mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'orbitalSpectator' into release
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ GVAR(availableSides) = [west,east,resistance,civilian];
GVAR(availableVisions) = [-2,-1,0,1];
GVAR(camAgent) = objNull;
GVAR(camDistance) = 10;
GVAR(camMode) = 0;
GVAR(camPan) = 0;
GVAR(camPos) = ATLtoASL [worldSize * 0.5, worldSize * 0.5, 20];
@ -20,29 +20,56 @@
// Kill PFH when not in free cam (or display is closed)
if (isNil QGVAR(camHandler)) exitWith { [_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; };
private ["_camera","_oldPos","_altMod","_zoomMod","_mX","_mY","_mZ","_pan","_x","_y","_z"];
_camera = GVAR(camera);
_oldPos = getPosASL _camera;
// Dolly/Boom amount should be influnced by zoom level (it should really be exponential)
// Dollying should also slow as the camera gets close to the ground
_zoomMod = (GVAR(camZoom) * 0.8) max 1;
_altMod = ((((getPos _camera) select 2) * 0.05) max 0.1) min 1;
_mX = (GVAR(camDolly) select 0) * _altMod / _zoomMod;
_mY = (GVAR(camDolly) select 1) * _altMod / _zoomMod;
_mZ = GVAR(camBoom) / _zoomMod;
private ["_camera","_pan","_tilt"];
_pan = (GVAR(camPan) + 360) % 360;
_x = (_oldPos select 0) + (_mX * cos(_pan)) + (_mY * sin(_pan));
_y = (_oldPos select 1) - (_mX * sin(_pan)) + (_mY * cos(_pan));
_z = (_oldPos select 2) + _mZ;
_tilt = GVAR(camTilt);
// Prevent camera going under terrain
GVAR(camPos) = [_x,_y,_z max (getTerrainHeightASL [_x,_y])];
if (GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
private ["_oldPos","_altMod","_zoomMod","_mX","_mY","_mZ","_x","_y","_z"];
_camera = GVAR(freeCamera);
_oldPos = GVAR(camPos);
// Update camera position and rotation
_camera setPosASL GVAR(camPos);
_camera setDir GVAR(camPan);
[_camera, GVAR(camTilt), 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
// Dolly/Boom amount should be influnced by zoom level (it should really be exponential)
// Dollying should also slow as the camera gets close to the ground
_zoomMod = (GVAR(camZoom) * 0.8) max 1;
_altMod = ((((getPos _camera) select 2) * 0.05) max 0.1) min 1;
_mX = (GVAR(camDolly) select 0) * _altMod / _zoomMod;
_mY = (GVAR(camDolly) select 1) * _altMod / _zoomMod;
_mZ = GVAR(camBoom) / _zoomMod;
_x = (_oldPos select 0) + (_mX * cos(_pan)) + (_mY * sin(_pan));
_y = (_oldPos select 1) - (_mX * sin(_pan)) + (_mY * cos(_pan));
_z = (_oldPos select 2) + _mZ;
// Prevent camera going under terrain
GVAR(camPos) = [_x,_y,_z max (getTerrainHeightASL [_x,_y])];
// Update camera position and rotation
_camera setPosASL GVAR(camPos);
_camera setDir _pan;
[_camera, _tilt, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
} else {
private ["_unit","_target","_distance","_vector"];
_camera = GVAR(unitCamera);
_unit = GVAR(camUnit);
_target = GVAR(targetCamera);
_distance = GVAR(camDistance);
// Generate a position vector relative to the unit
_vector = [0,-_distance*cos(_tilt),0];
_vector = [_vector,[-_pan] call CBA_fnc_simplifyAngle180] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D;
_vector = _vector vectorAdd [0,0,_distance*sin(-_tilt)];
// Update the position of the target camera (used for smooth unit tracking)
_target camSetPos ((_unit modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0]) vectorAdd [0,0,1.5]);
_target camCommit 0;
// Update the relative position of the unit camera
_camera camSetRelPos _vector;
_camera camCommit 0;
GVAR(camPos) = getPosASL _camera;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if !(GVAR(showIcons)) exitWith {};
private ["_refPoint","_drawVehicles","_leader","_color","_txt","_unit"];
// Draw groups unless leader is within distance
_refPoint = [GVAR(camera),GVAR(camUnit)] select (GVAR(camMode) > 0);
_refPoint = [GVAR(freeCamera),GVAR(camUnit)] select (GVAR(camMode) > 0);
_drawVehicles = [];
_leader = leader _x;
@ -149,11 +149,16 @@ switch (toLower _mode) do {
case "onmousezchanged": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_zChange"];
// Scroll to change speed, modifier for zoom
if (GVAR(ctrlKey)) then {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camSpeed) + _zChange * 0.2] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
// Scroll to modify distance value in third person
if (GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
// Scroll to change speed, modifier for zoom
if (GVAR(ctrlKey)) then {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camSpeed) + _zChange * 0.2] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camZoom) + _zChange * 0.1] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camZoom) + _zChange * 0.1] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
GVAR(camDistance) = ((GVAR(camDistance) - _zChange * 2) max 5) min 50;
case "onmousemoving": {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ params ["_map"];
private ["_cachedVehicles","_unit","_color","_icon","_txt"];
if (GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
_map drawIcon ["\A3\UI_F\Data\GUI\Rsc\RscDisplayMissionEditor\iconcamera_ca.paa",[0,0,0,1],GVAR(camera),20,20,GVAR(camPan)];
_map drawIcon ["\A3\UI_F\Data\GUI\Rsc\RscDisplayMissionEditor\iconcamera_ca.paa",[0,0,0,1],GVAR(freeCamera),20,20,GVAR(camPan)];
_cachedVehicles = [];
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ GVAR(camVision) = _vision;
GVAR(camZoom) = (_zoom min 2) max 0.01;
// Apply if camera exists
if (isNil QGVAR(camera)) then {
if (GVAR(isSet)) then {
GVAR(freeCamera) setPosATL _position;
[_mode,_unit,_vision] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
} else {
GVAR(camMode) = _mode;
GVAR(camPos) = (ATLtoASL _position);
} else {
[_mode,_unit,_vision] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
GVAR(camera) setPosATL _position;
@ -50,8 +50,14 @@ if (_set) then {
// Update units before opening to support pre-set camera unit
[] call FUNC(updateUnits);
// Initalize the camera view
GVAR(camera) = "Camera" camCreate (ASLtoATL GVAR(camPos));
// Initalize the camera objects
GVAR(freeCamera) = "Camera" camCreate (ASLtoATL GVAR(camPos));
GVAR(unitCamera) = "Camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
GVAR(targetCamera) = "Camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
// Initalize view
GVAR(unitCamera) camSetTarget GVAR(targetCamera);
GVAR(unitCamera) camCommit 0;
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
// Close map and clear radio
@ -85,8 +91,10 @@ if (_set) then {
(findDisplay 12249) closeDisplay 0;
// Terminate camera
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
camDestroy GVAR(camera);
GVAR(freeCamera) cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
camDestroy GVAR(freeCamera);
camDestroy GVAR(unitCamera);
camDestroy GVAR(targetCamera);
@ -97,10 +105,12 @@ if (_set) then {
BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = true;
// Cleanup camera variables
GVAR(camera) = nil;
GVAR(camBoom) = nil;
GVAR(camDolly) = nil;
GVAR(camGun) = nil;
GVAR(freeCamera) = nil;
GVAR(unitCamera) = nil;
GVAR(targetCamera) = nil;
// Cleanup display variables
GVAR(ctrlKey) = nil;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if (GVAR(showMap)) then {
// Centre map on camera/unit upon opening
if (_toggleMap) then {
_map ctrlMapAnimAdd [0, 0.5, [GVAR(camUnit),GVAR(camera)] select (GVAR(camMode) == 0)];
_map ctrlMapAnimAdd [0, 0.5, [GVAR(camUnit),GVAR(freeCamera)] select (GVAR(camMode) == 0)];
ctrlMapAnimCommit _map;
} else {
@ -43,15 +43,17 @@ if (_newMode != 1) then {
GVAR(camGun) = false;
private ["_camera"];
if (_newMode == 0) then { // Free
_camera = GVAR(freeCamera);
// Preserve camUnit value for consistency when manually changing view
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["internal", "back"];
_camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"];
showCinemaBorder false;
cameraEffectEnableHUD true;
// Apply the camera zoom
GVAR(camera) camSetFov -(linearConversion [0.01,2,GVAR(camZoom),-2,-0.01,true]);
GVAR(camera) camCommit 0;
_camera camSetFov -(linearConversion [0.01,2,GVAR(camZoom),-2,-0.01,true]);
_camera camCommit 0;
// Agent is switched to in free cam to hide death table and prevent AI chat while allowing icons to draw (also prevents systemChat and unit HUD)
// (Why is so much stuff tied into the current camera unit BI?!)
@ -79,20 +81,32 @@ if (_newMode == 0) then { // Free
// Handle camera movement
if (isNil QGVAR(camHandler)) then { GVAR(camHandler) = [FUNC(handleCamera), 0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; };
} else {
_camera = GVAR(unitCamera);
// When null unit is given choose random
if (isNull _newUnit) then {
_newUnit = GVAR(unitList) select floor(random(count GVAR(unitList)));
if (_newMode == 1) then { // Internal
// Handle gun cam
if (GVAR(camGun)) then {
_newUnit switchCamera "gunner";
} else {
_newUnit switchCamera "internal";
} else { // External
_newUnit switchCamera "external";
// Switch camera view to internal unit view (external uses the camera)
if (GVAR(camGun)) then {
_newUnit switchCamera "gunner";
} else {
_newUnit switchCamera "internal";
// Handle camera differently for internal/external view
if (_newMode == 1) then {
// Terminate camera view
_camera cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
GVAR(camHandler) = nil;
} else {
// Switch to the camera
_camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"];
showCinemaBorder false;
// Handle camera orbit movement
if (isNil QGVAR(camHandler)) then { GVAR(camHandler) = [FUNC(handleCamera), 0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; };
// Clear radio if group changed
@ -101,11 +115,6 @@ if (_newMode == 0) then { // Free
GVAR(camUnit) = _newUnit;
// Terminate camera view
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
GVAR(camHandler) = nil;
cameraEffectEnableHUD true;
GVAR(camMode) = _newMode;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ if (_newModes isEqualTo []) then {
// Update camera in case of change
if !(isNil QGVAR(camera)) then {
if (GVAR(isSet)) then {
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if (_newModes isEqualTo []) then {
// Update camera in case of change
if !(isNil QGVAR(camera)) then {
if (GVAR(isSet)) then {
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user