadIndicatorBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = -1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
class loadIndicatorBar: ctrlProgress {
idc = IDC_loadIndicatorBar;
style = 0;
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
colorBar[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorFrame[] = {0,0,0,1};
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
class totalWeight: RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = IDC_totalWeight;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safeZoneH + safezoneY - 10 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(8 * GRID_H);
class controls {
class totalWeightBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = -1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.8};
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(8 * GRID_H);
class totalWeightTitle: RscText {
idc = -1;
text = ECSTRING(common,Weight);
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = QUOTE(40 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(8 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class totalWeightText: RscText {
idc = IDC_totalWeightText;
style = ST_RIGHT;
text = "";
x = QUOTE(40 * GRID_W);
y = 0;
w = QUOTE(40 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(8 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class message: RscText {
idc = IDC_message;
fade = 1;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW * 0.50 - 80 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safeZoneH + safezoneY - 25 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(160 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(10 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
class menuBar: RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = IDC_menuBar;
x = QUOTE((safezoneX + safezoneW * 0.50) - (105 * GRID_W));
y = QUOTE(safezoneH + safezoneY - 9 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(210 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class controls {
class buttonHide: ctrlButton {
idc = -1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.8};
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(40 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
text = CSTRING(buttonHideText);
shortcuts[] = {"0x0E"};
tooltip = CSTRING(buttonHideTooltip);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ctrlparent (_this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonHide));
class buttonLoadouts: buttonHide {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE(42.5 * GRID_W);
text = CSTRING(buttonLoadoutsText);
onButtonClick = QUOTE(createDialog QQGVAR(loadoutsDisplay));
class buttonExport: buttonHide {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE(85 * GRID_W);
text = CSTRING(buttonExportText);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ctrlparent (_this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonExport));
class buttonImport: buttonHide {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE(127.5 * GRID_W);
text = CSTRING(buttonImportText);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ctrlparent (_this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonImport));
class buttonClose: ctrlButtonClose {
idc = -1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.8};
x = QUOTE(170 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(40 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
text = CSTRING(buttonCloseText);
shortcuts[]= {"0x01"};
onButtonClick = QUOTE(ctrlparent (_this select 0) closeDisplay 2);
class infoBox: RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = IDC_infoBox;
fade = 1;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safeZoneH + safezoneY - 14 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(92 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(12 * GRID_H);
class controls {
class infoBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = IDC_infoBackground;
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(12 * GRID_H);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.8};
class infoName: RscText {
idc = IDC_infoName;
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(5.5 * GRID_H);
class infoAuthor: RscText {
idc = IDC_infoAuthor;
colorText[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
class DLCBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = IDC_DLCBackground;
fade = 1;
x = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(12 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(12 * GRID_H);
class DLCIcon: RscActivePicture {
idc = IDC_DLCIcon;
enabled = 0;
fade = 1;
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
x = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(12 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(12 * GRID_H);
class mouseBlock: RscText {
idc = IDC_mouseBlock;
style = 16;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY);
w = QUOTE(safezoneW);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH);
class leftTabContent: RscListBox {
idc = IDC_leftTabContent;
onLBSelChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSelChangedLeft));
onSetFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(leftTabFocus) = true);
onKillFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(leftTabFocus) = false);
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 14 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 24.5 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class rightTabContent: leftTabContent {
idc = IDC_rightTabContent;
onLBSelChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSelChangedRight));
onSetFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(rightTabFocus) = true);
onKillFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(rightTabFocus) = false);
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 34.5 * GRID_H);
class rightTabContentListnBox : RscListNBox {
idc = IDC_rightTabContentListnBox;
columns[]={0.07, 0.15, 0.75};
idcLeft = IDC_arrowMinus;
idcRIght = IDC_arrowPlus;
onLBSelChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSelChangedRightListnBox));
onSetFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) = true);
onKillFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) = false);
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 14 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - 34.5 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class sortLeftTab: RscCombo {
idc = IDC_sortLeftTab;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 8 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
onLBSelChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(sortPanel));
class Items {
class Alphabet {
value= 0;
class Mod {
value= 1;
class sortRightTab: sortLeftTab {
idc = IDC_sortRightTab;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
class Items {
class Alphabet {
value= 0;
class Weight {
value= 1;
class leftSearchbar: ctrlEdit {
idc = IDC_leftSearchbar;
onSetFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) = true);
onKillFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) = false);
onMouseButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_3(ctrlParent (_this select 0), _this select 0, _this select 1)] call FUNC(clearSearchbar));
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(74 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
class leftSearchbarButton: ctrlButtonPicture {
idc = IDC_leftSearchbarButton;
text = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\RscButtonSearch\search_start_ca.paa";
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), ctrlparent (_this select 0) displayCtrl IDC_leftSearchbar)] call FUNC(handleSearchbar));
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 87 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(6 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(6 * GRID_H);
class rightSearchbar: leftSearchBar {
idc = IDC_rightSearchbar;
onSetFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus) = true);
onKillFocus = QUOTE(GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus) = false);
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 87 * GRID_W);
class rightSearchbarButton: leftSearchbarButton {
idc = IDC_rightSearchbarButton;
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), ctrlparent (_this select 0) displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar)] call FUNC(handleSearchbar));
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + safezoneW - 93 * GRID_W);
class tabLeft: RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = IDC_tabLeft;
x = QUOTE(safezoneX + 1 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 8 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(12 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(200 * GRID_H);
class controls {
class iconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon;
x = QUOTE(0);
y = QUOTE(0 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(12 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(9 * GRID_H);
class buttonPrimaryWeapon: RscButtonArsenal {
idc = IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon;
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel));
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(9 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(9 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundHandgun: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundHandgun;
y = QUOTE(10 * GRID_H);
class buttonHandgun: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonHandgun;
y = QUOTE(10 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundSecondaryWeapon: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundSecondaryWeapon;
y = QUOTE(20 * GRID_H);
class buttonSecondaryWeapon: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon;
y = QUOTE(20 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundHeadgear: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundHeadgear;
y = QUOTE(30 * GRID_H);
class buttonHeadgear: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonHeadgear;
y = QUOTE(30 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundUniform: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundUniform;
y = QUOTE(40 * GRID_H);
class buttonUniform: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonUniform;
y = QUOTE(40 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundVest: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundVest;
y = QUOTE(50 * GRID_H);
class buttonVest: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonVest;
y = QUOTE(50 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundBackpack: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundBackpack;
y = QUOTE(60 * GRID_H);
class buttonBackpack: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonBackpack;
y = QUOTE(60 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundGoggles: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundGoggles;
y = QUOTE(70 * GRID_H);
class buttonGoggles: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonGoggles;
y = QUOTE(70 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundNVG: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundNVG;
y = QUOTE(80 * GRID_H);
class buttonNVG: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonNVG;
y = QUOTE(80 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundBinoculars: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundBinoculars;
y = QUOTE(90 * GRID_H);
class buttonBinoculars: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonBinoculars;
y = QUOTE(90 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundMap: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundMap;
y = QUOTE(100 * GRID_H);
class buttonMap: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonMap;
y = QUOTE(100 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundGPS: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundGPS;
y = QUOTE(110 * GRID_H);
class buttonGPS: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonGPS;
y = QUOTE(110 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundRadio: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundRadio;
y = QUOTE(120 * GRID_H);
class buttonRadio: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonRadio;
y = QUOTE(120 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundCompass: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundCompass;
y = QUOTE(130 * GRID_H);
class buttonCompass: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonCompass;
y = QUOTE(130 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundWatch: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundWatch;
y = QUOTE(140 * GRID_H);
class buttonWatch: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonWatch;
y = QUOTE(140 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundFace: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundFace;
y = QUOTE(150 * GRID_H);
class buttonFace: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonFace;
y = QUOTE(150 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundVoice: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundVoice;
y = QUOTE(160 * GRID_H);
class buttonVoice: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonVoice;
y = QUOTE(160 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundInsigna: IconBackgroundPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundInsigna;
y = QUOTE(170 * GRID_H);
class buttonInsigna: buttonPrimaryWeapon {
idc = IDC_buttonInsigna;
y = QUOTE(170 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundOptic: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundOptic;
x = QUOTE(safezoneW + safezoneX - 13 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 8 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(12 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(9 * GRID_H);
class buttonOptic: RscButtonArsenal {
idc = IDC_buttonOptic;
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(fillRightPanel));
x = QUOTE(safezoneW + safezoneX - 10 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 8 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(9 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(9 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundItemAcc: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundItemAcc;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 18 * GRID_H);
class buttonItemAcc: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonItemAcc;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 18 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundMuzzle: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundMuzzle;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 28 * GRID_H);
class buttonMuzzle: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonMuzzle;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 28 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundBipod: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundBipod;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 38 * GRID_H);
class buttonBipod: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonBipod;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 38 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundCurrentMag: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundCurrentMag;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 48 * GRID_H);
class buttonCurrentMag: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonCurrentMag;
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonCurrentMagTooltip);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 48 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundCurrentMag2: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundCurrentMag2;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 58 * GRID_H);
class buttonCurrentMag2: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonCurrentMag2;
text= QPATHTOF(data\iconSecondaryMuzzle);
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonCurrentMag2Tooltip);
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 58 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundMag: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundMag;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 48 * GRID_H);
class buttonMag: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonMag;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 48 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundMagALL: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundMagALL;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 58 * GRID_H);
class buttonMagALL: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonMagALL;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 58 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundThrow: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundThrow;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 68 * GRID_H);
class buttonThrow: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonThrow;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 68 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundPut: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundPut;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 78 * GRID_H);
class buttonPut: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonPut;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 78 * GRID_H);
class iconBackgroundMisc: iconBackgroundOptic {
idc = IDC_iconBackgroundMisc;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 88 * GRID_H);
class buttonMisc: buttonOptic {
idc = IDC_buttonMisc;
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + 88 * GRID_H);
class buttonRemoveAll: ctrlButtonPicture {
idc = IDC_buttonRemoveAll;
text = QPATHTOF(data\iconClearContainer.paa);
onButtonClick = QUOTE(ctrlParent (_this select 0) call FUNC(buttonClearAll));
x = QUOTE(safezoneW + safezoneX - 11 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safeZoneH + safezoneY - 29 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(9 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(9 * GRID_H);
class GVAR(loadoutsDisplay) {
idd = IDD_loadouts_display;
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_3('onLoad', _this, QQGVAR(loadoutsDisplay))] call FUNC(onLoadoutsOpen));
onUnload = QUOTE([ARR_3('onUnload', _this, QQGVAR(loadoutsDisplay))] call FUNC(onLoadoutsClose));
class controls {
class centerBox: ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = IDC_centerBox;
x = QUOTE(safezoneW + safezoneX - (180 * GRID_W));
y = QUOTE(safezoneY + (5 * GRID_H));
w = QUOTE(160 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - (34 * GRID_H));
class controls {
class centerFrame: RscFrame {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(160 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - (45 * GRID_H));
colorText[] = {0,0,0,1};
class centerBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE(0);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(160 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - (45 * GRID_H));
colorBackground[] = {0.13,0.13,0.13,0.9};
class centerTitle: ctrlStaticTitle {
idc = IDC_centerTitle;
style = ST_CENTER;
text = "";
x = QUOTE(0);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(160 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
class contentPanel: RscListnBox {
idc = IDC_contentPanel;
columns[]={0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90};
onLBSelChanged = QUOTE([ARR_3(ctrlParent (_this select 0), _this select 0, _this select 1)] call FUNC(onSelChangedLoadouts));
onLBDblClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), (ctrlParent (_this select 0)) displayCtrl IDC_buttonLoad)] call FUNC(buttonLoadoutsLoad));
x = QUOTE(0);
y = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(160 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(safezoneH - (57 * GRID_H));
sizeEx = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class textTitle: RscText {
idc= -1;
x = QUOTE(1 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneH - (51 * GRID_H));
w = QUOTE(15 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
class textEditBox: ctrlEdit {
idc= IDC_textEditBox;
x = QUOTE(16 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneH - (51 * GRID_H));
w = QUOTE(80 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(5 * GRID_H);
class buttonSave: ctrlButton {
idc = IDC_buttonSave;
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneH - (44 * GRID_H));
w = QUOTE(30 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(10 * GRID_H);
text= CSTRING(buttonSaveText);
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonSaveTooltip);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonLoadoutsSave));
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.8};
class buttonRename: buttonSave {
idc = IDC_buttonRename;
x = QUOTE(32.5 * GRID_W);
text= CSTRING(buttonRenameText);
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonRenameTooltip);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonLoadoutsRename));
class buttonLoad: buttonSave {
idc = IDC_buttonLoad;
x = QUOTE(65 * GRID_W);
text= CSTRING(buttonLoadText);
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonLoadTooltip);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonLoadoutsLoad));
class buttonShare: buttonSave {
idc = IDC_buttonShare;
x = QUOTE(97.5 * GRID_W);
text= CSTRING(buttonSharePrivateText);
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonShareTooltip);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonLoadoutsShare));
class buttonDelete: buttonSave {
idc = IDC_buttonDelete;
x = QUOTE(130 * GRID_W);
text= CSTRING(buttonDeleteText);
tooltip= CSTRING(buttonDeleteTooltip);
colorBackgroundActive[] = {0.5,0,0,1};
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(buttonLoadoutsDelete));
class buttonClose: ctrlButton {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE(safezoneW + safezoneX - 32 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(safezoneH + safezoneY - 9 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(30 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(4 * GRID_H);
text= CSTRING(buttonCloseText);
shortcuts[]= {"0x01"};
tooltip= "";
onButtonClick = QUOTE(ctrlparent (_this select 0) closeDisplay 2);
class buttonBar: ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
idc = -1;
x = QUOTE((safezoneW * 0.5) + safezoneX - (80.5 * GRID_W));
y = QUOTE(safezoneH + safezoneY - 9 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(161 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
class controls {
class buttonMyLoadoutsBackground: ctrlStaticBackground {
idc = IDC_buttonMyLoadoutsBackground;
x = QUOTE(0);
y = QUOTE(0);
w = QUOTE(52 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.7};
class buttonMyLoadouts: ctrlButton {
idc = IDC_buttonMyLoadouts;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
x = QUOTE(0 * GRID_W);
y = QUOTE(0 * GRID_H);
w = QUOTE(52 * GRID_W);
h = QUOTE(7 * GRID_H);
sizeEx = QUOTE(4 * GRID_H);
text= CSTRING(tabMyLoadoutsText);
tooltip= CSTRING(tabMyLoadoutsTooltip);
onButtonClick = QUOTE([ARR_2(ctrlparent (_this select 0), _this select 0)] call FUNC(loadoutsChangeTab));
class buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackground: buttonMyLoadoutsBackground {
idc = IDC_buttonDefaultLoadoutsBackground;
x = QUOTE(54.5 * GRID_W);
class buttonDefaultLoadouts: buttonMyLoadouts {
idc = IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts;
x = QUOTE(54.5 * GRID_W);
text= CSTRING(tabDefaultLoadoutsText);
tooltip= CSTRING(tabDefaultLoadoutsTooltip);
class buttonSharedLoadoutsBackground: buttonMyLoadoutsBackground {
idc = IDC_buttonSharedLoadoutsBackground;
x = QUOTE(109 * GRID_W);
class buttonSharedLoadouts: buttonMyLoadouts {
idc = IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts;
x = QUOTE(109 * GRID_W);
text= CSTRING(tabSharedLoadoutsText);
tooltip= CSTRING(tabSharedLoadoutsTooltip);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
// Control types
#define CT_STATIC 0
#define CT_BUTTON 1
#define CT_EDIT 2
#define CT_SLIDER 3
#define CT_COMBO 4
#define CT_LISTBOX 5
#define CT_TOOLBOX 6
#define CT_PROGRESS 8
#define CT_HTML 9
#define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11
#define CT_TREE 12
#define CT_CONTEXT_MENU 14
#define CT_HITZONES 17
#define CT_XKEYDESC 40
#define CT_XBUTTON 41
#define CT_XLISTBOX 42
#define CT_XSLIDER 43
#define CT_XCOMBO 44
#define CT_OBJECT 80
#define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81
#define CT_LINEBREAK 98
#define CT_USER 99
#define CT_MAP 100
#define CT_MAP_MAIN 101
#define CT_LISTNBOX 102
#define CT_ITEMSLOT 103
#define CT_CHECKBOX 77
// Static styles
#define ST_POS 0x0F
#define ST_HPOS 0x03
#define ST_VPOS 0x0C
#define ST_LEFT 0x00
#define ST_RIGHT 0x01
#define ST_CENTER 0x02
#define ST_DOWN 0x04
#define ST_UP 0x08
#define ST_VCENTER 0x0C
#define ST_TYPE 0xF0
#define ST_SINGLE 0x00
#define ST_MULTI 0x10
#define ST_TITLE_BAR 0x20
#define ST_PICTURE 0x30
#define ST_FRAME 0x40
#define ST_BACKGROUND 0x50
#define ST_GROUP_BOX 0x60
#define ST_GROUP_BOX2 0x70
#define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND 0x80
#define ST_TILE_PICTURE 0x90
#define ST_WITH_RECT 0xA0
#define ST_LINE 0xB0
#define ST_UPPERCASE 0xC0
#define ST_LOWERCASE 0xD0
#define ST_SHADOW 0x100
#define ST_NO_RECT 0x200
#define ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO 0x800
// Slider styles
#define SL_DIR 0x400
#define SL_VERT 0
#define SL_HORZ 0x400
#define SL_TEXTURES 0x10
// progress bar
#define ST_VERTICAL 0x01
// Listbox styles
#define LB_TEXTURES 0x10
#define LB_MULTI 0x20
// Tree styles
#define TR_SHOWROOT 1
// Default grid
#define GUI_GRID_WAbs ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_HAbs (GUI_GRID_WAbs / 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_W (GUI_GRID_WAbs / 40)
#define GUI_GRID_H (GUI_GRID_HAbs / 25)
#define GUI_GRID_X (safezoneX)
#define GUI_GRID_Y (safezoneY + safezoneH - GUI_GRID_HAbs)
// Default text sizes
class ScrollBar;
class RscObject;
class RscText;
class RscTextSmall;
class RscTitle;
class RscProgress;
class RscProgressNotFreeze;
class RscPicture;
class RscLadderPicture;
class RscPictureKeepAspect;
class RscHTML;
class RscButton;
class RscShortcutButton;
class RscButtonSmall;
class RscEdit;
class RscCombo;
class RscListBox;
class RscListNBox;
class RscXListBox;
class RscTree;
class RscSlider;
class RscSliderH;
class RscXSliderH;
class RscActiveText;
class RscStructuredText;
class RscControlsGroup;
class RscToolbox;
class RscMapControl;
class RscCheckBox;
class RscFrame;
class ctrlDefault;
class ctrlControlsGroup;
class ctrlDefaultText;
class ctrlDefaultButton;
class RscBackgroundStripeTop;
class RscBackgroundStripeBottom;
class RscIGText;
class RscIGProgress;
class RscListBoxKeys;
class RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
class RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars;
class RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars;
class RscLine;
class RscActivePicture;
class RscButtonTextOnly;
class RscShortcutButtonMain;
class RscButtonEditor;
class RscIGUIShortcutButton;
class RscGearShortcutButton;
class RscButtonMenu;
class RscButtonMenuOK;
class RscButtonMenuCancel;
class RscButtonMenuSteam;
class RscLoadingText;
class RscIGUIListBox;
class RscIGUIListNBox;
class RscBackground;
class RscBackgroundGUI;
class RscBackgroundGUILeft;
class RscBackgroundGUIRight;
class RscBackgroundGUIBottom;
class RscBackgroundGUITop;
class RscBackgroundGUIDark;
class RscBackgroundLogo;
class RscMapControlEmpty;
class RscVignette;
class CA_Mainback;
class CA_Back;
class CA_Title_Back;
class CA_Black_Back;
class CA_Title;
class CA_Logo;
class CA_Logo_Small;
class CA_RscButton;
class CA_RscButton_dialog;
class CA_Ok;
class CA_Ok_image;
class CA_Ok_image2;
class CA_Ok_text;
class ctrlCheckbox;
class ctrlCheckboxBaseline;
class ctrlStatic;
class ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
class ctrlStructuredText;
class RscTextMulti;
class RscTreeSearch;
class RscVideo;
class RscVideoKeepAspect;
class RscActivePictureKeepAspect;
class RscEditMulti;
class RscMapSignalBackground;
class RscMapSignalPicture;
class RscMapSignalText;
class RscColorPicker;
class RscInterlacingScreen;
class RscFeedback;
class RscTrafficLight;
class RscButtonSearch;
class RscIGUIText;
class RscOpticsText;
class RscOpticsValue;
class RscIGUIValue;
class RscButtonMenuMain;
class RscButtonTestCentered;
class RscDisplaySingleMission_ChallengeOverviewGroup;
class RscDisplayDebriefing_RscTextMultiline;
class RscDisplayDebriefing_ListGroup;
class RscButtonArsenal;
class RscTextNoShadow;
class RscButtonNoColor;
class RscToolboxButton;
class ctrlStaticPicture;
class ctrlStaticPictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlStaticPictureTile;
class ctrlStaticFrame;
class ctrlStaticLine;
class ctrlStaticMulti;
class ctrlStaticBackground;
class ctrlStaticOverlay;
class ctrlStaticTitle;
class ctrlStaticFooter;
class ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable;
class ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles;
class ctrlButton;
class ctrlButtonPicture;
class ctrlButtonPictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlButtonOK;
class ctrlButtonCancel;
class ctrlButtonClose;
class ctrlButtonToolbar;
class ctrlButtonSearch;
class ctrlButtonExpandAll;
class ctrlButtonCollapseAll;
class ctrlButtonFilter;
class ctrlEdit;
class ctrlEditMulti;
class ctrlSliderV;
class ctrlSliderH;
class ctrlCombo;
class ctrlComboToolbar;
class ctrlListbox;
class ctrlToolbox;
class ctrlToolboxPicture;
class ctrlToolboxPictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlCheckboxes;
class ctrlCheckboxesCheckbox;
class ctrlProgress;
class ctrlHTML;
class ctrlActiveText;
class ctrlActivePicture;
class ctrlActivePictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlTree;
class ctrlControlsGroupNoHScrollbars;
class ctrlControlsGroupNoVScrollbars;
class ctrlShortcutButton;
class ctrlShortcutButtonOK;
class ctrlShortcutButtonCancel;
class ctrlShortcutButtonSteam;
class ctrlXListbox;
class ctrlXSliderV;
class ctrlXSliderH;
class ctrlMenu;
class ctrlMenuStrip;
class ctrlMap;
class ctrlMapEmpty;
class ctrlMapMain;
class ctrlListNBox;
class ctrlCheckboxToolbar;
class Display3DEN {
class ContextMenu :ctrlMenu {
class Items {
class Arsenal {
action= QUOTE(call FUNC(open3DEN));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\arsenal\script_component.hpp"
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_WAITING;
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_Attach", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_Attach", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[{[localize LSTRING(PlaceAction), ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint)}, []] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), [_unit, "DefaultAction", {true}, {GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_APPROVE;}] call EFUNC(common,AddActionEventHandler)];
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_Attach", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_Attach", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[] call EFUNC(interaction,hideMouseHint);
[_unit, "DefaultAction", (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), -1])] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
_unit removeAction _actionID;
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ class CfgAmmo {
ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
@ -1978,52 +1978,50 @@
<Chinesesimp>口径: 6.5x47mm Creedmor 狙击专用弹<br />发数: 30<br />使用于: MXM</Chinesesimp>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_10Rnd_338_300gr_HPBT_Mag_Name">
<English>.338 10Rnd Mag (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</English>
<French>Ch. .338 10 Cps (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</French>
<Spanish>Cargador de 10 balas de 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Spanish>
<Polish>Magazynek .338 10rd (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Polish>
<Russian>Магазин из 10-ти .338 (300 гран Sierra MatchKing экспансивные)</Russian>
<German>.338 10-Patronen-Magazin (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</German>
<Italian>.338 10Munizioni Mag (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Italian>
<Czech>.338 10náb. Zásobník (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Czech>
<Portuguese>Carregador .338 (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT) com 10 cartuchos </Portuguese>
<Hungarian>.338 10-lövedékes tár (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Hungarian>
<Japanese>.338 10発入り 弾倉 (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Japanese>
<Korean>10발들이 .338 탄창 (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)</Korean>
<Chinese>.338 10發 彈匣 (300公克 Sierra MatchKing 空尖艇尾比賽專用彈)</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>.338 10发 弹匣 (300公克 Sierra MatchKing 空尖艇尾比赛专用弹)</Chinesesimp>
<English>.338 10Rnd Mag (300gr Lapua Scenar)</English>
<French>Ch. .338 10 Cps (300gr Lapua Scenar)</French>
<Spanish>Cargador de 10 balas de 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Spanish>
<Polish>Magazynek .338 10rd (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Polish>
<Russian>Магазин из 10-ти .338 (300 гран Lapua Scenar)</Russian>
<German>.338 10-Patronen-Magazin (300gr Lapua Scenar)</German>
<Italian>.338 10Munizioni Mag (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Italian>
<Czech>.338 10náb. Zásobník (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Czech>
<Portuguese>Carregador .338 (300gr Lapua Scenar) com 10 cartuchos </Portuguese>
<Hungarian>.338 10-lövedékes tár (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Hungarian>
<Japanese>.338 10発入り 弾倉 (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Japanese>
<Korean>10발들이 .338 탄창 (300gr Lapua Scenar)</Korean>
<Chinese>.338 10發 彈匣 (300公克 Lapua Scenar)</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>.338 10发 弹匣 (300公克 Lapua Scenar)</Chinesesimp>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_10Rnd_338_300gr_HPBT_Mag_NameShort">
<English>.338 HPBT</English>
<French>.338 HPBT</French>
<Spanish>.338 HPBT</Spanish>
<Polish>.338 HPBT</Polish>
<Russian>.338 экспансивные</Russian>
<German>.338 HPBT</German>
<Italian>.338 HPBT</Italian>
<Czech>.338 HPBT</Czech>
<Portuguese>.338 HPBT</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>.338 HPBT</Hungarian>
<Japanese>338 HPBT</Japanese>
<Korean>.338 HPBT</Korean>
<Chinese>.338 空尖艇尾比賽專用彈</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>.338 空尖艇尾比赛专用弹</Chinesesimp>
<English>.338 Scenar</English>
<French>.338 Scenar</French>
<Spanish>.338 Scenar</Spanish>
<Polish>.338 Scenar</Polish>
<Russian>.338 Scenar</Russian>
<German>.338 Scenar</German>
<Italian>.338 Scenar</Italian>
<Czech>.338 Scenar</Czech>
<Portuguese>.338 Scenar</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>.338 Scenar</Hungarian>
<Japanese>338 Scenar</Japanese>
<Korean>.338 Scenar</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_10Rnd_338_300gr_HPBT_Mag_Description">
<English>Caliber: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Rounds: 10</English>
<French>Calibre: 8,6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Cartouches: 10</French>
<Spanish>Calibre: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Balas: 10</Spanish>
<Polish>Kaliber: 8,6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Pociski: 10</Polish>
<Russian>Калибр: 8,6x70mm (300 гран Sierra MatchKing экспансивные)<br />Патронов: 10</Russian>
<German>Kaliber: 8,6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Patronen: 10</German>
<Italian>Calibro: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Munizioni: 10</Italian>
<Czech>Ráže: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Nábojů: 10</Czech>
<Portuguese>Calibre: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br/>Cartuchos: 10</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Kaliber: 8,6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />Lövedékek: 10</Hungarian>
<Japanese>口径: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />装填数: 10</Japanese>
<Korean>구경: 8.6x70mm (300gr Sierra MatchKing HPBT)<br />장탄수: 10</Korean>
<Chinese>口徑: 8.6x70mm (300公克 Sierra MatchKing 空尖艇尾比賽專用彈)<br />發數: 10</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>口径: 8.6x70mm (300公克 Sierra MatchKing 空尖艇尾比赛专用弹)<br />发数: 10</Chinesesimp>
<English>Caliber: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Rounds: 10</English>
<French>Calibre: 8,6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Cartouches: 10</French>
<Spanish>Calibre: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Balas: 10</Spanish>
<Polish>Kaliber: 8,6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Pociski: 10</Polish>
<Russian>Калибр: 8,6x70mm (300 гран Lapua Scenar)<br />Патронов: 10</Russian>
<German>Kaliber: 8,6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Patronen: 10</German>
<Italian>Calibro: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Munizioni: 10</Italian>
<Czech>Ráže: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Nábojů: 10</Czech>
<Portuguese>Calibre: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br/>Cartuchos: 10</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Kaliber: 8,6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />Lövedékek: 10</Hungarian>
<Japanese>口径: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />装填数: 10</Japanese>
<Korean>구경: 8.6x70mm (300gr Lapua Scenar)<br />장탄수: 10</Korean>
<Chinese>口徑: 8.6x70mm (300公克 Lapua Scenar)<br />發數: 10</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>口径: 8.6x70mm (300公克 Lapua Scenar)<br />发数: 10</Chinesesimp>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_10Rnd_338_API526_Mag_Name">
<English>.338 10Rnd Mag (API526)</English>
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class CfgWeapons {
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Shield_Green_DescriptionShort);
model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";
picture = QPATHTOF(UI\ace_chemlight_shield_green_x_ca.paa);
ace_arsenal_uniqueBase = "ACE_Chemlight_Shield";
scope = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ PREP(getVersion);
@ -19,11 +19,12 @@
//Status Effect EHs:
[QGVAR(setStatusEffect), {_this call FUNC(statusEffect_set)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["forceWalk", false, ["ACE_SwitchUnits", "ACE_Attach", "ACE_dragging", "ACE_Explosives", "ACE_Ladder", "ACE_Sandbag", "ACE_refuel", "ACE_rearm", "ACE_dragging"]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["forceWalk", false, ["ACE_SwitchUnits", "ACE_Attach", "ACE_dragging", "ACE_Explosives", "ACE_Ladder", "ACE_Sandbag", "ACE_refuel", "ACE_rearm", "ACE_Trenches"]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["blockSprint", false, []] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["setCaptive", true, [QEGVAR(captives,Handcuffed), QEGVAR(captives,Surrendered)]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["blockDamage", false, ["fixCollision", "ACE_cargo"]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["blockEngine", false, ["ACE_Refuel"]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["blockThrow", false, ["ACE_Attach", "ACE_concertina_wire", "ACE_dragging", "ACE_Explosives", "ACE_Ladder", "ACE_rearm", "ACE_refuel", "ACE_Sandbag", "ACE_Trenches", "ACE_tripod"]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
["setHidden", true, ["ace_unconscious"]] call FUNC(statusEffect_addType);
[QGVAR(forceWalk), {
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
params ["_object", "_set"];
if ((_object isKindOf "CAManBase") && {(["ace_medical"] call FUNC(isModLoaded))}) then {
TRACE_2("blockDamage EH (using medical)",_object,_set);
_object setvariable [QEGVAR(medical,allowDamage), (_set == 0), true];
_object setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,allowDamage), (_set == 0), true];
} else {
TRACE_2("blockDamage EH (using allowDamage)",_object,_set);
_object allowDamage (_set == 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Author: commy2
* Returns the weight (from the loadAbs command) in lbs/kg (based on user option)
* Arguments:
* 0: The Unit (usually the player) <OBJECT>
* 0: Force a return type <SCALAR> (0: useImperial setting; 1: Metric; 2: Imperial)
* Return Value:
* The return value <NUMBER>
* Example:
* [player] call ace_common_fnc_getWeight
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", ["_returnFormat", 0, [0]]];
private _virtualLoad = 0;
private _useImperial = (!isNil QEGVAR(movement,useImperial) && {EGVAR(movement,useImperial)});
_virtualLoad = _virtualLoad + (_x getVariable [QEGVAR(movement,vLoad), 0]);
} forEach [
uniformContainer _unit,
vestContainer _unit,
backpackContainer _unit
private _weight = (loadAbs _unit + _virtualLoad) * 0.1;
if ([_useImperial, (_returnFormat == 1)] select (_returnFormat != 0)) then {
format ["%1lb", (round (_weight * 100)) / 100]
} else {
format ["%1kg", (round (_weight * (1/2.2046) * 100)) / 100]
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* - Curator
* - ACE Spectator
* - Arsenal camera (BIS_fnc_arsenal)
* - Nexus Spectator (BIS_fnc_EGSpectator)
* - Establishing shot (BIS_fnc_establishingShot)
* - Splendid camera (BIS_fnc_camera)
* - Animation viewer (BIS_fnc_animViewer)
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
isNull curatorCamera && // Curator
{!(GETMVAR(EGVAR(spectator,isSet),false))} && // ACE Spectator
{isNull (GETMVAR(BIS_EGSpectatorCamera_camera, objNull))} && // BIS Nexus Spectator
{isNull (GETUVAR(BIS_fnc_arsenal_cam, objNull))} && // Arsenal camera
{isNull (GETMVAR(BIS_fnc_establishingShot_fakeUAV, objNull))} && // Establishing shot camera
{isNull (GETMVAR(BIS_fnc_camera_cam, objNull))} && // Splendid camera
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
* Public: Yes
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
#include "script_component.hpp"
params [["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_effectName", "", [""]], ["_ID", "", [""]], ["_set", true, [false]]];
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ if (isNull _object) exitWith {TRACE_1("null",_object);};
[_object, true] call FUNC(statusEffect_resetVariables); //Check for mismatch, and set object ref
//check ID case and set globaly if not already set:
//check ID case and set globally if not already set:
_ID = toLower _ID;
private _statusReasons = missionNamespace getVariable [(format [QGVAR(statusEffects_%1), _effectName]), []];
private _statusIndex = _statusReasons find _ID;
@ -62,9 +61,13 @@ if (_set isEqualTo (_effectBoolArray select _statusIndex)) exitWith {
TRACE_2("Setting to new value",_set,_effectBoolArray select _statusIndex);
_effectBoolArray set [_statusIndex, _set];
_effectNumber = _effectBoolArray call FUNC(toBitmask); //Convert array back to number
private _newEffectNumber = _effectBoolArray call FUNC(toBitmask); //Convert array back to number
TRACE_2("Saving globaly",_effectVarName,_effectNumber);
_object setVariable [_effectVarName, _effectNumber, true];
TRACE_2("Saving globally",_effectVarName,_newEffectNumber);
_object setVariable [_effectVarName, _newEffectNumber, true];
[_object, _effectName] call FUNC(statusEffect_sendEffects);
if (_effectNumber == 0 || {_newEffectNumber == 0}) then {
[_object, _effectName] call FUNC(statusEffect_sendEffects);
} else {
LOG("not sending more than once");
@ -1131,5 +1131,21 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Weight">
<French>Poids :</French>
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ GVAR(deployPFH) = [{
}, 0, [_wireNoGeo, _wire, _anim, _dir, _wireNoGeoPos]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
[_unit, "DefaultAction", _unit getVariable [QGVAR(Deploy), -1]] call EFUNC(Common,removeActionEventHandler);
[_unit, "blockThrow", QUOTE(ADDON), false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
call EFUNC(interaction,hideMouseHint);
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
@ -78,6 +79,8 @@ GVAR(deployPFH) = [{
[localize "STR_ACE_ROLLWIRE", "", ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
[_unit, "blockThrow", QUOTE(ADDON), true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
GVAR(placer) setVariable [QGVAR(Deploy),
[GVAR(placer), "DefaultAction",
{GVAR(deployPFH) != -1},
@ -11,8 +11,18 @@ class Cfg3DEN {
tooltip = CSTRING(enable_tooltip);
expression = QUOTE(if !(_value) then {_this setVariable [ARR_3('%s',_value,true)];};);
typeName = "BOOL";
condition = "objectVehicle";
defaultValue = QUOTE(GETMVAR(QGVAR(enable),true));
class GVAR(enableAmmoCookoff) {
property = QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff);
control = "Checkbox";
displayName = CSTRING(enableAmmoCookoff_name);
tooltip = CSTRING(enableAmmoCookoff_tooltip);
expression = QUOTE(if !(_value) then {_this setVariable [ARR_3('%s',_value,true)];};);
typeName = "BOOL";
condition = "objectHasInventoryCargo";
defaultValue = "(true)"; // fix pbo project preprocessing bug
defaultValue = QUOTE(if (_this isKindOf 'ReammoBox_F') then { GETMVAR(QGVAR(enableAmmobox),true) } else { GETMVAR(QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff),true) };);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ GVAR(cacheTankDuplicates) = call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
["ReammoBox_F", "init", {
(_this select 0) addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {
if ((_this select 0) getVariable [QGVAR(enable), GVAR(enableAmmobox)]) then {
if ((_this select 0) getVariable [QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff), GVAR(enableAmmobox)]) then {
["box", _this] call FUNC(handleDamage);
@ -44,11 +44,9 @@ if (local _box) then {
// These functions are smart and do all the cooking off work
if (local _box) then {
if (_box getVariable [QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff), GVAR(enableAmmoCookoff)]) then {
if (GVAR(ammoCookoffDuration) == 0) exitWith {};
([_box] call FUNC(getVehicleAmmo)) params ["_mags", "_total"];
[_box, _mags, _total] call FUNC(detonateAmmunition);
if (GVAR(ammoCookoffDuration) == 0) exitWith {};
([_box] call FUNC(getVehicleAmmo)) params ["_mags", "_total"];
[_box, _mags, _total] call FUNC(detonateAmmunition);
// This shit is busy being on fire, magazines aren't accessible/usable
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box;
@ -46,5 +46,35 @@ if (["ACE_Medical"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
if (["ACE_Arsenal"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
[QEGVAR(arsenal,rightPanelFilled), {
params ["_display", "_leftPanelIDC", "_rightPanelIDC"];
if (_leftPanelIDC in [2010, 2012, 2014] && {_rightPanelIDC == 38}) then {
private _rightPanel = _display displayCtrl 15;
(lnbSize _rightPanel) params ["_rows", "_columns"];
private _allDogtags = missionNameSpace getVariable [QGVAR(allDogtags), []];
private _allDogtagDatas = missionNameSpace getVariable [QGVAR(allDogtagDatas), []];
for "_r" from 0 to (_rows - 1) do {
private _data = _rightPanel lnbData [_r, 0];
if (_data isKindOf ["ACE_dogtag", (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")]) then {
private _dogtagData = [];
private _index = _allDogtags find _data;
_dogtagData = _allDogtagDatas select _index;
private _dogtagString = [localize LSTRING(itemName), ": ", (_dogtagData select 0)] joinString "";
_rightPanel lnbSetText [[_r, 1], _dogtagString];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// disable dogtags for civilians
"CIV_F" call FUNC(disableFactionDogtags);
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ if (_target isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
_unit removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_dragging", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
// prevent object from flipping inside buildings
if (_inBuilding) then {
_target setPosASL (getPosASL _target vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.05]);
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ _unit removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_dragging", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_dragging", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
// prevent object from flipping inside buildings
if (_inBuilding) then {
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ if (_target isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_dragging", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
// prevent multiple players from accessing the same object
[_unit, _target, true] call EFUNC(common,claim);
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ if (primaryWeapon _unit == "") then {
// select primary, otherwise the drag animation actions don't work.
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_dragging", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
// prevent multiple players from accessing the same object
[_unit, _target, true] call EFUNC(common,claim);
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ private _p3dModel = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _setupObjectClass >>
if (_p3dModel == "") exitWith {ERROR("No Model");}; //"" - will crash game!
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_Explosives", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_Explosives", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
//Show mouse buttons:
[localize LSTRING(PlaceAction), localize LSTRING(CancelAction), localize LSTRING(ScrollAction)] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ GVAR(TweakedAngle) = 0;
GVAR(pfeh_running) = false;
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_Explosives", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_Explosives", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[] call EFUNC(interaction,hideMouseHint);
[_unit, "DefaultAction", (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), -1])] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
[_unit, "zoomtemp", (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(cancelActionEH), -1])] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
@ -169,7 +169,10 @@ if (isServer) then {
_x setDamage 1;
if (_x isKindOf "ReammoBox_F") then {
if ("ace_cookoff" call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded) && {EGVAR(cookoff,enable)}) then {
if (
"ace_cookoff" call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded) &&
) then {
_x call EFUNC(cookoff,cookOffBox);
} else {
_x setDamage 1;
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class FirstAidKit: ItemCore {
type = 0;
ace_arsenal_hide = 1;
class ItemInfo: InventoryFirstAidKitItem_Base_F {
mass = 4;
class Medikit: ItemCore {
type = 0;
ace_arsenal_hide = 1;
class ItemInfo: MedikitItem {
mass = 60;
@ -305,3 +305,9 @@ if (hasInterface) then {
[player] call FUNC(init);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (["ACE_Arsenal"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
[QEGVAR(arsenal,displayOpened), {
EGVAR(arsenal,virtualItems) set [17, (EGVAR(arsenal,virtualItems) select 17) - ["FirstAidKit", "Medikit"]];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* Author: commy2
* Returns the weight (from the loadAbs command) in lbs/kg (based on user option)
* Arguments:
* 0: The Unit (usually the player) <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* The return value <NUMBER>
* Example:
* [player] call ace_movement_fnc_getWeight
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
private _virtualLoad = 0;
_virtualLoad = _virtualLoad + (_x getVariable [QGVAR(vLoad), 0]);
} forEach [
uniformContainer _unit,
vestContainer _unit,
backpackContainer _unit
private _weight = (loadAbs _unit + _virtualLoad) * 0.1;
if (GVAR(useImperial)) then {
_weight = format ["%1lb", (round (_weight * 100)) / 100];
} else {
_weight = format ["%1kg", (round (_weight * FACTOR_POUND_TO_KILOGRAMM * 100)) / 100];
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ disableSerialization;
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
(_dialog displayCtrl 111) ctrlSetText format ["%1 - %2 %3", [ACE_player, false, true] call EFUNC(common,getName), localize LSTRING(Weight), [ACE_player] call FUNC(getWeight)];
(_dialog displayCtrl 111) ctrlSetText format ["%1 - %2 %3", [ACE_player, false, true] call EFUNC(common,getName), localize ELSTRING(common,Weight), [ACE_player] call EFUNC(common,getWeight)];
}, 0, _this select 0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
@ -17,22 +17,6 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Movement_Weight">
<French>Poids :</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Movement_Climb">
@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
class ACE_Settings {
class GVAR(disableNVGsWithSights) {
category = CSTRING(Category);
displayName = CSTRING(DisableNVGsWithSights_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(DisableNVGsWithSights_description);
typeName = "BOOL";
value = 0;
class GVAR(fogScaling) {
category = CSTRING(Category);
displayName = CSTRING(fogScaling_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(fogScaling_Description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 1;
class GVAR(effectScaling) {
category = CSTRING(Category);
displayName = CSTRING(effectScaling_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(effectScaling_Description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 1;
@ -1,30 +1,15 @@
class Extended_PreStart_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preStart));
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit) );
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit));
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
clientInit = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInitClient));
class Extended_DisplayLoad_EventHandlers {
class RscDisplayCurator {
ADDON = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(updatePPEffects));
class Extended_DisplayUnload_EventHandlers {
class RscDisplayCurator {
ADDON = QUOTE(displayNull call FUNC(updatePPEffects)); // emulate zeus display being deleted
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit));
@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
class CfgVehicles {
class All {
ACE_NightVision_grain = 0.75;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.055;
class Box_NATO_Support_F;
class ACE_Box_Misc: Box_NATO_Support_F {
class TransportItems {
@ -2,55 +2,85 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class Binocular;
class NVGoggles: Binocular {
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen3_brown);
ACE_NightVision_grain = 0.75;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.055;
ACE_NightVision_radBlur = 0.001;
modelOptics = "";
GVAR(border) = QPATHTOF(data\nvg_mask_binos_4096.paa);
GVAR(bluRadius) = 0.15;
class O_NVGoggles_hex_F: NVGoggles { // APEX NVG with multiple lenses (spider eyes)
modelOptics = "";
GVAR(border) = QPATHTOF(data\nvg_mask_quad_4096.paa); // Use quad tube mask
GVAR(bluRadius) = 0.26;
class NVGogglesB_grn_F: NVGoggles { // APEX NVG/Thermal
modelOptics = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_night"; // use vanilla modelOptics so it will show in IR mode
class NVGoggles_OPFOR: NVGoggles {
modelOptics = "";
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen3_black);
class NVGoggles_INDEP: NVGoggles {
modelOptics = "";
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen3_green);
class ACE_NVG_Gen1: NVGoggles_OPFOR {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_night";
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen1);
ACE_NightVision_grain = 2.25;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.22;
ACE_NightVision_radBlur = 0.004;
GVAR(generation) = 1;
class ACE_NVG_Gen2: NVGoggles_INDEP {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_night";
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen2);
ACE_NightVision_grain = 1.5;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.11;
ACE_NightVision_radBlur = 0.002;
GVAR(generation) = 2;
/*class ACE_NVG_Gen3: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_night";
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen3);
ACE_NightVision_grain = 0.75;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.055;
ACE_NightVision_radBlur = 0.001;
class ACE_NVG_Gen4: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_night";
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen4);
ACE_NightVision_grain = 0.0;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.0;
ACE_NightVision_radBlur = 0.0;
GVAR(generation) = 4;
class ACE_NVG_Wide: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = QPATHTOF(models\ACE_nvg_wide_optics);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_FullScreen);
ACE_NightVision_grain = 0.75;
ACE_NightVision_blur = 0.055;
ACE_NightVision_radBlur = 0.001;
// Examples of different goggle effect types (scope=1)
// These all function differently, but we have no models to go with them
class ACE_NVG_Biocular: NVGoggles {
scope = 1;
modelOptics = "";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
descriptionShort = "Biocular nightvision goggles";
displayName = "NV Goggles (Bio)";
GVAR(border) = QPATHTOF(data\nvg_mask_4096.paa);
GVAR(bluRadius) = 0.13;
GVAR(eyeCups) = 1;
class ACE_NVG_Monocular: NVGoggles {
scope = 1;
modelOptics = "";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
descriptionShort = "Monocular nightvision goggles";
displayName = "NV Goggles (Mono)";
GVAR(border) = QPATHTOF(data\nvg_mask_4096.paa);
GVAR(bluRadius) = 0.13;
class ACE_NVG_Binocular: NVGoggles {
scope = 1;
modelOptics = "";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
descriptionShort = "Binocular nightvision goggles";
displayName = "NV Goggles (Bino)";
GVAR(border) = QPATHTOF(data\nvg_mask_binos_4096.paa);
GVAR(bluRadius) = 0.15;
class ACE_NVG_Quadocular: NVGoggles {
scope = 1;
modelOptics = "";
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
descriptionShort = "Quadocular nightvision goggles";
displayName = "NV Goggles (Quad)";
GVAR(border) = QPATHTOF(data\nvg_mask_quad_4096.paa);
GVAR(bluRadius) = 0.26;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
class RscPicture;
class RscText;
class RscTitles {
class GVAR(title) {
idd = 10777;
movingEnable = 1;
enableSimulation = 1;
enableDisplay = 1;
onLoad = QUOTE(with uiNamespace do {GVAR(titleDisplay) = _this select 0};);
onunLoad = "";
duration = 999999;
fadein = 0;
fadeout = 0;
class controls {
class Hexes: RscPicture {
idc = 1000;
class Mask: RscPicture {
idc = 1001;
// Add blinders for side monitors for tripple monitors (mask won't cover them)
class trippleHeadLeft: RscPicture {
idc = 1002;
text = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)";
x = "safeZoneXAbs";
Y = "safezoneY";
W = "(safezoneX - safeZoneXAbs) * ((getResolution select 4)/(16/3))";
H = "safeZoneH";
class trippleHeadRight: trippleHeadLeft {
idc = 1003;
x = "safeZoneXAbs + safeZoneWAbs - (safezoneX - safeZoneXABS) * ((getResolution select 4)/(16/3))";
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(PFID) = -1;
GVAR(running) = false;
GVAR(nextEffectsUpdate) = -1;
GVAR(playerHMD) = "#";
GVAR(priorFog) = nil;
GVAR(nvgFog) = [0,0,0];
GVAR(nvgBlurRadius) = -1;
GVAR(nvgGeneration) = -1;
GVAR(defaultPositionBorder) = [];
GVAR(defaultPositionHex) = [];
GVAR(ppeffectGrain) = -1;
GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) = -1;
GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) = -1;
GVAR(ppeffectBlur) = -1;
GVAR(ppEffectCCMuzzleFlash) = -1;
["ace_settingsInitialized", {
// Disable ALL effects if ace_nightvision_effectScaling is zero
if (GVAR(effectScaling) == 0) exitWith {};
["loadout", LINKFUNC(onLoadoutChanged), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["visionMode", LINKFUNC(onVisionModeChanged), false] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["cameraView", LINKFUNC(onCameraViewChanged), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["vehicle", LINKFUNC(refreshGoggleType), false] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["turret", LINKFUNC(refreshGoggleType), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["ace_firedPlayer", LINKFUNC(onFiredPlayer)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ace_firedPlayerVehicle", LINKFUNC(onFiredPlayer)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", { // Restart UI vars on mission load
if (GVAR(running)) then {
TRACE_1("restarting effects",CBA_missionTime);
[false] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects);
[true] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// Handle an edge case for non-dedicated servers were the server running the fog effect would sync fog to other clients
[QGVAR(nonDedicatedFix), LINKFUNC(nonDedicatedFix)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (!isNil QGVAR(serverPriorFog)) then {[] call FUNC(nonDedicatedFix);}; // If var is defined, run it now (we must be a jip)
// Add keybinds
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(IncreaseNVGBrightness), localize LSTRING(IncreaseNVGBrightness), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting", "isNotRefueling"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player != 1)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
[ACE_player, 1] call FUNC(changeNVGBrightness);
}, {false}, [201, [false, false, true]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //PageUp + ALT
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(DecreaseNVGBrightness), localize LSTRING(DecreaseNVGBrightness), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting", "isNotRefueling"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player != 1)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
[ACE_player, -1] call FUNC(changeNVGBrightness);
}, {false}, [209, [false, false, true]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //PageDown + ALT
WARNING("Debug mouse wheel action enabled, this should NOT be in a final release");
["MouseZChanged", {
GVAR(nextEffectsUpdate) = 0;
if (cba_events_shift) then {
GVAR(effectScaling) = ((GVAR(effectScaling) + ((_this select 1) / 20)) max 0) min 1;
systemChat format ["%1: %2", QGVAR(effectScaling), GVAR(effectScaling)];
if (cba_events_control) then {
GVAR(fogScaling) = ((GVAR(fogScaling) + ((_this select 1) / 20)) max 0) min 1;
systemChat format ["%1: %2", QGVAR(fogScaling), GVAR(fogScaling)];
}] call CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler;
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(ppEffectBlur) = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 1234];
GVAR(ppEffectBlur) ppEffectForceInNVG true;
GVAR(ppEffectBlur) ppEffectAdjust [0];
GVAR(ppEffectBlur) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(ppEffectRadialBlur) = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1238];
GVAR(ppEffectRadialBlur) ppEffectForceInNVG true;
GVAR(ppEffectRadialBlur) ppEffectAdjust [0, 0, 0, 0];
GVAR(ppEffectRadialBlur) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(ppEffectFilmGrain) = ppEffectCreate ["FilmGrain", 1235];
GVAR(ppEffectFilmGrain) ppEffectAdjust [0.25, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5*0.3, 2.5*0.3, false];
GVAR(ppEffectFilmGrain) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1236];
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectForceInNVG true;
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]];
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(ppEffectMuzzleFlash) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1237];
GVAR(ppEffectMuzzleFlash) ppEffectEnable true;
GVAR(ppEffectMuzzleFlash) ppEffectForceInNVG true;
GVAR(ppEffectMuzzleFlash) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]];
GVAR(ppEffectMuzzleFlash) ppEffectCommit 0;
// Setup the event handlers
["loadout", FUNC(updatePPEffects)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["visionMode", FUNC(updatePPEffects)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["visionMode", FUNC(onVisionModeChanged)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["cameraView", FUNC(updatePPEffects)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["cameraView", FUNC(onCameraViewChanged)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["vehicle", FUNC(updatePPEffects)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["turret", FUNC(updatePPEffects)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
// Add keybinds
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(IncreaseNVGBrightness), localize LSTRING(IncreaseNVGBrightness), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting", "isNotRefueling"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player != 1)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
[ACE_player, 1] call FUNC(changeNVGBrightness);
}, {false}, [201, [false, false, true]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //PageUp + ALT
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(DecreaseNVGBrightness), localize LSTRING(DecreaseNVGBrightness), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting", "isNotRefueling"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player != 1)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
[ACE_player, -1] call FUNC(changeNVGBrightness);
}, {false}, [209, [false, false, true]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //PageDown + ALT
// Register fire event handler
["ace_firedPlayer", DFUNC(blending)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ace_firedPlayerVehicle", DFUNC(blending)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "RscTitles.hpp"
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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Block a user