Merge branch 'spectatorRespawnTemplate' into release

This commit is contained in:
SilentSpike 2015-09-12 14:04:17 +01:00
commit 33a7340c8c

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@ -21,15 +21,17 @@
params [["_unit",objNull,[objNull]], ["_killer",objNull,[objNull]], ["_respawn",0,[0]], ["_respawnDelay",0,[0]]];
private ["_vision","_pos"];
// End mission when all are dead with respawn type "None"
// When all are dead with respawn type "None" the mission should end
if ((_respawn == 0) && {{alive _x} count allPlayers <= 0}) exitWith {
[["endDeath",false],"BIS_fnc_endMission"] call EFUNC(common,execRemoteFnc);
// Some environment information can be used for the initial camera attributes
if (isNull _killer) then {_killer = _unit};
_vision = [-2,-1] select (sunOrMoon < 1);
_pos = (getPosATL _unit) vectorAdd [0,0,5];
// Enter/exit spectator based on the respawn type and whether killed/respawned
if (alive _unit) then {
if (_respawn == 1) then {
[_unit,QGVAR(isSeagull)] call EFUNC(common,hideUnit);
@ -39,6 +41,9 @@ if (alive _unit) then {
[false] call FUNC(setSpectator);
} else {
// Negligible respawn delay can result in entering spectator after respawn
if (playerRespawnTime <= 1) exitWith {};
[2,_killer,_vision,_pos,getDir _unit] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
[true] call FUNC(setSpectator);