Merge pull request #268 from KoffeinFlummi/142currentchannel

142: ace_common_fnc_currentChannel is no longer relyable
This commit is contained in:
commy2 2015-04-08 21:52:19 +02:00
commit b43451dd2f
4 changed files with 13 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -109,10 +109,6 @@ class RscDisplayInventory {
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_4(""onLoad"",_this,""RscDisplayInventory"",'IGUI')] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf""; [ARR_2('inventoryDisplayLoaded', _this)] call FUNC(localEvent););
class RscDisplayChannel {
onLoad = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onLoadRscDisplayChannel));
// map
class RscDisplayMainMap {
onLoad = QUOTE([ARR_4(""onLoad"",_this,""RscDiary"",'GUI')] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay'); uiNamespace setVariable [ARR_2('ACE_dlgMap', _this select 0)]; [ARR_2('mapDisplayLoaded', [ARR_2(_this select 0, 'Ingame')])] call FUNC(localEvent););

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@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ PREP(numberToDigits);

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@ -7,11 +7,20 @@
* Return value:
* The current channel. Can be "group", "side", "global", "command", "vehicle" or "direct" (String)
* The current channel. Can be "group", "side", "global", "command", "vehicle", "direct" or "custom_X" (String)
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define CHANNELS ["group", "side", "global", "command", "vehicle", "direct"]
#define CHANNELS_LOCALIZED [localize "str_channel_group", localize "str_channel_side", localize "str_channel_global", localize "str_channel_command", localize "str_channel_vehicle", localize "str_channel_direct"]
#define CHANNELS ["global", "side", "command", "group", "vehicle", "direct"]
#define CHANNELS_LOCALIZED [localize "str_channel_global", localize "str_channel_side", localize "str_channel_command", localize "str_channel_group", localize "str_channel_vehicle", localize "str_channel_direct"]
CHANNELS select (CHANNELS_LOCALIZED find (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(currentChannel), ""])) max 0
private "_currentChannel";
_currentChannel = currentChannel;
if (_currentChannel < count CHANNELS) then {
_currentChannel = CHANNELS select _currentChannel;
} else {
_currentChannel = format ["custom_%1", _currentChannel - count CHANNELS - 1];

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
* Author: Pabst Mirror, commy2
* When the RscDisplayChannel is loaded, this will constantly uiNamespace variable ace_common_currentChannel
* with the raw localized text of CA_Channel (IDC=101). Only runs while the display is open.
* Arguments:
* 0: The RscDisplayChannel Display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* onLoad = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onLoadRscDisplayChannel));
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
uiNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(currentChannelControl), ((_this select 0) displayCtrl 101)];
["ACE_currentChannel", "onEachFrame", {
if (isNull (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(currentChannelControl), controlNull])) then {
["ACE_currentChannel", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
} else {
private "_localizedChannelText";
_localizedChannelText = ctrlText (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(currentChannelControl), controlNull]);
uiNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(currentChannel), _localizedChannelText];
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventhandler;