Optimise iron dome

This commit is contained in:
Brandon Danyluk 2021-05-18 02:23:52 -06:00
parent 980c3d0546
commit a25cf7031b
4 changed files with 80 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ if (isServer) then {
GVAR(trackingProjectiles) = [];
GVAR(interceptors) = [];
GVAR(toBeShot) = [];
// Put these into hash table to avoid massive amounts of loops
GVAR(toBeShot) = call CBA_fnc_hashCreate;
[QGVAR(track), {
params ["_projectile"];
@ -41,8 +42,7 @@ if (isServer) then {
[QGVAR(registerInterceptor), {
params ["_interceptor", "_target"];
GVAR(interceptors) pushBack [_interceptor, _target, getPosASLVisual _interceptor];
GVAR(toBeShot) deleteAt (GVAR(toBeShot) find _target);
[GVAR(toBeShot), _target] call CBA_fnc_hashRem;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[LINKFUNC(projectileTrackerPFH)] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

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@ -25,11 +25,17 @@ GVAR(launchers) = GVAR(launchers) select {
alive _x
GVAR(toBeShot) = GVAR(toBeShot) select {
_x params ["", "_shotTime"];
(CBA_missionTime - _shotTime) < RECYCLE_TIME
[GVAR(toBeShot), {
(CBA_missionTime - _value) < RECYCLE_TIME
}] call CBA_fnc_hashFilter;
private _idleLaunchers = GVAR(launchers) select {
(_x getVariable QGVAR(launchState)) isEqualTo LAUNCH_STATE_IDLE && { someAmmo _x }
// no point filtering if we don't have a launcher. Don't waste cycles
if (_idleLaunchers isNotEqualTo []) then {
GVAR(nonTrackingProjectiles) = GVAR(nonTrackingProjectiles) select {
private _projectile = _x;
private _keep = true;
@ -72,34 +78,27 @@ GVAR(trackingProjectiles) = GVAR(trackingProjectiles) select {
private _bestLauncher = objNull;
private _bestAmmo = 0;
private _engagedFuture = GVAR(toBeShot) findIf {
_x params ["_target", "_timeShot"];
_projectile isEqualTo _target
private _engagedFuture = [GVAR(toBeShot), _projectile] call CBA_fnc_hashHasKey;
private _engagedPast = GVAR(interceptors) findIf {
_x params ["", "_target"];
_projectile isEqualTo _target;
private _engaged = (_engagedFuture != -1) || (_engagedPast != -1);
private _engaged = _engagedFuture || (_engagedPast != -1);
if !(_engaged) then {
// launch a missile
// try to get a launcher with the most ammo that is the closest to the incoming projectile
private _state = _x getVariable QGVAR(launchState);
private _ammo = parseNumber (((currentMagazineDetail _x) splitString "([ ]/:)") select 3);
if (_state == LAUNCH_STATE_IDLE && { _ammo >= _bestAmmo }) then {
_bestAmmo = _ammo;
_bestLauncher = _x;
} forEach GVAR(launchers);
// pick first idle launcher. Could use a heuristic, but that would require O(k*l) operations, and that could be a lot
// 20 launchers * 100 projectiles = 2000 loops. Way too slow
private _bestLauncher = _idleLaunchers select 0;
_idleLaunchers deleteAt 0;
private _targetList = _bestLauncher getVariable QGVAR(targetList);
_targetList pushBackUnique _projectile;
_bestLauncher setVariable [QGVAR(targetList), _targetList];
GVAR(toBeShot) pushBackUnique [_projectile, CBA_missionTime];
// avoid re-engaging same target
[GVAR(toBeShot), _projectile, CBA_missionTime] call CBA_fnc_hashSet;
@ -110,6 +109,7 @@ GVAR(trackingProjectiles) = GVAR(trackingProjectiles) select {
private _launcher = _x;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ GVAR(trackingProjectiles) = GVAR(trackingProjectiles) select {
drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selectover_ca.paa", [1, 1, 1, 1], getPos _launcher, 0.75, 0.75, 0, format ["IDLE"], 1, 0.025, "TahomaB"];
drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selectover_ca.paa", [1, 1, 1, 1], getPos _launcher, 0.75, 0.75, 0, format ["IDLE [AMMO: %1]", someAmmo _launcher], 1, 0.025, "TahomaB"];

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
// How long it takes to recycle a target
#define RECYCLE_TIME 5
// how many error degrees the launcher has to be pointing toward the target
// How fast the launcher launches
// how many seconds does a launcher have to wait before re-engaging the same target

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if (isNull _target && isVehicleRadarOn vehicle _shooter) then {
_target = cursorTarget;
// always allow tracking of projectiles
if !(_target isKindOf "AllVehicles" || { _target isKindOf ["Default", configFile >> "CfgAmmo"] }) then {
if !(_target isKindOf "AllVehicles" || { (typeOf _target) isKindOf ["Default", configFile >> "CfgAmmo"] }) then {
_target = nil;
_launchParams set [0, _target];