mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Move draw to function (wip)
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,22 +19,10 @@
private ["_isAttached"];
if (isNull _target) then {
_target = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(escortedUnit), objNull];
if (isNull _target) exitWith {
ERROR("Null Target (no ACE_escortedUnit)");
if (isNull _target) exitWith {false};
_isAttached = _target in (attachedObjects _unit);
if (_isAttached && (!(_target getVariable [QGVAR(isHandcuffed), false]))) exitWith {
ERROR("Attached But Not Captive");
(_target in (attachedObjects _unit)) && {!(_target getVariable [QGVAR(isHandcuffed), false])}
@ -27,69 +27,4 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
// Draw handle
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 0) exitWith {};
_player = ACE_player;
//When cursorTarget is on a vehicle show the nametag for the commander.
//If set to "Only On Keypress" settings, fade just like main tags
if (GVAR(showCursorTagForVehicles)) then {
_target = cursorTarget;
if ((!(_target isKindOf "CAManBase")) && {!(_target in allUnitsUAV)}) then {
_target = effectiveCommander _target;
if ((!isNull _target) && {side group _target == playerSide} && {_target != _player} && {isPlayer _target || {GVAR(ShowNamesForAI)}} && {!(_target getVariable ["ACE_hideName", false])}) then {
_distance = _player distance _target;
_alpha = ((1 - 0.2 * (_distance - GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance))) min 1) * GVAR(PlayerNamesMaxAlpha);
if ((GVAR(showPlayerNames) in [3,4])) then { //only on keypress
_alpha = _alpha min (2 + (GVAR(ShowNamesTime) - time));
[_player, _target, _alpha, _distance * 0.026] call FUNC(drawNameTagIcon);
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) in [2,4]) then {
//"Only Cursor" mode, only show nametags for humans
_target = cursorTarget;
if ((!isNull _target) && {_target isKindOf "CAManBase"} && {side group _target == playerSide} && {_target != _player} && {isPlayer _target || {GVAR(ShowNamesForAI)}} && {!(_target getVariable ["ACE_hideName", false])}) then {
_distance = _player distance _target;
_alpha = ((1 - 0.2 * (_distance - GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance))) min 1) * GVAR(PlayerNamesMaxAlpha);
if ((GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 4)) then { //only on keypress
_alpha = _alpha min (2 + (GVAR(ShowNamesTime) - time));
[_player, _target, _alpha, _distance * 0.026] call FUNC(drawNameTagIcon);
} else {
_pos = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0];
_targets = _pos nearObjects ["CAManBase", GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance) + 5];
if (!surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
_pos = ATLtoASL _pos;
_pos2 = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 1];
if (!surfaceIsWater _pos2) then {
_pos2 = ATLtoASL _pos2;
_vecy = _pos2 vectorDiff _pos;
_target = _x;
if ((!isNull _target) && {side group _target == playerSide} && {_target != _player} && {isPlayer _target || {GVAR(ShowNamesForAI)}} && {!(_target getVariable ["ACE_hideName", false])}) then {
if (lineIntersects [_pos, (visiblePositionASL _target) vectorAdd [0,0,1], vehicle _player, _target]) exitWith {}; // Check if there is line of sight
_relPos = (visiblePositionASL _target) vectorDiff _pos;
_distance = vectorMagnitude _relPos;
_projDist = _relPos vectorDistance (_vecy vectorMultiply (_relPos vectorDotProduct _vecy));
_alpha = ((1 - 0.2 * (_distance - GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance))) min (1 - 0.15 * (_projDist * 5 - _distance - 3)) min 1) * GVAR(PlayerNamesMaxAlpha);
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 3) then { //only on keypress
_alpha = _alpha min (2 + (GVAR(ShowNamesTime) - time));
[_player, _target, _alpha, _distance * 0.026] call FUNC(drawNameTagIcon);
} forEach _targets;
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {_this call FUNC(onDraw3d);}];
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ PREP(drawNameTagIcon);
@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ class ACE_Settings {
isClientSetable = 0;
class GVAR(showSoundWaves) {
value = 0;
typeName = "BOOL";
value = 1;
typeName = "SCALAR";
isClientSetable = 1;
displayName = "$STR_ACE_NameTags_ShowSoundWaves";
values[] = {"Disabled", "Use Nametag settings", "Always Show All"};
class GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance) {
value = 5;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\colonel_gs.paa" \
private ["_player", "_target", "_alpha", "_heightOffset", "_height", "_position", "_color", "_name", "_rank", "_size"];
private ["_height", "_position", "_color", "_name", "_rank", "_size"];
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ case (isClass (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >> "acre_api")): {
_newSetting = ([ACE_player] call ACRE_api_fnc_isBroadcasting) || {!(isNull findDisplay 55)};
if (!(_oldSetting isEqualTo _newSetting)) then {
ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(isSpeaking), _newSetting, true];
// ["IsTalking??", [ACE_player, _newSetting]] call localEvent //any use in ACE for a "speaking event"?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
_player = ACE_player;
//don't show nametags in spectator
if (!alive _player) exitWith {};
_onKeyPressAlphaMax = 2 + (GVAR(ShowNamesTime) - time); //after release 1 second of full opacity, 1 second of fading to 0
//If set to only show on keypress and nothing would be visable, exit
if ((GVAR(showPlayerNames) in [3,4]) && {GVAR(showSoundWaves) < 2} && {(2 + (GVAR(ShowNamesTime) - time)) < 0}) exitWith{};
//When cursorTarget is on a vehicle show the nametag for the commander.
//If set to "Only On Keypress" settings, fade just like main tags
if (GVAR(showCursorTagForVehicles)) then {
_target = cursorTarget;
if ((!(_target isKindOf "CAManBase")) && {!(_target in allUnitsUAV)}) then {
_target = effectiveCommander _target;
if ((!isNull _target) && {side group _target == playerSide} && {_target != _player} && {isPlayer _target || {GVAR(ShowNamesForAI)}} && {!(_target getVariable ["ACE_hideName", false])}) then {
_distance = _player distance _target;
_alpha = ((1 - 0.2 * (_distance - GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance))) min 1) * GVAR(PlayerNamesMaxAlpha);
if ((GVAR(showPlayerNames) in [3,4])) then { //only on keypress
_alpha = _alpha min _onKeyPressAlphaMax;
[_player, _target, _alpha, _distance * 0.026] call FUNC(drawNameTagIcon);
//"Only Cursor" mode, only show nametags for humans
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) in [2,4]) then {
_target = cursorTarget;
if ((!isNull _target) && {_target isKindOf "CAManBase"} && {(side (group _target)) == (side (group _player))} && {_target != _player} && {isPlayer _target || {GVAR(ShowNamesForAI)}} && {!(_target getVariable ["ACE_hideName", false])}) then {
_distance = _player distance _target;
_alpha = ((1 - 0.2 * (_distance - GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance))) min 1) * GVAR(PlayerNamesMaxAlpha);
if ((GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 4)) then { //only on keypress
_alpha = _alpha min _onKeyPressAlphaMax;
[_player, _target, _alpha, _distance * 0.026] call FUNC(drawNameTagIcon);
if ((GVAR(showPlayerNames) in [1,3]) || {GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2}) then {
_pos = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0];
_targets = _pos nearObjects ["CAManBase", GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance) + 5];
if (!surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
_pos = ATLtoASL _pos;
_pos2 = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 1];
if (!surfaceIsWater _pos2) then {
_pos2 = ATLtoASL _pos2;
_vecy = _pos2 vectorDiff _pos;
_target = _x;
if ((!isNull _target) && {side group _target == playerSide} && {_target != _player} && {isPlayer _target || {GVAR(ShowNamesForAI)}} && {!(_target getVariable ["ACE_hideName", false])}) then {
if (lineIntersects [_pos, (visiblePositionASL _target) vectorAdd [0,0,1], vehicle _player, _target]) exitWith {}; // Check if there is line of sight
_relPos = (visiblePositionASL _target) vectorDiff _pos;
_distance = vectorMagnitude _relPos;
_projDist = _relPos vectorDistance (_vecy vectorMultiply (_relPos vectorDotProduct _vecy));
_alpha = ((1 - 0.2 * (_distance - GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance))) min (1 - 0.15 * (_projDist * 5 - _distance - 3)) min 1) * GVAR(PlayerNamesMaxAlpha);
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 3) then { //only on keypress
_alpha = _alpha min _onKeyPressAlphaMax;
[_player, _target, _alpha, _distance * 0.026] call FUNC(drawNameTagIcon);
} forEach _targets;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user