mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#define DEFAULT_DELAY (round(random(10)+5))
private ["_unit", "_set", "_animState", "_originalPos", "_startingTime","_minWaitingTime", "_force"];
private ["_unit", "_set", "_animState", "_originalPos", "_startingTime","_minWaitingTime", "_force", "_isDead"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_set = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {true};
_minWaitingTime = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {DEFAULT_DELAY};
@ -47,12 +47,15 @@ if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
// if we have unconsciousness for AI disabled, we will kill the unit instead
_isDead = false;
if (!([_unit] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)) && !_force) then {
_enableUncon = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(enableUnconsciousnessAI), GVAR(enableUnconsciousnessAI)];
if (_enableUncon == 0 or {_enableUncon == 1 and (random 1) < 0.5}) exitWith {
if (_enableUncon == 0 or {_enableUncon == 1 and (random 1) < 0.5}) then {
[_unit, true] call FUNC(setDead);
_isDead = true;
if (_isDead) exitWith {};
// If a unit has the launcher out, it will sometimes start selecting the primairy weapon while unconscious,
// therefor we force it to select the primairy weapon before going unconscious
@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ _hasMovedOut = _args select 4;
_parachuteCheck = _args select 5;
if (!alive _unit) exitwith {
if ("ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon" in (weapons _unit)) then {
TRACE_1("Removing fake weapon [on death]",_unit);
_unit removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (GVAR(moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious)) then {
[_unit, false, "ACE_isUnconscious", side group _unit] call EFUNC(common,switchToGroupSide);
@ -49,6 +53,11 @@ if !(_unit getvariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false]) exitwith {
// TODO, handle this with carry instead, so we can remove the PFH here.
// Wait until the unit isn't being carried anymore, so we won't end up with wierd animations
if !(([_unit] call FUNC(isBeingCarried)) || ([_unit] call FUNC(isBeingDragged))) then {
if ("ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon" in (weapons _unit)) then {
TRACE_1("Removing fake weapon [on wakeup]",_unit);
_unit removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then {
if (animationState _unit == "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon") then {
[_unit,"AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront", 2] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ if(format["%1", _backpack] != "") then {
// primaryWeapon
if (_primaryweapon != "") then {
if ((_primaryweapon != "") && {_primaryweapon != "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon"}) then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} forEach _primaryweaponmagazine;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user