mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
final code conversions, esc to exit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "\z\ace\addons\arsenal\defines.hpp"
#include "\a3\ui_f\hpp\defineDIKCodes.inc"
enableSaving [false, false];
cba_diagnostic_projectileMaxLines = 10;
@ -29,6 +31,35 @@ cba_diagnostic_projectileMaxLines = 10;
_player call CBA_fnc_removeUnitTrackProjectiles;
_player setFatigue 0;
// Esc to close mission
private _display = findDisplay IDD_ace_arsenal;
_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
params ["_display", "_key", "_shift"];
if (_key isEqualTo DIK_ESCAPE && {!_shift}) then {
[_display] spawn {
params ["_display"];
private _return = [
localize "str_a3_rscdisplaymain_buttonexit",
localize "str_sure",
true, false,
_display, false, true
] call BIS_fnc_GUImessage;
if (_return) then {
_display closeDisplay 2;
findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0;
} call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(displayClosed), {
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ params ["_display"];
private _ctrlButtonAbort = _display displayCtrl 104;
_ctrlButtonAbort ctrlSetText localize LSTRING(Mission);
_ctrlButtonAbort ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(ReturnToArsenal);
_ctrlButtonAbort ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", {
params ["_control"];
ctrlParent _control closeDisplay 2;
@ -54,55 +54,54 @@ for "_i" from 0 to 1 do {
_target setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
//--- Armored vehicles
_vehicles = [];
if (isclass (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> "Land_VR_Target_MRAP_01_F")) then {
_step = 15;
_positionCenter = [position _unit select 0,(position _unit select 1) + 30,0];
private _vehicles = [];
private _step = 15;
_position = [position _unit select 0,(position _unit select 1) + 30,0];
private _row = _forEachIndex;
private _rowCount = (count _x - 1) * 0.5;
_row = _foreachindex;
_rowCount = (count _x - 1) * 0.5;
_position = [
(_positionCenter select 0) + (-_rowCount + _foreachindex) * _step,
(_positionCenter select 1) + _row * _step,
_veh = createvehicle [_x,_position,[],0,"none"];
_veh setpos _position;
_veh setdir 180;
_veh setvelocity [0,0,-1];
[_veh] call bis_fnc_VRHitpart;
_marker = _veh call bis_fnc_boundingboxmarker;
_marker setmarkercolor "colororange";
_vehicles pushback _veh;
} foreach _x;
} foreach [
private _position = _position vectorAdd [(-_rowCount + _forEachIndex) * _step, _row * _step, 0];
private _vehicle = createVehicle [_x, _position, [], 0, "NONE"];
_vehicle setPos _position;
_vehicle setDir 180;
_vehicle setVelocity [0,0,-1];
_vehicle call BIS_fnc_VRHitpart;
private _marker = _vehicle call BIS_fnc_boundingBoxMarker;
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
_vehicles pushBack _vehicle;
} forEach _x;
} forEach [[
], [
_vehicles spawn {
waituntil {
_allDisabled = true;
private _allDisabled = true;
_hitalive = _x getvariable ["bis_fnc_VRHitParts_hitalive",[]];
_allDisabled = _allDisabled && ({!_x} count _hitalive >= 2);
_hitAlive = _x getVariable ["bis_fnc_VRHitParts_hitalive", []];
_allDisabled = _allDisabled && ({!_x} count _hitAlive >= 2);
sleep 0.1;
} foreach _this;
} forEach _this;
setstatvalue ["MarkMassVirtualDestruction",1];
setStatValue ["MarkMassVirtualDestruction", 1];
//--- Cover objects
private _coverObjects = [
@ -149,20 +148,22 @@ _unit addEventHandler ["AnimChanged", {
["#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)", false, nil, 0.1, [0,0.5]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles;
//--- Target markers
/*[] spawn {
_targets = [];
_targets pushback vehiclevarname _x;
_var = vehiclevarname _x;
_marker = createmarker [_var,position _x];
_marker setmarkertype "mil_dot";
_marker setmarkercolor "colororange";
} foreach (allmissionobjects "man") - [player];
while {true} do {
private _markers = [];
private _marker = createMarker [vehicleVarName _x, position _x];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
_markers pushBack _marker;
} forEach (allMissionObjects "CAManBase" - [_unit]);
_markers spawn {
while {true} do {
_t = missionnamespace getvariable _x;
(vehiclevarname _t) setmarkerpos position _t;
} foreach _targets;
private _target = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
_x setMarkerPos position _target;
} forEach _this;
sleep 0.1;
@ -434,16 +434,18 @@
<Japanese>ACE 武器庫を開けません</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_Mission">
<English>ACE Virtual Arsenal</English>
<German>ACE Virtuelles Arsenal</German>
<English>ACE Arsenal</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_ReturnToArsenal">
<English>Return to ACE Arsenal.</English>
<German>Zurück zum ACE-Arsenal.</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_Mission_tooltip">
<English>View and try out different weapons, equipment and vehicles.</English>
<German>Sieh dir verschiedene Waffen, Ausrüstung und Fahrzeuge an und probiere sie aus.</German>
<English>Not as bad as the regular one.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_Mission_overview">
<English>View and try out different weapons, equipment and vehicles.</English>
<German>Sieh dir verschiedene Waffen, Ausrüstung und Fahrzeuge an und probiere sie aus.</German>
<English>Dress up simulator loading in progress...</English>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user