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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into cswSuperBranch
Conflicts: optionals/compat_rhs_usf3/CfgMagazines.hpp optionals/compat_rhs_usf3/config.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Clon1998 <ps.patti1998@gmail.com>
Coren <coren4@gmail.com>
Dharma Bellamkonda <dharma.bellamkonda@gmail.com>
Dimaslg <dimaslg@telecable.es>
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
[QEGVAR(medical,pain), { // 0->1.0, 0.5->1.05, 1->1.1
linearConversion [0, 1, (_this getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,pain), 0]), 1, 1.1, true];
}] call FUNC(addDutyFactor);
[QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), { // 100->1.0, 90->1.1, 80->1.2
linearConversion [6, 0, (_this getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), 100]), 1, 2, true];
[QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), { // 6->1.0, 5->1.167, 4->1.33
linearConversion [6, 0, (_this getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), 6]), 1, 2, true];
}] call FUNC(addDutyFactor);
if (["ACE_Dragging"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_SwayFactor">
<English>Sway factor</English>
@ -133,6 +134,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_SwayFactor_Description">
<English>Influences the amount of weapon sway. Higher means more sway.</English>
<German>Beeinflusst den Faktor, wie ruhig man eine Waffe halten kann. Ein höherer Wert bedeutet weniger Stabilisierung</German>
<Japanese>武器を持つ手のぶれ度合いを設定します。 値が高ければ高いほど、手ぶれが強くなります。</Japanese>
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<Package name="ai">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ai_GarrisonInvalidPosition">
<English>Invalid position provided.</English>
<German>Ungültige Position</German>
<French>Position invalide fourni</French>
<Italian>Posizione invalida fornita.</Italian>
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ai_GarrisonNoUnits">
<English>No units provided.</English>
<German>Keine Einheit ausgewählt</German>
<French>Aucune unité fourni</French>
<Italian>Nessuna unità fornita.</Italian>
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ai_GarrisonNotEnoughPos">
<English>There aren't enough positions to place all units.</English>
<German>Es gibt nicht genug Positionen, um alle Einheiten zu platzieren</German>
<French>Il n'y a pas assez de positions pour placer toutes les unités</French>
<Italian>Non ci sono abbastanza posizioni per piazzare tutte le unità.</Italian>
@ -36,6 +39,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_ai_GarrisonNoBuilding">
<English>No building found.</English>
<German>Kein Gebäude gefunden</German>
<French>Aucun bâtiment trouvé</French>
<Italian>Nessun edificio trovato.</Italian>
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonLoadoutsTooltip">
<English>Open the loadouts screen</English>
<German>Öffnet das Ausrüstungsmenü</German>
<French>Affiche la page des équipements</French>
@ -759,6 +760,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonExportTooltip">
<English>Export current / default loadouts</English>
<German>Exportiert aktuelles / standard Loadout</German>
<French>Exporte l'équipement actuel ou la liste d'équipements de base</French>
@ -769,6 +771,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonImportTooltip">
<English>Import current / default loadouts</English>
<German>Importiert aktuelles / standard Loadout</German>
<French>Importer l'équipement actuel ou la liste d'équipements de base</French>
@ -845,6 +848,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_page">
@ -855,6 +859,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_enableIdentityTabsSettings">
<English>Enable the faces / voices / insignias tabs</English>
<German>Aktiviere die Gesichter-, Stimmen- und Abzeichenübersicht</German>
<French>Activer les onglets faces / voix / insignes</French>
<Japanese>顔 / 声 / 記章タブを有効化</Japanese>
<Chinesesimp>启用脸谱/声音/徽章/选项 </Chinesesimp>
@ -865,6 +870,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonClearContainerTooltip">
<English>Empty the selected container</English>
<German>Aktuellen Container leeren</German>
<French>Vider le conteneur selectionné</French>
@ -875,6 +881,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_exportedClassnameText">
<English>Exported class name to clipboard</English>
<German>Der Klassenname wurde in die Zwischenablage exportiert</German>
<French>Nom de classe exporté dans le presse papier</French>
@ -917,6 +924,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_Blacklist">
<Italian>Lista Nera</Italian>
<Polish>Czarna lista (lista wykluczeń)</Polish>
@ -940,6 +948,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_AttributeExport_Tooltip">
<English>Export current items list as an array for use in scripts</English>
<German>Exportiert aktuelle Gegenstände als Array, um es in Scripten zu verwenden</German>
<Japanese>スクリプト用に現在のアイテム リストをアレイでエクスポートします</Japanese>
<Italian>Esporta l'attuale lista di elementi come un array, per essere usati negli script</Italian>
<Polish>Eksportuj obecną listę przedmiotów jako tablicę do wykorzystania w skryptach</Polish>
@ -947,24 +956,28 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_AttributeImport_Tooltip">
<English>Import items list array from clipboard (should be the same format as export)</English>
<German>Importiert alles aus der Zwischenablage (Sollte im gleichen Format sein, wie beim Exportieren)</German>
<Polish>Zaimportuj listę przedmiotów ze schowka (lista musi być w tym samym formacie jak przy exporcie)</Polish>
<Japanese>クリップボードからアイテムリストをアレイでインポートします (エクスポートと同じフォーマットである必要があります)</Japanese>
<Russian>Импорт массива списка предметов из буфера (должен иметь тот же формат, что при экспорте)</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_AttributeAddCompatible_DisplayName">
<English>Add Compatible Items</English>
<German>Füge kompatible Gegenstände hinzu</German>
<Polish>Dodaj kompatybilne przedmioty</Polish>
<Russian>Добавить совместимые предметы</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_AttributeAddCompatible_Tooltip">
<English>Will automatically add compatible attachments or magazines (based on selected category) for all weapons in current items list</English>
<German>Es werden automatisch kompatible Aufsätze oder Magazine für alle ausgewählten Waffen hinzugefügt</German>
<Polish>Automatycznie doda kompatybilne dodatki oraz magazynki (odpowiednio do każdej kategorii) dla wszystkich broni na liście</Polish>
<Japanese>現在のアイテム リスト内にある全武器に対応するアタッチメントと弾倉 (選択したカテゴリに基づき) を自動的に追加します</Japanese>
<Russian>Добавляет совместимые приспособления или магазины (в зависимости от выбранной категории) для всего оружия в текущем списке предметов</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_statTTL">
<English>Time to live</English>
<French>Durée de vie</French>
<Polish>Czas by żyć</Polish>
@ -2283,6 +2283,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_statBarrelTwist">
<English>Barrel twist</English>
@ -2292,6 +2293,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_statBarrelLength">
<English>Barrel length</English>
<French>Longueur du canon</French>
@ -2302,6 +2304,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_statBallisticCoef">
<English>Ballistic coefficient</English>
<German>Ballistischer Koeffizient</German>
<French>Coefficient ballistique</French>
@ -2312,6 +2315,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_statBulletMass">
<English>Bullet mass</English>
<French>Masse d'une balle</French>
@ -2322,6 +2326,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_statMuzzleVelocity">
<English>Muzzle velocity</English>
<French>Vitesse à la bouche</French>
@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ PREP_RECOMPILE_END;
GVAR(initializedItemClasses) = [];
GVAR(initializedVehicleClasses) = [];
GVAR(cargoHolderTypes) = ["Car", "Air", "Tank", "Ship", "Cargo_base_F", "Land_PaperBox_closed_F"];
GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) = ["Car_F"];
ADDON = true;
@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ _itemObject setVelocity ((velocity _vehicle) vectorAdd ((vectorNormalized (vecto
_item attachTo [_parachute, [0,0,1]];
_parachute setVelocity _velocity;
private _light = "Chemlight_yellow" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_light attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
if ((GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) findIf {_item isKindOf _x}) == -1) then {
private _light = "Chemlight_yellow" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_light attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
}, [_itemObject], 0.7] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
@ -83,8 +85,10 @@ _itemObject setVelocity ((velocity _vehicle) vectorAdd ((vectorNormalized (vecto
if (getPos _item select 2 < 1) then {
private _smoke = "SmokeshellYellow" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_smoke attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
if ((GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) findIf {_item isKindOf _x}) == -1) then {
private _smoke = "SmokeshellYellow" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_smoke attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
@ -322,6 +322,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Cargo_loadTimeCoefficient">
<English>Load Time Coefficient</English>
<Polish>Współczynnik czasu załadowania</Polish>
<Italian>Coefficente Tempo Caricamento</Italian>
@ -329,6 +330,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Cargo_loadTimeCoefficient_description">
<English>Modifies how long it takes to load/unload items.\nTime, in seconds, is the size of the item multiplied by this value.</English>
<German>Gibt an, wie lange das Laden / Entladen von Gegenständen dauern soll.\nZeit in Sekunden, die mit der Größe des Gegenstandes multipliziert wird.</German>
<Japanese>アイテムの積み下ろし作業にかかる時間を編集できます。\nアイテムの大きさにこの値が乗法され、時間 (秒) を変更できます。</Japanese>
<Polish>Modyfikuje, jak długo zajmuje załadowywanie/wyładowywanie przedmiotów. \nCzasem, w sekundach, jest wielkość przedmiotu razy jego wartość.</Polish>
<Italian>Modifica quanto tempo ci impiega a caricare o scaricare gli oggetti.\n Tempo, in secondi, è la dimensione dell'oggetto moltiplicata per questo valore</Italian>
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ LOG("Adding ACE_Settings to CBA_settings");
GVAR(cbaSettings_forcedSettings) = [];
GVAR(cbaSettings_missionSettings) = [];
GVAR(settings) = []; // will stay empty - for BWC?
GVAR(settingsMovedToSQF) = [];
// Add Event Handlers:
[QGVAR(setSetting), {
@ -66,6 +69,13 @@ GVAR(settings) = []; // will stay empty - for BWC?
} count GVAR(runAtSettingsInitialized);
GVAR(runAtSettingsInitialized) = nil; //cleanup
INFO_1("checking settingsMovedToSQF [%1]",count GVAR(settingsMovedToSQF));
if (isNil _x) then { WARNING_1("setting [%1] NOT moved to sqf",_x); };
} forEach GVAR(settingsMovedToSQF);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
private _start = diag_tickTime;
@ -81,6 +91,10 @@ for "_index" from 0 to (_countOptions - 1) do {
} else {
WARNING_1("Setting [%1] - Already defined from somewhere else??",_varName);
} else {
GVAR(settingsMovedToSQF) pushBack configName _optionEntry;
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
* is the unit an EOD <BOOL>
* Example:
* isSpecialist = [player] call FUNC(isEOD);
* [player] call ace_common_fnc_isEOD
* Public: Yes
params ["_unit"];
_unit getVariable ["ACE_isEOD", _unit getUnitTrait "explosiveSpecialist"] // return
(_unit getVariable ["ACE_isEOD", _unit getUnitTrait "explosiveSpecialist"]) in [1, true]
@ -507,6 +507,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_CheckPBOsAction">
<English>Check PBO Action</English>
<German>PBO Überprüfung</German>
<Italian>Controlla Azioni PBO</Italian>
@ -517,6 +518,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_CheckPBOsCheckAll">
<English>Check PBO All</English>
<German>Alle PBOs überprüfen</German>
<Italian>Controlla Tutti i PBO</Italian>
@ -527,6 +529,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_CheckPBOsWhitelist">
<English>Check PBO Whitelist</English>
<German>PBO Whitelist</German>
<Italian>Controlla Whitelist PBO</Italian>
@ -1004,6 +1007,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Always">
@ -1015,7 +1019,7 @@
<Portuguese>Qualquer lugar</Portuguese>
@ -1084,11 +1088,13 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Confirm">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Never">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_VehiclesOnly">
@ -1282,6 +1288,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_FlagBlack">
<English>Flag (ACE - Black)</English>
<German>Flagge (Ace - Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>Bandiera (ACE - Nera)</Italian>
@ -1291,6 +1298,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_FlagWhite">
<English>Flag (ACE - White)</English>
<German>Flagge (Ace - Weiß)</German>
<Italian>Bandiera (ACE - Bianca)</Italian>
@ -15,11 +15,13 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enable_hd_name">
<English>Damage handling and turret effects</English>
<German>Schadensberechnung und Geschützturmeffekte</German>
<Russian>Обработка урона и эффектов срыва башни</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enable_hd_tooltip">
<English>Changes damage handling for cook off and turret explosion effects</English>
<German>Ändert die Schadensberechnung für die Durchzündung und die Explosionseffekte des Geschützturmes</German>
<Russian>Изменяет обработку урона для возгорания и эффекта срыва башни</Russian>
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dogtags_IGUI_Description">
<English>Onscreen display for checking dogtags</English>
<German>Anzeige um Hundemarke zu überprüfen</German>
<Italian>Display su schermo per il controllo delle piastrine</Italian>
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class CfgAmmo {
class ACE_IEDLandSmall_Command_Ammo: IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo {
mineTrigger = "RemoteTrigger";
class ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range_Ammo: IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo {
class ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range_Ammo: IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo {
mineTrigger = "RangeTriggerShort";
@ -1021,6 +1021,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_statExploRange">
<English>Explosive range</English>
<French>Portée du détonateur</French>
@ -1031,6 +1032,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_ExplosiveTimer">
<English>Explosive Timer</English>
<Italian>Timer di detonazione</Italian>
<Polish>Czasomierz Wybuchu</Polish>
@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes12">
<English>Deploy 12m ropes</English>
<German>12m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 12m</French>
<Japanese>12m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 12 m.</Polish>
@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes15">
<English>Deploy 15m ropes</English>
<German>15m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 15m</French>
<Japanese>15m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 15 m.</Polish>
@ -161,6 +163,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes18">
<English>Deploy 18m ropes</English>
<German>18m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 18m</French>
<Japanese>18m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 18 m.</Polish>
@ -168,6 +171,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes27">
<English>Deploy 27m ropes</English>
<German>27m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 27m</French>
<Japanese>27m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 27 m.</Polish>
@ -175,6 +179,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes36">
<English>Deploy 36m ropes</English>
<German>36m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 36m</French>
<Japanese>36m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 36 m.</Polish>
@ -182,6 +187,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Ropesupply">
<English>[ACE] Ropes Supply crate</English>
<German>[ACE] Seil Versorgungskiste</German>
<French>[ACE] Caisse de Cordes</French>
<Japanese>[ACE] ロープ収納箱</Japanese>
<Polish>Skrzynia z linami ACE</Polish>
@ -189,6 +195,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_descriptionShort">
<English>Used to do deploy ropes from a compatibile helicopter</English>
<German>Wird zum Bereitstellen von Seilen aus einem kompatiblen Hubschrauber verwendet</German>
<French>Utilisé pour déployer des cordes depuis un hélicoptère compatible</French>
<Polish>Używane do opuszczania lin z kompatybilnych smigłowców</Polish>
@ -196,6 +203,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_12_Display">
<English>Rope 12.2 meters</English>
<German>12.2 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 12.2 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (12.2 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 12,2 m.</Polish>
@ -203,6 +211,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_15_Display">
<English>Rope 15.2 meters</English>
<German>15.2 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 15.2 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (15.2 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 15,2 m.</Polish>
@ -210,6 +219,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_18_Display">
<English>Rope 18.3 meters</English>
<German>18.3 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 18.3 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (18.3 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 18,3 m.</Polish>
@ -217,6 +227,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_27_Display">
<English>Rope 27.4 meters</English>
<German>27.4 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 27.4 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (27.4 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 27,4 m.</Polish>
@ -224,6 +235,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_36_Display">
<English>Rope 36.6 meters</English>
<German>36.6 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 36.6 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (36.6 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 36,6 m.</Polish>
@ -231,6 +243,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_setting_requireRopeItems_displayName">
<English>Require rope item to deploy</English>
<German>Seil-Item zum aufbauen benötigt</German>
<French>Exiger une corde pour déployer</French>
<Japanese>展開にはロープ アイテムを必須に</Japanese>
<Polish>Wymaga przedmiotu typu lina </Polish>
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Flashlights_statMapLightColor">
<English>Map light color</English>
<German>Farbe des Kartenlichts</German>
<French>Couleur de la lampe sur carte</French>
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_gforces_statGReduction">
<English>G-force reduction</English>
<German>G-Kräfte Reduzierung</German>
<French>Reduction des Gs</French>
<Japanese>耐 G 性</Japanese>
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_statHearingProtection">
<English>Hearing protection</English>
<French>Protection auditive</French>
@ -294,6 +295,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_statHearingLowerVolume">
<English>Volume muffling</English>
<French>Étouffement des sons</French>
@ -304,6 +306,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_earplugsVolume_DisplayName">
<English>Earplugs Volume</English>
<German>Lautstärke Ohrenstöpsel</German>
@ -313,6 +316,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_earplugsVolume_Description">
<English>Volume when using earplugs.</English>
<German>Lautstärke wenn man Ohrenstöpsel benutzt</German>
@ -322,6 +326,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_unconsciousnessVolume_DisplayName">
<English>Unconscious Volume</English>
<German>Lautstärke Bewusstlosigkeit</German>
@ -331,6 +336,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_unconsciousnessVolume_Description">
<English>Volume when unconscious.</English>
<German>Lautstärke während man Bewusstlos ist</German>
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hotMissile">
<English>HOT Missile</English>
<Polish>Pocisk HOT</Polish>
<Italian>Missile HOT</Italian>
<Japanese>HOT ミサイル</Japanese>
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot1">
<English>HOT 1</English>
<German>HOT 1</German>
<Polish>HOT 1</Polish>
<Italian>HOT 1</Italian>
<Japanese>HOT 1</Japanese>
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2">
<English>HOT 2</English>
<German>HOT 2</German>
<Polish>HOT 2</Polish>
<Italian>HOT 2</Italian>
<Japanese>HOT 2</Japanese>
@ -48,6 +51,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2mp">
<English>HOT 2MP</English>
<German>HOT 2MP</German>
<Polish>HOT 2MP</Polish>
<Italian>HOT 2MP</Italian>
<Japanese>HOT 2MP</Japanese>
@ -55,6 +59,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot3">
<English>HOT 3</English>
<German>HOT 3</German>
<Polish>HOT 3</Polish>
<Italian>HOT 3</Italian>
<Japanese>HOT 3</Japanese>
@ -62,6 +67,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_missileType_Description_AP">
<English>Wire-Guided Missile (Anti-Personnel)</English>
<German>Anti Personen Lenkflugkörper</German>
<Polish>Pocisk kierowany przewodowo (przeciwpiechotny)</Polish>
<Italian>Missile filoguidato antiuomo</Italian>
<Japanese>ワイヤ有線誘導ミサイル (対人)</Japanese>
@ -69,6 +75,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot1_1">
<English>1x HOT 1 [ACE]</English>
<German>1x HOT 1 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>1x HOT 1 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>1x HOT1 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>1x HOT 1 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -76,6 +83,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot1_3">
<English>3x HOT 1 [ACE]</English>
<German>3x HOT 1 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>3x HOT 1 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>3x HOT 1 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>3x HOT 1 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -83,6 +91,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot1_4">
<English>4x HOT 1 [ACE]</English>
<German>4x HOT 1 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>4x HOT 1 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>4x HOT 1 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>4x HOT 1 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -90,6 +99,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2_1">
<English>1x HOT 2 [ACE]</English>
<German>1x HOT 2 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>1x HOT 2 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>1x HOT 2 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>1x HOT 2 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -97,6 +107,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2_3">
<English>3x HOT 2 [ACE]</English>
<German>3x HOT 2 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>3x HOT 2 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>3x HOT 2 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>3x HOT 2 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -104,6 +115,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2_4">
<English>4x HOT 2 [ACE]</English>
<German>4x HOT 2 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>4x HOT 2 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>4x HOT 2 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>4x HOT 2 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -111,6 +123,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2mp_1">
<English>1x HOT 2MP [ACE]</English>
<German>1x HOT 2MP [ACE]</German>
<Polish>1x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>1x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>1x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -118,6 +131,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2mp_3">
<English>3x HOT 2MP [ACE]</English>
<German>3x HOT 2MP [ACE]</German>
<Polish>3x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>3x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>3x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -125,6 +139,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot2mp_4">
<English>4x HOT 2MP [ACE]</English>
<German>4x HOT 2MP [ACE]</German>
<Polish>4x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>4x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>4x HOT 2MP [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -132,6 +147,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot3_1">
<English>1x HOT 3 [ACE]</English>
<German>1x HOT 3 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>1x HOT 3 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>1x HOT 3 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>1x HOT 3 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -139,6 +155,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot3_4">
<English>4x HOT 3 [ACE]</English>
<German>4x HOT 3 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>4x HOT 3 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>4x HOT 3 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>4x HOT 3 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -146,6 +163,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_HOT_hot3_3">
<English>3x HOT 3 [ACE]</English>
<German>3x HOT 3 [ACE]</German>
<Polish>3x HOT 3 [ACE]</Polish>
<Italian>3x HOT 3 [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>3x HOT 3 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -448,6 +448,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_SelectorColor">
<English>Selector Color</English>
@ -844,6 +844,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interaction_Flip">
@ -1091,6 +1092,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interaction_PullOutBody">
<English>Pull out body</English>
<German>Person herausziehen</German>
<Russian>Вытащить тело</Russian>
<Italian>Estrai il corpo</Italian>
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<Package name="MagazineRepack">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MagazineRepack_DisplayName">
<English>Magazine Repack</English>
<German>Magazine umpacken</German>
<Italian>Riempimento Caricatori</Italian>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {
// CBA
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// MINIMAL required version for the Mod. Components can specify others..
#define REQUIRED_CBA_VERSION {3,11,2}
@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ TRACE_2("params",_dir,_params);
if ((_button == 0) && {GVAR(freedrawing) || _ctrlKey}) exitWith {
if (GVAR(freedrawing) && {_dir == 0}) then {
GVAR(freedrawing) = false;
GVAR(drawPosEnd) = _control ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_screenPosX, _screenPosY];
TRACE_2("Ending Line",GVAR(freedrawing),GVAR(drawPosEnd));
if (_shiftKey) exitWith {
TRACE_1("using vanilla straight line",_shiftKey);
TRACE_2("Ending Line",GVAR(freedrawing),GVAR(freeDrawingData));
if (allMapMarkers isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
private _markerName = allMapMarkers select (count allMapMarkers - 1);
@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
class CfgVehicles {
// Backwards compatibility
// Left as dumb modules so that old missions don't error about missing vehicles
class Logic;
// Left as dumb logic so that old missions don't error about missing vehicle
class ACE_moduleMedicalSettings: Logic {
scope = 1;
class Module_F: Logic {
class EventHandlers;
class ACE_moduleMedicalSettings: Module_F {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 1;
displayName = "[ACE] Retired Medical module (will have no effect)";
class EventHandlers: EventHandlers {
init = "diag_log text format ['[ACE] (Medical) Warning retired module [%1] placed (will have no effect)', typeOf (_this select 0)];";
class ACE_moduleBasicMedicalSettings: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
class ACE_moduleAdvancedMedicalSettings: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
class ACE_moduleReviveSettings: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
class ACE_moduleAssignMedicRoles: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
class ACE_moduleAssignMedicVehicle: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
class ACE_moduleAssignMedicalFacility: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
class ACE_moduleMedicalMenuSettings: ACE_moduleMedicalSettings {};
@ -17,3 +17,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
class ACE_Tests {
medicalHitpoints = QPATHTOF(dev\test_hitpointConfigs.sqf);
@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
if (!isNull cursorTarget && {cursorTarget isKindOf "CAManBase"}) then {
private _targetState = [cursorTarget, EGVAR(medical,STATE_MACHINE)] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_getCurrentState;
drawIcon3D ["", [0.6, 0, 0, 1], cursorTarget modelToWorldVisual (cursorTarget selectionPosition "pelvis"), 0, 0, 0, format ["State: %1", _targetState], 2, 40 * pixelH, "RobotoCondensed"];
private _targetStateAI = "";
if (!isNil QEGVAR(medical_ai,stateMachine)) then {
_targetStateAI = [cursorTarget, EGVAR(medical_ai,stateMachine)] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_getCurrentState;
drawIcon3D ["", [0.6, 0, 0, 1], cursorTarget modelToWorldVisual (cursorTarget selectionPosition "pelvis"), 0, 0, 0, format ["State: %1 / %2", _targetState,_targetStateAI], 2, 40 * pixelH, "RobotoCondensed"];
}, 0 ,[]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}, []] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// PabstMirror
// ["medicalHitpoints"] call ace_common_fnc_runTests;
// execVM "\z\ace\addons\medical\dev\test_hitpointConfigs.sqf"
#include "\z\ace\addons\medical\script_component.hpp"
// UAV-AI should get filtered by scope check
private _mans = configProperties [configFile >> "CfgVehicles", "(isClass _x) && {(getNumber (_x >> 'scope')) == 2} && {configName _x isKindOf 'CaManBase'}", true];
INFO_1("Checking mans for medical hitpoints [%1 mans]",count _mans);
private _testPass = true;
private _typeOf = configName _x;
private _hitpoints = (configProperties [_x >> "HitPoints", "isClass _x", true]) apply {configName _x};
// _typeOf createUnit [position player, group player, "z = this"];
// deleteVehicle z;
private _lastHitpoint = (_hitpoints param [(count _hitpoints) - 1, "#array"]);
if (_lastHitpoint != "ACE_HDBracket") then {
WARNING_2("%1 has bad last hitpoint: %2",_typeOf,_hitpoints);
_testPass = false;
if (((_hitpoints findIf {_x == "HitLeftArm"}) == -1) || {(_hitpoints findIf {_x == "HitLeftArm"}) == -1}
|| {(_hitpoints findIf {_x == "HitLeftLeg"}) == -1} || {(_hitpoints findIf {_x == "HitRightLeg"}) == -1}
|| {(_hitpoints findIf {_x == "HitHead"}) == -1} || {(_hitpoints findIf {_x == "HitBody"}) == -1}) then {
WARNING_2("%1 missing ace hitpoints: %2",_typeOf,_hitpoints);
_testPass = false;
} forEach _mans;
@ -19,12 +19,16 @@
_return pushBack "";
// State:
private _hasStableVitals = [_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,hasStableVitals);
private _targetState = [_unit, EGVAR(medical,STATE_MACHINE)] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_getCurrentState;
if (!local _unit) then {_targetState = "NotLocal";};
private _color = switch (_targetState) do {case "Default": {"33FF33"}; case "Injured": {"FF3333"}; case "Unconscious": {"FF8833"}; case "CardiacArrest": {"FF33AA"}; default {"555555"}};
private _unconcFlag = if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_unit) then {"[<t color='#FFFFFF'>U</t>]"} else {""};
_return pushBack format ["<t color='#%1'>State: %2</t> [StableVitals: %3] %4", _color, _targetState, _hasStableVitals, _unconcFlag];
_return pushBack format ["<t color='#%1'>State: %2</t>", _color, _targetState];
private _hasStableVitals = ["N", "Y"] select ([_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,hasStableVitals));
private _hasStableCondition = ["N", "Y"] select ([_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,isInStableCondition));
private _unconcFlag = if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_unit) then {"[<t color='#BBFFBB'>U</t>]"} else {""};
private _timeLeft = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical_statemachine,cardiacArrestTimeLeft), -1];
private _cardiactArrestFlag = if IN_CRDC_ARRST(_unit) then {format ["[<t color='#BBBBFF'>CA</t> %1]", _timeLeft toFixed 1]} else {""};
_return pushBack format ["[StableVitals: %1] [StableCon: %2] %3 %4", _hasStableVitals, _hasStableCondition, _unconcFlag, _cardiactArrestFlag];
// Blood:
private _bloodVolume = GET_BLOOD_VOLUME(_unit);
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@
// Wounds:
_return pushBack "------- Wounds: -------";
private _wounds = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private _wounds = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xBodyPartN", "_xAmountOf", "_xBleeding", "_xDamage"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: [%2] [x%3] [Bld: %4] [Dmg: %5]", ALL_SELECTIONS select _xBodyPartN, _xClassID, _xAmountOf toFixed 1, _xBleeding toFixed 4, _xDamage toFixed 2];
@ -93,7 +97,7 @@
// Bandaged Wounds:
_return pushBack "------- Bandaged Wounds: -------";
private _wounds = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds), []];
private _wounds = GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(_unit);
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xBodyPartN", "_xAmountOf", "_xBleeding", "_xDamage"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: [%2] [x%3] [Bld: %4] [Dmg: %5]", ALL_SELECTIONS select _xBodyPartN, _xClassID, _xAmountOf toFixed 1, _xBleeding toFixed 4, _xDamage toFixed 2];
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@
// Stitched Wounds:
_return pushBack "------- Stitched Wounds: -------";
private _wounds = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,stitchedWounds), []];
private _wounds = GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(_unit);
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xBodyPartN", "_xAmountOf", "_xBleeding", "_xDamage"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: [%2] [x%3] [Bld: %4] [Dmg: %5]", ALL_SELECTIONS select _xBodyPartN, _xClassID, _xAmountOf toFixed 1, _xBleeding toFixed 4, _xDamage toFixed 2];
@ -1,34 +1,30 @@
// CBA Settings [ADDON: ace_medical]:
private _categoryArray = [LELSTRING(medical,Category), "?"];
// todo: Check the description is still accurate
QGVAR(spontaneousWakeUpChance), "SLIDER",
[LSTRING(MedicalSettings_spontaneousWakeUpChance_DisplayName), LSTRING(MedicalSettings_spontaneousWakeUpChance_Description)],
[0,1,0.05,2], // [min, max, default value, trailing decimals (-1 for whole numbers only)]
true, // isGlobal
{[QGVAR(spontaneousWakeUpChance), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
[LSTRING(Limping_DisplayName), LSTRING(Limping_Description)],
[[0, 1, 2], [ELSTRING(common,Disabled), LSTRING(Limping_LimpOnOpenWounds), LSTRING(Limping_LimpRequiresStitching)], 1],
{[QGVAR(limping), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
QEGVAR(medical,limping), "LIST",
[LSTRING(setting_limping_DisplayName), LSTRING(setting_limping_Description)],
[[0,1,2],[LELSTRING(common,disabled), LLSTRING(setting_limping_limpOnOpenWounds), LLSTRING(setting_limping_limpRequiresStitching)], 1], // [values, titles, defaultIndex]
true, // isGlobal
{[QEGVAR(medical,limping), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
[LSTRING(Fractures_DisplayName), LSTRING(Fractures_Description)],
[[0, 1, 2], [ELSTRING(common,Disabled), LSTRING(Fractures_SplintHealsFully), LSTRING(Fractures_SplintHasEffects)], 1],
{[QGVAR(fractures), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
QEGVAR(medical,fractures), "LIST",
[LSTRING(setting_fractures_DisplayName), LSTRING(setting_fractures_Description)],
[[0,1,2],[LELSTRING(common,disabled), LLSTRING(setting_fractures_splintHealsFully), LLSTRING(setting_fractures_splintHasEffects)], 1], // [values, titles, defaultIndex]
true, // isGlobal
{[QEGVAR(medical,fractures), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
[LSTRING(SpontaneousWakeUpChance_DisplayName), LSTRING(SpontaneousWakeUpChance_Description)],
[0, 1, 0.05, 2],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
@ -17,117 +17,57 @@
<Chinesesimp>ACE 医疗系统</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>ACE 醫療系統</Chinese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_level_DisplayName">
<English>Medical Level</English>
<Russian>Сложность медицины</Russian>
<Polish>Poziom medyczny</Polish>
<Spanish>Nivel médico</Spanish>
<German>Stufe des Sanitätssystem</German>
<Czech>Úroveň medického</Czech>
<Portuguese>Nível médico</Portuguese>
<French>Niveau de simulation médicale</French>
<Hungarian>Orvosi szint</Hungarian>
<Italian>Livello Medico</Italian>
<Korean>의료 수준</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_SpontaneousWakeUpChance_DisplayName">
<English>Unconscious Wake Up Chance</English>
<German>Wahrscheinlichkeit aufzuwachen</German>
<Russian>Шанс очнуться при потере сознания</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_level_Description">
<English>What is the medical simulation level?</English>
<Russian>Каков уровень сложности медицинской системы?</Russian>
<Polish>Jaki jest poziom symulacji medycznej?</Polish>
<Spanish>¿Cuál es el nivel de simulación médica?</Spanish>
<German>Wie hoch soll das medizinische Simulationslevel sein?</German>
<Czech>Jaká je úroveň lékařské simulace?</Czech>
<Portuguese>Qual o nível de simulação médica?</Portuguese>
<French>Quel niveau de simulation médicale choisissez-vous?</French>
<Hungarian>Milyen komplex legyen az orvosi szimuláció?</Hungarian>
<Italian>Qual'è il livello di simulazione medica?</Italian>
<Korean>의료 시뮬레이션의 수준</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_SpontaneousWakeUpChance_Description">
<English>The probablity that a unit with stable vitals will wake up from unconsciousness (checked every 15 seconds).</English>
<German>Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass eine bewusstlose Person mit stabilen Vitalwerten wieder aufwacht ()Überprüfung alle 15 Sekunden)</German>
<Japanese>安定状態にある人が覚醒する確率です。(15 秒毎に確認)</Japanese>
<Russian>Вероятность, что стабилизированный юнит очнется от потери сознания (Проверяется каждые 15 сек)</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_medicSetting_disable">
<English>Disable medics</English>
<Russian>Отключить медиков</Russian>
<Polish>Wyłącz medyków</Polish>
<Spanish>Desactivar médicos</Spanish>
<German>Sanitäter deaktivieren</German>
<Czech>Zakázat zdravotníky</Czech>
<Portuguese>Desativar médicos</Portuguese>
<French>Désactiver les infirmiers</French>
<Hungarian>Orvosok letiltása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Disabilita medici</Italian>
<Korean>의무병 비활성화</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Limping_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_allowLitterCreation_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Litter</English>
<Russian>Включить мусор</Russian>
<Polish>Aktywuj odpadki</Polish>
<Spanish>Activar restos médicos</Spanish>
<German>Abfälle aktivieren</German>
<Czech>Povolit odpadky</Czech>
<Portuguese>Ativar lixo médico</Portuguese>
<French>Activer les détritus</French>
<Hungarian>Szemét engedélyezése</Hungarian>
<Italian>Abilita Barella</Italian>
<Korean>의료폐기물 활성화</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Limping_Description">
<English>Limp when unit has leg wounds...(todo)</English>
<Russian>Хромота, когда юнит имеет ранения ног...</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_allowLitterCreation_Description">
<English>Enable litter being created upon treatment</English>
<Russian>Включить появление мусора после лечения</Russian>
<Polish>Twórz odpadki medyczne podczas leczenia</Polish>
<Spanish>Activar los restos médicos que se crean en el tratamiento</Spanish>
<German>Aktiviere Abfälle, wenn eine Behandlung durchgeführt wurde</German>
<Czech>Vytváří odpad zdravotnického materiálu pří léčení</Czech>
<Portuguese>Ativar lixo ser criado após tratamento</Portuguese>
<French>Activer la création de détrimus au début des traitements</French>
<Hungarian>Engedélyezi a szemét keletkezését ellátáskor</Hungarian>
<Italian>Abilita la creazione della barella dopo trattamento</Italian>
<Korean>의료폐기물이 치료중 주변에 생성되는것을 활성화 합니다</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Limping_LimpOnOpenWounds">
<English>Limp on open wounds</English>
<Russian>Хромота при открытых ранах</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_litterCleanUpDelay_DisplayName">
<English>Life time of litter objects</English>
<Russian>Время удаления мусора</Russian>
<Polish>Długość życia odpadków</Polish>
<Spanish>Tiempo de vida de los restos médicos</Spanish>
<German>Dauer des angezeigten Abfalls</German>
<Czech>Životnost pro odpadky</Czech>
<Portuguese>Tempo de vida dos objetos do lixo</Portuguese>
<French>Durée d'affichage des détritus</French>
<Hungarian>Szemétobjektumok élettartama</Hungarian>
<Italian>Tempo di vita delle barelle</Italian>
<Korean>의료폐기물 시간제한</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Limping_LimpRequiresStitching">
<English>Limp on open or bandaged wounds</English>
<Russian>Хромота при открытых или забинтованых ранах</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_litterCleanUpDelay_Description">
<English>How long should litter objects stay? In seconds. -1 is forever.</English>
<Russian>Как долго мусор будет оставаться на земле? В секундах. -1 означает бесконечное время.</Russian>
<Polish>Ile czasu musi upłynąć, aby odpadki zaczęły znikać? W sekundach. -1 dla nieskończoności.</Polish>
<Spanish>¿Por cuánto tiempo deben permanecer los restos médicos? En segundos. -1 es para siempre.</Spanish>
<German>Wie lange sollen Abfälle am Boden liegen (in Sekunden)? -1 ist für immer.</German>
<Czech>Za jak dlouho začnou odpadky mizet? V sekundách. -1 navždy.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Quanto tempo os objetos do lixo devem ficar? Em segundos. -1 é para sempre.</Portuguese>
<French>Combien de temps doivent rester affiché les détritus? En secondes. -1 pour tout le temps</French>
<Hungarian>Milyen sokáig legyenek jelen a szemétobjektumok (másodpercben)? A -1 végtelen időt jelent.</Hungarian>
<Italian>Per quanto devono restare le barelle? In secondi. -1 è permanente</Italian>
<Japanese>医療廃棄物オブジェクトが表示されつづける時間を設定しますか? -1 は永遠です。</Japanese>
<Korean>얼마동안 폐기물이 존재합니까? 초 단위. -1 은 영구적.</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Fractures_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Fractures_Description">
<English>Limp fractures... (todo)</English>
<Russian>Хромота при переломах...</Russian>
<Japanese>骨折時は引きずって歩くようにします・・・ (TODO)</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Fractures_SplintHealsFully">
<English>Splints fully heal fractures</English>
<Russian>Шины полностью лечат перелом</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Fractures_SplintHasEffects">
<English>Splints heal (but cannot sprint)</English>
<Russian>Шины вылечивают, но не дают бегать</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_remoteControlledAI_DisplayName">
<English>Remote Controlled AI</English>
@ -209,21 +149,6 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_BasicMedicalSettings_Module_DisplayName">
<English>Basic Medical Settings [ACE]</English>
<German>Standard Sanitätseinstellungen [ACE]</German>
<Polish>Podstawowe ustawienia medyczne</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes médicos básicos [ACE]</Spanish>
<French>Paramètres des soins basiques [ACE]</French>
<Italian>Impostazioni Mediche Di Base [ACE]</Italian>
<Czech>Základní zdravotnické nastavení [ACE]</Czech>
<Portuguese>Ajustes médicos básicos [ACE]</Portuguese>
<Russian>Настройки базовой медицины [ACE]</Russian>
<Japanese>ベーシック医療設定 [ACE]</Japanese>
<Korean>기본 의료 설정 [ACE]</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>基本医疗设定 [ACE]</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>基本醫療設定 [ACE]</Chinese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_enableFor_DisplayName">
<English>Enabled for</English>
<Russian>Включено для</Russian>
@ -320,21 +245,6 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_BasicMedicalSettings_useLocation_basicEpi_Description">
<English>Where can the Epinephrine be used? (Basic Medical)</English>
<German>Wo kann Epiniphrin verwendet werden? (Standard Sanitätseinstellungen)</German>
<Spanish>Configura donde puede usarse Epinefrina (Solo sistema médico básico)</Spanish>
<Polish>Gdzie można korzystać z adrenaliny? (Podstawowy system medyczny)</Polish>
<French>Où peut être utilisé l'épinéphrine ? (Médical basique)</French>
<Italian>Dove si può usare l'epinefrina? (Sistema medico di base)</Italian>
<Czech>Kde může být použit adrenalin? (Pouze základní zdravotní systém)</Czech>
<Portuguese>Onde pode-se usar a Epinefrina? (Somente sistema médico básico)</Portuguese>
<Russian>Где может использоваться адреналин? (Базовая медицина)</Russian>
<Japanese>どこでもアドレナリンを使えるようにしますか? (ベーシック医療のみ)</Japanese>
<Korean>어디에서 에피네프린을 사용할 수 있습니까? (기본 의료)</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>在哪里可以使用肾上腺素? (基本医疗)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>在哪裡可以使用腎上腺素? (基本醫療)</Chinese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage_DisplayName">
<English>Heal hitpoints</English>
<German>Heile Trefferpunkte</German>
@ -440,20 +350,10 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_spontaneousWakeUpChance_DisplayName">
<English>Unconscious Wake Up Chance</English>
<Russian>Шанс очнуться при потере сознания</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_spontaneousWakeUpChance_Description">
<English>Probablity that a unit with stable vitals will wake up from unconscious [Checked every 15 sec]</English>
<Japanese>安定状態にある人が覚醒する確率です。(15 秒毎に確認)</Japanese>
<Russian>Вероятность, что стабилизированный юнит очнется от потери сознания [Проверяется каждые 15 сек]</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_openLid">
<English>Open lid</English>
<German>Deckel aufklappen</German>
<Italian>Apri lid</Italian>
@ -464,7 +364,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_closeLid">
<English>Close lid</English>
<German>Deckel zuklappen</German>
<Italian>Chiudi lid</Italian>
@ -472,37 +372,5 @@
<Polish>Zamknij pokrywę</Polish>
<Russian>Закрыть крышку</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_limping_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_limping_Description">
<English>Limp when unit has leg wounds...(todo)</English>
<Russian>Хромота, когда юнит имеет ранения ног...</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_limping_limpOnOpenWounds">
<English>Limp on open wounds</English>
<Russian>Хромота при открытых ранах</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_limping_limpRequiresStitching">
<English>Limp on open or bandaged wounds</English>
<Russian>Хромота при открытых или забинтованых ранах</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_fractures_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_fractures_Description">
<English>Limp fractures... (todo)</English>
<Russian>Хромота при переломах...</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_fractures_splintHealsFully">
<English>Splints fully heal fractures</English>
<Russian>Шины полностью лечат перелом</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_setting_fractures_splintHasEffects">
<English>Splints heal (but cannot sprint)</English>
<Russian>Шины вылечивают, но не дают бегать</Russian>
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
class GVAR(stateMachine) {
list = QUOTE(call EFUNC(common,getLocalUnits));
skipNull = 1;
class Initial {
class Injured {
targetState = "Injured";
condition = QFUNC(isInjured);
class HealUnit {
targetState = "HealUnit";
condition = QUOTE((call FUNC(isSafe)) && {call FUNC(wasRequested)});
class Injured {
onState = "systemChat format [""%1 is injured"", _this]";
class InSafety {
targetState = "Safe";
condition = QFUNC(isSafe);
class Safe {
onState = "systemChat format [""%1 is injured, but safe"", _this]";
class RequestMedic {
targetState = "HealSelf";
condition = QFUNC(canRequestMedic);
onTransition = QFUNC(requestMedic);
class HealSelf {
targetState = "HealSelf";
condition = "true";
class HealSelf {
onState = QFUNC(healSelf);
onStateLeaving = QUOTE(_this setVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(treatmentOverAt)),nil)]);
class Initial {
// Go back to initial state when done healing
targetState = "Initial";
condition = QUOTE( \
!(call FUNC(isInjured)) \
&& {_this getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(treatmentOverAt)),CBA_missionTime)] <= CBA_missionTime} \
class Injured {
// Stop treating when it's no more safe
targetState = "Injured";
condition = QUOTE( \
!(call FUNC(isSafe)) \
&& {_this getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(treatmentOverAt)),CBA_missionTime)] <= CBA_missionTime} \
class HealUnit {
onState = QFUNC(healUnit);
onStateLeaving = QUOTE(_this setVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(treatmentOverAt)),nil)]);
class Initial {
// Go back to initial state when done healing or it's no more safe to treat
targetState = "Initial";
condition = QUOTE( \
!((call FUNC(wasRequested)) && {call FUNC(isSafe)}) \
&& {_this getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(treatmentOverAt)),CBA_missionTime)] <= CBA_missionTime} \
class Injured {
// Treating yourself has priority
targetState = "Injured";
condition = QUOTE( \
(call FUNC(isInjured)) \
&& {_this getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(treatmentOverAt)),CBA_missionTime)] <= CBA_missionTime} \
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@ -1,35 +1,14 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
/*["ace_settingsInitialized", {
["ace_settingsInitialized", {
TRACE_1("settingsInitialized", GVAR(enabledFor));
if (GVAR(enabledFor) == 0) exitWith {}; // 0: disabled
if ((GVAR(enabledFor) == 1) && {!isServer} && {hasInterface}) exitWith {}; // 1: Don't Run on non-hc Clients
// Only run for AI that does not have to deal with advanced medical
if (EGVAR(medical,enableFor) == 1 || {hasInterface}) exitWith {};
["ace_firedNonPlayer", {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(lastFired), CBA_missionTime];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (hasInterface) then {
["ace_unconscious", {
params ["_unit", "_unconscious"];
if (!_unconscious || {_unit != ACE_player}) exitWith {};
#include "stateMachine.sqf"
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
private _medic = objNull;
if ((!isPlayer _x) && {[_x] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,isMedic)}) exitWith {
_medic = _x;
} forEach (units _unit);
if (isNull _medic) exitWith {};
private _healQueue = _medic getVariable [QGVAR(healQueue), []];
_healQueue pushBack _unit;
_medic setVariable [QGVAR(healQueue), _healQueue];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
GVAR(statemachine) = [configFile >> "ACE_Medical_AI_StateMachine"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_createFromConfig;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;*/
@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "StateMachine.hpp"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* Can request medic <BOOL>
* Example:
* call ACE_medical_ai_fnc_canRequestMedic
* player call ACE_medical_ai_fnc_canRequestMedic
* Public: No
@ -21,10 +21,14 @@
if ([_this] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,isMedic) || {vehicle _this != _this}) exitWith {false};
// Search for a medic, prioritize unitReady
private _medic = objNull;
if ([_x] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,isMedic) && {!([_x] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer))}) exitWith {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(assignedMedic), _x];
if ([_x] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,isMedic) && {!([_x] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer))} && {
_medic = _x;
(unitReady _medic)
}) exitWith {};
} forEach (units _this);
_this setVariable [QGVAR(assignedMedic), _medic];
!isNull _medic
@ -18,41 +18,8 @@
// Player will have to do this manually of course
if ([_this] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)) exitWith {};
// Can't heal self when unconscious
if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_this) exitWith {};
// Check if we're still treating
if ((_this getVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime]) > CBA_missionTime) exitWith {};
private _needsBandaging = GET_BLOOD_LOSS(_this) > 0;
private _needsMorphine = GET_PAIN(_this) > 0.2;
switch (true) do {
case _needsBandaging: {
// Select first wound and bandage it
private _openWounds = _this getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private _partIndex = {
_x params ["", "", "_index", "_amount", "_percentage"];
if (_amount * _percentage > 0) exitWith {
} forEach _openWounds;
private _selection = ALL_BODY_PARTS select _partIndex;
[_this, "BasicBandage", _selection] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,treatmentBandageLocal);
systemChat format ["%1 is bandaging selection %2", _this, _selection];
// Play animation
[_this, true, true] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
_this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 5];
case _needsMorphine: {
[_this, "Morphine", 2] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,treatmentMedicationLocal);
[_this, false, true] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
_this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 2];
systemChat format ["%1 is giving himself morphine", _this];
if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_this) exitWith {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), nil];
[_this, _this] call FUNC(healingLogic);
@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
* Public: No
// Player will have to do this manually of course
if ([_this] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)) exitWith {};
// Can't heal other units when unconscious
if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_this) exitWith {};
// Check if we're still treating
if ((_this getVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime]) > CBA_missionTime) exitWith {};
if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_this) exitWith {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), nil];
// Find next unit to treat
private _healQueue = _this getVariable [QGVAR(healQueue), []];
@ -26,74 +27,34 @@ private _target = _healQueue select 0;
// If unit died or was healed, be lazy and wait for the next tick
if (isNull _target || {!alive _target} || {!(_target call FUNC(isInjured))}) exitWith {
_this forceSpeed -1;
_target forceSpeed -1;
_healQueue deleteAt 0;
_this getVariable [QGVAR(healQueue), _healQueue];
_this forceSpeed -1;
_this setVariable [QGVAR(healQueue), _healQueue];
// return to formation instead of going where the injured unit was if it healed itself in the mean time
_this doFollow leader _this;
_this setVariable [QGVAR(movingToInjured), false];
_this setVariable [QGVAR(nextMoveOrder), nil];
_this setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), nil];
systemChat format ["%1 finished healing %2", _this, _target];
systemChat format ["%1 finished healing %2", _this, _target];
// Move to target...
if (_this distance _target > 2) exitWith {
if !(_this getVariable [QGVAR(movingToInjured), false]) then {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(movingToInjured), true];
if (_this distance _target > 2.5) exitWith {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), nil];
if (CBA_missionTime >= (_this getVariable [QGVAR(nextMoveOrder), CBA_missionTime])) then {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(nextMoveOrder), CBA_missionTime + 10];
_this doMove getPosATL _target;
systemChat format ["%1 moving to %2", _this, _target];
_this setVariable [QGVAR(movingToInjured), false];
// ...and make sure medic and target don't move
_this forceSpeed 0;
_target forceSpeed 0;
private _needsBandaging = GET_BLOOD_LOSS(_target) > 0;
private _needsMorphine = GET_PAIN(_target) > 0.2;
private _needsEpinephrine = IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_target);
switch (true) do {
case _needsBandaging: {
// Select first wound and bandage it
private _openWounds = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private _partIndex = {
_x params ["", "", "_index", "_amount", "_percentage"];
if (_amount * _percentage > 0) exitWith {
} forEach _openWounds;
private _selection = ALL_BODY_PARTS select _partIndex;
[_target, "BasicBandage", _selection] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,treatmentBandageLocal);
systemChat format ["%1 is bandaging selection %2 on %3", _this, _selection, _target];
// Play animation
[_this, true, false] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
_this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 5];
case _needsMorphine: {
[_this, "Morphine", 2] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,treatmentMedicationLocal);
[_this, false, false] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
_this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 2];
systemChat format ["%1 is giving %2 morphine", _this, _target];
//ToDo - Figure out how to connect to new medical
// case _needsEpinephrine: {
// [_this, _target] call EFUNC(medical,treatmentBasic_epipen);
// [_this, false, false] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
// _this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 2];
// systemChat format ["%1 is using an epipen on %2", _this, _target];
// #endif
// };
[_this, _target] call FUNC(healingLogic);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: BaerMitUmlaut, PabstMirror
* Applies healing to target
* Arguments:
* 0: Healer <OBJECT>
* 1: Target <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [a, b] call ACE_medical_ai_fnc_healingLogic
* Public: No
params ["_healer", "_target"];
(_healer getVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), [-1]]) params ["_finishTime", "_treatmentTarget", "_treatmentEvent", "_treatmentArgs"];
// Treatment in progress, check if finished and apply
if (_finishTime > 0) exitWith {
if (CBA_missionTime >= _finishTime) then {
TRACE_4("treatment finished",_finishTime,_treatmentTarget,_treatmentEvent,_treatmentArgs);
_healer setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), nil];
if ((_treatmentTarget == _target) && {(_treatmentEvent select [0, 1]) != "#"}) then {
[_treatmentEvent, _treatmentArgs, _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
INFO_4("%1->%2: %3 - %4",_healer,_target,_treatmentEvent,_treatmentArgs);
systemChat format ["Applying [%1->%2]: %3", _healer, _treatmentTarget, _treatmentEvent];
private _isMedic = [_healer] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,isMedic);
private _heartRate = GET_HEART_RATE(_target);
private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_target);
private _treatmentEvent = "#none";
private _treatmentArgs = [];
private _treatmentTime = 6;
switch (true) do {
case (GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(_target) > 0): {
// Select first bleeding wound and bandage it
private _openWounds = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target);
private _selection = "?";
_x params ["", "_index", "_amount", "_percentage"];
if ((_amount * _percentage) > 0) exitWith { _selection = ALL_BODY_PARTS select _index; };
} forEach _openWounds;
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,bandageLocal);
_treatmentTime = 5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, _selection, "FieldDressing"];
case (_isMedic && {GET_BLOOD_VOLUME(_target) < BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_2_HEMORRHAGE}): {
private _bloodBags = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,ivBags), []];
if ((count _bloodBags) >= 2) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForBlood";
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,ivBagLocal);
_treatmentTime = 5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, selectRandom ["leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"], "SalineIV"];
case ((count (_target getVariable [VAR_MEDICATIONS, []])) >= 6): {
_treatmentEvent = "#tooManyMeds";
case ((_fractures select 4) == 1): {
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,splintLocal);
_treatmentTime = 6;
_treatmentArgs = [_healer, _target, "leftleg"];
case ((_fractures select 5) == 1): {
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,splintLocal);
_treatmentTime = 6;
_treatmentArgs = [_healer, _target, "rightleg"];
case (IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_target) || {_heartRate <= 50}): {
if (CBA_missionTime < (_target getVariable [QGVAR(nextEpinephrine), -1])) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForEpinephrineToTakeEffect";
if (_heartRate > 180) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForSlowerHeart";
_target setVariable [QGVAR(nextEpinephrine), CBA_missionTime + 10];
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,medicationLocal);
_treatmentTime = 2.5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, selectRandom ["leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"], "Epinephrine"];
case ((GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(_target) > 0.25) || {_heartRate >= 180}): {
if (CBA_missionTime < (_target getVariable [QGVAR(nextMorphine), -1])) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForMorphineToTakeEffect";
if (_heartRate < 60) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForFasterHeart";
_target setVariable [QGVAR(nextMorphine), CBA_missionTime + 30];
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,medicationLocal);
_treatmentTime = 2.5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, selectRandom ["leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"], "Morphine"];
_healer setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), [CBA_missionTime + _treatmentTime, _target, _treatmentEvent, _treatmentArgs]];
// Play animation
if ((_treatmentEvent select [0,1]) != "#") then {
private _treatmentClassname = _treatmentArgs select 2;
if (_treatmentEvent == QEGVAR(medical_treatment,splintLocal)) then { _treatmentClassname = "Splint" };
[_healer, _treatmentClassname, (_healer == _target)] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
TRACE_4("treatment started",_treatmentTime,_target,_treatmentEvent,_treatmentArgs);
systemChat format ["Treatment [%1->%2]: %3", _healer, _target, _treatmentEvent];
@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
if !(alive _this) exitWith {false};
private _bloodLoss = GET_BLOOD_LOSS(_this);
private _pain = GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(_this);
private _unconscious = IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_this);
(_bloodLoss > 0) || {_pain > 0.2} || _unconscious
|| {GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(_this) > 0.25}
|| {IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_this)}
|| {
private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_this);
((_fractures select 4) == 1) || {(_fractures select 5) == 1}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Is bandage <BOOL>
* 1: Treatment name <STRING>
* 2: Is self treatment <BOOL>
* Return Value:
@ -16,16 +16,11 @@
* Public: No
params ["_unit", "_isBandage", "_isSelfTreatment"];
params ["_unit", "_actionName", "_isSelfTreatment"];
if (vehicle _unit != _unit) exitWith {};
private _animConfig = if (_isBandage) then {
configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Basic" >> "BasicBandage";
} else {
configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Basic" >> "Morphine";
private _configProperty = "animationMedic";
if (_isSelfTreatment) then {
_configProperty = _configProperty + "Self";
@ -34,7 +29,9 @@ if (stance _unit == "PRONE") then {
_configProperty = _configProperty + "Prone";
private _anim = getText (_animConfig >> _configProperty);
private _anim = getText (configFile >> QEGVAR(medical_treatment,Actions) >> _actionName >> _configProperty);
if (_anim == "") exitWith { WARNING_2("no anim [%1, %2]",_actionName,_configProperty); };
private _wpn = switch (true) do {
case ((currentWeapon _unit) == ""): {"non"};
case ((currentWeapon _unit) == (primaryWeapon _unit)): {"rfl"};
@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
// CBA Settings [ADDON: ace_medical_ai]:
private _categoryArray = [ELSTRING(medical,Category), "STR_TEAM_SWITCH_AI"];
QGVAR(enabledFor), "LIST",
[LLSTRING(enableFor_title), LLSTRING(enableFor_desc)],
[0, 1, 2],
[LELSTRING(Common,Disabled), LLSTRING(enabledFor_OnlyServerAndHC), LELSTRING(Common,Enabled)],
true, // isGlobal
{[QGVAR(enabledFor), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
GVAR(stateMachine) = [{call EFUNC(common,getLocalUnits)}, true] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_create;
// Add states [statemachine, onState, onStateEntered, onStateLeaving, name]
[GVAR(stateMachine), {}, {}, {}, "Initial"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
[GVAR(stateMachine), {
systemChat format ["%1 is injured", _this];
}, {}, {}, "Injured"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
[GVAR(stateMachine), {
systemChat format ["%1 is injured and safe", _this];
}, {}, {}, "Safe"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
[GVAR(stateMachine), LINKFUNC(healSelf), {}, {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), nil];
}, "HealSelf"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
[GVAR(stateMachine), LINKFUNC(healUnit), {}, {
_this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), nil];
}, "HealUnit"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
// Add Transistions [statemachine, originalState, targetState, condition, onTransition, name]
[GVAR(stateMachine), "Initial", "Injured", LINKFUNC(isInjured), {}, "Injured"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "Initial", "HealUnit", {(call FUNC(isSafe)) && FUNC(wasRequested)}, {}, "HealUnit"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "Injured", "Safe", LINKFUNC(isSafe), {}, "InSafety"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "Safe", "HealSelf", LINKFUNC(canRequestMedic), LINKFUNC(requestMedic), "RequestMedic"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "Safe", "HealSelf", {true}, {}, "HealSelf"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "HealSelf", "Initial", { // Go back to initial state when done healing
!(call FUNC(isInjured)) && {isNil {_this getVariable QGVAR(currentTreatment)}}
}, {
systemChat format ["%1 finished healing themself", _this];
}, "Initial"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "HealSelf", "Injured", { // Stop treating when it's no more safe
!(call FUNC(isSafe)) && {isNil {_this getVariable QGVAR(currentTreatment)}}
}, {
systemChat format ["%1 is no longer safe", _this];
}, "Injured"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "HealUnit", "Initial", { // Go back to initial state when done healing or it's no more safe to treat
!((call FUNC(wasRequested)) && FUNC(isSafe)) && {isNil {_this getVariable QGVAR(currentTreatment)}}
}, {
systemChat format ["%1 finished healing someone", _this];
}, "Initial"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
[GVAR(stateMachine), "HealUnit", "Injured", { // Treating yourself has priority
(call FUNC(isInjured)) && {isNil {_this getVariable QGVAR(currentTreatment)}}
}, {
systemChat format ["%1 was injured while healing someone", _this];
}, "Injured"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addTransition;
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="medical_ai">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_ai_settingCategory">
<English>ACE Medical - AI</English>
<Japanese>ACE 医療 - AI</Japanese>
<Russian>ACE Медицина - ИИ</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_ai_enableFor_title">
<English>Medic AI</English>
<German>Sanitäts KI</German>
<Japanese>AI 衛生兵</Japanese>
<Russian>ИИ Медик</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_ai_enableFor_desc">
<English>AI will respond to injury and unconsciousness</English>
<German>KI reagiert auf Verletzungen und Bewusstlosigkeit</German>
<Japanese>AI が負傷者と気絶している人に対して行動するようになります。</Japanese>
<Russian>ИИ будет реагировать на травмы и потерю сознания</Russian>
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
class Extended_PreStart_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preStart));
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Adds blood visual effect on the ground near a bleeding player.
Creates blood drops on the ground near bleeding units.
## Maintainers
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@ -10,33 +10,18 @@ if (isServer) then {
[QGVAR(bloodDropCreated), {
params ["_bloodDrop"];
// Add to created queue with format [expireTime, object]
private _index = GVAR(bloodDrops) pushBack [(CBA_missionTime + BLOOD_OBJECT_LIFETIME), _bloodDrop];
if (count GVAR(bloodDrops) >= MAX_BLOOD_OBJECTS) then {
// Add to created queue with format: [expire time, blood object]
private _index = GVAR(bloodDrops) pushBack [CBA_missionTime + GVAR(bloodLifetime), _bloodDrop];
if (count GVAR(bloodDrops) >= GVAR(maxBloodObjects)) then {
(GVAR(bloodDrops) deleteAt 0) params ["", "_deletedBloodDrop"];
deleteVehicle _deletedBloodDrop;
if (_index == 1) then { // Start the waitAndExecute loop
[FUNC(serverCleanupBlood), [], BLOOD_OBJECT_LIFETIME] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
// Start the cleanup loop
if (_index == 0) then {
[FUNC(cleanupLoop), [], GVAR(bloodLifetime)] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ace_settingsInitialized", {
TRACE_1("settingsInitialized", GVAR(enabledFor));
if (GVAR(enabledFor) == 0) exitWith {}; // 0: disabled
if ((GVAR(enabledFor) == 1) && {!hasInterface}) exitWith {}; // 1: enabledFor_OnlyPlayers
private _listcode = if (GVAR(enabledFor) == 1) then {
{if (alive ACE_player) then {[ACE_player]} else {[]}} // ace_player is only possible local player
} else {
EFUNC(common,getLocalUnits) // filter all local units
private _stateMachine = [_listcode, true] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_create;
[_stateMachine, LINKFUNC(onBleeding), {}, {}, "Bleeding"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
[QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), FUNC(handleWoundReceived)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Loop that cleans up blood
* Handles cleaning up blood objects that have reached the end of their lifetime.
* Arguments:
* None
* ReturnValue:
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_cleanupLoop
* Public: No
(GVAR(bloodDrops) deleteAt 0) params ["", "_deletedBloodDrop"];
deleteVehicle _deletedBloodDrop;
// If we cleaned out the array, exit loop
// Exit the loop if we have cleaned out the array
if (GVAR(bloodDrops) isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
// Wait until the next blood drop in the queue will expire
(GVAR(bloodDrops) select 0) params ["_expireTime"];
[FUNC(serverCleanupBlood), [], (_expireTime - CBA_missionTime)] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
[FUNC(cleanupLoop), [], _expireTime - CBA_missionTime] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal
* Spawn a blood drop.
* Creates a blood object and handles its cleanup.
* Available blood drop classes are blooddrop_1 through blooddrop_4.
* Arguments:
* 0: classname of blood drop <OBJECT>
* 0: Blood Drop Type <STRING>
* 1: Position <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* Created blood drop <OBJECT>
* Blood Drop <OBJECT>
* Example:
* ["blooddrop_2", getPos player] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_createBlood
@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
* Public: No
params ["_type", "_pos"];
TRACE_2("creating blood",_type,_pos);
params ["_type", "_position"];
TRACE_2("Creating blood",_type,_position);
private _model = GVAR(models) getVariable _type;
private _object = createSimpleObject [_model, [0,0,0]];
_object setDir random 360;
_object setPos _pos;
private _bloodDrop = createSimpleObject [_model, [0, 0, 0]];
_bloodDrop setDir random 360;
_bloodDrop setPos _position;
[QGVAR(bloodDropCreated), [_object]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
[QGVAR(bloodDropCreated), _bloodDrop] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal, commy2
* Handle wounds received event.
* Handles the wounds received event by triggering any needed blood creation.
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <OBJECT>
* 1: bodyPart <String>
* 2: damage <NUMBER>
* 3: shooter <OBJECT>
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Body Part (not used) <STRING>
* 2: Damage <NUMBER>
* 3: Shooter <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
params ["_unit", "", "_damage", "_shooter"];
if (GVAR(enabledFor) == 1 && {!isPlayer _unit && {_unit != ACE_player}}) exitWith {};
if (vehicle _unit != _unit && {!((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}) exitWith {}; // Don't bleed on ground if mounted
// Don't bleed when players only and a non-player unit is wounded
if (GVAR(enabledFor) == BLOOD_ONLY_PLAYERS && {!isPlayer _unit && {_unit != ACE_player}}) exitWith {};
_damage = _damage min 1;
// Don't bleed on the ground if in a vehicle
if (vehicle _unit != _unit && {!(vehicle _unit isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}) exitWith {};
if (isNull _shooter) exitWith { // won't be able to calculate the direction properly, so instead we pick something at random
[QGVAR(spurt), [_unit, random 360, _damage]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _bulletDir = if (isNull _shooter) then {
random 360 // Cannot calculate the direction properly, pick a random direction
} else {
_shooter getDir _unit // Calculate the bullet direction
// Calculate bulletDirection
private _bulletDir = _shooter getDir _unit;
[QGVAR(spurt), [_unit, _bulletDir, _damage]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
[QGVAR(spurt), [_unit, _bulletDir, _damage min 1]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: mharis001
* Initializes the medical blood system based on the given mode.
* Should only be called from the CBA setting changed script.
* Arguments:
* 0: Mode <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [2] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_init
* Public: No
params ["_mode"];
// Exit if setting is refreshed to the same value
if (!isNil QGVAR(currentSetup) && {_mode == GVAR(currentSetup)}) exitWith {
TRACE_2("Setting refreshed to current setup",GVAR(currentSetup),_mode);
// Track this new configuration that will be set up
GVAR(currentSetup) = _mode;
// Delete current state machine if it exists
if (!isNil QGVAR(stateMachine)) then {
GVAR(stateMachine) call CBA_statemachine_fnc_delete;
GVAR(stateMachine) = nil;
// Remove wound received if it was previously added
if (!isNil QGVAR(woundReceivedEH)) then {
[QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), GVAR(woundReceivedEH)] call CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler;
GVAR(woundReceivedEH) = nil;
// Don't need to set up anything if blood is disabled or players only on a non-player machine
if (_mode == BLOOD_DISABLED || {_mode == BLOOD_ONLY_PLAYERS && {!hasInterface}}) exitWith {
TRACE_1("Mode does not require any setup",_mode);
private _listCode = if (_mode == BLOOD_ONLY_PLAYERS) then {
// ACE_player is the only possible local player
if (alive ACE_player) then {
} else {
} else {
// Filter all local units
GVAR(stateMachine) = [_listCode, true] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_create;
[GVAR(stateMachine), LINKFUNC(onBleeding), {}, {}, "Bleeding"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addState;
GVAR(woundReceivedEH) = [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), FUNC(handleWoundReceived)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
TRACE_3("Set up state machine and wounds event",_mode,GVAR(stateMachine),GVAR(woundReceivedEH));
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if is bleeding
* Checks if the given unit is bleeding. Handles both ACE Medical and Vanilla.
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <TYPE>
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* is Bleeding <BOOL>
* Is Bleeding <BOOL>
* Example:
* [player] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_isBleeding
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal
* handle bleeding state (state machine)
* Handles periodically creating blood for a bleeding unit.
* Called from the medical_blood state machine.
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <TYPE>
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* is Bleeding <BOOL>
* None
* Example:
* [player] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_onBleeding
@ -17,20 +18,20 @@
params ["_unit"];
if (!([_unit] call FUNC(isBleeding))) exitWith {};
if (((vehicle _unit) != _unit) && {!((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}) exitWith {}; // Don't bleed on ground if mounted
// Nothing to do if unit is not bleeding
if !(_unit call FUNC(isBleeding)) exitWith {};
// Don't bleed on the ground if in a vehicle
if (vehicle _unit != _unit && {!(vehicle _unit isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}) exitWith {};
if (CBA_missionTime > (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(nextTime), -10])) then {
private _bloodLoss = (if (GVAR(useAceMedical)) then {GET_BLOOD_LOSS(_unit) * 2.5} else {getDammage _unit * 2}) min 6;
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(nextTime), CBA_missionTime + 8 + random 2 - _bloodLoss];
TRACE_2("Creating blood drop for bleeding unit",_unit,_bloodLoss);
private _position = getPosASL _unit;
_position = _position vectorAdd [
random 0.4 - 0.2,
random 0.4 - 0.2,
_position = _position vectorAdd [random 0.4 - 0.2, random 0.4 - 0.2, 0];
_position set [2, 0];
private _bloodDrop = ["blooddrop_1", "blooddrop_2", "blooddrop_3", "blooddrop_4"] select floor (_bloodLoss min 3);
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Sickboy
* Spurt blood on the ground
* Spurts blood on the ground based on the direction and damage.
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <OBJECT>
* 1: direction <NUMBER>
* 2: damage <NUMBER>
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Direction <NUMBER>
* 2: Damage <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [UNIT, random 360, 1] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_spurt
* [player, random 360, 1] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_spurt
* Public: No
@ -21,20 +21,20 @@
#define OFFSET 0.25
params ["_unit", "_dir", "_damage"];
params ["_unit", "_direction", "_damage"];
private _distanceBetweenDrops = DISTANCE_BETWEEN_DROPS * _damage;
private _offset = OFFSET + _distanceBetweenDrops;
private _pos = _unit getPos [_offset, _dir];
private _position = _unit getPos [_offset, _direction];
["blooddrop_2", _pos, _dir] call FUNC(createBlood);
["blooddrop_2", _position, _direction] call FUNC(createBlood);
private _dropAmount = ceil (MAXIMUM_DROPS * _damage);
TRACE_2("spurt blood",_dropAmount,_damage);
TRACE_2("Spurting blood",_dropAmount,_damage);
if (_dropAmount > 1) then {
for "_i" from 2 to _dropAmount do {
_pos = _pos getPos [_distanceBetweenDrops, _dir];
["blooddrop_1", _pos, _dir] call FUNC(createBlood);
_position = _position getPos [_distanceBetweenDrops, _direction];
["blooddrop_1", _position, _direction] call FUNC(createBlood);
@ -1,13 +1,27 @@
// CBA Settings [ADDON: ace_medical_blood]:
private _categoryArray = [LELSTRING(medical,Category), LLSTRING(subCategory)];
[LSTRING(EnabledFor_DisplayName), LSTRING(EnabledFor_Description)],
[ELSTRING(medical,Category), LSTRING(SubCategory)],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
QGVAR(enabledFor), "LIST",
[LSTRING(MedicalBloodSettings_enabledFor_DisplayName), LSTRING(MedicalBloodSettings_enabledFor_Description)],
[[0,1,2],[LELSTRING(Common,Disabled),LLSTRING(enabledFor_OnlyPlayers),LELSTRING(Common,Enabled)],2], // [values, titles, defaultIndex]
true, // isGlobal
{[QGVAR(enabledFor), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
[LSTRING(MaxBloodObjects_DisplayName), LSTRING(MaxBloodObjects_Description)],
[ELSTRING(medical,Category), LSTRING(SubCategory)],
[[50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000], [/* settings function will auto create names */], 5],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
[LSTRING(BloodLifetime_DisplayName), LSTRING(BloodLifetime_Description)],
[ELSTRING(medical,Category), LSTRING(SubCategory)],
[1, 3600, 900],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define COMPONENT_BEAUTIFIED Medical Blood
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\medical_engine\script_macros_medical.hpp"
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="medical_blood">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_blood_subCategory">
<English>Bleeding Effect</English>
<Russian>Эффекты кровотечения</Russian>
<Package name="Medical_Blood">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_SubCategory">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_blood_enabledFor_OnlyPlayers">
<English>Only Players</English>
<German>Nur Spieler</German>
<Korean>오직 플레이어만</Korean>
<Polish>Tylko gracze</Polish>
<French>Joueurs seulement</French>
<Italian>Solo Giocatori</Italian>
<Russian>Только игроки</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_blood_MedicalBloodSettings_enabledFor_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_EnabledFor_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Blood Drops</English>
<German>Aktiviere Blutspritzer</German>
@ -30,17 +26,37 @@
<Russian>Разрешить капли крови</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_blood_MedicalBloodSettings_enabledFor_Description">
<English>Enable or disable Blood Drops created on bleeding and taking damage</English>
<German>Aktiviere oder deaktiviere Blutspritzer, die durch Blutungen oder bei Schadensnahme entstehen.</German>
<Polish>Włącz lub wyłącz pozostawianie śladów krwi na ziemi kiedy postać odnosi obrażenia bądź krwawi</Polish>
<French>(Dés)active les gouttes de sang lors d'un saignement ou de blessure</French>
<Italian>Abilita o disabilita la Perdite di Sangue create sanguinando e prendendo danno</Italian>
<Chinesesimp>开启后, 会让受伤时伤口有血液滴落的效果</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>開啟後, 會讓受傷時傷口有血液滴落的效果</Chinese>
<Korean>출혈이나 부상을 입었을 때, 떨어지는 혈액을 활성화 하거나 비활성화 합니다.</Korean>
<Russian>Включает или отключает капли крови при кровотечении и получении урона</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_EnabledFor_Description">
<English>Enables the creation of blood drops when units are bleeding or take damage.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_MaxBloodObjects_DisplayName">
<English>Max Blood Objects</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_MaxBloodObjects_Description">
<English>Sets the maximum number of blood drop objects which can be spawned, excessive amounts can cause FPS lag.</English>
<Japanese>生成される血痕オブジェクト数を設定できます。極端に増やすと FPS ラグを引き起こします。</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_BloodLifetime_DisplayName">
<English>Blood Lifetime</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_BloodLifetime_Description">
<English>Controls the lifetime of blood drop objects.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_OnlyPlayers">
<English>Only Players</English>
<German>Nur Spieler</German>
<Korean>오직 플레이어만</Korean>
<Polish>Tylko gracze</Polish>
<French>Joueurs seulement</French>
<Italian>Solo Giocatori</Italian>
<Russian>Только игроки</Russian>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// bleeding - maximum possible bleeding rate for a given wound type (0 .. 1)
// bleeding - maximum possible percentage of cardiac output bled for a given wound type (0 .. 1)
// pain - maximum possible pain level for a given wound type (0 .. 1)
class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Occur when an entire structure or part of it is forcibly pulled away, such as the loss of a permanent tooth or an ear lobe. Explosions, gunshots, and animal bites may cause avulsions.
class Avulsion {
causes[] = {"explosive", "vehiclecrash", "collision", "grenade", "shell", "bullet", "backblast", "bite"};
bleeding = 0.25;
bleeding = 0.1;
pain = 1.0;
minDamage = 0.01;
causeLimping = 1;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Also called bruises, these are the result of a forceful trauma that injures an internal structure without breaking the skin. Blows to the chest, abdomen, or head with a blunt instrument (e.g. a football or a fist) can cause contusions.
class Contusion {
causes[] = {"bullet", "backblast", "punch", "vehiclecrash", "collision", "falling"};
bleeding = 0.0;
bleeding = 0;
pain = 0.3;
minDamage = 0.02;
maxDamage = 0.35;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Slicing wounds made with a sharp instrument, leaving even edges. They may be as minimal as a paper cut or as significant as a surgical incision.
class Cut {
causes[] = {"vehiclecrash", "collision", "grenade", "explosive", "shell", "backblast", "stab", "unknown"};
bleeding = 0.04;
bleeding = 0.01;
pain = 0.1;
minDamage = 0.1;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Also called velocity wounds, they are caused by an object entering the body at a high speed, typically a bullet or small peices of shrapnel.
class VelocityWound {
causes[] = {"bullet", "grenade","explosive", "shell", "unknown"};
bleeding = 0.5;
bleeding = 0.2;
pain = 0.9;
minDamage = 0.35;
causeLimping = 1;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ _bodyPartDamage params ["_headDamage", "_bodyDamage", "_leftArmDamage", "_rightA
if (_bodyPartN == 1 && {_damage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD}) then {
_bodyDamage = _bodyDamage - (_amountOf * _damage);
} forEach (_unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]);
} forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _damageThreshold = [
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if (isNil {GVAR(allDamageTypesData) getVariable _typeOfDamage} ) then {
// Administration for open wounds and ids
private _openWounds = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private _openWounds = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _woundID = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,lastUniqueWoundID), 1]; // Unique wound ids are not used anywhere: ToDo Remove from openWounds array
TRACE_4("extension call",_bodyPart,_damage,_typeOfDamage,_woundID);
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ private _bodyPartVisParams = [_unit, false, false, false, false]; // params arra
} forEach _woundsCreated;
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), _openWounds, true];
_unit setVariable [VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS, _openWounds, true];
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), _bodyPartDamage, true];
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,updateWoundBloodLoss);
@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ if (_critialDamage || {_painLevel > PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS}) then {
[_unit] call FUNC(handleIncapacitation);
TRACE_5("exit",_unit,_painLevel,GET_PAIN(_unit),_unit getVariable QEGVAR(medical,openWounds),_woundsCreated);
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ private _allPossibleInjuries = [];
if (_highestPossibleSpot < 0) exitWith { TRACE_2("no wounds possible",_damage,_highestPossibleSpot); };
// Administration for open wounds and ids
private _openWounds = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private _openWounds = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _updateDamageEffects = false;
private _painLevel = 0;
@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ private _bodyPartVisParams = [_unit, false, false, false, false]; // params arra
_x params ["_thresholdMinDam", "_thresholdWoundCount"];
if (_thresholdMinDam <= _damage) exitWith {
if (_damage > _thresholdMinDam) exitWith {
private _woundDamage = _damage / (_thresholdWoundCount max 1); // If the damage creates multiple wounds
for "_i" from 1 to _thresholdWoundCount do {
// Find the injury we are going to add. Format [ classID, allowdSelections, bleedingRate, injuryPain]
private _oldInjury = if (random 1 >= 0.85) then {
// Find the injury we are going to add. Format [ classID, allowedSelections, bleedingRate, injuryPain]
private _oldInjury = if (random 1 < 0.15) then {
_woundTypes select _highestPossibleSpot
} else {
selectRandom _allPossibleInjuries
@ -93,17 +93,24 @@ private _bodyPartVisParams = [_unit, false, false, false, false]; // params arra
_bodyPartVisParams set [[1,2,3,3,4,4] select _bodyPartNToAdd, true]; // Mark the body part index needs updating
// The higher the nastiness likelihood the higher the change to get a painful and bloody wound
private _nastinessLikelihood = linearConversion [0, 20, (_woundDamage / _thresholdWoundCount), 0.5, 30, true];
private _bleedingModifier = 0.25 + 8 * exp ((random [-4.5, -5, -6]) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _painModifier = 0.05 + 2 * exp (-2 / _nastinessLikelihood);
// Damage to limbs/head is scaled higher than torso by engine
// Anything above this value is guaranteed worst wound possible
private _worstDamage = [2, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4] select _bodyPartNToAdd;
private _bleeding = _injuryBleedingRate * _bleedingModifier;
// More wounds means more likely to get nasty wound
private _countModifier = 1 + random(_i - 1);
// Config specifies bleeding and pain for worst possible wound
// Worse wound correlates to higher damage, damage is not capped at 1
private _bleedModifier = linearConversion [0.1, _worstDamage, _woundDamage * _countModifier, 0.25, 1, true];
private _painModifier = (_bleedModifier * random [0.7, 1, 1.3]) min 1; // Pain isn't directly scaled to bleeding
private _bleeding = _injuryBleedingRate * _bleedModifier;
private _pain = _injuryPain * _painModifier;
_painLevel = _painLevel + _pain;
// wound category (minor [0..0.5], medium[0.5..1.0], large[1.0+])
private _category = floor linearConversion [0, 1, _bleedingModifier, 0, 2, true];
// wound category (minor [0.25-0.5], medium [0.5-0.75], large [0.75+])
private _category = floor linearConversion [0.25, 0.75, _bleedModifier, 0, 2, true];
private _classComplex = 10 * _woundClassIDToAdd + _category;
@ -135,7 +142,6 @@ private _bodyPartVisParams = [_unit, false, false, false, false]; // params arra
case (_causeFracture && {EGVAR(medical,fractures) > 0} && {_bodyPartNToAdd > 1} && {_woundDamage > FRACTURE_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD}): {
TRACE_1("limb fracture",_bodyPartNToAdd);
// todo: play sound?
private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_unit);
_fractures set [_bodyPartNToAdd, 1];
_unit setVariable [VAR_FRACTURES, _fractures, true];
@ -180,7 +186,7 @@ if (_updateDamageEffects) then {
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateDamageEffects);
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), _openWounds, true];
_unit setVariable [VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS, _openWounds, true];
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), _bodyPartDamage, true];
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,updateWoundBloodLoss);
@ -193,4 +199,4 @@ if (_critialDamage || {_painLevel > PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS}) then {
[_unit] call FUNC(handleIncapacitation);
TRACE_4("exit",_unit,_painLevel,GET_PAIN(_unit),_unit getVariable QEGVAR(medical,openWounds));
@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
// CBA Settings [ADDON: ace_medical_damage]:
private _categoryArray = [LELSTRING(medical,Category), LLSTRING(subCategory)];
QEGVAR(medical,playerDamageThreshold), "SLIDER",
[LSTRING(playerDamageThreshold_DisplayName), LSTRING(playerDamageThreshold_Description)],
[0,25,1,2], // [min, max, default value, trailing decimals (-1 for whole numbers only)]
true, // isGlobal
{[QEGVAR(medical,playerDamageThreshold), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
[LSTRING(PlayerDamageThreshold_DisplayName), LSTRING(PlayerDamageThreshold_Description)],
[0, 25, 1, 2],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
QEGVAR(medical,AIDamageThreshold), "SLIDER",
[LSTRING(AIDamageThreshold_DisplayName), LSTRING(AIDamageThreshold_Description)],
[0,25,1,2], // [min, max, default value, trailing decimals (-1 for whole numbers only)]
true, // isGlobal
{[QEGVAR(medical,AIDamageThreshold), _this] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)},
true // Needs mission restart
[0, 25, 1, 2],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
@ -1,77 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Medical_Damage">
<Container name="Settings">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_damage_subCategory">
<English>Damage Threshold</English>
<Russian>Порог повреждения</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_damage_playerDamageThreshold_DisplayName">
<English>Player Damage</English>
<Russian>Урон игроку</Russian>
<Polish>Próg obrażeń graczy</Polish>
<Spanish>Daño de jugador</Spanish>
<Czech>Poškození hráče</Czech>
<Portuguese>Dano do jogador</Portuguese>
<French>Dégats du joueur</French>
<Hungarian>Játékos sérülés</Hungarian>
<Italian>Danno Giocatore</Italian>
<Korean>플레이어 부상</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_damage_playerDamageThreshold_Description">
<English>What is the damage a player can take before being killed?</English>
<Russian>Какой уровень урона необходим, чтобы убить игрока?</Russian>
<Polish>Jaki jest próg obrażeń, jakie gracz może otrzymać zanim zostanie zabity?</Polish>
<Spanish>¿Cuál es el daño que un jugador puede sufrir antes de morir?</Spanish>
<German>Wie viel Schaden kann ein Spieler erleiden, bevor er getötet wird?</German>
<Czech>Jaké poškození může hráč dostat než bude zabit?</Czech>
<Portuguese>Qal é o dano que um jogador pode sofrer antes de morrer?</Portuguese>
<French>Quels dégâts peut subir un joueur avant d'être tué</French>
<Hungarian>Mennyi sérülést szenvedhet el egy játékos, mielőtt meghal?</Hungarian>
<Italian>Quanto è il danno che un giocatore può sostenere prima di essere ucciso?</Italian>
<Korean>얼마정도의 부상을 플레이어가 죽기 전까지 버틸 수 있습니까?</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_damage_AIDamageThreshold_DisplayName">
<English>AI Damage</English>
<Russian>Урон ботам</Russian>
<Polish>Próg obrażeń AI</Polish>
<Spanish>Daño IA</Spanish>
<Czech>Poškození AI</Czech>
<Portuguese>Dano da IA</Portuguese>
<French>Dégâts des IA</French>
<Hungarian>AI sérülés</Hungarian>
<Italian>Danno AI</Italian>
<Japanese>AI への損傷</Japanese>
<Korean>인공지능 부상</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_damage_AIDamageThreshold_Description">
<English>What is the damage an AI can take before being killed?</English>
<Russian>Какой уровень урона необходим, чтобы убить бота?</Russian>
<Polish>Jaki jest próg obrażeń, jakie AI może otrzymać zanim zostanie zabite?</Polish>
<Spanish>¿Cuál es el daño que la IA puede sufrir antes de morir?</Spanish>
<German>Wie viel Schaden kann eine KI erleiden, bis sie getötet wird?</German>
<Czech>Jaké poškození může AI dostat než bude zabito?</Czech>
<Portuguese>Qual é o dano que uma IA pode sofrer antes de morrer?</Portuguese>
<French>Quels dégâts peut subir une IA avant d'être tuée</French>
<Hungarian>Mennyi sérülést szenvedhet el egy AI, mielőtt meghal?</Hungarian>
<Italian>Quanto è il danno che un'IA può sostenere prima di essere uccisa?</Italian>
<Japanese>AI が死に始める前に損傷を受けるようにしますか?</Japanese>
<Korean>얼마정도의 부상을 인공지능이 죽기 전까지 버틸 수 있습니까?</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>AI 死亡前所能承受的伤害程度</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>AI 死亡前所能承受的傷害程度</Chinese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_PlayerDamageThreshold_DisplayName">
<English>Player Critical Damage Threshold</English>
<Japanese>プレイヤーのクリティカル ダメージしきい値</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_PlayerDamageThreshold_Description">
<English>Sets the amount of damage a player can receive before going unconscious.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_AIDamageThreshold_DisplayName">
<English>AI Critical Damage Threshold</English>
<Japanese>AI のクリティカル ダメージしきい値</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_AIDamageThreshold_Description">
<English>Sets the amount of damage an AI unit can receive before going unconscious.</English>
<Japanese>AI が気絶になる前に受けられるダメージ量を決定できます。</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_Abrasion">
@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class B_Protagonist_VR_F: B_Soldier_base_F {
class HitPoints {
class O_Soldier_VR_F: O_Soldier_base_F {
class HitPoints {
@ -73,10 +78,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
// Civilians
class C_man_1;
class C_Soldier_VR_F: C_man_1 {
class I_Protagonist_VR_F: I_Soldier_base_F {
class HitPoints {
@ -86,6 +88,19 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class C_man_1;
class C_Protagonist_VR_F: C_man_1 {
class HitPoints {
// Civilians
class C_Soldier_VR_F: C_man_1 {
class HitPoints {
class O_V_Soldier_Viper_F: O_Soldier_base_F {
@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "ace_hdbracket") exitWith {
_allDamages sort false;
(_allDamages select 0) params ["_receivedDamage", "", "_woundedHitPoint"];
if (_damageHead >= HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD) then {
TRACE_3("reporting fatal head damage instead of max",_damageHead,_receivedDamage,_woundedHitPoint);
_receivedDamage = _damageHead;
_woundedHitPoint = "Head";
// We know it's structural when no specific hitpoint is damaged
if (_receivedDamage == 0) then {
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ if (EGVAR(medical,fractures) > 0) then {
if (!_isLimping && {EGVAR(medical,limping) > 0}) then {
private _woundsToCheck = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private _woundsToCheck = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
if (EGVAR(medical,limping) == 2) then {
_woundsToCheck = _woundsToCheck + (_unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds), []]); // do not append
_woundsToCheck = _woundsToCheck + GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(_unit); // do not append
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xBodyPartN", "_xAmountOf", "", "_xDamage"];
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#define COMPONENT medical_engine
#define COMPONENT_BEAUTIFIED Medical (Engine)
#define COMPONENT_BEAUTIFIED Medical Engine
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
@ -118,38 +118,44 @@
// - Unit Variables ----------------------------------------------------
// These variables get stored in object space and used across components
// Defined here for easy consistency with GETVAR/SETVAR (also a list for reference)
#define VAR_BLOOD_PRESS QEGVAR(medical,bloodPressure)
#define VAR_BLOOD_VOL QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume)
#define VAR_WOUND_BLEEDING QEGVAR(medical,woundBleeding)
#define VAR_CRDC_ARRST QEGVAR(medical,inCardiacArrest)
#define VAR_HEART_RATE QEGVAR(medical,heartRate)
#define VAR_PAIN QEGVAR(medical,pain)
#define VAR_PAIN_SUPP QEGVAR(medical,painSuppress)
#define VAR_PERIPH_RES QEGVAR(medical,peripheralResistance)
#define VAR_UNCON "ACE_isUnconscious"
#define VAR_BLOOD_PRESS QEGVAR(medical,bloodPressure)
#define VAR_BLOOD_VOL QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume)
#define VAR_WOUND_BLEEDING QEGVAR(medical,woundBleeding)
#define VAR_CRDC_ARRST QEGVAR(medical,inCardiacArrest)
#define VAR_HEART_RATE QEGVAR(medical,heartRate)
#define VAR_PAIN QEGVAR(medical,pain)
#define VAR_PAIN_SUPP QEGVAR(medical,painSuppress)
#define VAR_PERIPH_RES QEGVAR(medical,peripheralResistance)
#define VAR_UNCON "ACE_isUnconscious"
#define VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS QEGVAR(medical,openWounds)
#define VAR_BANDAGED_WOUNDS QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds)
#define VAR_STITCHED_WOUNDS QEGVAR(medical,stitchedWounds)
// These variables track gradual adjustments (from medication, etc.)
#define VAR_MEDICATIONS QEGVAR(medical,medications)
#define VAR_MEDICATIONS QEGVAR(medical,medications)
// These variables track the current state of status values above
#define VAR_HEMORRHAGE QEGVAR(medical,hemorrhage)
#define VAR_IN_PAIN QEGVAR(medical,inPain)
#define VAR_TOURNIQUET QEGVAR(medical,tourniquets)
#define VAR_FRACTURES QEGVAR(medical,fractures)
#define VAR_HEMORRHAGE QEGVAR(medical,hemorrhage)
#define VAR_IN_PAIN QEGVAR(medical,inPain)
#define VAR_TOURNIQUET QEGVAR(medical,tourniquets)
#define VAR_FRACTURES QEGVAR(medical,fractures)
// - Unit Functions ---------------------------------------------------
// Retrieval macros for common unit values
// Defined for easy consistency and speed
#define GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_WOUND_BLEEDING,0])
#define GET_HEART_RATE(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_HEART_RATE,DEFAULT_HEART_RATE])
#define GET_HEMORRHAGE(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_HEMORRHAGE,0])
#define GET_PAIN(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_PAIN,0])
#define GET_PAIN_SUPPRESS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_PAIN_SUPP,0])
#define GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_WOUND_BLEEDING, 0])
#define GET_HEART_RATE(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_HEART_RATE, DEFAULT_HEART_RATE])
#define GET_HEMORRHAGE(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_HEMORRHAGE, 0])
#define GET_PAIN(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_PAIN, 0])
#define GET_PAIN_SUPPRESS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_PAIN_SUPP, 0])
#define IN_CRDC_ARRST(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_CRDC_ARRST,false])
#define IN_CRDC_ARRST(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_CRDC_ARRST, false])
#define IS_BLEEDING(unit) (GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(unit) > 0)
#define IS_IN_PAIN(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_IN_PAIN,false])
#define IS_UNCONSCIOUS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_UNCON,false])
#define IS_IN_PAIN(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_IN_PAIN, false])
#define IS_UNCONSCIOUS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_UNCON, false])
#define GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS, []])
#define GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_BANDAGED_WOUNDS, []])
#define GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_STITCHED_WOUNDS, []])
// The following function calls are defined here just for consistency
#define GET_BLOOD_LOSS(unit) ([unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,getBloodLoss))
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
class ACE_Settings {
// Not currently used anywhere
class GVAR(enableScreams) {
category = ECSTRING(medical,Category_Medical);
@ -7,4 +8,5 @@ class ACE_Settings {
typeName = "BOOL";
value = 1;
@ -34,4 +34,24 @@ class CfgSounds {
sound[] = {QPATHTOF(sounds\slow_2.wav), "db+1", 1};
titles[] = {};
class ACE_fracture_1 {
name = "ACE_fracture_1";
sound[] = {QPATHTOF(sounds\fracture_1.wav), "db+1", 1};
titles[] = {};
class ACE_fracture_2 {
name = "ACE_fracture_2";
sound[] = {QPATHTOF(sounds\fracture_2.wav), "db+1", 1};
titles[] = {};
class ACE_fracture_3 {
name = "ACE_fracture_3";
sound[] = {QPATHTOF(sounds\fracture_3.wav), "db+1", 1};
titles[] = {};
class ACE_fracture_4 {
name = "ACE_fracture_4";
sound[] = {QPATHTOF(sounds\fracture_4.wav), "db+1", 1};
titles[] = {};
@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
[_unit, "moan", PAIN_TO_MOAN(_painLevel)] call FUNC(playInjuredSound);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QEGVAR(medical,fracture), {
params ["_unit"];
if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(nextFadeIn) = 0;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if (GVAR(painEffectType) == 0) then {
GVAR(ppPain) = [
[1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
[1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0], [0.59, 0.64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4]]
] call _fnc_createEffect;
} else {
GVAR(ppPain) = [
@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
// CBA Settings [ADDON: ace_medical_feedback]:
private _categoryArray = [LELSTRING(medical,Category), LLSTRING(subCategory)];
[localize LSTRING(painEffectType), "Selects the used pain effect type"], //@todo
[0, 1],
[LLSTRING(painEffectType_whiteFlashing), LLSTRING(painEffectType_pulsingBlur)],
[LSTRING(PainEffectType_DisplayName), LSTRING(PainEffectType_Description)],
[ELSTRING(medical,Category), LSTRING(SubCategory)],
[[0, 1], [LSTRING(PainEffectType_WhiteFlashing), LSTRING(PainEffectType_PulsingBlur)], 0],
if (isNil QGVAR(ppPain)) exitWith {TRACE_1("Before Post-Init",_this)};
TRACE_1("reseting ppEffect type",_this);
if (isNil QGVAR(ppPain)) exitWith {
TRACE_1("painEffectType setting - before postInit",_this);
TRACE_1("painEffectType setting - resetting effect",_this);
[true] call FUNC(initEffects);
] call CBA_Settings_fnc_init;
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
#define SND_HEARBEAT_FAST (selectRandom ["ACE_heartbeat_fast_1", "ACE_heartbeat_fast_2", "ACE_heartbeat_fast_3"])
#define SND_HEARBEAT_NORMAL (selectRandom ["ACE_heartbeat_norm_1", "ACE_heartbeat_norm_2"])
#define SND_HEARBEAT_SLOW (selectRandom ["ACE_heartbeat_slow_1", "ACE_heartbeat_slow_2"])
#define SND_FRACTURE (selectRandom ["ACE_fracture_1", "ACE_fracture_2", "ACE_fracture_3", "ACE_fracture_4"])
#define VOL_UNCONSCIOUS 0.25
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,12 +1,43 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Medical_Feedback">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_SubCategory">
<Russian>Реакция на ранения</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_PainEffectType_DisplayName">
<English>Pain Effect Type</English>
<Polish>Rodzaj efektu bólu</Polish>
<Russian>Визуальный эффект боли</Russian>
<Italian>Pain Effect Type</Italian>
<Spanish>Tipo de efecto de dolor</Spanish>
<French>Type d'effet de douleur</French>
<Hungarian>Fájdalom-effekt típusa</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Tipo do efeito de dor</Portuguese>
<Czech>Typ bolesti - efekt</Czech>
<Korean>고통 효과 종류</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_PainEffectType_Description">
<English>Selects the used pain effect type.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_PainEffectType_WhiteFlashing">
<English>White Flashing</English>
<German>Weißes blinken</German>
<Russian>Белые вспышки</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_PainEffectType_PulsingBlur">
<English>Pulsing Blur</English>
<German>Wiederkehrende Unschärfe</German>
<Russian>Пульсирующее размытие</Russian>
<Container name="Settings">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_feedback_subCategory">
<Russian>Реакция на ранения</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_feedback_enableScreams_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Screams</English>
<Russian>Включить крики</Russian>
@ -34,35 +65,11 @@
<French>Active les hurlements d'unités blessées</French>
<Hungarian>Engedélyezi a sérült egységek kiáltásait</Hungarian>
<Italian>Abilita Grida da parte delle unità ferite</Italian>
<Korean>부상당한 인원이 소리지르는것을 활성화합니다</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_feedback_painEffectType">
<English>Pain Effect Type</English>
<Polish>Rodzaj efektu bólu</Polish>
<Russian>Визуальный эффект боли</Russian>
<Italian>Pain Effect Type</Italian>
<Spanish>Tipo de efecto de dolor</Spanish>
<French>Type d'effet de douleur</French>
<Hungarian>Fájdalom-effekt típusa</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Tipo do efeito de dor</Portuguese>
<Czech>Typ bolesti - efekt</Czech>
<Korean>고통 효과 종류</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_feedback_painEffectType_whiteFlashing">
<English>White flashing</English>
<Russian>Белые вспышки</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_feedback_painEffectType_pulsingBlur">
<English>Pulsing blur</English>
<Russian>Пульсирующее размытие</Russian>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
if !([ACE_player, GVAR(target), ["isNotInside", "isNotSwimming"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith) && {[ACE_player, GVAR(target)] call FUNC(canOpenMenu)}) then {
closeDialog 0;
// Show hint if distance condition failed
if (ACE_player distance GVAR(target) > GVAR(maxDistance)) then {
if ((ACE_player distance GVAR(target) > GVAR(maxDistance)) && {vehicle ACE_player != vehicle GVAR(target)}) then {
[[ELSTRING(medical,DistanceToFar), GVAR(target) call EFUNC(common,getName)], 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ private _bloodLossOnBodyPart = 0;
if (_bodyPartN == _partIndex) then {
_bloodLossOnBodyPart = _bloodLossOnBodyPart + (_amountOf * _bleeding);
} forEach (_target getvariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]);
} forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target);
private _frBL = 0 max (_bloodLossOnBodyPart / BLOOD_LOSS_RED_THRESHOLD) min 1;
private _colorInt = ceil (_frBL * (BLOOD_LOSS_TOTAL_COLORS - 1)); // ceil because any bleeding more than zero shouldn't be white
@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
if (EGVAR(interact_menu,menuBackground) == 1) then {[QGVAR(id), false] call EFUNC(common,blurScreen)};
if (EGVAR(interact_menu,menuBackground) == 2) then {(uiNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(interact_menu,menuBackground), displayNull]) closeDisplay 0};
GVAR(pendingReopen) = false;
GVAR(menuPFH) call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
GVAR(menuPFH) = -1;
@ -42,3 +42,32 @@ if (GVAR(menuPFH) != -1) exitWith {
GVAR(menuPFH) = [FUNC(menuPFH), 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Hide categories if they don't have any actions (airway)
private _list = [
[IDC_TRIAGE, true],
[IDC_EXAMINE, true],
[IDC_BANDAGE, "bandage"],
[IDC_MEDICATION, "medication"],
[IDC_AIRWAY, "airway"],
[IDC_ADVANCED, "advanced"],
[IDC_DRAG, "drag"],
[IDC_TOGGLE, true]
private _countEnabled = {
_x params ["", "_category"];
if (_category isEqualType "") then { _x set [1, (GVAR(actions) findIf {_category == _x select 1}) > -1]; };
_x select 1
} count _list;
private _offsetX = POS_X(1.5) + 0.5 * (POS_X(12) - POS_X(_countEnabled * 1.5));
_x params ["_idc", "_enabled"];
private _ctrl = _display displayCtrl _idc;
if (_enabled) then {
_ctrl ctrlSetPositionX _offsetX;
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
_offsetX = _offsetX + POS_W(1.5);
} else {
_ctrl ctrlShow false;
} forEach _list;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ private _bodyPartBloodLoss = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
_x params ["", "_bodyPartN", "_amountOf", "_bleeding"];
_bodyPartBloodLoss set [_bodyPartN, (_bodyPartBloodLoss select _bodyPartN) + (_bleeding * _amountOf)];
} forEach (_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]);
} forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target);
_x params ["_bodyPartIDC", ["_tourniquetIDC", -1], ["_fractureIDC", -1]];
@ -128,21 +128,21 @@ private _fnc_getWoundDescription = {
} forEach (_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]);
} forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target);
_x params ["_woundClassID", "_bodyPartN", "_amountOf"];
if (_selectionN == _bodyPartN && {_amountOf > 0}) then {
_woundEntries pushBack [format ["[B] %1", call _fnc_getWoundDescription], [0.88, 0.7, 0.65, 1]];
} forEach (_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds), []]);
} forEach GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(_target);
_x params ["_woundClassID", "_bodyPartN", "_amountOf"];
if (_selectionN == _bodyPartN && {_amountOf > 0}) then {
_woundEntries pushBack [format ["[S] %1", call _fnc_getWoundDescription], [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]];
} forEach (_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,stitchedWounds), []]);
} forEach GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(_target);
// Handle no wound entries
if (_woundEntries isEqualTo []) then {
@ -40,5 +40,5 @@
[LSTRING(MaxDistance_DisplayName), LSTRING(MaxDistance_Description)],
[ELSTRING(medical,Category), LSTRING(SubCategory)],
[0, 10, 3, 1],
] call CBA_settings_fnc_init;
@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Medical GUI">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Category">
<English>ACE Medical GUI</English>
<Japanese>ACE 医療 GUI</Japanese>
<Russian>ACE Медицина - Интерфейс</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_SubCategory">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_EnableActions_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Medical Actions</English>
<German>Aktiviere Sanitätsaktionen</German>
<Russian>Разрешить Медицинские действия</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_EnableActions_Description">
<English>Enables medical actions for the Interaction Menu and selects their style.</English>
<German>Aktiviert die Sanitätsaktionen für das Interaktionsmenü und legt das Aussehen fest</German>
<Japanese>インタラクション メニューから選択した表示方式で医療行為をできるようになります。</Japanese>
<Russian>Включает медицинские действия для меню взаимодействия и выбирает их стиль.</Russian>
@ -50,41 +51,49 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_EnableSelfActions_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Medical Self Actions</English>
<German>Medizinische Selbst-Interaktionen anzeigen</German>
<Russian>Разрешить Медицинские действия на себе</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_EnableSelfActions_Description">
<English>Enables medical actions for the Self Interaction Menu.</English>
<German>Medizinische Interaktionen bei Selbst-Interaktionen anzeigen</German>
<Japanese>セルフ インタラクション メニューで医療行為をできるようになります。</Japanese>
<Russian>Включает медицинские действия для меню взаимодействия с собой.</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_EnableMedicalMenu_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Medical Menu</English>
<German>Aktiviere das Sanitätsmenü</German>
<Russian>Разрешить Медицинское меню</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_EnableMedicalMenu_Description">
<English>Enables the use of the Medical Menu through the keybind or interaction menu.</English>
<German>Aktiviere die Nutzung des Sanitätsmenüs durch eine Tastenkombination oder durch das Interaktionsmenü</German>
<Japanese>割り当てられたキーかインタラクション メニューから医療メニューを使えるようになります。</Japanese>
<Russian>Позволяет использовать Медицинское меню через связку клавиш или меню взаимодействия.</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_OpenAfterTreatment_DisplayName">
<English>Reopen Medical Menu</English>
<German>Sanitätsmenü wieder öffnen</German>
<Russian>Открывать меню после лечения</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_OpenAfterTreatment_Description">
<English>Reopen the Medical Menu after successful treatment.</English>
<German>Öffne das Sanitätsmenü nach einer Behandlung</German>
<Russian>Открывает Медицинское меню после успешного лечения</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_MaxDistance_DisplayName">
<English>Maximum Distance</English>
<German>Maximale Entfernung</German>
<Russian>Макс. дистанция</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_MaxDistance_Description">
<English>Maximum distance from which the Medical Menu can be opened.</English>
<German>Maximale Entfernung, um das Sanitätsmenü zu öffnen.</German>
<Russian>Максимальное расстояние, с которого можно открыть Медицинское меню.</Russian>
@ -129,7 +138,7 @@
<Czech>Otevřít zdravotnickou nabídku</Czech>
<Italian>Apri Menù Medico</Italian>
<French>Ouvir le menu médical</French>
<Korean>의료 메뉴 열기</Korean>
@ -357,7 +366,7 @@
<Portuguese>Arrastar / Carregar</Portuguese>
<Czech>Táhnout / Nést</Czech>
<Italian>Trascina / Trasporta</Italian>
<Japanese>引きずる / 担ぐ</Japanese>
<Korean>끌기 / 들기</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>拖 / 背</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>拖 / 背</Chinese>
@ -800,16 +809,19 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Status_Fractured">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Status_SplintApplied">
<English>Splint Applied</English>
<Russian>Наложена шина</Russian>
Strings above match Blood2 but seem to differ in some languages, determine which is best to use
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Lost_Blood1">
<English>Lost some blood</English>
<German>Hat etwas Blut verloren</German>
<Russian>Небольшая кровопотеря</Russian>
@ -831,11 +843,13 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Lost_Blood3">
<English>Lost a large amount of blood</English>
<German>Hat eine sehr große Menge Blut verloren</German>
<Russian>Огромная кровопотеря</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Lost_Blood4">
<English>Lost a fatal amount of blood</English>
<German>Hat eine kritische Menge an Blut verloren</German>
<Russian>Фатальная кровопотеря</Russian>
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
class ACE_Settings {
class GVAR(fatalInjuryCondition) {
movedToSQF = 1;
class GVAR(fatalInjuryConditionAI) {
movedToSQF = 1;
class GVAR(unconsciousConditionAI) {
movedToSQF = 1;
class GVAR(cardiacArrestTime) {
movedToSQF = 1;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_StateMachine {
onStateEntered = QUOTE([ARR_2(_this,(true))] call EFUNC(medical_status,setUnconscious));
class DeathAI {
targetState = "Dead";
condition = QUOTE(!isPlayer _this && {GVAR(unconsciousConditionAI)});
condition = QUOTE(!GVAR(AIUnconsciousness) && {!isPlayer _this});
class WakeUp {
targetState = "Injured";
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_StateMachine {
class CardiacArrest {
onState = QFUNC(handleStateCardiacArrest);
onStateEntered = QFUNC(enteredStateCardiacArrest);
onStateLeaving = QFUNC(leftStateCardiacArrest);
class DeathAI {
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ PREP(conditionExecutionDeath);
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
ADDON = false;
#include "XEH_PREP.hpp"
#include "initSettings.sqf"
@ -14,6 +14,5 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "Statemachine.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
@ -17,7 +17,4 @@
params ["_unit"];
private _startTime = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(cardiacArrestStart), CBA_missionTime];
private _lifeTime = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(cardiacArrestTime), GVAR(cardiacArrestTime)];
(CBA_missionTime - _startTime) > _lifeTime
(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(cardiacArrestTimeLeft), -1]) <= 0
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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