Fix reduction based on looking away from the grenade

This commit is contained in:
esteldunedain 2016-02-19 12:34:50 -03:00
parent 9e5f52d161
commit b420512139

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@ -107,11 +107,12 @@ if (hasInterface && {!isNull ACE_player} && {alive ACE_player}) then {
_strength = _strength * _losCoefficient;
// Account for people looking away by slightly reducing the effect for visual effects.
private _eyeDir = ((AGLtoASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1]) vectorDiff (AGLtoASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]));
private _dirToUnitVector = _eyePos vectorFromTo _posGrenade;
private _dirToUnitVector = _eyePos vectorFromTo _grenadePosASL;
private _angleDiff = acos (_eyeDir vectorDotProduct _dirToUnitVector);
// from 0-60deg, full effect
if (_angleDiff > 60) then {
_strength = _strength - _strength * ((_angleDiff - 60) / 120);
TRACE_2("",_angleDiff,((1 - (_angleDiff - 45) / (120 - 45)) max 0));
// from 0-45deg, full effect
if (_angleDiff > 45) then {
_strength = _strength * ((1 - (_angleDiff - 45) / (120 - 45)) max 0);
// Blind player